last day (771 days later) » 

sup lori
Chat without the trolls :)
invited a few people, just to stay in touch
it's 7 AM though
[where I live]
room topic changed to Lightness Races in Chatroom: Doing the needful [no-cicada] [no-flags] [no-jefffrey] [no-trolling]
Can you guys see the description and stuff on the RHS? Dunno if it's just a userscript messing it up but without the starboard I got only the user list
yep I can see
what's wrong with jeff tho :<
ah yeah there it is when I star a thing
userscript bug
now I can dump comments to you :)
The sun is out. Is this normal in my location at this time of day (neither specified)? — Lightness Races in Orbit 7 mins ago
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
tempted to invite Vlad
y not come back to the lounge tho
you can just plonk trolls
that is true
too much plonk
and being flagged
has anyone owned up to being the serial flagger yet
Ummm.. hello?
room topic changed to Bar<C++>: Doing the needful [no-cicada] [no-flags] [no-sobriety] [no-trolling]
this is fun
'too much plonk' - IIRC, it's never been a problem for you before. Are you on the top shelf now?
it's mostly the flags. they're out of hand
but also I realised I have like 80% of the Lounge plonked which is silly
@MartinJames Eurovision at pub?
they should've sent goat girl to the eurovision
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Well, that would surely be a good reason for several double-Bells, yes.
@AlexM. omg I would invade every country and force them at gunpoint to vote for her so she can win
Anyway, It's a bank-holiday weekend, so I intend to do quite a bit of plonk myself.
is that a euphemism ;p
I shudder to think what 'goat girl' is/was:(
Dare I YouTube? ..
you won't find her as "goat girl" tho
here she sounds like a goat
in the video lrio posted she sounds like a waifu
gets me every time
oh wow, that's terrible
Aaarghhh! Nooooooo!
Read our rules, drink your drink, and tip your bartender
Read the rules? Lemme guess: 'NO FLAGS'
@MartinJames wrong ^^
are you sure you don't wanna come back to the lounge, splitting like this takes a lot of effort :<
it's going to be hard to track two chatrooms
Oh, go on then..
@ScarletAmaranth Gahhh...
Q: Why unsigned integers are error prone?

meetI was looking this video. Bjarne Stroustrup says that unsigned ints are error prone & leads to bugs. So, use them only when you really need them. I've also read on one of the question on SO (But I don't remember that) that use of unsigned int leads to security bugs. I want to know that how they l...

Didn't Robot have a thing about this?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit only got 92nd place in the charts
memories got #1
it's such a good song
bet it's Alexander Stan's fault
guess people love goat sounds
@AlexM. The chart of 'Worst Songs of All Time'?
@AlexM. kinda validates everything I've been saying about Romania, really...?
the problem with fata naiva is
that it depicts romanian versions of bimbos
I have teh goat sounds here. He's named 'Merlin', and gets all our veg scraps.
if you translate the comments you'll see a lot of
@AlexM. Yeah, but prolly cheap at least.
SEXISM beeehhhh
now if only the song actually promoted that
@AlexM. and, well.... this is awkward.... did they?
but the lyrics clearly are sth around the idea that "I'm not like this"
@LightnessRacesinOrbit if they did, I'm sure it wasn't because of songs like this lol
what's "Memories" about?
memories is in english
she beehehehehehe's britishly
some people also blame the oriental aspects of the song
manele is a genre derived from some combination of arabian and turkish and whatever shit music
and is associated with the gypsy community
basically anything that sounds turkish or arabic for a lot of people = manele
Oooh what's this.
Fancy new room.
so the song also got bashed for it
so sexist and racist
"what is this we promote manele" or sth
@LightnessRacesinOrbit kinda
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I like this manea
too bad it wasn't an actual release
it was created especially for a satirical commercial
also look at the comments
> Im Romanian,In romania if you hear this music you are very idiot.Please change the music it's offensive
can I have a beer?
> You re right
@AndyProwl bit early innit
but yes this is a bar
@AlexM. I love your countrymen
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I don't
I have no audio so I can't read the rules
> You cannot star your own messages
what did you want to star?
my own message
the one already starred
yeah I got that part
oh fuck me I think my desktop just died
cool, now I have two sources of distraction from work instead of one
I think if we took the general rhythm and instrumental stuff from manele and used normal pop music lyrics we'd get the best kind of music <3
this is going to be a tremendously productive day
dammit I'm gonna have to open the case and clean the dust out I think. there goes my productive day
currently manele lyrics are 1:1 copies of 50 cent lyrics
plus I'm stuck on a laptop keyboard buhhhhh
> Ne faceti de ras baaaa tigani prosti....
"you're making us look bad gypsies"
I think he already took care of that himself
bad gypsies or bad, gypsies?
bad, gypsies
gypsies, bad
or to be 100% accurate "you're making us look bad, dumb gypsies"
eh w/e
I usually just don't read comments because of stuff like that
it's pointless
too much gyp
the comments on the Supergirl trailer were really mean :(
literally hoovering the inside of my PC
No gyppos here ATM. All farm gates chained. All verges remain clear. Still, nice weather so DEFCON 3.
this is such a bad day I wanna play games
what's wrong andy
had an argument with my boss
had a parameter* with my boss
what type argument
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I bet it was volatile
Do they happen constantly? Or was it a one-off?
Cos I really hate int when that happens. It shows a lack of character on your boss's part.
as if he's just stringing you along, dangling you by a thread until you wanna float yourself out of an airlock
The disagreement happens quite often but this time it was worse
sorry for the puns; I'm sort of on autopilot today
I mean he's been a double dick today
not sure we're gonna be friends anymore
does he have no class?
at least you have a structured routine and regular income though
he wants me to add dirty hacks to the codebase for the sake of productivity
tell him to goto hell
while it is a good idea to get it to compile, it's generally horrible
and while I do understand the productivity argument he's totally ignoring the long-term consequences
technical debt is a thing; this case would seem to be the perfect example of how it mounts up
I can certainly understand how this would lead you to be short-tempered
eventually, everything will break
@sehe lolwut
@sehe TRWTF is Bartek's back already
and you won't be able to continue of course
btw I tried to invite him here but he has invites turned off
he has access anyway
@LightnessRacesinOrbit he got fired; not per direct
You missed things ;(
it's been two days
Things get out of hand when you're not around
see you can flag me all you want but I keep it all together
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I had to fight this urge to flag this :P
ffs I need some compressed air or something. gonna leave my desktop to um cool down
meanwhile moved all hardware over to my laptop :D
was Bartek fired for trolling then or what
I think his zeal got him bad
@LightnessRacesinOrbit He tried writing good software. His gamedev employers promptly fired him for gross incompetence.
sounds about right
it seems I'm the only one who thinks the employer was right here :<
he got fired for taking too long to finish his job
and I can definitely see Bartek doing something like "fuck the schedule, we'll do it like this because this is RIGHT"
@AlexM. Yeah.. that can be a problem in 'real' development environments.
my advice was for him to tone down his quality at the expense of everything else attitude but I'm not sure if it worked :<
@AlexM. Yeah, it would seem not:(
I've shipped loads of bad fixes. Sometimes, you just have to.
I don't think so
@AndyProwl Unfortunately, customers disagree.
Of course if we're talking about SW that you don't have to maintain then ok, do it as fast as possible. Customers won't be happy when your SW will become fragile because it's a spaghetti mess either
@AndyProwl No - I meant 'bad' as in things like 'bodge in a fix for one customer only and then have to maintain that forever'.
I generally reiterate my solution constantly
it's not like I need to work on new things 100% of the time, so I can go back and refactor
one commit at a time
@MartinJames That's not a "bad" fix, it's just a fix
@AlexM. I don't have that luxury. Most of the software I deal with day-to-day was not originally written by me.
The issue is whether the fix is a dirty hack or not
if it's a dirty hack, then it's bad
@AndyProwl I try very hard to not do that, since I DO have to maintain and enhance it:(
So it's hard to judge Bartek's situation without knowing the details. I can imagine him rightfully refusing to write bad code, or I can imagine him refusing to meet the schedule because of a caprice, but there are no grounds to claim he did the wrong thing or the right thing based on the information we have
TBH, most of my maintenance software was pretty apalling to start with. It's not feasible to completely redesign it:(
I have a friend like that, who went to work with another friend
Word on the grapevine is that he has since been described as "cocksure" around the office lol
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Basket 'cocksure'? Surely not:)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit reminds me of
in Lounge<C++>, May 17 at 22:24, by Alex M.
> Chad Thundercock = A guy who's confident, interesting, fun to be around, at the very least moderately athletic and takes care of his appearance.
@AlexM. lolol
where did you get that from
niceguys reddit
you are addicted to redshit
only sometimes
why am I an owner
Thanks. I followed a video tutorial which is install c++ for windows. It tells about DOSBox and turbo downloading and how to configured with them. Can you tell me is this like a java path setting ? or are there any configurations for execute c++ code like java? — Anna 7 mins ago
@AlexM. Because of our intimate relationship
be nice to poor newblets
OW! Dog wants to play. I throw a stick. Bailey retrieves stick and runs past me at high speed, hitting me with stick. I leak red stuff all over office. Again.

I don't know why I keep falling for it:(
cos u dumdum
@chmod711telkitty It's good that she is asking what to use instead, I guess
how's the house
@MartinJames You shouldn't be drinking wine during the working day anyway. Except in the Bar<C++>, that is.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Sadly, I'm leaking blood sans alcohol ATM.
lol I doubt it ;p
it's part of your biology by now
uploaded that from the phone
that came on fast
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Totally sober. Won't last, sure.
That's 6 months work, but thanks for the compliment :p
last time I saw it the roof was about to go on
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The spiders, dropbears etc. will have moved in by now.
whoops, missed quarterly staff presentation
first time they actually make it accessible remotely cos I always bitch about the late notice and therefore not being present
then I went and totally forgot
I shouldn't have bought that case of bubbly - I have been having a bottle in a evening every now & then. It's much lower in alcohol content than red wine, but still, a bottle in 2-3 hours can not be healthy. I still have more than half of that case left ...
in Lounge<C++>, May 1 at 3:37, by chmod 711 telkitty
Woah, I bought a case of sparkling wine online & it's delivered within a week! So fast, exceeding my expectation!
Oo, 3 weeks, not too bad then ...
the new alcie
have to admit I didn't think it would be you
A: Function overload using 'Const'

Mike Seymour Is it function overloading? Yes. The two functions have the same name but different parameters, so they are overloads. Why function without const will be called it my case? Because x is not const. Try with a pointer to a const int, and you'll get the other overload: const int y; A(&y);

is this not repwhoring hmm
maybe I will be able to print meat soon
3d printed meat
om nom nom
you could print a goat burger shaped like Nicole Cherry
turns out he wants to automate passing some command to a computer over Telnet
thinks you need to hack PuTTy to accept his commandset in order to do it
he should try to pass them over Telkitty instead
Yay lunchtime
did you see Interstellar in the end
not yet
you were going to ages ago
maybe this weekend
maybe tonight actually
do it
I wanna start another chatroom named 'tek'
Oh rightfold did summat..
lol, dubious vid:) To be fair, he did nsfw it.
1 hour later…
this room is less popular than the teenage programmers room or at least it's not being listed
I think private rooms don't get listed
that's okay
probably a good thing tbh - Lounge is too damn distracting
obtw lori
whom did you invite to this room first
@MartinJames What did rightfold do?
@AlexM. pretty sure it was you bro
we should get married or sth
well your name starts with 'A'
but okay
this looks korean
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I wanna watch another james bond movie but there are none to watch
until autumn
@AlexM. RIP
Do you like Daniel Craig?
yes I only watched his movies
he's great
Spectre will be the twenty-fourth James Bond film produced by Eon Productions. It will be the second film in the series directed by Sam Mendes and will feature Daniel Craig in his fourth performance as James Bond, and Christoph Waltz as Franz Oberhauser, the film's antagonist. Spectre is scheduled to be released on 6 November 2015. == Premise == A cryptic message sets in motion events that will see James Bond come face-to-face with the sinister organisation known as SPECTRE. As Gareth Mallory, the newly appointed M, continues fighting political pressures that threaten the future of MI6, B...
not sure
I haven't been that impresssed lately
watch Goldeneye
and Tomorrow Never Dies
I think those are too old :<
they are the classics AND they've aged well
trust me
Here's the line in the code on the webpage "ifstream& ifs("largefile.dat");" So I am trying to do exactly that, but I get a syntax error when I do. I believe that is a declaration, not an object that already exists. — Nigel Horne 1 min ago
pub time :D
2 hours later…
Man I missed everything :(
@LightnessRacesinOrbit are you still at the pub?
1 hour later…
I got home.
Got lost in Manhattan but finally got home.
Where did you go?
Oh good
I have no idea.
I just walked 10 miles.
Google Maps works wonders.

  last day (771 days later) »