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A: How to resolve pathspec not matching any file known to git when checking out a single, deleted file?

codeWizard How can I tell git where to get this file? What can be done? use git reflog and checkout the previous commit before the changes if you need to. reflog is the full history of your repository which allow you to go back to any desired point in time git log --follow <file> will display th...

Sorry, I wasn't clear, I've already got the commit (and its sha hash) where it was deleted. I'm trying to undo this commit using that and git can't find the file.
git revert SHA-1
There are other changes in that commit that I want, I only want to revert the rm of this file for that commit.
No problem. git checkout SHA-1 -- file_path - it will checkout the file from the given commit
It wouldn't, that would checkout the delete, which is why I'm running git checkout SHA-1^ -- file_path to get the file before the delete. But at this point, git errors that it can't find the file. Which is the problem in the question.
What format should file_path be in? Relative to the root of the repo, relative to the directory bash is on? Fully qualified from the C:\? Something else?
The file path is the relative path starting form the git project.
If you still have problems you can checkout the branch at the given commit and grab your file from this snapshot
Hi there.

Im here to help you out
do this:
Hello, thanks for all the help. I was tempted to do that, but then that would lose all of the tracking for the file.
git checkout SHA1^
you will have your branch in detached HEAD BUt your file will be here
do you see it?
love that detatched head :)
yup, it's there
now take it (copy it and reuse it)
no, because the file will be rm'ed and add'ed, that's what I'm trying to avoid
I can copy and paste the file back in, but the commit history will be a truncated.
are you the only one working on this branch?
for now, yes
and dont worry, if git already had this object it will not be added again, it will have the same SHA-1 since its the same content
oh nice, I didn't know that
makes sense though
cool, I'll add it back in and do a diff and see what happens
so I can run
>$ git checkout head
and I'll be back to where I was?
it will be added again, the "view" all its history with teh git log --follow path
git checkout master
not head but branch name
do I need to run
$git log --follow path
once I've readded it?
yep (after commit)
tell me if you see the full history of the file
if not we will fix it with reabse -i
that's got it
Looks like I needed to use ../parentdir/filename.ext rather than filename.ext
thanks cdeWizard

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