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A: Using SQL Server, how to return a list from a While loop, and should I be using a While loop?

AShthe way to return the IDs after while loop is to create table variable to store them in process declare @parents table ( LVL int primary key identity(1,1), -- [optional] level in hierarchy ParentID int ) DECLARE @ParentId INT; SET @ParentId = 7; WHILE(@ParentId > 0) BEGIN SELECT @ParentId...

There is no concept of building a list within the loop, and then returning the list after the loop finishes?
@ab11, it is a relational database, so it works with tables. it is possible to create a @parentList varchar(max) variable and return result as a string '6,5,4,3,2,1' and split it on client-side, but that format is not useful in db. why don't simply return a set of values?
I am calling this query from php. I need it to return a list of ids, so your suggestion seems like exactly what I'd like to do. However I'm having trouble getting it to work. Can you look at the edit I made to my question?
@ab11, what is context? is it a scalar function? if it is a simple query, not a function, try select @ParentList intstead of RETURN @ParentList
It is a simple function. I have php code that constructs a query and calls the database. And I want to pull the list of parentIds from the result.
@ab11, did you tryselect @ParentList? Does it work?
It seems to. But now I'm having trouble concatenating the Strings. If I do SET @ParentList = ParentId, it will return an Id. But nothing gets returned if I try to build the list with SET @ParentList += ParentId?
@ab11, i made an edit of answer.
that doesn't work for me. @ParentList ends up empty
If I do this, it prints out each value:
SET @ParentList = CAST(@ParentId as varchar(20));

PRINT @ParentList;
But if I do this, nothing prints out:
SET @ParentList = @ParentList + CAST(@ParentWg as varchar(20));

PRINT @ParentList;
print @ParentList before while
it should be not-null
perfect, thanks. if i set @ParentList to empty string prior to while, it works.
thanks a lot for the help
well, nice. i knew it should work. i have done such thing before
but again, it is more natural for relation db to work with sets
*relational db

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