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A: Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_CMAltimeter", referenced in SKMaps

gbuzoganyMake sure you are linking the CoreMotion framework. Anytime you have linking problems, refer to the documentation first to see which dependencies it has (in this case, @import CoreMotion). In case you are sure and ask yourself: "But I'm sure this symbol is in this framework!", as you felt when ...

Or you could just remember to Google Everything™. That works too.
edited it to help you/anybody to solve linking problems in the future
Except you don't. You have just confirmed what the linker is already telling you and it doesn't help anyone find out where the symbol is defined.
I believe it does. Many people don't know what symbols are and how to check if a library has it, so they learn it. Also, maybe you are linking a different version of a lib that should have the symbol, but it doesn't because it's the wrong version. OR you are linking a library that is in a different path than it should be. This case I explained would help to debug all that.
But it doesn't tell anyone that the symbol will be found in the CoreMotion framework.
The first step is to check the documentation, and look for dependencies, and clearly state that it is the CoreMotion framework.
So your answer is "read the documentation"?
I edited the answer to include the example of listing symbols for CoreMotion
my answer is that guide.
first I come with the trivial answer: it's coremotion that is missiong
yeah but it's not clear why someone would suddenly start running nm on CoreMotion.framework.
it's very clear
"Anytime you have linking problems, refer to the documentation first to see which dependencies it has (in this case, @import CoreMotion).

In case you are sure and ask yourself: "But I'm sure this symbol is in this framework!", as you felt when you said SKMaps.framework was linked and it should solve it, you can check if the missing symbol (_OBJC_CLASS_$_CMAltimeter in this case) is part of that framework."
If you say so.
read the second paragraph
it's so clear
"In case you are sure and ask yourself (...)"
On Terminal, you can run:
and check if the symbol is there.
it's so clear
OK, whatever. I'm not arguing with you.
bye then
have a good day then

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