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morning all
Hello everyone :-)
@Sotos phew I am afraid it will not be well accepted. What you are suggesting is something like salary tax, the more you earn the higher the tax.
About nurka, even if it is a dupe answer, but a correct/good answer, we shouldn't be downvoting.
But still I do, as I don't see any other way of punishing.
@zx8754 I thought about that too but in my head, it seems more fair. Plus If you are a high rep user, is much easier for a newbie to trust your answer. If that answer however is so wrong that is downvote-worthy, then the high rep user should know better
Maybe it is bad to apply for downvoting answers to dupes
But I will only downvote nurka's answers of type df %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(res = mean(v1))
@Sotos because it is a dupe?
Yeah, if it's a FAQ dupe
like mean per group
If you answer that, I m downvoting
yep, agreed, we shouldn't be downvoting... but I will.
but anything slightly complicated, I wont
I bet you can dv all his answers eyes closed, and it will be at least 80% deserved.
Because If we downvote an answer of a 100K user and he gets -2..pointless. But If he looses like 1% of his rep (which he will get back once he deletes the answer), then I can see some value here
@zx8754 LOL
We can't come up with a new system around one user (maybe 10-100 overall on all sites) behaviour.
You are right. That is probably one of the main reasons that this site is getting depreciated by the hour :p
maybe they should start removing rep when they ban someone...
ow that one I can agree, suspended with -10% rep
exactly ! that may help changing the behaviour ^^
Yes that would be great. And percentage can increase for 2nd, 3rd and so on...
3rd suspension is with -99% rep lol
4th -110% so you need to start earning to go back to 0 hehehe
hello @ all
1 hour later…
I just discovered dark reader chrome plugin and I m loving it :P
This guy makes pointless questions and then tries to show he knows stuff...at least I get that impression
@Sotos he put a bounty on one of his Q too. Seems to just come to R...
@Sotos in 20 years of career, I never believed the performance motivation : this sentence says a lot !!
Exactly!!! I was about to comment that lol
And his replies are condescending. Or maybe I m oversensitive hahahaha
@Sotos I find that too ! kind of goes with the "in 20 years of career" like "hey young people, I'm asking something but noone will teach me, I know it all" in a way
Spot on!!!!
I am asking from the semantic point of view when to use one vs the other : opinion-based ?
Yeah I just voted for it to close
I put the needs clarity reason
@Sotos just did the same (+ commented...)
it seems he doesn't even want to do operations and I wonder who is going to "read" the object...
Yeah, feel like I (or someone here) had bad interaction with him, can't remember exactly.
I remember I talked to him another time and again he was condescending. I bet he is a 'know it all' type of person :/
Now the post is closed by "knows not much" bunch
@Sotos but still asking questions, which actually are probably asked only to show the "world" that he knows it all ^^
even if we put aside the "personality problem", the question makes no sense, or actually, doesn't have a logical basis imo so very good thing it is closed :-)
@GKi you are all giving me different behaviors for the two, but this is exactly why I came here with the question. I am aware of the differences. I want to know when semantically makes more sense to use one or the other. Not in terms of operations. In terms of communication. — Stefano Borini 2 mins ago
WTF is he talking about???
@Sotos got me
you choose the type of object to be the most practical for what you want to do next, not the best for marketing
imo anyway
Just left a moderately aggressive msg
@Sotos just saw that :-)
I mean come on...every answer he is like 'Oh I know that, thats not what i need to know'
now he's talking shiny app : how shiny app users would care about the R type of objects ???
Exactly! He now turns over to shiny
there is a reopen vote, I wonder if you can vote to reopen your own questions
OK, here is another one from him, see archived chat: stackoverflow.com/q/63069478/680068
@zx8754 Ronak made a very true and sane comment there
@Cath you can review it here ;-)
@Sotos when you code, you have to make your intent clear. If I have an interface that accept one or the other, it means different things to me. — Stefano Borini 4 mins ago
Yeah, thanks for the tip man! — Sotos 16 secs ago
I m done as you can see LOL
I am really trying to get what he wants...
I m not anymore :D
It is like, picking up a correct screwdriver will "communicate" what kind of screw you have + or -.
@zx8754 This is the best explanation!!! hahaha
I will reopen and post as answer lol
@Jaap :-)
@zx8754 rofl eventually, he'll accept it ^^
pff, screwdriver is not the perfect example, as we can't always use [-] instead of [+] screw.
@zx8754 more like, which screwdriver if I want to hang a mirror ?
nah, screw is defining the screwdriver, not the other way round. in his case he only has the same screws.
@zx8754 I like your new metaphore
@zx8754 so more like : do I need a simple perfectly well suited screwdriver or the multi-function tool which can also work ?
1 hour later…
Thats great! Thanks @Jaap :)

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