Help: how would you sort this list? x <- list(5:8, 24:25, 44:46, 14:16) sorting is based on first value, so in this example 14:16 should be 2nd item in a list... ideas?
@Sotos thought about order too, but but sorry one more constraints, consider this case, the shortest should come first if min is the same: x <- list(5:8, 5:6, 24:25, 44:46, 14:16)
Worth asking at SO, or will I be punished with dvs?
I dont think It can be much worse than what it is now. If the same system (but with smaller percentages) applies to users casting the downvotes, then this can tidy things a bit as far as serial voting goes
Imagine a scheme where percentage increases as you downvote more and more answers in X amount of time
We’re doing a bit of refactoring on our post formatting. Currently, we apply a single class with both layout and styling called .post-text. Our first goal is to separate layout from our text styles. Simple enough!
However, our current post styling has a few missing spots and areas for improvement...