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Top of the morning, now get back to work!
Hello Hello
Good morning all
Back from vacation
Seems like no day have passed since lol
hello @ all
1 hour later…
So simple no one asked before? stackoverflow.com/q/63557045/680068 if OP rtfm, they would know the prefix="£"...
@zx8754 I couldn't find a target either :-/
limiting your employees to only tidyverse, my thoughts:
Sounds like you better look for another job then. Limiting your employees to only tidyverse-packages is (imho) one of the most stupid contraints you can impose (not blaming you though). You will miss a lot from the rich ecosystem R has. — Jaap 39 secs ago
@Jaap wow! I am not sure I believe that
Why would a job limit you only at the verse?
If such job exists, then how did they make it thus far and not gone bankrupt lol
2 hours later…
@Sotos it's indeed hard to believe, we have to believe OP for it
9 hours later…
this question I answered was closed because it needs more focus, but imo it is focussed enough; or am I missing something?

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