@zx8754 just saw you closed a dupe and I remembered you liked Bill Burr's special on twitter. Been meaning to ask you what you found so alluring. To me, it felt like he did not prepare and constantly laughing at his own jokes. :)
I like the podcast because it's very diverse. Of course I skip the MMA stuff and a lot of actors and/or comedians, but I like it when he has scientists on.
Some stories are really shocking. He had a cop from Mexico who gave a first hand account of the situation down there. And a few weeks later a forest ranger who is battling the growing of pot on public lands. It's a whole ecological catastrophe.
@camille there are a bunch, but perhaps they use different wording. Not sure what the policy is if we have different wording for the same concept. Close as dupe?
e.g. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56092040/how-to-get-the-length-of-elements-in-a-character-vector-in-r
@RomanLuštrik That one's about the number of words within a string. I'm not finding any posts that are as straightforward as this one, which is literally just calling length(x) to get the length of a vector
It's one of those where the question is so simple, it hasn't been asked
@Jaap You don't need to do any positional matching.
a <- 1
b <- 2
c <- 3
sprintf("%s some more text %s and finally at the end of the string %s",
glue("{a} some more text {b} and finally at the end of the string {c}")
@RomanLuštrik true, but when you need to start worrying about positional matching you might ask yourself whether it is the right approach anyway (just my opinion off course)
Ours they have it. Maybe Crick assumes we know academia limits for such jobs... or if you are asking for salary then you are not the right candidate :P