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@BhargavRao I voted. Good luck to you! :)
Thank you :)
you had a good start in the primaries
hi @SymbolixAU
Hello hello :-)
I'm hammer minus 10 :-)
Hello @Cath
@Cath Woohoo, My image will finally come to use :D
hey @BhargavRao :-) So the primaries are open, I'll have to check that ;-)
Does anyone know an answer to this chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/34050822#34050822? The OP seems to have provided a repro-able example
@BhargavRao replied with a link to an Q&A (can't don any better unfortunately)
Thanks. It's K. The OP can take a clue from that. :)
Gud mornin ppl
Good Morning @Sotos :)
Hey @BhargavRao . Are the results out yet?
Nope, It's still the primaries
You can see the votes here soprimaries.charcoal-se.org
Oh thats neat. Good luck. I voted for you yesterday :)
Thanks :)
Found this in the reopen queue stackoverflow.com/questions/40563479/…. Has 3 votes, You guys decide. (I'm skipping)
I just started using shiny to make an app to explain my anomaly scoring function to higher ups and I must say...it's a bit addicting :)
Yeah, Shiny is quite good.
But it was kinda hard for me to debug. I presume even Axeman feels the same.
odd. ;)
@Tensibai Hi \o
but yeah it can definitely be a pita
Axeman is like the silent ninja. He springs up once his name is mentioned :D
just got my coffee, and was doing some light reading ;)
have to prep a lecture though
@BhargavRao "silent ninja"?... All ninjas are silent :)
Lol, Yeah
what's the generic dupe for subset, probably this can be duped with it ?
@PierreLafortune for loop wins :/
@Cath o_O stolen
@zx8754 some people just don't have principles...
could this be a good target ?
I found the exact same question but without any answer :-(
@Cath not really
@zx8754 damn.... and answer's OP asking me what to do...
@Cath press F5 more often
hmm shayaa could post his suggestion into an answer, then the other Q can be closed against this one...
@zx8754 rofl
@zx8754 found a better one : stackoverflow.com/questions/36631775/…
so KenS. is a good fellow, respectful of the "rules" :-)
@DavidArenburg yo what's up
Sorry bit late :)
Morning all o/
?gl function of the day
@PeeHaa \o
@zx8754 wow..didn't knew about this function. What would be its typical use case?
@RonakShah maybe to create dummy factors?
better than using factor(rep())
@BhargavRao Are you mod yet? :P
Haha, It's too early to say that.
Surely you are going to make it
@zx8754 pretty helpful fro creating factors.
How redundant is the print function in R?
I dont know why would anybody use it in any case.
@RonakShah pdf(); forloop(ggplot); dev.off() will not plot anything without print within loop, see stackoverflow.com/q/2547306/680068
@zx8754 Ahh..I see that. I get it now.
<Jaap blowing on his smoking gun-hammer>
@ProcrastinatusMaximus Bolker is trying to clarify further, OP is responsive :)
I still think it's a dupe. And I don't understand why BB says it's harder to reopen than close, he can reopen with his hammer in a click, no ?
those hammers do have a "nail remover" option...
@Cath as David pointed out, below is the right hammer
lol, no way back
How about this hammer i.sstatic.net/o4I6a.jpg? :D
@RonakShah print is also useful for functions that print one thing, but silently return another
@BhargavRao yep this gonna be mine, much more delicate ;-)
Mine is a hard one. I'm trying to get a softer one though. ;)
@zx8754 saw the comments this morning; as far as I'm concerned it can stay closed
Hah, The famous one
you're the antithesis of zx8754 :-D
so finally, this big number problem is like a XZ (at least) problem : meltconverts the character dimnames into numeric and as they are long, it gives unexpected result...
melt.array2 <- function (data, varnames = names(dimnames(data)), ...)
    values <- as.vector(data)
    dn <- dimnames(data)
    if (is.null(dn))
        dn <- vector("list", length(dim(data)))
    dn_missing <- sapply(dn, is.null)
    dn[dn_missing] <- lapply(dim(data), function(x) 1:x)[dn_missing]
    indices <- do.call(expand.grid, dn)
    names(indices) <- varnames
    data.frame(indices, value = values)
                     X1 X2 X3 value
1 122323232323232312121  a  c     1
so this works (defining the "numeric" dimnames as character)
@Cath good example to test your github skills again :)
@zx8754 o_O (and on an Hadley package ?!!) + I would not use this function, more include a parameter conv (TRUE by default)
Everyone agrees to close this as dupe?
Q: Take derivate in R

Dennis RöttgerI'm trying to take the derivative of an expression: x = read.csv("export.csv", header=F)$V1 f = expression(-7645/2* log(pi) - 1/2 * sum(log(w+a*x[1:7644]^2)) + (x[2:7645]^2/(w + a*x[1:7644]^2)),'a') D(f,'a') x is simply an integer vector, a and w are the variables I'm trying to find by derivin...

Target in the comment
@ZheyuanLi go for it, sounds reasonable
(No reason to spend a VTC? you can hammer it yourself)
No better use of my time than waiting in line in the EMR cluster...
sup guys
hey @David :-) what's "EMR" ?
@DavidArenburg Why queue? Thought amazon had "no limits"?
Emm, he has updated his question. Now I have to delay the closure.
@Cath Elastic Map Reduce
@DavidArenburg oh ok <acting like she understand this even a little>
@zx8754 Jobs queue. There are several guys sending jobs, so I need to wait untill all of them fail so my job can also fail in turn
@Cath It's just an Amazon Cloud
@DavidArenburg oh ok thanks for the explanation :-)
even in French :-)
@DavidArenburg this looks nice
only looks nice
@DavidArenburg sorry trying to understand, so your company has eg: 5 clusters, and 5 jobs already running, and yours on the queue? I thought there was no limit.
A lot of DevOps mishmash in reality
@zx8754 There are 3 clusters: QA, Dev, Prod
each of them has several EC2 Nods running
so Im currently running a job on the QA cluster that has several nodes, but only the Master is receiving jobs
I need to go, have fun lads :)
that was brief...
@ZheyuanLi It's still unclear, I know of no derivative of a sum + ...
And it's still highly unclear
@Tensibai Well, it has already been engaged with someone.
@Tensibai Now I am quitting
@ZheyuanLi Same :)
Thank you for your answer. As I said this is within my first 15 minutes of using R since I can't use Matlab any longer so sorry for further stupid questions - I see this has simplified it a lot. However, I cannot simply use df = D(g,'a') + D(f,'a') since I'm getting a "non numeric argument to binary operator"-error. I'm starting to feel like R wasn't exactly made for Symbolic Math. — Dennis Röttger 19 mins ago
I don't know how to use it, so I'll say it's not made for...
Anyone have any idea of what's going on here?
y1 <- 1
y2 <- 2
[1] 1

[1] 2

f <- function(x) mget(ls(pattern=x))
named list()
I suspect it's the scoping of mget, but I can't get the environment arg right
@PierreLafortune probabaly due to: mget(x, envir = as.environment(-1)
.Global ?
I tried .GlobalEnv, parent.frame and all the rest
I toyed with inherits=TRUE also
f <- function(x) mget(ls(pattern = x, envir = .GlobalEnv), envir = .GlobalEnv)
works for me
@PierreLafortune seems linked to ls, and @Axeman got it, ls is listing in it's local env
both need to correct envir
you have to specify it for both functions :p
f <- function(x) mget(ls(pattern = x, envir = .GlobalEnv), inherits = TRUE) also works
Oh perfect. I didn't think ls was having a problem
f <- function(x) {
My try so far
named list()
named list()
(Just in case the method may help later)
Finally an interesting question, but of course the regex solution got accepted immediately: stackoverflow.com/q/40606723/1412059
@Roland at least you & @BrodieG posted nice alternatives
it reminds me that there is still a lot to learn about the R-language
why "unaccept" would mean "too lousy to be kept" ???
@PierreLafortune: I do not insist, if OP claims it is not the solution and unaccepts, I will remove the answer. — Wiktor Stribiżew 2 mins ago
He probably feels like there is a personal attack on him/answer with those votes on Pierres comment
@ProcrastinatusMaximus Modifying expressions programmatically is pretty advanced and one doesn't need it often. It took me some effort and to be honest @digEmAll's answer is most impressive to me because I tried to follow the same path but got stuck pretty soon.
@Cath it isn't imo; today one of my answers was unaccepted (in favor of David's), both are good answers imo, it is OP's decision which (s)he likes most
@ProcrastinatusMaximus totally agree
Hi, thanks for the invitation :)
@digEmAll welcome & hi :-)
Hello, You gotta find @digEmAll
@Roland I am a total sucker for language / recursive questions. I end up dropping everything else I'm doing and get sucked in. Implementing an RPN calculator in R was one of my favorites.
@digEmAll feel free to drop by as much as you like; although not intended, this room is also a lot about (see also the room description)
@BrodieG I would have beaten you if I hadn't had to attend a barbecue for lunch in between. ;)
@ProcrastinatusMaximus: thanks, yeah I read that I can talk about R as long as I fool around sometimes :D
@BhargavRao: I sense a pokemon reference here :D
Of course ;)
@Armance hi, welcome
ditto @ digEm
Hi @frank, thanks :)
looks like the election's well underway now, still kind of wish more hats had been thrown in
The last 3 positions are disappointing though.
last three positions?
i was expecting Glorfindel to enter. dude's answered like every question on meta for months
10, 11 and 12.
oh, the last three to enter? i don't remember exactly which those were, but vaultah and Samuel seem alright to me
Nope, I meant the last to enter.
One of the candidates did not even write the questionnaire and they've (almost) secured a position.
oh, Jigar, yeah
@Roland That's the worst. Get really excited about a Q/A and then have to pause while dealing with life in the meantime (e.g. wife:"let me tell you about this really important thing", me:<thinking about recursion>"uhhuhh")
Learn something new everyday. set.seed(2016-11-14) actually works stackoverflow.com/questions/40615108/roc-function-iris-dataset
@PierreLafortune Nice one. He's probably wondering why he gets the same result on 2016-10-15.
@BrodieG that situation sounds very familiar to me ;-)
any dupe for "where is the which function?"? stackoverflow.com/q/40614906
Sigh, The question should have been "which is the which function?" :D
@BhargavRao answer would be "drop the question mark"
Yep :D
@BrodieG what's happening underneath?
@Frank thx for the alternative :-)
np, was hoping it had that since i use it with rbindlist all the time
wish it had the .id = TRUE option, though
just for less thinking
@Frank especially when it would include the names of the dataframes instead of a number
@ProcrastinatusMaximus it works already, right? bind_rows(list(df1 = df1, df2 = df2), .id = "id")
@Frank it never occured to me that I could make it work like that (as I could have known, because it works in a similar way in CJ) :-/
yeah, i only just tried it now to see if it would work. typing names for CJ is a pain, especially in i, DT[CJ(a=a,b=b,unique=TRUE),on=.(a,b)] i mean
would be nice to write DT[CJ(a,b), on=.INAMES]
@PierreLafortune No idea. I usually don't look at any question that has that much screen dump on it.
@BrodieG I was asking how you knew 2016-10-15 would give the same result
some more downvotes needed here (see @Gregor's message here)
Anyone have a dupe target for this? Factor to integer representation
OP thinks it's never been asked before
@RichScriven hey, same user that was commenting in defense of this post we're deleting
Plus no research effort in the question, tee hee
ay ay ay
surprisingly hard to find a dupe
there's this, i guess: stackoverflow.com/q/20624209
referring to "positions" (as in my link) instead of codes suggests an ordered factor / some meaning behind the codes, though
ready to delete Proc's link now
one more vote needed
@Frank looks good enough to me
ok thanks, closed with it
@ProcrastinatusMaximus Your link is a better one, imo
@RichScriven you mean the one where the op said "This is the correct answer for a different question. Thanks for the solution!" ?
@Frank - I don't see that. Are we talking about the same link? this one
@RichScriven oh ok, yup, i didn't see that link, i'll reopen so yall can close
leave at is imo, both links are there now
Double dupe hammer boom shackalacka
Oh, sorry I re-closed it already
np, posted the 1st dupe-target in the comments now ;-)
good good, downvoting new op just for perpetuating as.numeric in places where as.integer fits
i don't really mind dupes
oh well, all that effort and they deleted it
@PierreLafortune because 2016 + -10 + -15 == 1991 == 2016 + -11 + -14; basically, in both cases he would be doing set.seed(1991).
He wasn't new, was he? 1800+ rep
@RichScriven no. hardly an atrocious question, really, though. also:
in Discussion between Steven Magana-Zook and Gregor, 18 mins ago, by Gregor
I think opening a new question is the right thing to do. I'm not one of your downvoters, but I think you could improve the question by keeping it focused on the factor issue: age seems unrelated to the question, as is putting the factors in a data frame. You're now asking double question of "How do I convert factors to integer levels?" and "How do I do something to every column (or a subset of columns) of a data frame?" at the same time, which really muddies the water.
i say close as unclear stackoverflow.com/q/40618034 op has no interest in using the j index from their expression, seems
The DJIA over the past week is interesting
@RichScriven not what i was expecting, a steep rise like this
Me neither, but good for my 401k :)
It's expected to continue as well
oh? that's good
i would expect the whole high tariffs, high walls, fortress america, nukes for everyone thing to be bad news for business
prolly closable against an aggregate dupe stackoverflow.com/q/40619678
1 hour later…
sheesh, tabyl as a function name within the hadleyverse. i guess it'll be a long time before we run out of toddler spellings for "table of data" stackoverflow.com/q/40620458 maybe next "datums" as a pet name for data will be next, ... "datyums", "datr", "tabby" .. rename factors "tabby cats", etc.
"tabby cats"
leading to an entirely cat-based naming system for r :)

purrr is just the beginning

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