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Is there a standard dupe used for running a function over DT columns as in dt[, lapply(.SD, mean), by = group]?
This is the one that needs marking stackoverflow.com/questions/36587009/…
1 hour later…
3 hours later…
1 hour later…
good morning btw
Hello hello :-)
welcome in GMTs @daniel.sedlacek
morning guys. I'm new here, I will just look around a bit
@daniel.sedlacek hi
hi @David and @Tensibai :-)
I wonder if the next step would be pipe the pipe. Something like 100 %>% %>% %>% + %>% %>% %>% 10
@Cath hey
@DavidArenburg you shouldn't make fun of him, poor guy, he's probably cursed, everytime he blinks, a pipe appears...
@Cath He writes pipes of choice, we are the one who stuck with trying to read it...
I was thinking maybe we could also do library(coda) %>% library(magrittr) %>% library(xtable) while we at it- but it doesn't work...
2 hours later…
hah, akrun managed to answer prior closure <sigh>
and the OP even got a pity vote
" just need only the acceptance :-)" stackoverflow.com/questions/36593879/…
I've added an acceptance
@ProcrastinatusMaximus can you add a del vote there pls?
@DavidArenburg sometimes he gives upvote so the OP has enough rep to upvote him but in this case, it doesn't work of course (sorry for the edit I thought I was wrinting a new message #facepalm)
yes, pity akruns vote
cause OP can't upvote him back- so not the usual trade-of voting
@Cath yeah, it happens to me alot
anyway, after the acceptance it's going to get deletence
@DavidArenburg oh yeah, I definitely want to see that : all those efforts to get the tick and everything will go away :-)
already done
feels good :-)
now we wait for the rage
@DavidArenburg done
@ProcrastinatusMaximus thanks
anyway I suggested him to take this to Meta
That could get interesting
"For selected persons....
@DavidArenburg what did you suggest to whom?
arg, he deleted it quickly
@ProcrastinatusMaximus to akrun, after he asked me why did we delete it
@DavidArenburg he (nearly) always does
yeah, but we are usually keeping record
@DavidArenburg where did it ask you ?
under one of my answers
pfff... he voted to undelete...
but he deleted most of it
he said he is going to vote to delete for certain persons
anyway, I'm tired of this- going back to MC tutorials...
I love the "we" : pillar of the "conspiracy"...
@DavidArenburg MC ?
Markov Chains
I'm trying to learn how to use them in practice
looks like very nice tool and pretty straight forward to both understand and use
@DavidArenburg nice, you can teach me when you're done :-)
This guy made a lot of short tutorials youtube.com/channel/UCFe6jenM1Bc54qtBsIJGRZQ
It's pretty old school as he uses paper and a pen
but he explains it's pretty easy to understand
thanks for the link ! :-)
Googles Aprils fool joke
actual reality glasses
@David this is what they did in amsterdam youtube.com/watch?v=LSZPNwZex9s&nohtml5=False
@mtoto yeah, I saw it- but this one looks like something that could be useful actually....
compared to cardboard plastic glasses that do nothing
i love the bike that they used for the video, its manufactured in AMS, brand is called vamoof
1 hour later…
no... Looks like a useful question
ok. Just wanted to check. That last sentence sounds tool-requesty
I think this is how I first discovered paste
Yeah, 5 people answered with the same thing
This help.search("concatenate") thingi looks useful
@HaddE.Nuff Yeah, I never understand why people keep piling same answers yea after year
even with an half hour difference.
Two of them answered on the day the question was posted. One got 182 the other 12. Bummer dude
there is no such thing as colMax function, is there ?
3 of them
@Cath look into matrixStats package
there is everything you need there written in Rcpp
Dirk did one too Let me find it
@HaddE.Nuff and the guy with 182 votes even says "As the previous posters pointed out, paste can do two things..."
@DavidArenburg ok thanks for the tip. I only have 21 columns and 2 values in each, I think for now, I'll go for a quick apply(df, 2, max)... ;-)
so he basically combined the other two answer and got all the rep
@Cath there is colMeans....
and please don't use apply on columns
do sapply/lapply instead
@DavidArenburg don't know what you're talking about ;-p
@Cath I see what you did there ...
Anyway, please forget about applys exsistence
@DavidArenburg ok, I never dare to use sapply/lapply on a df........................ alright, there is always a moment to start
@Cath ???
are you using data.table?
maybe DT[, lapply(.SD, max)]?
@DavidArenburg well sometimes I'm really out of alternative for apply(..., 1, ...), it is quite handy you have to admit
@Cath never heard of it
@DavidArenburg yes of course but I was talking of a regular df. Actually, that might as well be a matrix o_O (output of barplot)
@Cath oh even better do.call(pmax, data.df)
I definitely have a matrix...
if you have a matrix then apply is fine
@HaddE.Nuff you need something ? ask Richard, he already did it for you :-) Thanks :-)
@DavidArenburg see ?! ;-p
@Cath though I would still use matrixStats
I promise I'll take a look at the package
Oh yeah, that too. I would do that.
They wrote it in C, right David?
C++ I think
using Rcpp I would guess
I benchmarked it many times, and the performance is insane
Old school, .Call()
> colMaxs
function (x, na.rm = FALSE, dim. = dim(x), ...)
    dim. <- as.integer(dim.)
    na.rm <- as.logical(na.rm)
    .Call("colRanges", x, dim., 1L, na.rm, TRUE, PACKAGE = "matrixStats")
<bytecode: 0x3cffd70>
<environment: namespace:matrixStats>
yeah, you seem to be right
no indication of C++ on GH
I'm right at most 14% of the time
For some reason I remember Rcpp being there
wonder if they rewritten it
gtg. Keep it real, homies.
bye Richard
@zx8754 Let's give OP some more time.
In the mean time, there's more than enough poor questions that need the hammer.
Q: Error when trying to plot uncertainty in the variance

WillI am attempting to plot a histogram to show the frequency of my models variances. I've successfully plotted my first dataset but my second is causing problems. Ive had issues with p.sim.t because some iterations were reaching 1. In order to counteract this I was advised to subset this to ...

hey peeps, does anybody know which package hosts the stuff from this article?
it seems that airbnb's github does currently have no package called "Rbnb" (or at least, not publicly listed)
I suspect its on their enterprise account
@Frank, I was thinking, would making functions such as setunique or setna.omit will make sense? Cause I doing this a lot and it seem like no need to make copies
@erasmortg hey
@DavidArenburg i don't follow. you mean modify a data.table so that it is unique by reference?
yes, modify in place
instead of DT <- unique(DT, by = "A")
unique and na.omit - all they do is modifying the data set, so I don't see any use of doing it the <- way
ok, yeah that would be nice to have, but may be technically tough, since Matt and Arun haven't yet implemented deleting rows by reference
Q: How to delete a row by reference in data.table?

Florian OswaldMy question is related to assignment by reference versus copying in data.table. I want to know if one can delete rows by reference, similar to DT[ , someCol := NULL] I want to know about DT[someRow := NULL, ] I guess there's a good reason for why this function doesn't exist, so maybe you c...

unlike duplicated which returns a logical vector that can be used
yeah, I remember that Q, was wondering if this is the same
though I once refered to that Q in comments on a similar Q, and got a comment from Matt saying something like "Nah, Shouldn't be too hard"
oh here it is
@DavidArenburg Just delete by reference is not that hard actually. The benefit would be mainly memory efficiency rather than speed so much. — Matt Dowle Oct 1 '15 at 17:20
and you are there too apperantly
though this is a bit more function specific than what @Arun proposes
could be potentially easier to implement, dunno
if you know / want to learn some c, you could give it a shot, maybe he meant this:
+1 Nice memory efficient approach. So ideally we need to delete a set of rows by reference actually don't we, I hadn't thought of that. It'll have to be a series of memmoves to budge up the gaps, but that's ok. — Matt Dowle Jan 21 '14 at 20:50
(or at least i'm assuming memmove is c)
@david hi!
in Python, 14 secs ago, by David Arenburg
Whoa, was I invited to this rooms meeting for some reason?
Q: Apply multiple ifelse in R data.frame

user3253470I have a data.frame in R as follows: > head(New)[,12:13] Acc.N1 Acc.N2 1 NA 0 2 1 0 3 1 1 4 0 1 5 1 NA 6 NA 1 I want to add a new column to the existing data.frame named "Rank" which have values based on following assupmtions: if Ac...

thanks Frank
np, good answer
@Frank I"m wondering if the fact that DSM isn't responding is a good or a bad thing....
my guess is: busy or indifferent
@Frank thanks, though i'm definitely not the first one to come up with that
he was pretty ingaged
anyways, i think Shog should be open to switching the primary tag, since support for it was established in our meta post and...
A: How to change the primary tag/synonym

Shog9Like this: Suggested Retag/Synonym: team-foundation-service is now visual-studio-online You may need to catch a moderator's attention after sufficient discussion has taken place to establish support for the change.

might need another meta post, i suppose. i'm in no rush, now that we don't have a daily flow of qs to retag
@Frank it will be a dupe I'd guess
I don't know why Shog isn't responding to our pings
i don't think pings work unless you've been in the room recently. (i don't think mods/employees are susceptible to global pings from chat, or have never heard of it)
ok posted a comment
But how to catch your attention? I think we already had a sufficient discussion here (per your suggestion) but we can't reach you for quite a time now in order to unlock the dataframe "to rule them all" — David Arenburg 43 secs ago
you can click "start a new room" here: chat.stackoverflow.com/users/811
yeah, I don't want to start a new room cause we are active on different hours. I'd prefer to discuss it here
We are all set, lads
You already had Martijn's attention at one point there, @David... Anyway, you have mine now. I'll merge everything into dataframe & set up synonyms. — Shog9 ♦ 3 mins ago
@Frank After Shog finishes we could add a spark synonym as it won't be so Rish anymore.
great to have this done, good on ya
yeah, we all invested quite an effort in this-> Creating a Meta > Retaging 2K questions > driving Shog crazy > Another Meta > Writing a wiki > driving Shog crazy again
Delete (not an answer)
A: R - Join on data.table, selecting a different column based on value of another column in row

Frank@Arun, I have similar problem and found this solution. I tried to run this example, but got error message as below: DT1 <- data.table(A=c('A', 'B', 'C'), idx=c(1,2,3)) DT2 <- data.table(idx=c(1,2,3), A=c('foo1', 'foo2','foo3'), B=c('bar1','bar2','bar3'), C=c('baz1', 'baz2','baz3')) setkey(DT1...

@Frank @RomanLuštrik @ProcrastinatusMaximus it is done
@Frank what's the point fixing a question posted as an answer? We should just delete it
yeah, i'm not sure even what that Frank is asking there
voted to delete
@DavidArenburg weird, both of the deleted answers are from a "Frank". we sure are a confused bunch
(more likely, same user arriving/registering twice, i suppose)
@Frank the same user as the code is the same and the problem too
oh, didn't look that carefully
the guy doesn't get an hint though
@BraBhargavRao are you watching the transcript? You could as well just join I guess
am i the only one seeing this for the first time youtube.com/watch?list=RDMhllo1xQer8&v=Mhllo1xQer8
@DavidArenburg looks like you pinged his alter ego, BraBhargav, there
@Frank hmm... Wonder how that happened
But I'm sure he saw this- he protected the question we discussed like a second after we deleted the answer
ok, guess he saw you in the sidebar
I'm wondering if this a XY problem
Q: R: How to transform a sparce matrix into a lists (or transactions) by rows?

ElinaJI have data like this: ID=c("A123","A123","A123","A123","B456","B456","B456","C789","C789") item=c("bread", "butter", "milk", "eggs", "meat","milk", "peas", "peas", "meat") df=data.frame(cbind(ID, item)) ID item 1 A123 bread 2 A123 butter 3 A123 milk 4 A123 eggs 5 B456 meat 6 B456 mi...

@Frank in the side bar?
@DavidArenburg in the chat sidebar, i can see the most recent comment in every room i'm "in" under "other rooms you're in"
@Frank he isn't in this room
oh, guess he's just omniscient
anyway, I'm reopening that Q it seems
3 hours later…
@DavidArenburg nice!

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