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@StevenBeaupré really? Which OS you're running?
6 hours later…
Hi @Avinash :-)
@DavidArenburg that's sweet thanks :-) sorry for my absence last week, I had to deal with a sick girl and (most of all...) a sick husband :-S
hey @Jaap :-) hi @Tens :-)
@CathG so, you were in survival mode last week? ;-)
@Jaap yes, that could describe it ;-)
@germcd good morning
hi @germcd !
@CathG did you check my script?
@AvinashRaj which one ?
Is this a dupe?
Q: Aggregate 5-Minute data to hourly sums with present NA's

M. WeekerMy problem is as follows: I've got a time series with 5-Minute precipitation data like: Datum mm 1 2004-04-08 00:05:00 NA 2 2004-04-08 00:10:00 NA 3 2004-04-08 00:15:00 NA 4 2004-04-08 00:20:00 NA 5 2004-04-08 00:25:00 NA 6 2004-04-08 00:30:00 NA with this structure: 'data.frame':...

15 hours ago, by Avinash Raj
want to get review from you guys..
it's just a small script..
do you have a dupe target for that?
(I wouldn't be surprised that there several of them)
@zx8754 you mean Cross Validated? could also be closed as tool/tutorial request imo
@Jaap pick any random reason :)
what??? stackoverflow.com/questions/33866356/… is this about parallel computing?
Q: Adding the values of second column based on date and time of first column

ShamailaI have a data frame with 2 variables. the first column "X" represents date and time with format dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm, the values in the second column "Y" are the electricity meter reading which are taken each after 5 minutes. Now I want to add the values of each half an hour. For instance X ...

@germcd thanx, didn't see you comment at first
@Jaap Killed
muchos gracias :-)
morning folks
@TZHX morning!
@AvinashRaj You're looping twice, once to build the list, and then to build the output from the list, I would remove one loop (and maybe extract the print code into a separate function)
In short I would explode url_extractor in 3 functions, 1 to do the request, 1 to loop over the results, and 1 to print a question.
The printing one should take a parameter for ringing, and the loop one should take care of the if/else tree
@AvinashRaj That's just my thoughts while reading it, not writing python myself I can give any advice on the code itself
morning guys
hi @LyzandeR
what's up?
Hey @Jaap . Nothing much to be honest. Sad it 's Monday and double sad it 's -2C today. It's getting really cold :P
How re you ?
I actually like the cold weather :-)
most of the time it also measn the sun is shining :-)
@LyzandeR busy trying to finish my PhD thesis before December 31
I hibernate during such cold weather. I wanna be at home under the blankets and sleep until next April lol.
Nice, so your PHD is coming to an end soon
What are you gonna do next then? Continue in academia or move to the corporate world?
depends on how you define soon ;-)
my thesis won't be finished at 31-12, but I hope I will have the core chapters ready
after that I still have to write the general introduction and the general discussion
I see so that will take some time I guess :)
yep :-(
I had applied for a PHD too about 3 years ago but I found a job as well so didn't do it although I had my scholarship accepted.. Still not sure if it was the right move. I would be in the same situation as you now.
These American pricks
Spent whole day at the Consul just to get rejected cause I didnt bring a CV
why would I need a CV for the damn Visa
@LyzandeR I'm glad I did. It was a worthwhile learning experience & it was one of the main reasons why I got invited for a job-interview
@DavidArenburg that's new to me
Dont know why even bother so much
@DavidArenburg I went to the USA last year and only had to fill in a stupid ESTA-form
@Jaap Well, too late for me now I guess.. I like researching a lot and up to a point I get to do that in my job but the PHD would probably be better in that respect.
had to answer questions like: Are you a terrorist? duh ....
Hi @DavidArenburg . You got rejected from the embassy?
"Have you actively participated in a Genocide"
@LyzandeR it's never too late; I started with my PhD when I was 38
Oh, yeah, just came back from Africa where I extinguished a whole nation, does that count?
damn, was hoping to get that Visa anyway
hi btw
@Jaap That's nice. It's never too late then I guess. Btw you don't look 40 in that pic
(assuming it's you)
@LyzandeR you made my day :-) (and yes it's really me)
haha well it's true :)
@DavidArenburg Did you find a job in the US?
hi @TZHX hi @LyzandeR ! Hey @David :-)
@Jaap and you made mine : I always thought you were younger than me ;-)
hi @CathG
@CathG :-)
@CathG the big question that arises now: how old are you?
@Jaap ah-ah you can look in the "history" of the room to know that ;-p
@CathG, @Jaap 21
We're probably about the same age, I'll be 40 (o_O o_O o_O) next year...
@CathG yep, I'm 44
@germcd you could almost be our son !... (well, biologically speaking you could really be !)
@Jaap so I'm soooooo much younger than you ;-p
@germcd I guess @Avinash is about your age, maybe a bit older
@Tensibai Thanks . I should look at that. Is that works for you?
@AvinashRaj I didn't try it :)
@CathG mine 24..
@CathG I was saying that you were 21, women stay at 21 for many years
@germcd :-)
The tab view is enough for me
@CathG I'm 28
@Tensibai Which os you're running?
@germcd rofl, I thought you couldn't be that young ;-p
@AvinashRaj Win7
seems I'm the younger guy exists in this room..
@AvinashRaj I should have bet ;-)
@Tensibai beep sound won't work on windows.. I need to modify the script to support Windows also.
@AvinashRaj Yep I can't remember how to make a win box sound
@Tensibai It's possible. Currently I don't have any time to touch that. I should look at that once I get into my home..
like checking whether the os is windows or linux. If it's windows then use winsound module or use the current one.
@LyzandeR I wasnt looking for
@CathG hey
ok, lunchtime
@AvinashRaj python -c "print('\7')" taken from here
it fails to work on UBuntu..
What about windows?
@DavidArenburg were you rejected visa or appointment to apply?
@DavidArenburg on the bright side, usually the 1st visa is pain, then it gets easier.
@zx8754 They asked me for CV and gave a reject note
but I think they only mean that I need to send the CV
hope so, cause I already scheduled a flight
@germcd like all the women have 36 shoes size :)
sadly I can't find that "Love and Marries" chapter
@DavidArenburg @germcd like all the women's sweat smell like roses
@zx8754 Women don't sweat
"Horses sweat, men perspire, women glow" :P
@DavidArenburg Never heard that one
@DavidArenburg Haven't seen that in years, he's in Modern family now
@germcd I don't watch TV anymore so Ill take your word for it :)
and I'm done voting for mods :-) (until I eventually change my mind...)
you guys should give the first prefernce to josliber
@AvinashRaj already done that :-)
@AvinashRaj yep indeed ;-)
@AvinashRaj dont know about it
I just vote according to my gut feeling
@DavidArenburg I mostly watch netflix
Does anyone in here speak Slovak?
@RomanLuštrik trochu, preco?
A perfect!
I want to write "species: lynx, wolf". So far I have "druh: vlk, rys".
Would you say that's fine or would you put it differently?
I will ask my wife, she is slovak :)
Krasne! :)
waiting for wife to respond, Google says: "druhy: rys, vlk"
Researchers in Slovakia will sample lynx and wolf urine and scats and I'm adapting our labels for their needs. Unfortunately we used it only for wolves and now I need to add other species as well.
and now I'm wondering how one can pronounce "vlk"...
@CathG as is
@zx8754 so... not ? ;-p
@CathG yes as is - vlk
not veee el kay
@zx8754 Yeah, I tried a few different things on google translate, but I got mixed results, which is why I want to check it with a native speaker.
@RomanLuštrik top ! thanks, so, as I hear it : vlok :-)
@CathG i dont hear "o"
@zx8754 that's because you're not French ;-) but it's an "o" that's a bit like a french "e" too... (so maybe something like vloek : yes yes French need to add vowel(s)...)
I hear an o...
in Russian it would be "volk"
@zx8754 Same in Slovene, but 'vuk' in Croatian and Serbian.
lynx is rys, right?
@RomanLuštrik I have seen my wife using this website - slovnik.azet.sk
And you pronounce that "reese" as in "Reese's pieces".
@zx8754 I get druh and druhy. :P
@RomanLuštrik yummy :-)
@CathG I've never tasted them or even seen them, it's just a phrase I learned from the internet/TV. :)
@RomanLuštrik ok wife agrees with Google
@RomanLuštrik peanut butter wrapped up in chocolate :-)
druhy is plural of druh
Ok, thanks. I want it in singular.
so it is ""druhy: rys, vlk"
Because people will mark a checkbox for which species they're taking the sample.
I see
ok druh makes sense, too.
@RomanLuštrik wife is having a look...
@RomanLuštrik "dni" should be with long i - "dní"
Thanks for the head's up.
Thank you for all your help. I gotta run home as I haven't eaten in 7 hours. :)
@Tensibai did you remove that Hebrew Calendar Code Golf answer?
am I missing something or does my comment under this overcomplicated - to me- answer makes sense ???...
@CathG When you in a desperate need for a pipe, nothing is overcomplicated
@CathG, that is indeed correct, nice. I will add it as an option. I will keep the other options there because they solve more generic problems. — Paul Hiemstra 5 mins ago
... no comment... ;-)
like apply(a, 2, cor, y = b) can help solve more generic problem than doing cor(b, a)... why not... but I like his edit :-D
hullo all
this election widget thing josilber made is neat: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/310694/…
@DavidArenburg Nope, why ?
@Tensibai oh nvm, I couldn't find it again but I see it now
You were missing ugly looking code ?
I've not that much answers on code golf for needing a deep research :)
you just posted additional 2 answers since then
didnt know you are so active there :)
Was kind of bored waiting something to complete, and wished to make some thinking on golfing with R
@Frank nice one
seems like a lot of effort
didn't know he knows so many languages
Maybe I'm missing something, but if you run a linear model repeatedly you'll get the same result if you don't change the variables right? stackoverflow.com/questions/33877464/…
@PierreLafortune yeah, weird that no one has asked that...
@PierreLafortune post a comment?
shall we send cousin pete to codereview? stackoverflow.com/q/33874622/1191259
we can't, it's in beta right?
Oh, not any more. But we still can't send it like stats.stack
yeah, i mean like recommend that he go there. i'm not that familiar with CR so figured i'd ask y'all
hi again
hullo Jaap
finaly added that set alternative this afternoon to an old(er) answer
yup, got your ping. this new gh issue is related i think: github.com/Rdatatable/data.table/issues/1441
seem like it
the surprising thing is that on large datasets the lapply alternative is just as fast while it is a lot slower on small datasets
@Jaap only problem with lapply is if you're RAM-constrained, i guess, since an intermediate object the size of .SD has to be created before it is assigned
but yeah, i wouldn't expect it to be vastly slower on small data sets... guess it depends which direction you're expanding your example in (rows or cols)
@Frank so, expanding the example in column would be a disadvantage for lapply?
@Jaap yeah, i'm guessing
This data.table call didn't do what I expected:
dt[,.SD := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols=meas_cols]
I figured it would reassign the columns
Neither did: dt[, meas_cols := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols=meas_cols]
@Frank tried it on 45 cols instead of 3; still no big difference (`lapply is just 4% slower)
@PierreLafortune this should work: dt[, (meas_cols) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols=meas_cols] see here for an example (and an alternative with for(...) set(...))
@Jaap yeah, i don't want to tax my computer's memory, but i guess that is the case where it would make a difference -- when fitting another copy of DT in memory (in the form of the intermediate lapply(.SD,as.x) object) forces the OS to do some memory-moving work, slowing things down -- it's not really a situation i ever find myself in, though
@PierreLafortune there's a feature request along those lines, fwiw github.com/Rdatatable/data.table/issues/795
@Jaap Thx that works perfectly
@PierreLafortune an alternative: for (col in meas_cols) set(dt, j = col, value = as.numeric(dt[[col]]))
Now I'm working on dropping all columns that aren't in id_cols and meas_cols. I think I remember the syntax
dt[, (meas_cols) := NULL] should do it
this worked set(dt, j=which(!names(dt) %in% c(meas_cols, id_cols)), value=NULL)
that'll do it
@Jaap I think that would drop meas_cols, no?
@PierreLafortune yep
at some point, i think j had to be a single value... dunno when it got extended to take a vec
@PierreLafortune does: dt[, c(meas_cols, id_cols) := NULL] also work?
@Jaap It does. But it has the opposite effect that I'm looking for
I'm hoping to keep those columns and delete everything else
@PierreLafortune DT[, setdiff(names(DT), keep_cols) := NULL] is one standard way
That looks good. thx Fran
np, Pie :)
think I misread your comment; thought you wanted to drop these columns
method of @Frank is indeed the way to go then
I didn't know DT1 - DT2 worked. Just tried it
DT = structure(list(id = c("A", "B", "C", "D"), a1 = c(-1.11, 0.61,
0.28, 1.16), b1 = c(-0.83, 0.73, -0.87, -0.45), c1 = c(-1.58,
-0.85, -1.09, -0.48), a2 = c(-1.68, 0.09, 1.35, 0.72), b2 = c(1.19,
-0.29, 0.83, -0.29), c2 = c(-0.34, -0.15, -0.24, 1.89)), .Names = c("id",
"a1", "b1", "c1", "a2", "b2", "c2"), row.names = c(NA, -4L), class = c("data.table",
I wanted to see if I could subtract the columns with "1" by the columns with "2" in one call
This works DT[,grep("2", names(DT)), with=F] - DT[,grep("1", names(DT)), with=F]
sure, though here's my usual response: use matrices if that's what you're up to, eh
fun to tag a question with and see a flood of answers and votes come in. trying it out again now: stackoverflow.com/q/33880251/1191259
anyone use notepad++ here? i'm trying to modify its auto code coloring (which somehow thinks "city" is a keyword in R)
well, that was disappointing. the tag only brought two answers and one vote. last time, it was like four answers and 20 votes

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