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@CathG @Tensibai are you guys safe, because just now I heared about the terrorist attack in France.
4 hours later…
2 hours later…
@PLapointe A loop with exceptions sounds more automated and perhaps easier to maintain down the line?
@AvinashRaj You don't watch the news at all, aren't you
You'll live linger probably- less stressed
@AvinashRaj yes, don't worry, we live in Nantes (or near for Tens) so we're shocked but totally alive.
Hi everyone btw
@DavidArenburg ya..
@erasmortg, congrats for the job offer !! :-)
@CathG hi
catch you later
hi @David :-) ok
hi all!
hey @Jaap :-)
So your interview went nicely friday :-) congrats ! when is the 2nd one ?
yep :-) had a good feeling about it afterwards, but was really surprised that they called already after 1.5hrs (they still have to interview several other candidates)
at the end of the week I will hear when the second interview will take place
the whole experience gave me quite a boost in confidence that I don't have to worry too much about a job
Hello again
Good morning
@zx8754 hi man
so I see the French police finally takes some action and closing some Mosques
hi @zx8754 (re-hi @David)
so whats up Cath
hows stuff
My guess La Pen is going to win next elections
I hope not @DavidArenburg
@Tensibai its probably inevedible
@DavidArenburg I wouldn't be so sure, I still have faith in my fellow citizens... tbh I'm not feeling so well but it's of course nothing compare to people would have lived this horror and/or who have friends/family who died in it....
If this ISIS madness will continue
Honestly I'm more worried for the Syrians actually, it may turn a real nightmare for them
(I'm talking about civilians obvisouly)
@Tensibai You mean by France closing its borders?
Cause its a real nightmare for them for the past 5 years already
Nope I mean by a level up in term of army action in Syria
it is already a nightmare but yes it will probably get even worse
Her @CathG get what I eman
And yes was already a nightmare, I badly worded my idea
dont think France is going to hurt citizens
if EU will get more involved it could weaken ISIS
Side casualties
could be good for Syrians
in the long perspective
Well Afghanistan has not shown something really positive
because there is no real alterantive
both sides are blood thirsty terrorists
@DavidArenburg I too deeply hope that
Assad is no better than ISIS
neither Al Quaida
OR the Rebels
The Rebels Will make a Genocide if Assad will lose
ISIS will do the same
That's why I can't see anything getting out of all of this
Probably Assad is the best option
Just like Sadam Hussain was
I dont see an end to any conflict in the Middle East
Is it me or we are closing all the givemetehcodez questions today instantly?
Tired of goodies, baddies, terrorists, blame, media crap, everyone is a smartass,, sympathy empathy is out of proportions, yawn basically.
Lately I am leaning towards this quote by Sherlock: "What the deuce is it to me? You say that we go round the sun. If we went round the moon it would not make a pennyworth of difference to me or to my work."
Not sure what you trying to say. That we should ignore everything that happens and just move on?
@DavidArenburg I am trying to say take it easy. It is never a simple black and white, and noone will ever be 100% right. And if I cannot do anything that could have an effect to situation, then whatever I say is just a rattle, no different from pressing "Like" button on facebook.
morning guys
At work, today we are having a minute of silence for victims of Paris, it is tragic, but to me it is no different from any other day when 1000+ children die of dirty water, etc.
sad things happening in Europe lately...
Hi all..
@zx8754 It's just a discussion. Even if I can't really do anything, people have thoughts and feelings that they need to express and discuss. BTW, regarding "Like" on FB, that could actually make a difference if a huge amount of people supporting some petition that calls the government to act and etc. Social media has a lot of influence in reality too
@LyzandeR Hi Teo
@LyzandeR sad things happen every day everywhere, we just like to focus on small part of and cry
@zx8754 Showing solidarity is important
it is also important to remember the history
@zx8754 True, but this thing now is getting big init?
@Heroka hi
@LyzandeR we have around 130 dead from Friday, I don't wish to compare in any way, but I'm pretty sure there's more civilians dying in Syria each week
@DavidArenburg agree but "out of proportion" is the key. We only choose to care if we can relate
@LyzandeR yes in EU, overall in the world, misery is just the same I guess
That's just the human nature I guess
could be great if it could open eyes of some extremists of all sides, but I've hardly hope this will happen, our French politicians are already having a disgusting speech :(
@Tensibai Yeah that's true. But we help the refugees right (at least I want to think that)? It is the first time Europe is in an actual war. People are afraid now in Europe.
@LyzandeR EU have been in actual war thru its whole history
@zx8754 Too much turbulence at the moment. Lots of countries are at war.
We had to world wars only in the last century
I don't know if we really help at all
@Tensibai I think you do
@DavidArenburg Well in general yeah, but the last few years there were no active wars, or maybe just a few isolated war operations. Now it is like a proper war. I don't know if this is kind of the beginning of WWIII
accepting refugees helps alot to them
@DavidArenburg when you see how they are treated at arrival... well
even if they weren't refuges, coming to live from a thirld world country to the first worls country is huge for them
@LyzandeR don't know, there was the war in Afghanistan and Iraq in the last years
so dont see anyhting new
there was a Genocide all over Africa for the last decades
@DavidArenburg I was in the army doing my national service during the Afganistan war. We only trained the Afghan army there.
(I wasnt in afganistan)
The americans operated there
@LyzandeR I was in the Israel during my service and we have a war here every two years
An official one
@DavidArenburg Yeah I bet you ve seen really bad things there..
unofficially we have missiles flying on civilian cities every day
@AvinashRaj done
@LyzandeR I havnt actually luckely
i saw worse things near my home
And yes, it is possible that we are heading towards WW3
@DavidArenburg I bet it was and it probably is still awful... I was a bit shocked with the Paris attack, probably because it is the first time a war has come so close to myself
@LyzandeR You are in Greece, no?
And I use the most crowded tube stations daily
things are not better in Greece either though.
@LyzandeR yeah, you had some bad experience there back in 2005 I rememeber
Hi @TZHX, havnt seen you a while
almost 1m refugees at the moment. Daily shootings with traffickers. Trying to find the terrorists among the actual refugees who need help.. Really bad situation
Yeah I wasnt here in 2005, but lots of people died back then
@LyzandeR 1m, its alot, wow
all in the islands that have a population of a few thousands.
the situation is difficult there
Id guess
Id bet its still better than Syria
at least no one tries to kill them
for sure. Imagine that they take the risk to come to Greece. Lots of them drown because the traffickers put them in boats that could only carry 20~30 people at most. And they are 150 on each boat.
the mayor of Lesvos announced that the cemeteries of the island are full. It is a devastating situation..
Yeah, a tricky situation
on one hand you must help, on the other hand you are putting your citizens into great risk
Greece is also in a very bad Economical shape
people are helping in general. They have even taken refugees in their houses
but then again 2 of the terrorists of Paris came through greece pretending to be refugees.
@DavidArenburg hi, yes. actually had some work to do last while. :)
@TZHX yeah, we all do. It's still not preventing us from wasting our time :)
My apologies. I'm a very poor multi-tasker.
@TZHX There is no such thing as multi-tasking, but multi-failing.
Oh! I'm very good at that. :)
@zx8754 interesting
Meanings of "interesting"
1. Interesting
2. Remarkably boring
3. Suspicious
4. Curious
5. I'm afraid I'm not listening
6. You've lost me
Didn't know there are so many legal immigrants every year to US
@zx8754 the first one
7. That makes me want gumballs for breakfast.
not sure how 4 differes
@DavidArenburg Here (UK) we usually mean: 2,5,6
@zx8754 I think it was pretty easy to comprehend
My guess though, there are some other xenophobic motives behind this lecture too
@DavidArenburg I watched this ages ago, don't know the details. the point is, solution should be at the source.
yea, but then it escalates very quickly to a huge problem
Helping 6.2 Billion people is a bit harder than 1mm
@DavidArenburg but not impossible
@Jaap How can you know?
There is also a question of resources and how much the US government/citizens are ready to invest in this
I don't think there can be any solution that can scale to cover the entire population of the world.
It's not only about resources, but also about trade barriers or intellectual property rights
and for each individual resources are finite, with the most limited one being "giving a shit".
The biggest issue is that many populations in the world dont want Western solutions
America is trying to stick its Democracy into the Middle East for quite a while now, without a single success
I'm not talking about Democrazy
@TZHX resources are indeed finite; but if we could stop wasting so much ......
I feel like this is being asked hourly and answered by the same user
Q: Convert string to data format

ghbI have a large number of strings of the following format: a <- "19260701" I would like to convert these do the following date format: 1926-07-01 when I try: as.Date(a, "%Y-%m-%d") I get NA

@DavidArenburg gotta get them reps.
(and is a member of GMT as well)
not really
its not about rep I guess, rather we need some canonical dupe for this
to kill instantly
Quick, see my reputation.
my aim is to get 111111
@Jaap I didn't invite him yet, had planned to wait until he reached 1000. Shall I do it now?
@Heroka i invited him already last week ;-)
@Jaap thanks. Do you know when your second interview is?
k, found an exact dupe
@Heroka not yet, they will let me know by the end of the week
@Heroka did you hear anything?
@Jaap nice, not too long too wait. I got a phonecall this weekend informing me that they were deciding between me and someone else. And decided on the other person.
@Heroka ouch
@Heroka ohh
A common bs excuse of the "It's not you, it's me" type
which position?
@Heroka that's a pity; but try to look at it from the positive side: you made it to the last two!
@Jaap exactly. That's what I'm taking away from it.
@Avinash an MD-position (a junior-doctor like position, hard to translate)
@Heroka ahhhhh. Doctor??
And Avi strikes again with the most unclear question ever that only akrun understands
Q: Effecient way for filtering dataframe by column value

AviI have the following dataframe (DF1), which contains much more rows (this is only the head of the dataframe): "transactionID" "sequenceID" "eventID" "items" "1" 29698 40928360 1 "OV4" "2" 23561 41469527 1 "OV6" "3" 23562 41469527 2 "OV7" "4" 10514 41487127 1 "OV8" "5" 10515 41487127 2 "OV9" "6" ...

hmm, he actually listened to my advice..
what's that feel like?
good :)
a rare event on SO
indeed. for some, it's rare in the real world also (depending on your political skills)
its all about the attitude
mice sucks
/me just gets annoyed when people don't pay attention when I'm so obviously right.
and then manufacture evidence to try and prove me wrong, rather than acknowledge the problem.
and then, even when I release a fix that demonstratably improves things, don't accept that maybe I know what I'm talking about in general -- and just think "oh, they got lucky" or "it's a coincidence".
@TZHX sounds familiar
hi all
i find the voting here quite strange: stackoverflow.com/q/33727076/1191259
Veerendra's answer depends on (1) x being numeric and (2) the second highest value being exactly one less than the highest value...
oh, and (3) the second highest value occurring exactly once
@Frank I havn't read it but I call it "oh a shorter code! Lets hordvote it!" symptome
very common on SO
yeah, i think so
I agree one-liner with intended output
c(2,3,8) -- even better
or "use mutate from dplyr" always does the trick too
@DavidArenburg 2 %>% c(., .+1, .^3)
@Frank that works?
you have a sick mind
I had to downvote that answer. It doesn't work
Hi @Tensibai how are things in your area today?
As usual
@Tens stop the drama please :)
ah, you didnt get it..
Sorry, got it after
I meant its like you never show feels
I'm not really good at expressing feelings, usually when I try I end up looking as an asshole, so I avoid being too much talkative with it
And I'm already late of 15 mins for a meeting .. woots
See you later :)
good use of your time then :)
HI guys! @PierreLafortune did you check the edit?
@VeerendraGadekar hi
Yes. I think it works now
hi Veerendra
was going to comment there: I'm not saying that the other two options are invalid, but that this one is better on account of its extensibility to a higher number of drops.
also, i think max(x != max(x)) is a logical and hence gets coerced to integer as a 0/1 vector
oh, a 0/1 scalar
happens to work in this case since it takes the value 1, which is the position that needs dropping
which.max(replace(x,x==max(x),-Inf)) for the second drop would work, but be inefficient and, again, hard to extend
@Frank yes, in that way there is no need of ordering the whole sequence. But I agree if there is a need of multiple drops then it is not good option
@VeerendraGadekar you get what i mean about the logical being coerced to 0/1 right?
if i use x2 = rev(x) with your answer, it doesn't drop the right stuff
good point @Frank. Maybe change to max(x[x != max(x)])
I think that was the intention. True @VeerendraGadekar?
@PierreLafortune that doesn't work for index droppng
Not sure what you mean by index dropping
x is a length 5 vec and that'd be x[-c(4,7)]
yep. I see. It's all mixed up in there. Part index reference, part value reference
@Frank yes It is a big blunder now, let me change that
It should prob be scrapped altogether
@Frank @PierreLafortune x[-c(which.max(x), which.max(x[x != max(x)]))] should be fine right
No. the second which.max is a subset of a subset
guys I have a shitty internet connection here..
if i do max I get the value not the index right
not with which.max
It retruns the location of the first max value, not the max value itself
@PierreLafortune that is what is required right since the first max is taken out
@VeerendraGadekar no, indices in x[some_subset] might not align with indices in x
OK I am not getting it lets say v = c(5, 6, 7, 2, 3)
yeah you are right!
try x = c(7, 6, 5, 1)
@VeerendraGadekar Yes it works in that case, but that is bc you happen to have the second highest value located before the highest. Try Frank's example
Yes I did
thanks i understand it now
a tool request from a 3 years old use <sigh>
@VeerendraGadekar i'm guessiing there's a way to get it to work. nothing comes to mind beyond the awkward replace thing, though
@Frank Yes I guess sorting is must in this case
@CathG thanks! I already accepted and all, signed the contract and sent it, it's just the formalities now :)
@Frank I mean, the elegant way is to use sort as @RichardScriven did
@erasmortg oh congrats man
@Frank what do you think about this: x[-c(which.max(x), which(x < max(x))[1])]
@VeerendraGadekar which(x < max(x))[1] is the first lower than the max, not the highest
thanks @DavidArenburg this one looks pretty interesting
hope it is
got to love your job
the culture from the place, given the people ive met, seem pretty laid back, something i appreciate tremendously too
it was a super long process though... been applying and having interviews since august... a little bit too extreme i think
@erasmortg yes, im in a middle a similar process
past like 5 stages and ive began it somewhere in August too
what do you guys think about this Meta
Q: Apparently AGE bigotry is OK on Stack Overflow

MogsdadI flagged this post as offensive, as it contained a "funny program" that declared people over the age of 50 as "dead". If we substituted race or gender for age, that would clearly be hate literature. A moderator disputed the flag: flags should only be used to make moderators aware of conten...

as someone who doesn't fall into the offended group, I'm hesitant to comment
@TZHX I think its just a rant
like someone wrote some silly code and they suggest to delete the whole question
but I think it's an over-reaction / someone looking for a reason to be offended. walk through any "birthdays" section where people sell greetings cards, and you'll see far worse.
You're moving places dave? your planned trip to California didn't pan out? (also, can i call you 'dave' @DavidArenburg?)
to call stuff like that "bigotry" just devalues real instances where people could have cause to be offended and makes anyone saying "that's offensive" sound like an idiot.
@erasmortg no, not yet
(my hesitation obviously didn't last...)
the trip should go as planned
ahh i see
but im just going thru this process so long so I want to see how it ends
@TZHX the questions was deleted by mods. Stange decision IMO
@erasmortg dave is fine
many people call me that
I didn't manage to see the question.
I assume they just felt "this question isn't worth the time"?
or a load of people rushed to flag it as offensive?
/me shrugs
it was very heavely MEta affected
with -20 DV
so they probably thought it crap anyway
@TZHX it's already deleted by a mod
I agree completely @TZHX, particularly with the birthday cards. I mean, one could think that the asker was right (in a stringent application of the policy), but it's a total overkill
yeh. that's what made me unable to see it. :)
many changes ahead then, @David, hopefully for the better :)
@erasmortg Im not sure if ill take the job if got accepted. Will see
thanks though
my main purpose is to have several offers so I can ask for raise (hopefully)
ahh you mean to stay where you are? that's a bold strategy, pitting them against your current one, but hey, i've seen it work!
its not so bold
@DavidArenburg looking for a job too?
if they say no, Ill switch job
if they say yes, I'll stay
potenicially nothing to lose, no?
thought you were planning to stay
I thought that was the standard way to get a raise in technology industry?
I'm not sure
it's we are all playing musical chairs professionally in this room, might want to change the name to reflect that :p
@TZHX exactly
@Jaap My current slalry is pretty low
and I'm trying to get it higher as I need to feed 6 people
@DavidArenburg They might see you as likely to leave and start looking for your replacement
@germcd yeah, that could be
i thought of that
then ill lose both jobs :(
do your employers stalk your SO activity?
@DavidArenburg There are plenty of articles on counter-offers
@TZHX hope not
@TZHX it got approved by Jon Skeet in comments
That's no problem @Stryner. They aren't allowed to have accounts on any of the sites. So feel free to insult those bed wetting noobs. — Bart 45 mins ago
wonder what Mr HMisc is cooking up now. been a while since i used that package
Q: Elegant way to define a function inside another function

Frank HarrellI want to construct f <- function(...) { g <- function(x) x ^ 2 list(...) } so that I can invoke using f(g(4)) and have list(...) result in list(16). In general I will define several temporary functions inside f that the user can invoke when calling f(...). I have experimented with ass...

oh, never mind, read the latter half of the question and now i know. d'oh
Yeah, I havnt used this package at all but it had its glory
@Frank I was working on the Map question and added an answer. Were you going to add?
you have essentially the same in the comments
@PierreLafortune nope, go ahead. i didn't want to try it out without an example
your dynamic DF-grabber `mget(ls(pattern="f\\d{4}"))` isn't much better than just assuming a char vector of names exists (as it does in the OP), since you need every DF to have corresponding entries in your `identifier_*` vectors

also, seems kind of weird to be depending on the sortedness of `ls()` results
right. the vector would be better
i'd create an auxiliary data.frame(list_fam, identifer_fam, identifier_ind), prolly
and then pass cols
also, i'd totally lecture them about "assign" and/or give 'em a link that does the job
looks like the op went afk immediately after posting, so maybe not worth it
halfway through setting up the example I realized the setup will take more time than the answer :/ too late
i feel like we should send every Rilcon post to the "first posts" queue
@DavidArenburg what are they trying to do here? stackoverflow.com/questions/33740156/…
@PierreLafortune probably something like m[, "frequency"] <- table(unlist(m[, -(1:3)]))[as.character(m[, 1])]
But their matrix notation confuses me
@PierreLafortune this seems to be flawless m[, "frequency"] <- tabulate(unlist(m[, -(1:3)]))[m[, 1]]
k, gtg
cool, later
I don't think it's really a matrix
eh, even if it's not, there's matrix in the title and body, so downvoting as "not helpful"
(having only read the first line)
@Frank I was thinking about the earlier question we were discussing about and I could come up with no better than this x[-c(which.max(x), match(range(x[x != max(x)])[2], x))] again this would be not ideal if multiple drops are required
@VeerendraGadekar by.x = as.integer(x), by.y = 1 -- this is just luck/happenstance based on the particular example Pierre came up with. it should be done based on the names
@VeerendraGadekar oh, that's an interesting way
pretty similar to the other answer, in using match
doesn't require sorting everything, though
@Frank yeah! just thinking to undelet the answer :P
range(...)[2] could just be max, though, right?
@Frank yes
@Frank so I undeleted the answer, and used just max there in match
@Frank True, I was just working around with @PierreLafortune sample data. I will just keep the answer just in case if anybody is interested..
> Just assigning names directly is shorter and more readable:

> data %>% `names<-`(paste0('cars.', names(.)))
from here: stackoverflow.com/a/33741439/1191259 i made such a suggestion as a joke the last time this came up stackoverflow.com/questions/30382908/…
seems bizarre to call that "more readable"...
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