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So what I have done so far is created a model to database EF5 Which contains the tables you see in question. I then created a controller of the Post table, with read create edit delete functions.
I thought a chat session would be a bit easier to work out the logic
Let me tell you what part of your problem seems to be as I see it
What im looking to do under the Create action in my PostController is add in some functionality to add a tag during a users create post.
you want a relationship between a Post and a Tag, so you set up a many to many. However, you can't create a link to Tag from post until the Post is created, and you want to create the Tag before creating the Post
Also, many to many implies that more than one Post might share the same Tag, so you need to be able to see if the Tag already exists first
er sorry I dont want to create the tag before the post
Which means, you can't really reasonably create the Tag on the client. Also, it means that using ModelFor or foreach wouldn't make sense, because the Tag collection on an empty Post is also empty.
not fussed in the order but obviously post first then tag and then link them all in the one view
You want to create the Tag at the same time as the Post, unless the Tag already exists.
So the order would be Post - Tag - PostTagMap the current post and the current tag(s)
Not really, because of how Entity Framework functions, you'll actually be creating the subordinate object before the primary object
which means, if your primary object is a Post, you either have to create the Tag or find an existing Tag first, else you will have 2 database calls.
and as far as that PostTagMap table is concerned, you won't ever interact with it.
Ah ok
Right, Entity Framework will automatically fill in the Id from the Tag and Post classes as they are created
Let's talk server side first
Let's say, you create a Post, it now has an empty Tag collection. You then add a new Tag to the collection, and lastly do SaveChanges().
Yeah I have a few posts at the moment. I can manually assign them with my current edit method I used.
however it requires me hardcoding the int id of the post.
at the moment only one post is assigned to one tag
EF will actually process those in the reverse order. It will first add the Tag to the Tag table, which will return an Id for that Tag. It will then add the Post, and get that Id. Then it will add the Id values to the PostTagMap table.
but it will do that all in one SQL query
that sounds ok, but how when I cant even access a textbox (editorfor) for the Post/Create view?
what that results in is that every time, you will get a new Tag, even if there is already a Tag with the same name in the database (not exactly many to many)
so, that's why you have to do things in a different order, so that you can preserve the many to many
the logic you want is that you have a textbox which has a string in it
cant you add in a linq statement to check if the name already exists for instance .Find(Tag.Name) if returns false carry on creating tag if returns true then populate something?
on the server, you look the Tag up in the database, and if it exists, then you add that Tag to the Post. If it doesn't already exist in the database, then you add the new Tag to the post.
yeah see above
so you don't really use ModelFor, since your text box is really a "search" box, it's not literally a Tag.
now on the edit form, you can use foreach and then model.Tag.Name, since the Tag collection should have at least one element in it
but on the create form, foreach doesn't mean anything, since the specific Post you are creating has an empty Tag collection, there isn't anything to iterate through.
well you have the logic down but I am never going to be able to write this
unless you wanted to iterate through all of the Tags (and in that case, you'd probably use a ViewBag)
so what should be used in the create view?
Well, I think what you probably want to do is use Partials
what you really want is a form within a form
I did think of that but being so new to mvc I have no clue how to use them.
so what you want is to create a Partial view, that is just the Tag create piece, with a text box for Name and an add button, that is linked to the create action on the Tag Controller
in your Post view, you use @Html.Partial("TagPartial") to render it
Create a view, there's an option to "Create as a partial view" on the view create dialog.
so Controller/PostController inside my cs file in my create method click add view then select the dialog box for partial
no, not PostController, sorry TagController.
ah ok
So tagcontroller... create?
or details?
or index or edit
I would go to the Views/Shared folder, then Add -> View
strongly typed?
Give the view a name, check the option for Strongly Typed, Tag
ok I have an empty TagPartial.cshtml file in the shared folder
it doesnt have a _ like Layout tho
right, it should only have one line, @Model Tag
    <div class="editor-field">
add this to my create view
no mine has @Model MyBlogger.tag
right, I didn't mention the namespace heh
sorry ment MyBlogger.Tag
ok so that partial file needs the EditorFor model.Name and an add button
the add button should call an action on your TagController that takes care of either looking up the Tag or creating a new one.
you know how to create new controller actions, right?
@model MyBlogger.Tag

<div class="editor-field">
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Name)

<div class="editor-label">
@Html.TextAreaFor(model => model.Description)
<div class="editor-field">
@Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.UrlSlug)

<input type="submit" value="Create" />
I was going to take care of urlslug and description in code behind but my database table entrys are not nulls so for easeness i will add them just now
yeah i know how to create actions
The input button needs to call a specific controller action (value= won't work), since this is a partial that goes on other pages, the action would be on the page controller.
i.e. that button would call Post Create, which isn't really what you want
yeah true
you'll have to use actionlink instead so it always goes to Tag Create even when it's on a Post page
@model MyBlogger.Tag

<div class="editor-field">
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Name)

<div class="editor-label">
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Description)
<div class="editor-field">
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.UrlSlug)

<input type="submit" value="Create" />
Can you point out where action link is going?
as you can see in the image I have two create buttons
the 3 textboxes are for name, description, create
from the partial view
btw here is my code if you want to follow with me
right, so you should probably treat this exactly like a full post action
Yeah I get that I only want the one create button but where is the action link going?
i.e. it's really the same as if you had a Tag create link somewhere
it's going to the Create action on the TagController
the Create action that has the Post verb on it
@Html.ActionLink("", "Create", "Tag",
New With {.id = currentItem.CustomerId}, New With {.class = "btn"})
@model MyBlogger.Tag

<div class="editor-field">
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Name)

<div class="editor-label">
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Description)
<div class="editor-field">
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.UrlSlug)

@Html.ActionLink("", "Create", "Tag")
sorry pasted wrong
@model MyBlogger.Tag

<div class="editor-field">
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Name)

<div class="editor-label">
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Description)
<div class="editor-field">
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.UrlSlug)

@Html.ActionLink("", "Create", "Tag")
hmmm {"Value cannot be null or empty.\r\nParameter name: linkText"}
Try this
@using(Html.BeginForm("Create", "Tag")){
then just a submit button should work fine
err sorry
that should be Tag, not Post heh
@model MyBlogger.Tag

@using(Html.BeginForm("Create", "Tag"))
<div class="editor-field">
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Name)

<div class="editor-label">
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Description)
<div class="editor-field">
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.UrlSlug)

@Html.ActionLink("Tag", "Create", "Tag", routeValues: null, htmlAttributes: new { title = "View" })
why the button tho?
with the @using, you can use a regular submit button instead of the actionlink
I dont follow?
so you dont want the action link?
<input type="submit" value="Create" /> would actually work
@model MyBlogger.Tag

@using(Html.BeginForm("Create", "Tag"))
<div class="editor-field">
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Name)

<div class="editor-label">
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Description)
<div class="editor-field">
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.UrlSlug)

@Html.ActionLink("Tag", "Create", "Tag", routeValues: null, htmlAttributes: new { title = "View" })
<input type="submit" value="Create" />
you can remove the @Html.ActionLink
so what now?
sorry, this is complex, and it's been a while, so I'm trying to remember everything we need to do
actually, I don't think this is exactly right either
we need the Post to know that the Tag was created, yes?
well I tried creating a tag in my post create view and it flung an error because I did not fill out the other details
so really it's probably necessary for the Post to have a CreateTag action, so it can keep track of what's going on
ok I just tried to create a post along with the tag and no tag was created
that was using the create post button not the create tag button
the post is in my database tho
that link you gave me is out of date, by the way
it doesn't actually have any posts or tags in it
but, I think we still have the partial just slightly wrong
<a><img width=127 height=145 border=0/></a><br /><div style=font-size:9px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;width:127px;font-color:#44a854;> <a >share files free</a></div>
it is working for me?
download this file?
I'm opening the new link now
I dont know if you will get my database tho
no, that still looks like it's an old version of your project
either way, we can work through this
I have about 30 minutes
yeah sorry I uploaded it when we started talking I never got to the stage of adding in the partial view
but if you just do what I did
and add the partial view to the shared folder
it's older than that, it didn't even have your models in it
either way, let's keep working through this a bit more
ok, so we need a CreateTag action on the Post controller
sorry I uploaded one I started ages back not my current one
MyBlogger I added Blogger instead grrr
no worries
ok so the action needs to take a Tag, and it needs to search in the database to see if the tag exists
So am I creating an action in TagController?
Or in PostController
o soz wait missed ur above comment
the PostController needs a new action, something like CreateTag(Tag newTag)
then you need to do something like:
public ActionResult CreateTag(Tag tag)

return View();
get or post?
Tag existingTag = db.Tag.Where(t => t.Name == newTag.Name);
if (existingTag == null) {
hmm, sorry that isn't going to work either
BlogEntities does not contain a defintion for Tag db.Tag
here is the correct file
ugh I haven't done this kind of thing in months
and I'm having a hard time working through this logic on the fly right now
    public ActionResult CreateTag(Tag tag)
        Tag existingTag = db.Tags.Where(t => t.Name == tag.Name);
        return View();
sorry sometimes I use pseudocode when I'm not 100% sure the names of things
like your dbContext and such
it says I Error 1 Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Linq.IQueryable<MyBlogger.Tag>' to 'MyBlogger.Tag'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)
yeah, this isn't going to work anyway
disregard this line of thought for now
ok well you have my source code
yeah let me look at it, try a few things, and see what I can come up with
altho you will need to create a sql query from my model and populate your sql database with my model
we are a bit further anyway, you've at least seen how to create a partial based on a different model
now I just have to remember how to hook it up to the properties the right way
but maybe you'll figure it out if you poke around with it some
I probably wont
well I'll mess around with it some
and the transcript of this chat will stay available as long as the question related to it exists
maybe someone else will join in at some point.
I don't know that the full tag create form is appropriate on the post though, because you wouldn't want your end users to have to enter all those fields in the case of a tag that already exists... but that's another thing I'll mess with.
public ActionResult CreateTag(Tag tag)

Tag existingTag = db.Tags.First(m => m.Name == tag.Name);
if (existingTag == null)
return View(tag);

however Tag tag.Name... should it be string tag
well I'm re-thinking that whole function
yeah I wont be able to call createTag in my Post Create action
here is me mulling over this and I wonder why I am never going to get hired

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