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Q: Multiplication Table Specific Formatting C++

Jean Claude Hasroutyso my teacher is asking for a specific format for this program that I've written in regards to multiplication tables. I have finished the rest of the program and it has been tested and works well so far, the only issue is that I need to match the exact format she requested but I'm having trouble ...

@ThomasMatthews There wasn't a specific line the only issue was just matching the output with that formatting. I'm pretty sure you'd have to tweak around the for loop but every time a single change is made it throws off the whole format. I'll attach my output right now
If you run the debugger, you will see which line of your code causes the problem. If you attach your output, maybe we can find the problem sooner.
@DOUGLASO.MOEN The output has been attached.
After "cout<<endl", before end of loop, you should try the "---|---|..." Is this the only thing missing? I don't see it in your code?
Oh ... you mean how to print the column headers. Do that before your for loop. I would do a simple for loop to produce a single line of the dashes-and-bars.
Yes that is the only thing I am missing I just couldn't figure out the correct placement for it. This is what that turns out to be: 1| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| ---- | 2| 2| 4| 6| 8| 10| ---- | 3| 3| 6| 9| 12| 15| ---- | 4| 4| 8| 12| 16| 20| ---- | 5| 5| 10| 15| 20| 25|
Hello sir
Good evening.
So in regards to the code, you suggest making another for loop for the column headers?
What would I place in it? Numbers just as the one I already have is?
In front of your existing for loop (which prints the table), the header line should be 7 sets of your dash-and-bar. In side the header are the values of your loop variable (probably i).
Well that's not so clear is it?
Not really
You have to bare with me im still fresh to C++ as well so sorry if i'm a bit slow.
Should i wrap the two for loops that I already have in another for loop? So that would make up three?
I think not... this is my first time chatting, so I'm learning too. The header line can be produced as in "for (int i=0; i<7; ++) std::cout <<
and i was thinking " " << i << " ", but you have to count spaces
Well the issue is the header should produce as many as the user inputs so if the user would like a table of 10 then there should be 10 of them. So i think i should replace the 7 with num?
num is the variable in my code
Thats fine, I can count the spaces no problem.
Sounds fine.
Only one "endl" between the header line and your for loop. You might consider creating a function "void header(int tableWidth) { ... }" get it correct, then insert it.
Well my professor doesn't want us using functions for this program or else I would've already made one.
So ill insert the "---" into the quotes for the cout correct?
Sounds ok. I've already forgotten a lot of your details. The key idea is that the header is unique, so it should have its own bit of code.
And the dash-bar lines between table rows are the same, so in your for loop, just after the endl, insert the code to be used for each of these lines.
Okay, thats what i've been trying though and no luck. It just moves the format over so the numbers just go crazy and become all vertical or so.
Next time I open a chat, I'll try to remember to have your posting open too. I appreciate your interaction. Hope this is helpful.
That sounds great, I will keep at it. Thanks for your help sir I greatly appreciate it!
It sounds like you forgot the 'endl' at the end of the dash-bar. Your main for loop should now produce 2 lines.
Good luck.
Thank you! Ill look into it.

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