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A: Not able to get the row if there is null value in one column hibernate hql

Predrag MaricTry with this session.createQuery("FROM Employee e left join c WHERE = :p1 or = :p1").setParameter("p1", "uday11") When you use in your query it is translated to inner join, that's why it is not working as expected.

..Thank u so much its working but the result is not casting into Employee Object.May be its returning.Object type.
How are you calling it? This should work: List<Employee> result = (List<Employee>)session.createQuery(<the query>).setParameter(...).list();
i'm doing like this List<Employee> e = session.createQuery("FROM Employee e left join c WHERE = :p1 or = :p1").setParameter("p1", "uday11").list();
You need to cast the result to List<Employee> because query.list() returns a generic list.
Casted the result but it still giving class cast exception.
Can you post the exception?
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to Employee at EmployeeDao.main( Java Result: 1
Strange. Better to post a new question with all the necessary code and details.
Are you sure...??? Why because i'm Newbie and i'm not sure about everything..I'm little afraid about this stackoverflow down voting system.and right now i don't have permission to post new Question.Thank u so much for helping..You people are so much Helpful..
Well, I can't reproduce the exception you are getting. I have the same code in many places and it simply works, so it must be something specific to your setup.

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