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@Zirak Zirak
!!/define awesome
!!/define awesome
!!/define awesome
I'll get there...
!!/define awesome
@awesome:Expressing awe: stood in awesome silence before the ancient ruins. Zirak
!!/define awesome
@Zirak awesome: Expressing awe: stood in awesome silence before the ancient ruins.
!!/define contemporary
@Zirak contemporary: Belonging to the same period of time: a fact documented by two contemporary sources.
!!/define benevolence
@Zirak benevolence: An inclination to perform kind, charitable acts.(source)
!!/define fsdafsa
@Zirak Could not find definition for fsdafsa
!!/mdn String.replace
!!/learn test "$name$ blah bloop meep"
@Zirak Command test learned
@Zirak $name$ blah bloop meep
@Mooing Duck Invalid flags supplied to RegExp constructor 'the'
I.... dunno?
it seemed like a useful thing for a bot
This is just a test room, since I get yelled at when I try to test it in regular chat rooms
and I wanted to see if I could command/teach/use it
@Zirak I'm aware, I'm watching
maybe just play with the bot
or offer suggestions
The learn syntax is like this: !!/learn commandName outputPattern inputRegex regexFlags
The outputPattern is like String.prototype.replace String output pattern (but I'm working on making it funkier)
And inputRegex is a, well, regular expression, but instead of things like \w, you do ~w
The inputRegex defaults to .*
so one uses the inputRegex to pick up variables from the commandName/after the commandName for use in the outputPattern? Interesting
!!/learn greet "Hello, $0!" ~w+
@Zirak are you a bot?
@Zirak Command greet learned
!!/greet Emil
@Zirak Hello, Emil!
Half-bot. Just testing and playing with it here
!!/learn test "$name$ meep"
@Zirak Command test already exists
!!/forget test
Why hello there, bug...
@Emil he's teaching himself commands, it's kind of a givaway :D
!!/forget test
hm, weird...
!!/learn test "$name$ meep"
@Zirak Command test learned
@Zirak $name$ meep
@Zirak $name$ meep
can you hardcode it to respond to "help" and "@Zirak help" and return a link to some sort of documentation? ALways a good idea with bots
Sure, but writing the documentation is the problem '^^
true. I see a readme file, but it's empty :(
@Zirak $name$ meep
@Zirak $name$ meep
what evil is this?!
@Kani I don't understand that question, isn't it obvious what this is?
@Kani Zirak is a codename for skynet
room topic changed to Room for ChatBot: Room for testing a chatbot (no tags)
are you real?
or bots?
@Kani nope, I am your subconscious
You can never know
@Kani Zirak is a cyborg, I'm a duck
I'm not a cyborg! I'm a beautiful princess
don't harm me!
@Zirak you're half robot half human, that makes you a cyborg
Skynet, the main antagonist in the Terminator franchise, is a fictional artificially intelligent system which became self-aware and decided to terminate humanity, its creators. Skynet is rarely seen onscreen, and its actions are often performed via other robots, cyborgs, and computer systems, usually a Terminator. Origin and nature Prior to the events of the second movie, Skynet was a computer system developed by the defense firm Cyberdyne Systems for the United States Armed Forces. Skynet was first built as a "Global Digital Defense Network" and given command over all computerized mil...
!!/learn test "$name$ meep"
@Zirak Command test learned
@Zirak $name$ meep
The Turing test is a test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behaviour. In Turing's original illustrative example, a human judge engages in a natural language conversation with a human and a machine designed to generate performance indistinguishable from that of a human being. All participants are separated from one another. If the judge cannot reliably tell the machine from the human, the machine is said to have passed the test. The test does not check the ability to give the correct answer, it checks how closely the answer resembles typical human answers. The conversation i...
Schwarzenegger damn it!
we are doomed! hasta la vista!
!!/forget test
@Zirak Command test was forgotten.
!!/learn "$user_name$ meep"
@Zirak Illegal /learn object "$user_name$ meep"
!!/learn test "$user_name$ meep"
@Zirak Command test learned
@Zirak Zirak meep
Let's see if the hangman is still functioning...
| |

Right, forgot about codifying...
| |

| |

  |   |

this is actually quite entertaining
!!/hangman e
@Mooing Duck Unidentified command hangman
@Emil watching the process? Yeah
All you guys see is a bunch of failures, and then it once magically works :P
@MooingDuck yep! how do you guess the letter, @Zirak?
@Zirak we see bits moving about, we've all been there
!!/guess e
@Mooing Duck Unidentified command guess
okay, stuff should work right...
| |

@Zirak in theory every thing works
@Zirak awful optimistic aren't we?
if ( bot.codifyOutput ) {
    bot.elems.input.value = message;;
    message = bot.elems.input.value;

    bot.codifyOutput = false;
    bot.elems.input.value = '';
The last bit isn't necessary
  |   |

  |   |
  |   |
  |   O
e, z
Oooo, fun!
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
e, z, cake
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
e, z, cake, s
oh, it didn't work
@Emil I think that should be disallowed'
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
e, z, cake, s, roses
oh, weird...
@Emil or you won and it didnt have code for that
No, hangman is complete. There was just a weird delay
@Mooing Duck e was already submitted
@Zirak good good
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
  |  /
e, z, cake, s, roses, r, o
ok, now there's an error
@Zirak always is
@Mooing Duck Could not process input. Error: Object #<Object> has no method 'add'
You people suck. The phrase was cases
@Zirak cases isnt there
also, we guessed cake as a letter
It allows you to submit more than characters, so that someone can guess the word right ahead
can we guess the word new?
!!/command is treated differently. When the bot sees !!something, it first tries to parse it as a command, and if it fails, it fires an event. Once the game is started, it listens to that event and processes your input.
So yes, you can guess the word new ;)
And for some reason, the bot is rebelling
I wasn't right with roses?
I hope I didn't break anything..
ah, I, it's a fail on my end
Isn't it always.. :P
@Zirak so that means we can't guess the word new, since that would restart the game
You guess by doing !!guess, not !!/guess
@Zirak oh, interesting
huh, actually, I have no idea why this isn't working again...
Does that mean I could start a new game by typing !!/new?
Well, if stuff don't work, a restart always helps
Try now
@Mooing Duck Unidentified command restart
  |   |
  |   O
aw, you guessed restart? :D
  |   |
  |   O
restart, o
  |   |
  |   O
restart, o, s
  |   |
  |   O
restart, o, s, n
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
restart, o, s, n, pidgeons
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
restart, o, s, n, pidgeons, t
I really can't count
@DieVarDump Only alphanumeric and whitespace characters allowed
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
restart, o, s, n, pidgeons, t, e

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