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or my questions are shitty.. hahaha
7 hours later…
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4 hours later…
with open(Sw0, 'r') as f:
     for line1 in f:

          #if in_file:
                line1 = line1.split(' ')

                for item in line1:
                    if re.search(r'^[a-zA-Z]+\_[a-zA-Z]+', item):
                      match = re.search(r'[a-zA-Z]+\_[a-zA-Z]+', item)

                for item in f:
               # section header
                    match = re.search(r'IP Arp [^Extn-]*-\s*(\w+)', item)
                    if match is not None:
1 message moved from Python
Post the code with an example and the error in SO
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6 hours later…
i got a question is anyone here that are willing to help? =)
not without an MCVE, no
If you keep asking here for help you should start learning how to ask right.
doesnt let me split on '..Omn-b-192' because its a string so i cant export it and add it in 2 different cells in a csv file. Is there anyway i could split like '...Omn-b', '' so i have to different strings to work on csv files?
@AndrasDeak it isn't a global code question this time ;)
It's not even a question.
Please review the "Asking a Question" section of our rules: sopython.com/chatroom
7 messages moved from Python
seems like your makin abusive deletes again
1 message moved from Python

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