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7:02 PM
It's not the problem.. I just have to be more careful when typing :)
Yeah , no good questions for me too today ..
well, it was a friendly reminder
What have I done wrong now ?
> What have I done wrong now?
spot the difference
7:07 PM
between that and "what have i done wrong now" ? yeah i see
obviously not
please explain to me ? I don't want to argue just explanation..
27 mins ago, by davidism
@MarkoMackic a friendly reminder that "I" is capitalized and there are no spaces before punctuation
it's a chat room for heavens sake
if you care about proper grammar in a chat room , you have a very sad life
@wim I actually agree, but that seems to be one of davidism's pet peeves.
7:16 PM
I see that man, but I don't understand what is the other part about , I'm sorry not being English enough to understand the second part of Your sentence
we should not enforce our pet peeves onto others
lead by example
I do
by the way , who kicked me ?
@wim listen, this conversation has happened multiple times, you're not going to change my mind
I don't remember having kicked anyone for a long time
7:19 PM
@MarkoMackic the second part of the sentence means exactly what it says: there are no spaces before punctuation in English. Notice how, for example, there are no spaces before the commas and periods in this message.
Now I clearly see what you meant, but you should tell me that and not kick me out because of stupidity, that's not the correct solution for any problem :)
@MarkoMackic I did tell you.
OK, I think Marko got the message
davidism dont get your knickers in a knot about it
@wim please stop
7:22 PM
its pretty mean to kick a guy out of the room for that !
I think too :)
was it you that kicked me a few minutes ago ?
33 messages moved from Python
man davidism you abuse your power here. you need to grow up
1 message moved from Python

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