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A: Push segue from UITableViewCell to ViewController in Swift

ergoonThe problem is that you're not handling your data correctly. If you look into your currentResponse Array, you'll see that it holds NSDictionaries but in your prepareForSegue you try to cast a NSDictionary to a NSArray, which will make the app crash. Change the data variable in RestaurantViewCont...

I get an error on line 54: self.tableData = results as NSDictionary!. The error is: 'NSDictionary' is not convertible to 'NSArray'
in which viewcontroller?
no. don't change that line. you keep your tableData as a NSArray. But inside that Array you have NSDictionaries. So you need to change the data variable in RestaurantViewController to a NSDictionary
So, on some lines down we have func tableView(tableView: UITableView!, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int { return tableData.count } My application breaks here, should I somehow try to nest out arrays and return them?
so in short. in AutomaticCitySelectionViewController the only thing you change is line 115 = currentResponse[i] as NSDictionary and in RestaurantViewController you only change line 13 var data: NSDictionary!
Hi there
I just get one error when doing as you said
And that´s this /Users/jackbillstrom/Documents/untitled folder/DalaLunch/DalaLunch/AutomaticCitySelectionViewController.swift:54:38: 'NSArray' is not convertible to 'NSDictionary'
The function looks like this:

dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
self.tableData = results
UIApplication.sharedApplication().networkActivityIndicatorVisible = false
is that self.tableData = resultswhich jams everything up right now
can you post the complete getRestaurantsNearme function?
It's in my gist over here:
and this error on line 54 still appears? because it shouldn't
I've just cleaned the project. And when I click a cell it just gets selected, i'm not being pushed to the RestaurantViewController
in this gist:
on line 93: you are getting the data from the currentResponse Array as an Array. but the data at the index `i` is a Dictionary. the currentResponse is still an Array. but every Object inside that Array is a Dictionary
Oh, but I would still be able to push the data? or?
yes. like i said. do this:
in RestaurantViewController on line 13
change the type of data to a Dictionary
That is done
and on line 93 of AutomaticCitySelectionViewController: change = currentResponse[i] as NSArray to = currentResponse[i] as NSDictionary
does it work now?
That is where I'm am now, it's just those table cells that won't respond to my actions
Is my segue alright you think?
I'm debugging
so. the problem is this
this function gets called to late

func tableView(tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
i = indexPath.row
but for me it works
i use the download you provided in your question
Wierd, could you try to send me the project?
got it
i would suggest not to use the didSelectRowAtIndexPath method, because it is called after prepareForSegue, which means, you will always navigate to the first restaurant
Wow, awesome Ronny. I'll remove that implementation and replace it with just indexPath.row then
I'll reward you with the bounty
it's working?
one more question if that's okey
How would I get the subtitles on the cell?

let cell: UITableViewCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("MyTestCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as UITableViewCell

When adding the "style: UITableViewCellStyle.Subtitle" an error says I'm using to many parameters

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