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Q: AJAX issue showing loading spinner

LiarezI have an image to show when loading AJAX function, and hide when AJAX is completed. I created a function to show and hide this image: function toggleLoading(){ $('.loading').toggle(); } And I added 'beforeSend' and 'complete' to AJAX function to call this toggleLoading() function: ...

I defined the toggleloading function before the AJAX one, and no, I don't have errors
Your code works for me: Maybe the element doesn't exist in the DOM?
OMG ! I'm lost here, could any of you point me to the good direction ? What should I check ?
@Liarez can you post the HTML as well as the function that issues the AJAX call?
@LimH. the HTML where the .loading img appear is the one I added now, the function that issues the AJAX call is toggleLoading()
@Liarez +1 for django. Anyway, I thought toggleLoading() is to toggle the showing and hiding of the spinner? Are you issuing an AJAX request inside it as well?
Django is awesome !!
thanks for your help
My problem is inside the AJAX function
if I execute the toggleLoading function in the console of the browser, the function works well
function translateText(source, destination, text) {
async: false,
type: "POST",
url: "/a/translate/",
data: {'text': text, 'source':source, 'destination':destination},
beforeSend: function() {
success: function(response) {
result = JSON.parse(response);
if (result.error) { // Error
} else {
complete: function() {
but inside the 'beforeSend' and 'complete' in the AJAX call
it doesn't work
that's the strangest thing. I made a tiny fiddle similar to your code and it works fine.
why could it be ?
you saw it right?
what I suggest is
paste the AJAX code in the console and try to run it by itself and see if it works
is the same
it works, but dont show the image
then sorry pal :( I'm running out of ideas. Please answer your own question once you find out, even if the cause is cosmic rays. Good luck!
Thanks !

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