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Hey guys. Have a question about importing raw JSON data into a Mongoose Schema.model.
How should my JSON file reference the ObjectId of the external item I am linking to? tried these and none worked.

"item" : [
new ObjectId("55060d030406fd9b4e8b2c79")

"item" : [

"item" : [{
"_id": "55060d030406fd9b4e8b2c79"
@Sebastien Welcome to the room. I am no expert in MongoDB. I believe @BatScream will join us soon. He might be able to help you.
@thefourtheye Thanks
@Sebastien - "item" : [{
"_id": new ObjectId("55060d030406fd9b4e8b2c79")
}] should do the trick. But it depends on how you import the file. Can you post the code you use to import the file or maybe a link to your question here.
Actually I'm not importing the file. I'm building a javascript object.
I think I was getting an error with that, let me try again
Someone on IRC suggested I do this...
@thefourtheye - Cabbage :) ...
"item" : [{ "$oid" :"55060d030406fd9b4e8b2c79"}]
@BatScream Cabbage :-) How goes it?
@Sebastien FYI, it is not valid JSON as it is.
@Sebastien: Yes that would work in the "strict mode" and not when you import via the shell. @thefourtheye - He has changed it i suppose.
Yeah I figured that.. Let me give you the code
@Sebastien - As @thefourtheye suggests, you may have problems with your JSON structure.
Starts at line 90 pastebin.com/MkYtmbej
I just tried your suggestion of "_id": new ObjectId... and I get this error
{ [CastError: Cast to ObjectId failed for value "[object Object]" at path "show"]
  message: 'Cast to ObjectId failed for value "[object Object]" at path "show"',
  name: 'CastError',
  type: 'ObjectId',
  value: [{"_id":{"path":"55060d030406fd9b4e8b2c79","instance":"ObjectID","validators":[],"setters":[],"getters":[],"_index":null}}],
  path: 'show' }
When I remove all references to external tables, everything saves just fine in the db
@Sebastien - Assuming your schema looks like: {"item": [{_id: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'someTable'}]}, then you could just save it as: {"item" : [{
"_id": "55060d030406fd9b4e8b2c79"
@BatScream You might want to use code formatting markup
@thefourtheye - can you help me with the markup, the '`' doesn't seem to work here :(
It will not work if there line breaks in the string. In that case, just type the code in a new message box, select all, Press Ctrl + K
For example,
    "key" : "thefourtheye",
    "city" : "thirumangalam"
You can read more about it, here
@BatScream I tried your two suggestions and I still get that error message:
    "show" : [{ "_id" : "55060d030406fd9b4e8b2c79" }],


    "show" : [{ "_id" : mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref : "55060d030406fd9b4e8b2c79" }],

{ [CastError: Cast to ObjectId failed for value "[object Object]" at path "show"]
message: 'Cast to ObjectId failed for value "[object Object]" at path "show"',
name: 'CastError',
type: 'ObjectId',
value: [{"ref":"55060d030406fd9b4e8b2c79"}],
path: 'show' }
rbrb I forgot the charger at my office... :(
Battery will die in few minutes
Ohh.. This worked.
"show" : [ "55060d030406fd9b4e8b2c79" ],
@thefourtheye - thanks a lot. Will do it. :) Hope you get a good amount of sleep :) @Sebastien - "show" : [{ "_id" : mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref : "55060d030406fd9b4e8b2c79" }] is not what i intended. ref: should contain the name of the collection you refer to. That's the part of the Mongoose schema. Anyway great that it worked. :)

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