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A: Generate random numbers in specific range

CheeryA Gaussian distribution by definition has a distribution of (-inf, inf). The standard deviation (sigma) is 1 by default. If you're looking for a uniform distribution over [1, 100] use 99*rand()+1 or randi([1 100]) for integers. ps: for Gaussian distribution with range there is a solution (by set...

This code will NOT generate normally distributed samples. It will generate uniformly distributed samples over a scaled interval. No distribution with limited support can be a real Gaussian, but that code you cited from your source doesn't even come close.
@Egon Geerardyn why not? sigma is set to (x_max-x_min) and distribution is shifted by x_min (which is mu or average value in the normal distribution). FYI! (from the Matlab manual)

Generate values from a normal distribution with mean 1 and standard deviation 2:
r = 1 + 2.*randn(100,1);
Because if x ~ Uniform(a,b) (read: x is uniformly distributed over [a,b]), then c*x ~ Uniform(a*c, a*b) and c + x ~ Uniform(a+c,b+c) for all constants a,b and c. The function rand returns uniformly distributed samples. You can verify this for yourself by generating lots of samples and plotting its histogram. This will be quite a constant empirical pdf, certainly not bell-shaped.
@Egon Geerardyn I cited the Matlab manual with example.
The function you copied from your reference mentions rand, not randn. With randn, it indeed produces samples from a normal distribution with a clumsily specified range (as stated in the manual). But that will NOT prevent from generating negative samples. It is impossible to have both an exact Gaussian and limited support.
@Egon Geerardyn Sorry )) I was checking distribution right now and exactly was wondering why there is square ) No, I understand, of course, that it is not possible to limit it, but cutting the values will also break the model where this distribution is used by the author of the question. I think we need more information from him why does he want to use this one in specified range. Sorry for misunderstanding (or error in copying)
No, I agree that without the whole range of values it not going to be a gaussian. Just was wondering why the author wants such specific situation :)
@Cheery: Indeed cutting the values will change the model. However, for a suited value of sigma (e.g. sigma = (maxVal - minVal)/2 or even lower), the pdf you obtain will be a good approximation of a gaussian on such a limited support. I agree that for the exact purpose, everything depends on the usage
Well, I think I have some ideas why one might want such a thing.
Sorry for misunderstanding, but the discussion was interesting )
Sometimes a certain value is known to lie within a certain range (e.g. resistors can have only a positive resistance), but it is often assumed that the resistance of a random resistor is normally distributed.
It is indeed interesting to discuss such properties
I'm sorry, I have to do some other things. It was nice to talk to you )
And my excuses if I'm a bit terse :)
good luck :)

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