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3:46 AM
the giraffe drawing without looking at paper
4:07 AM
Damn, Russians fleeing their country now
no surprise
their admin advances nationwide mobilization at the so wrong time
Meanwhile, Iranians are revolting against their religion/government
not to mention they are out of momentum is very critical for aggressor side
how much time will the world country leaders to learn war isnt solution anymore in current century
2 hours later…
6:00 AM
@Wietlol IMO, you're completely right but the relationship is reversed. It's easier to pick up frontend. In terms of learning it for the first time. Which means that many do go for it. And the ease of it is the problem - easier to learn and use, means that many who work in that sphere can and do make mistakes. So, the whole ecosystem is adapted to be tolerant of them...for only to allow more mistakes and thus perpetuating the cycle.
Browsers would try and extract meaning from any garbage you throw at them. Which means, being sloppy is OK. And then later when somebody else tries to do anything with the garbage input, they get garbage out. Because everything is terrible.
The JS ecosystem is insane itself. The whole left-pad debacle was predictable years in advance. Maybe not accurately predictable as maybe people would have underestimated how bad it would be. But yeah not at all unexpected disaster. Which then sort of repeated again this year.
I like the idea of working on frontend tasks. It seems interesting. I hate actually working on frontend tasks. Because it's all a slew of edge cases and problems caused by huge and complex systems that try to solve the edge cases and make things simpler.
6:50 AM
@Wietlol are you familiar with AWS cert manager? One of my colleagues says we cannot put a file here that is not relevant to SSL + certificates, but Apple recommends this folder to serve some static file (Universal Link)
And this ingress thing adds more complexity to what I thought is a very simple problem
7:37 AM
is holiday today in india ?
It's Friday, so maybe?
Is /.well-known a really well known folder?
Err, path
I don't know of it. But it might be - what's the context? .NET?
Apparently it's well known enough to be on Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Well-known_URI
7:52 AM
I don't think it's tied to any framework
It's mentioned on.NET, Android, iOS, AWS, ...
First I heard of it but it's apparently a thing
The one who manages our webapp certs on AWS says that I cannot use this folder for my AASA
And I don't know how to argue with him
@mr5 brutal
8:11 AM
@VLAZ well... that is also true
IIRC, letsencrypt uses /.well-known/ when making a HTTP challenge for generating SSL certificates
Still have the rule for it somewhere in my nginx
8:31 AM
@mr5 no, not familiar with the certs
2 hours later…
10:57 AM
> TIL: ACME isn't only the fake company name used in old 80s cartoons on Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network but also means Automatic Certificate Management Environment
There is a bunch of ACME companies. I think one did make tools (like hammers and such) but there are several different ones
In layman's terms, what is this .well-known stuff? I started to read the RFC, but only got something url prefix something out of it
11:48 AM
Seems it's a standarized folder/virtual directory for some public services to use?
2 hours later…
1:47 PM
Hello friends!
It's alive! It wants to interact! gasps
Github issue on tensorflow:
Q: "This exception says I need to add metadata, how do I get the correct values?"
A: "Try these default values: (x, y)"
Q: "It works, how do I find out what values my specific model needs?"
A: "The values for this model are (x,y). To read this, use metadataextractor api."
Metadataextractor api: "I can read metadata values that were added to a model beforehand"

Well how do I know what values to add beforehand if the API supposed to tell me needs me to add them beforehand‽
4 hours later…
5:47 PM
ACME is A Company Making Everything
I spent a lot of time trying to embed images in a SQL Server sp_send_dbmail message and was just about done until the other IT guys told me that was a stupid idea

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