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Hi folks, in this [answer](https://stackoverflow.com/a/21876216/5482465), it is said that "If you want to initiate entry point by any external program, (ie use as API, for testing purpose) then you might need to make it public so it is accessible."

As far as I know, `Process` class can invoke external executable applications regardless of the access modifiers used by the Main method of the executable apps.

So what the author said above must be about invoking `public static void Main()` of an external source code (that has not been compiled yet) from within another project.
3 hours later…
how do you follow up an email in gmail? is it the forward button or you reply to your own email?
1 hour later…
Good morning
@LetMeBeYourLostDisciple Not entirely sure, but the "ie use as API" leads me to believe they mean "use an external library" - some code external to your own application. An external library usually has multiple public members - entrypoints - to use it.
The DAL of Teambuilder has exactly one entrypoint, which is the DI call: gist.github.com/Regenhardt/734ae4dbc2a0ea73752c1d13493a9c9b
Everything else in encapsulated, only accessible via interfaces from a shared library that the DAL implements
That shared library has several public interfaces and methods
3 hours later…
@Squirrelkiller: Thank you. Today I posted a new issue in dotnet build. github.com/dotnet/installer/issues/10981
2 hours later…
what did the hand say ?
It obviously said...
it occurs to me I should get a new battery for my powerbook sooner rather than later
@Freerey neat
that thing dies at "50%"
just gotta get the battery in and then I can replace OS 10.3 with Win11 :OOOO
ofc not really; there's no way a powerpc chip could run that system
but maybe quin11
thats how it is called in china
Please go and play in the Sandbox
Invalid command! Did you mean: sandbox, onebox, brandon? Try help for a list of available commands..‍
its out of my understanding why some people downvote some questions which are really useful.
"ohmygawwwdddd we already had a thread on this 8 years ago"
Hello friends!
[Captain Obvious] It is done
its out of my understanding why some people downvote some questions which are really useful.
maybe they came from reddit?
@Freerey is reddit better?
anyway, anyone remember Schnuffel Bunny..?
@CaptainObvious what is done?
[Squirrel in Training] Check disct and you'll know
Today, I learnt a useful trick. How to swap two variable without a temporary variable in java. Of course it works as well in other languages. C++ has another trick as well.


now they are swapped.
it is clever, therefor you would be stupid to use it
Yes. It is just for brain teaser. :-)
C++ version looks much cleverer.

a= a^b
b= a^b
C++: swap(&a, &b)
much smarter
OK. By the way, how Botler automatically posts hyperlinks [Squirrel in Training] for each post?
Botler is a proxy bot
it proxies the messages from discord to stack overflow chat
and vice versa
the name in front is the name of the person who wrote the message in discord
Oh. I just knew it. Thank you!
It has a discord invite link saved, as well as a mapping from a discord user to an SO user, so when someone on discord sends a message, it prefixes the message here with [MappedName](DiscordInviteLink)
oh ffs THAT'S how you do it? I wish I had known that when I was trying to link a prank like 3 months ago
[Captain Obvious] That's like the one thing about Markdown that stack has actually got right
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AdalServiceException: The browser based authentication dialog failed to complete. Reason: The service is temporarily overloaded.
at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.Internal.Platform.WebUI.<AcquireAuthorizationAsync>d__20.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
Any suggestion on this ?
Moah server power for "the service"
1 hour later…
Hi all,
I am looking for small help in binding an List to a ListBox.

Below are details,

I have a listbox which is bound to some list List<A> of type A. This listbox has a one more listbox inside it which I want to bound to some other list object which is part of the
type A class.
Below is the inner listbox
class A
  List<B> SeriesList
class B
  List<C> Results
ctrl+k to format
 <ListBox x:Name="ResultListBox" FocusVisualStyle="{x:Null}"
                                     ItemsSource="{Binding SeriesListData.Results}" ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll="True" Background="Transparent"
                                     ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled"
                                     ItemTemplate="{StaticResource ResultDataTemplate}">

Ah, you basically want to display a list that has multiple lists in it?
yeah exactly
And this whole listbox is finally set as a template to tooltip, so I cannot basically use SelectedItem
Because in tool tip, I cannot make any selection as well.
So my top listbox is bound to SeriesList - which is displaying fine.
But the inner listbox needs to bound to Results of that particular item that top listbox item is bound to.
I was thinking to use converter for this, but not sure if that is the only approach
or any other better solutions for this?
I guess not possible, because in that question, its a List<List<string>> but in my case its totally diff.
Now to innerlist what binding should I do it?
I tried setting just Binding Results to my innerlistbox, but then there is binding error came.
says that it cannot find Results object
I think you have to use something like {Binding, Path = Results} for the inner binding
Not entirely sure though
Haven't used wpf in quite a while
Definitely something with Path in the binding
Yep, I tried that. But no luck with that.
Okay no problem.
2 hours later…
Hey guys, I'm trying to use SignalR in a console app and do heavy work from some background threads but I'm getting this error "This operation must be performed on the same thread as that represented by the Thread instance." and Google doesn't seem to throw up many helpful answers. Anyone know what this typically means?
In main I have my SignalR stuff and each SignalR handler is async static, then I try spawn a new thread inside those methods like this:
Thread backgroundThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(blockChain.NewBlock));
// Start thread
Ben Popper on June 25, 2021
We spent over a hundred hours in 1-on-1 interviews and collected thousands of survey responses to better understand what our community and customers wanted to see in this product. This feedback shaped everything from naming to moderation, and helped us evolve and iterate the concept into what it is today.
5 hours later…

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