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05:00 - 12:0012:00 - 23:00

5:46 AM
Buenos dias
6:38 AM
@mr5 The excuse is "is you do not want jumps, use sequences instead identities"
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos!
In order to use generics with EF it's not enough to do something like

abstract BaseClass<T> where T : IIdGetable

But you'd also need to define that T is a class.
@mr5 not really
They sound worse than my drunk neighbor.
@mr5 It actually pains me to hear and I am laughing at the same time :'D
7:17 AM
good morning
@Hozuki They retired epic developer rights, they are losing that battle.
So we actually got a semantic merge conflict. Yesterday a branch got merged into develop, no problem. Shortly after, another branch got merged, no problem.
Both changed the same file, but not the same blocks so no conflicts.
Today, dev won't build: duplicate variable name.
Variable is in an if block.
Branch 2 adds same variable in another if block.
Branch 1 removes first if block, variable now is in the method scope.
Branch 2 has no need to rebase because no actual merge conflict. Merges, and boom variable in new if block duplicates variable now in method scope.
merge systems do not compile as part of the conflict resolving
7:44 AM
if there is at least 1 test in the CI/CD, it should be red there, since it doesn't compile
@Cleptus That doesn't mean they won't win in court. This is a clear case of "Take the dick up your behind or don't release anything at all on iOS". It's a monopoly situation with Apple massively abusing its power, clear as day. The big problem is that there's no other way to release anything on iOS, unlike on Android.
@ntohl pipeline went red on build already, before test jobs even started
@Squirrelintraining how are you German and not understand it?
7:59 AM
@Hozuki yeah. Tho the garnishing is "nice". Epic already signed the terms and conditions...
7 moar days and I'm free!!
@ntohl In Europe, EULAs are never legal. I don't know the US situation, but, accepting something because there's not one alternative is not really "accepting", it's complying with a demand. Like when you bought a game, a MMORPG, and to play you need to accept the EULA. Can't return the game anymore, so you'll just click yes.
That's the difference with Google, IMO. I can choose to release my app through other channels.
There's no such thing for fucking iOS.
It amazes me that it's taken 12 years for someone to actually query this
(because remember iPhone OS v1 didn't have an app store)
It is a similar situation with the "right of repair" groups against Apple. So far, they are not getting what they demand and Apple is still shipping they hardware cryptographically signed so no un-authorized repair passes thought this IOS
Nah, everyone has been pissed for a while. Facebook can't release their game platform. Microsoft can't release xCloud. Netflix and Spotify have been pissed that they need in-app purchases (-30%) on subscriptions and CANNOT SEND PEOPLE TO THEIR SITE. Everything about those rules screams "Monopoly" and "WE WANT YOUR MONEY".
Even worse, Apple Music is cheaper because they don't need to factor in the 30% fee.
8:08 AM
Controlling how apps in a platform make their payments makes sense to avoid scams
Blocking obvious non-scam payments does not
That's their public stance. But why would it be a problem to display a warning "Navigating to this site to pay will leave the Apple ecosystem and yadayadayada"?
It's just. NO. You CANNOT DO THAT.
I agree, but apple buys US politicians, the same as other preassure groups
NRA, religious groups, energy companies, pharmas...
Until that legal shit is illegalized, not much to do sadly
Both US main political parties do accept the money, that is sad
Corruption is way too prevalent, yeah.
I am as an spanish citizen, have no clue why that shit is legal in the USA
I would not like to like in that country
I'm pretty okay with being in Europe, too. The USA has so many issues I don't want to deal with.
8:24 AM
@mr5 It's not really german.
It's english people trying to speak german but have no idea how to pronounce.
Like "Jude" (german word for jew)
It's pronounced "youdeh" and cartman pronounces it "jüd"
I don't know how to write the pronounce the u umlaut in engrish..
@Squirrelintraining Linky?
@Squirrelintraining To the bad german vid
16 hours ago, by mr5
@Squirrelintraining https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aMxmmG6_460svav1.mp4
16 hours ago, by mr5
can you understand what's being said here?
@Squirrelintraining this @Hozuki
Also dang I still wana ping u with @roel :<
ahoy mateys
8:35 AM
o7 kieran
@Squirrelintraining That... doesn't sound like German to me.
also what are they even saying lmao
@Hozuki Yeah well it can be interpreted as german.
16 hours ago, by juanvan
16 hours ago, by juanvan
Has English subtitles same episode
is no the same as
16 hours ago, by mr5
@Squirrelintraining https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aMxmmG6_460svav1.mp4
they are two different cliperonis
I'm not a native German speaker, and rely much on pronunciation to understand German... but I can't make much of South Parks German :D
Probably 'cause I'm not accustomed enough to it
8:41 AM
Well then go ahead and look around Kieran
1 min ago, by Captain Squirrel
16 hours ago, by mr5
@Squirrelintraining https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aMxmmG6_460svav1.mp4
@Squirrelintraining why would i, when i have a gud german right here :D
@Hozuki And it's not pronounced properly
@CaptainSquirrel So u can udnerstand
Also this german lad is going to be in a meeting soonish.
I'll pay you
three acorns
Which reminds me
here they are
8:43 AM
I hope that's right
Havn't checked
it would appear so
9:03 AM
Jun 10 '19 at 8:44, by Héctor Álvarez
yes it's that time of the week again, what a joke
oh, Jack, you silly bot
@Squirrelintraining it's free real state 👀
9:32 AM
I haven't seen such an instable messaging as my new setup... From a core 3.1 lib I'm sending SignalR messages to a Blazor server side hub
optimizing that I allowed MessagePack
if I log the server side, on the console it's pretty decent
than... I don't know why I have to write "resend" in the Hub's bodies. So that the .razor side clients can catch the messages
    public class BlazorReporter: Hub
        public async Task LogCreate(CreateLog createLog)
            await Clients.Others.SendAsync("LogCreate", createLog);

        public async Task LogSuicide(SuicideLog suicideLog)
            await Clients.Others.SendAsync("LogSuicide", suicideLog);
I subscribe to those events on the page, and paint rectangles through html5's canvas
    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        _connection = new HubConnectionBuilder()
        await _connection.StartAsync();
        _connection.On<CreateLog>("LogCreate", async createLog =>
            await PaintRectangleAsync(createLog.X, createLog.Y);
PaintRectangleAsync and ClearRectangleAsync contains the actual FillRectAsync and ClearRectAsync of the canvas
but the rectangles coming up and vanish without any sense
it should visualize a Blinker's state changes from Game of Life
2 horizontal rectangles appear and disappear periodically, and 2 vertical
sometimes there are 3 or 2 or 1 rectangles
I have an idea. I'll check if the Console is same instable
hmm. It's not about the canvas. Those resends are the problem
wow. Logs are coming after force closing connection....
messages delayed
10:01 AM
That rings a bell
how can you possibly chain the <T> from this without having to pass the type over and over again?
I'm looking at StockTickR github.com/aspnet/SignalR-samples and basically it does the same thing...
are you looking for signalR alternatives?
tho I have to admit that thread safety is pretty solid in this one. I like the Rx usage, and the back pressure handling
no. I try to do it as natively as possible. I have problem with logs shows that first wave of messages are coming in 4 bursts. Which is correct. Second wave (which is Blazor's inner SignalR messaging) is delayd and out of burst.
@mr5 where are the Ts?
have you seen FluentValidation?
10:17 AM
RuleCollection For<VM>(VM viewModel) where VM : BindableBase;

class RuleCollection
    public RuleCollection AddRule<VM, T>(VM _, Expression<Func<VM, object>> expression, params ValidationRule<T>[] rules) where VM : BindableBase;
it looks like this
once I tried to integrate FluentValidation with Swashbuckle/OpenApi/whatever they call it now. Has anyone used it?
what if you make it like class RuleCollection<VM>. I'm not sure, but it should chain AddRule without explicitly telling what VM is
even For<VM> is not necessary then
looks like an old article, but claims that it's easy to integrate with swagger
Almost okay but then I have this field: private RuleCollection<object> ruleCollection
@mr5 what is the problem with that one?
it should be RuleCollection<VM> tho
the RuleCollection<T> is stored as field in another class, but its <T> should only be given upon calling the .For<T>() method.
here's how it looks like:
public class ValidationService : IValidationService
    private BindableBase bindableBase;
    private RuleCollection<object> ruleCollection;

    public event EventHandler<ValidationResultArgs> PropertyInvalid;

    public RuleCollection<VM> For<VM>(VM bindableBase) where VM : BindableBase
        this.bindableBase = bindableBase;
        bindableBase.PropertyChanged += BindableBase_PropertyChanged;
        ruleCollection = new RuleCollection<object>();
        return ruleCollection;
Making ValidationService<T> a generic is not an option
10:34 AM
you should still get rid of For and call RuleCollection<VM> constructor instead
btw. With each For call you ARE locking the ValidationService to one VM type
this.bindableBase = bindableBase;
shouldn't the whole ValidationService store List<RuleCollection<>>?
the ValidationService is then registered to a container (DI).
Yes, each call of .For locks it for that type. Each instance of this ValidationService is lock on its dependent type anyway.
if you are afraid, that you cannot Bind<ValidationService<T>> in DI, it depends on the framework. But in Microsoft.Extensions you can
@ntohl RuleCollection have its internal list.
@mr5 yeah. For 1 VM. I thought the ValidationService should go through all Vms, and call Validate on all of them
not all VMs need a validation service
it seems like there's still no solution for this. I know I have encountered this before so better dismiss this.
10:44 AM
List<RuleCollection<>> simply not containing them
anyway. Where does the above code doesn't compile?
which code?
ValidationService class
VS for Mac
does it compile in your IDE?
I haven't tried
it's not a MCVE
oh, this is not SO, this is chat.so
miss me with that MCVE ^^
git checkout .
private void InitializeValidation()
        .AddRule(e => e.FirstName, new RequiredField(), new LengthRule(100))
        .AddRule(e => e.LastName, new LengthRule(100))
        .AddRule(e => e.EmailAddress, new EmailFormatRule())
        .AddRule(e => e.BirthDate, new DateTimeRule())
        .AddRule(e => e.Password, new PasswordFormatRule())
        .AddRule(e => e.PasswordConfirm, new MatchRule<RegistrationPageViewModel>(this, e => e.Password))
        .AddRule(e => e.MobileNumber, new RequiredField())
10:53 AM
what if you change to private RuleCollection<BindableBase> ruleCollection;
this looks nicer though
but not yet possible
and ruleCollection = new RuleCollection<VM>();?
still can't :(
I got stung by a yellowfever mosquito in the morning
I hope I'll make it
it's covid now
11:02 AM
they ar edangerous
its death now
they made it to germany now
you've contracted death
from asia
because of th eclimate change
it sat on my wall full of my blood
it was also itching way more than normal
it's not that serious. just don't die
there's a lot of mosquitoes here
enjoy our mosquito
11:04 AM
look how full it is
had my fairshare of dengue way back in college. I even refuse to go in hospital even after a week of symptoms (vomiting, fever, heacache, pooping)
@mr5 did it just go away ?
did you catch the actual mosquito that bit you?
@Hans1984 no. I need to undergo in injections and stuffs. my platelets drop from 20 I think
11:06 AM
oh god
did you go to doctor already?
quick do a platelet scan now. type platelet /s
they say they are usually harmless over here so far
because they dont usually contain the virus
so I hope for the best
but im worried
there are 3500 species of mosquitoes. Not all of them spread diseases
11:09 AM
if you vomit, go to hospital already
I'll wait and see
usually we just have these normal mosquitos
never got stung by this one
also the species that can spread diseases. The single mosquito might not
nothing good comes from asia these days..
@ntohl yeah like i said its rather unlikely
but you never know
I found the weeb version of YouTube: bilibili.com/video/BV1av411q7Te
stay calm, and write in your will, that I inherit your house
11:12 AM
@ntohl okay
...oh wait !
are you trying to trick me again
need yer help
no. It's just a form of medication
Gib the squirrels your stuff @Hans1984
we definately wont sell it for nuts
oh the duck with the flamethrower
11:14 AM
Jack, nuts
@CaptainSquirrel :D
I don't understand mate
gib belongings plz before ded
@JackSparrow >:(
@mr5 I don't like it :-(
11:15 AM
when using unobtrusive ajax with tag helpers in .NET Core.. can I pass parameters to the `data-ajax-complete="<function-name>"` (or any other callback)? I.e.
because all I'm able to do is data-ajax-complete="toggleSpinner"
....Come Again?
@Hozuki you like the windows XP UI version don't you?
he's had enough of Hugh Neutron's shit
11:17 AM
@mr5 Mmm, not particularly. Why?
save us squirrels !
@ntohl I've been there, but I don't think the context object that's being passed automatically does have any data from the form
I love them green feathers
@Hozuki because most of the people here doesn't like the modern UIs
I like Windows 10. I didn't like 8. 7 was fine, XP was fine, vista was fine.
11:19 AM
Windows 10 UI still sucks though
I have no issues with it.
^same tbh...but I also was mostly fine with win8
I even thought about doing the full-screen menu in win10 for awhile, but quickly went back to the default
the only time I see that full-screen 10 menu is when I'm in tablet mode on my Surface
My main gripe with Windows 8 was the full-screen start menu. That was awful. The Windows 10 UI is fine once you unpin all the live tiles. The problem I have w/ Windows 10 is the crap it installs without asking you and it getting progressively slower.
wait -- if you unpin the live tiles, does that section of the start menu just disappear?
11:24 AM
anyone knows of a nice way to do json validation?
@DuckLing can you wrap the toggleSpinner(int) call in a toggleSpinnerOuter() { toggleSpinner(@model.id) } call?
I want it to be better than just deserialization and doing validation on the deserialized model
@Wietlol JSON Schema's are <3
I fucking love JSON Schema's. Best. Thing. Ever.
@Wietlol parse & fail
A: How to make sure that string is valid JSON using JSON.NET

HabibThrough Code: Your best bet is to use parse inside a try-catch and catch exception in case of failed parsing. (I am not aware of any TryParse method). (Using JSON.Net) Simplest way would be to Parse the string using JToken.Parse, and also to check if the string starts with { or [ and ends with } ...

11:25 AM
@ntohl nah it's okkay, thanks - I just figured it out... the data-ajax-loading takes an id of a DOM element, not a fn :) and the callback always returns a response
once again- everything: 423432, me: 0
All of your ideas are shit. json-schema.org
Newtonsoft has support for it!
this looks interesting
I will try to play with it a bit
Yep, that's JSON Schema. Once you know it, OpenAPI will be even nicer.
we dont use OpenAPI though :D
11:26 AM
Since it's just JSON Schema + extra stuff to describe everything about apis
You might want to at that point!
no, we dont
but third parties might
and we might expose the json schemas of our public apis
I actually have an OpenAPI doc and my code validates JSON Schemas straight from the OpenAPI docs.
Which is suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper nice.
I should add deserialization of json to my BitBlock library at some point...
should be fun
damn... example is outdated
Obsolete warnings everywhere
why do you need a schema?
I need to do validation of json
11:30 AM
The schema describes how the document should be structured, and allows you to validate it w/o deserialization.
normally, our internal applications are connecting using client libraries
but our client libraries are custom made
to validate without deserialization seems like unnecessary
and we cant force everyone to use .net and we cant make client libraries for every language
@mr5 It's really not.
tbf, I think it's useful for auto generating models
11:32 AM
@mr5 a public facing api should not just tell you "you did something wrong, you stupid!"
validation after deserialization is sufficient to stop invalid data getting through
but not to tell the client why it didnt get through
if deserialization failed, what do you return?
400:BadRequest without a message?
all json schema validators can also produce the list of errors that were wrong and send it back
validating after deserialization? are you also validating the values?
isn't it suppose that if it get deserialized, it's already a valid JSON? at least if you deserialize with expected types already.
Can some who is very familiar with LINQ please help answer my questions about the following LINQ query?

The following code performs a [faro shuffle]().

// Program.cs
public static void Main(string[] args)
    var startingDeck = (from s in Suits().LogQuery("Suit Generation")
                        from r in Ranks().LogQuery("Rank Generation")
                        select new { Suit = s, Rank = r }).LogQuery("Starting Deck");

    foreach (var c in startingDeck)
debug.log shows 2592 query executions
1. Why is the order of the (first) execution of the StartingDeck query as follows:
Executing Query Suit Generation
Executing Query Starting Deck
Executing Query Rank Generation
Executing Query Rank Generation
Executing Query Rank Generation
Executing Query Rank Generation
I expected the order to be Suit Generation, Rank, StartingDeck because that is the order in the query:
(from s in Suits().LogQuery("Suit Generation")
from r in Ranks().LogQuery("Rank Generation")
select new { Suit = s, Rank = r }).LogQuery("Starting Deck");
2. I understand that in each iteration of the do-while loop the queries are executed again and again by reconstructing the deck of cards and reshuffling it every time. But what do these executions look like? For example, in the first iteration of the do-while loop because shuffle points to the same object that startingDeck points to I assume the execution of the shuffle query looks like this:
shuffle = startingDeck.Skip(26).LogQuery("Bottom Half")
                    .InterleaveSequenceWith(startingDeck.Take(26).LogQuery("Top Half"))

    Or in other words:

    shuffle = (from s in Suits().LogQuery("Suit Generation")
                            from r in Ranks().LogQuery("Rank Generation")
                            select new { Suit = s, Rank = r }).LogQuery("Starting Deck").Skip(26).LogQuery("Bottom Half")
                    .InterleaveSequenceWith((from s in Suits().LogQuery("Suit Generation")
@mr5 I think you get the wrong idea
However, in the 2nd iteration of the do-while loop, the variable shuffle now stores the query from the previous iteration of the do-while loop, so does the execution of the shuffle query in the 2nd iteration of the do-while loop look like this:
11:39 AM
what if I have a user data class like this
public class UserData {
    public String FirstName { get; }
    public String MiddleName { get; }
    public String LastName { get; }
and you send me json like this
    "firstName": "Wietlol",
    "middleName": null,
    "surname" : "Lion"
that json has a wrong property "surname"
shuffle = (from s in Suits().LogQuery("Suit Generation")
                            from r in Ranks().LogQuery("Rank Generation")
                            select new { Suit = s, Rank = r }).LogQuery("Starting Deck").Skip(26).LogQuery("Bottom Half")
                    .InterleaveSequenceWith((from s in Suits().LogQuery("Suit Generation")
                            from r in Ranks().LogQuery("Rank Generation")
                            select new { Suit = s, Rank = r }).LogQuery("Starting Deck").Take(26).LogQuery("Top Half"))
JsonConvert.DeserializeObject can easily create the UserData instance, but not with the correct data
Bonus questions:

* In the following query, are the iterator methods executed when the query startingDeck is used in the foreach statement, or are they executed when the query is defined (i.e. when program execution reaches the query expression)?

var startingDeck = (from s in Suits().LogQuery("Suit Generation")
from r in Ranks().LogQuery("Rank Generation")
select new { Suit = s, Rank = r }).LogQuery("Starting Deck");
* In the following query expression I believe that the query named shuffle is executed when Skip and Take are called. However I want to confirm whether the query named shuffle
I want a message stating that a required property is missing and an unrecognized property is included
@Wietlol oh. right!
11:42 AM
same with when you do numbers instead of strings in some places
Yeah exactly, and with JSON Schema you can check. Example on @Wietlol's idea: jsonschemavalidator.net/s/qDKLwT7d
somebody could build their model just by trial n error with that system
Schema validation is beautiful.
@Hozuki where do you get your motivation? I can't even finish my website.
I think I could make BitBlock generate JsonSchemas even...
but it would depend on how certain json should be considered valid for certain common cases
11:44 AM
@mr5 Create an environment to be productive in. Don't waste time on 9gag, facebook, etc. Block them. Detox yourself from mobile phone notifications and usage. Then you'll get shit done VERRRY easily.
Also, yes, it takes time. But as you learn you'll get better and it takes less time each video.
I recorded a video about CDN assets (didn't upload yet) and just winged it. If you know the material and are comfortable talking on video, it doesn't take much effort at all.
It's just... you gotta get comfortable and that takes some time.
motivation is a beach
@Wietlol Why not create one for every language?
@Hozuki 9gag is to blame.
also, you also have comments in your channel. gratz!
Generate an OpenAPI schema for your API, then use something like OpenAPI Generator to generate client libs for alllll the languages
@mr5 I use a Firefox plugin called 'Impulse Blocker' and blocked 9gag & facebook to 'detox' myself from wasting every moment going on these sites.
@mr5 Thanks ^^'
that compiles
@Hozuki tbh, I like your latest video. Is the footage near your house?
@CaptainObvious because we just dont :)
keep in mind, the client libraries are not generated
they cant be, but there is also little gain from doing it anyway
@mr5 Thank you! Good to hear you like the walk & talk. Yes, this is a nature preserve called 'De Maashorst'. It's a huge nature area fostering wild animals and local plant life. I live practically inside of that area.
11:50 AM
except for the public facing apis
@Wietlol Why can't they be generated? Sounds to me like you're doing something odd that you shouldn#t be
because our client libraries are weird like that :D
@ntohl wouldn't it crash at runtime.
@mr5 I don't know. But since the RuleCollection<VM> where VM : BindableBase guard, I don't know
sometimes I love C#
errorMessages.ForAll(it => _testOutputHelper.WriteLine(it.ToString()));
> Newtonsoft.Json.Schema.ValidationError
05:00 - 12:0012:00 - 23:00

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