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Hello World!
1 hour later…
@mr5 a user or users could have been delete, or a question of your might have been removed
Mein doods, do DLLs that are not written in C# work with every architecture (x86, x64 and ARAM) in UWP apps or do I need to include different versions of the DLL for every package? The situation is that I want to include a much faster library written in Rust in my C# app but I don't know if it's work with every architecture and I also don't have ways to test on neither ARM or x86.
1 hour later…
use x86 instead it cover most cases, or you will need a 64bit build
ARM would still be out since it's not compatible with x86 nor x64 then, right
windows have 86,64 emulation on arm
2 hours later…
Hi guys
I am creating a database for a CITY which will capture all information related to that city(Demographics,Employment opportunities,Cost of Living, Crime etc...)
Basically idea behind this database would be to find city where users can be moved to
So while creating the database, If i start from the top ie CITY table what information i should capture?
So far I am able to think this fields:
Is there any info i am missing for capturing city details?
1 hour later…
@ILoveStackoverflow the question doesn't make much sense, you should take any info that you personally think is worth storing... it´s not like there's a guideline for storing city info.
1 hour later…
yay, got a new smartphone
I've been walking around with a smartphone with a cracked display for the past two months
@ILoveStackoverflow That can really only be answered based on your application domain. Collect the data that you need.
Consider, though, that "State" isn't a universally relevant field, so make sure you don't enforce it.
Yeah, what kind of questions do you want to be able to ask your database
what kind of application are you building
are you just building something that collects and lists information, or do you want to be able to calculate statistics
@ILoveStackoverflow I think you would be smart to have all basic information you require in one table and have an extended table to hold anything you may not necessarily require at first, like demographics and the like
it allows you to perform lookups quickly joining the cities table without having to load many blocks trying to find it because the lines are too large
that's especially true if you have blob columns which occupy lots of space potentially
Good morning.
heya good sirs
ahoy mateys o/
@Neil if they seriously release half-life 3 as a VR, i think the internet will have a meltdown
If "a couple of minutes" means exactly 2 minutes, how people are so sure when they say this? Or how accurate this is?
@CaptainSquirrel you may see oculus actually invest in half-life 3 as a VR game, because the push to VR would be enormous at that point
Games with a lot of movement are actually awful in VR.
the walking dead saints and sinners game in VR is from what I understand, a surprisingly well done game in VR
I think there's zero chance for this Half Life VR to reach critical mass.
Half-Life Alyx is probably a good step forward
not just a gimmick thing, but a fully fledged game
Can calling a static method that returns an object in base ctor cause concurrency problems?
but the amount of people (myself included) that have been waiting for a while to finish the half-life story is insane
Valve would be shooting themselves in the foot if they release HL3 as VR only
Sure, there are some decent story-based VR games. But immersion is broken each teleport, lol.
@Squirrelkiller, are you the same person with squirrelintraining,squirrel, Inspector Squirrel
I can maybe see a possiblity of it being VR compatible but
The only VR games that I personally enjoy is where the experience is designed around being stationary.
@Hozuki how would immersion not be broken each teleport without VR?
@mshwf only in multithread environment and if the static method access external objects.
why are there so many squirrel around SO these days
@Neil Because... you can actually move with your mouse/KB and that's really quite natural. Unlike pointing your arm and teleporting, then adjusting to your new location.
well the technique now is to press a button to move forward or to swing your arms back and forth to feign walking
Prepare the vomit :-P
there's no legit walking in VR unless you've got one of those stationary treadmills which do exist, but they're expensive af
I know, I know. That's why I enjoy only games that design around a small space, stationary, etc.
Open world, games with a lot of movement, it's just a bad experience.
@Hozuki meh, when you think about it, moving a mouse to control where your pistol is pointing is no more immersive
we've just all gotten used to the mouse interface
I think the same can be said for VR. It's just a matter of getting used to it
Yes, but the experience is constant. It's not 100% immersive and then BANG ALL BROKEN, and then 100% immersive again.
@Plain_Dude_Sleeping_Alone we are legion
I've had VR goggles since the early Vive, and I still hate games that require movement :-P
@mr5 I have a Xamarin app that crash when opening a specific page, it doesn't crash if I stepped into the code!
@Hozuki pavlov vr does movement quite well
Agreed, the slow pace makes it just-barely-not-vomit-inducing
@mshwf does your static method modify external references?
Hey all, can someone please help me with my question
Q: .Net core 3.0 API doesn't bind properties with hyphen

Display nameReviewed the question as it was not received well the last time. Hope I have provided all the required information below. I have a basic API controller and my Json object doesn't seem to bind to the model properly. The root object binds but the property with hyphen in its name doesn't bind. Unfo...

@mr5 No, it's just math calculations. I use System.Math and CoreGraphics of iOS
I'm still yet to get motion sickness to be fair
Even with playing VTOL VR
I get it fairly easily. Just put me in the cockpit of a plane in VR and motion sickness is almost immediate.
that's what happened with my dad
it didn't even move and he immediately got motion sickness
@mshwf it doesn't tell much. how are you so sure the issue is on the static method?
@mr5 I'm not sure. I'm just asking if it can cause problems. I can't debug it just crashes with no exception
wonder if I can create instances of class inside switch-case. Class depends on case. VS doesn't seem to like me trying feed into in switch (class ClassName)
no reason doing that except putting lot of enormous cases in switch into couple of different classes with switch-cases smaller :S
@Hozuki that pipeline you showed me a while ago
@CaptainSquirrel Yeah, it's terrible.
for react + xamarin
it is?
@CaptainSquirrel What about it? :-)
How difficult do you think it would be to add scss into it?
I can't imagine it'd be overly difficult, plus the scss compiler spits out minified css anyway
I wouldn't use any type of CSS library with the availability of material-styles
It's not difficult, no, just not useful.
@mshwf if the issue is only occurring in non-debug mode, perhaps crashlytics would help you narrow down the problem.
@CaptainSquirrel In my company apps I have the styles like this github.com/Deathspike/pipeline/blob/xamarin/src/counter/views/…
Have you noticed any quirks of writing custom html+css on mobile when its converted to mobile?
Nope, none.
Let me nuance that. None in combination with material-ui. It already provides most of the styling you need. The tweaking you do is mostly just margins, paddings, etc. The simple stuff.
Why is it only 9am
In an app where I did not use material, I am plagued with css issues
Is that because of mobile conversion issues or just regular old css being shite issues
Css isn't shite
The lack of consistency regarding implementations is the problem
@CaptainObvious [x] doubt
@CaptainSquirrel It's the implementation in Safari that's usually the issue.
And very, very old Androids with old webviews.
Why is safari such utter shit
Apple doesn't care about their browser environment. They want you to build native apps.
So when it gets compiled to the mobile apps, it uses safari/android webview ?
Yes, on iOS you use WKWebView. That's their "modern" webview. On Android you use Chrome's WebView, which is always up to date nowadays.
Unless you are on Android < 6
That's why we stopped supporting Android < 6 heh.
@Hozuki but surely you could just stop supporting
in that case, stop supporting and send them to your website
Actually Android usually still uses a seperate webview
Except it's actually kept up to date through the play store
Chrome uses the same WebView now, doesn't it?
Anyway, it's up to date, so it's good.
I don't actually know if chrome uses that webview or it's own, but there are different options so I'm guessing chrome has it's own
Lots of things to consider for mobile dev then lol
Hmm, maybe Chrome does use the system webview now. I'm fairly certain it used to have it's own though
Which I think is why an option appeared in the Developer options on Android to switch which webview would be used by default. But I just checked my phone and there's only 1 option anyway
Jack, shrug
@Hozuki with your pipeline, i'm guessing its fairly straightforward to just compile the react app?
(Sorry double ping)
The reviews on this are almost as good as Carrier Services
@CaptainSquirrel Yeah. Run npm install. Now open in VSCode, run npm test, and then press F5. That it.
@CaptainObvious lmao. how do people get an idea how does those internal app works?
When you're ready to make it an app, just npm pack and open the solution in VS2019/VSMac and run it on iOS or Android
Fuck knows, but ig you ignore all the reviews about people bitching there's some quality stuff there
That material-ui is quite nice to be fair
Do you do much overriding of the way things look? @Hozuki
I built one company app with it, and my manga app. I really love it.
@CaptainSquirrel Not that much. Just the theme. github.com/mangaloyalty/mangaloyalty
But you can override stuff if needed
this is mucho interestingo
thanks for letting me pick your brain a little :D
Yeah. You got full control over the way things look.
No probs. :-)
I may need to do so again in the near-future
Might give it a try tonight
Good sirs, excuse me. Is there way in C# to re-throw switch/case?
something like "goto", but to switch start?
@Chelicerae Nothing built into the language.
bool restart = true;
do {
switch (whatever)
 case "do restart":
   // code
 case "don't restart":
    restart = false;

} while (restart)
Now the hell do I use NEST to write good search queries
Overlord, do nothing
Overlord, say something
@DKDhilip something
@Grace aw, so no "easy way" again
This is about as easy as it gets, buddy
thought about that do-while, but thought there's something like goto
c# does have a goto statement
but I don't think it helps you here
and it wouldn't really be any better than the do while situation
yep, it just goes to another case, not restart of switch
it's adorable
yes it is
@Chelicerae "restart" is a strong word. A switch isn't that complicated of a construct. looping to the switch statement again is the same as gotoing to the switch statement.
Any thoughts on how to fix this please? stackoverflow.com/q/60123613/3636130
@Grace couldn't you just make that into a while(restart) { ... } without the do { ... } ?
or is do { ... } while() the "correct" way of doing it
depends on whether you want to run it at least once
Well, two points come into play here:

- the do version avoids a pointless check on the variable the first time
- the do version makes it a little easier in case you want to invert the logic (start with continue = true instead of restart = false)
but the programs are equivalent either way in this case
Hmm, i hadn't considered the second point to be honest
also, the do version eliminates the mental overhead of making whoever's reading the code evaluate the variable in their head.
but you'd still have to swap the original value and change the restart = false to restart = true
unless you did restart = !restart; instead
I originally wrote the code up there with the inverse logic before rewriting it to fit better with what the asker asked.
Morning all
Yeah, it'd be an annoying change either way
but having the do loop there anyways gives you one less thing to change
(also, I don't get to use do loops much, so it's nice to flex those muscles)
Fair enough
It's such a small thing, I wouldn't bring it up in a code review or anything, but it's a little insight into my thought process.
Please vote my question up as I need it answered desperately. I made a total mess asking it the first time and it got voted down to oblivion stackoverflow.com/q/60123613/3636130
From my past experience with api controllers (Which could be completely wrong)
But i've never had to use [FromBody] or the JsonObject/JsonProperty flags
I have
As far as I know you need at least the JsonProperty attribute for the hyphenated name
can't say I've attempted kebab-case stuff with it before
don't really need the JsonObject
gimme a sec, gonna look at my old api
that might be it aye
Also, please vote the question up as I think I have edited it to be more meaningful now
-2 votes is causing it to be unanswered for a long time!
@Displayname So one of my api controller actions with FromBody also uses Bind
    public IActionResult SetVoucherCode([FromBody,Bind("code")] VoucherCodeDTO v)
        Debug.WriteLine("**** code: " + v.code);
        bool result = _eFly.SetSessionVoucherCode(v.code);
        return Ok(result);
Actually bind probably wouldn't work, as it's binding them to properties in the C# class, and afaik C# class properties can't have hyphens
@MyWrathAcademia Yes, that's me. I'm not sure you can do that. A debugger requires input to operate when certain conditions are matched. Using just a command line? I don't think you can debug like that.
Jesus christ why is ElasticSearch so hard to use
Thanks @DAustin. I will give that a go but not sure if that works at a property level
5 people with crappy request in a row just came into my office
The same crappy request?
nah different of course
You can memoize the response and efficiently return it from cache!
you know just og and modify the report (stored proc) then do some data entry because im an idot etc...
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan lol I'll cache the result sure
sorry for extremely dumb question, but where can I read about inheritance
I mean, there should be some pros about it instead of copying classes, but I don't get it yet
in case I can't just inherit class and redefine 1-2 variables that should be different since it says "no such variable in child class for variables I wanna use from parent class without changing
It's important to keep in mind as you read, though, that the standard academic OO guides that teach you about inheritance (with the ubiquitous "class Dog : Animal" examples) don't necessary match the real-world use that inheritance has these days.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I mean about stuff why inheritance is better than cloning and why I should use interfaces
In many day to day cases, inheritance probably isn't the solution you should prefer.
@Chelicerae See, you have three different topics here that aren't necessarily related.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I meant it's just one case - I have number of almost same classes (with 2-3 different variables) and I can't just do Class : Parent class and use Class.SomeFuncFromParent that I need to use in very same way and even with same variable names
@CaptainObvious it is?
is elasticsearch actually for searching tho?
In computer programming, flyweight is a software design pattern. A flyweight is an object that minimizes memory usage by sharing as much data as possible with other similar objects; it is a way to use objects in large numbers when a simple repeated representation would use an unacceptable amount of memory. Often some parts of the object state can be shared, and it is common practice to hold them in external data structures and pass them to the objects temporarily when they are used. A classic example usage of the flyweight pattern is the data structures for graphical representation of characters...
But building decent queries is rly hard
I keep cloning this class, changing 2 lines out of 300 and it seems like "no good" for me. Well, it still works, but I wanna do some cool stuff like a pro, lol
you mean you're copying the entire code and just changing two lines?
that's a big no-no
I figured it :S
just extract the part you want to alter into a protected method and in the derived class, you can override it
ideally it would also somewhat make sense so that you could give a proper name
well, I thought I can solve it with func or two that would get some stuff and return changed lines, but there's inheritance that should do that stuff. But it doesn't
if you do more than one class like this, make the original class its own derived class with a common abstract class which does most of the common stuff
@Chelicerae well it should.. maybe you're not doing it properly
seems like that
Still, inheritance is a must know for any job interview tests
@Chelicerae Class Hierarchies would be something else for you to read up on while you're at it
@DAustin I know that. TBH, I read about that, but it just doesn't seems fine by me because it doesn't work here as intended (or, most likely, how I think intended to)
I mean don't get me wrong, ElasticSearch is awesome
But it's such a steep learning curve
Basically, create your base class, then in your higher class, inherit from that base class and override anything you want to override
At the risk of sounding like a noob, what's special about ElasticSearch?
problem is it can't use anything (in public function) from base class, tho.
if the base class is abstract, you can just create methods to be overridden
Those methods don't even have to do anything, just be declared
though that would kinda defeat the purpose lol
just pass all the information you require to be able to do the work, base class or derived
you're not supposed to make private members protected or public
@Neil derived! thanks id forgotten the word for it lol
@Neil uhm? So I need to redefine anything I would use?
@Chelicerae in what sense redefine?
you pass them as method parameters
For a ISerializer<SomeClass>, I'd expect a method signature like public string Serialize(SomeClass instance) to be present that you'd have to serialize in the derived class for instance
you wouldn't, for instance, call on Instance property to get SomeClass instance inside a Serialize() method
So basically
The NEST fluent API is absolute shite
But the non-fluent is basically exactly the same as the JSON so it's much better
yay it's almost lunch time, lads
so I trying to override some function from base class and it says "no suitable method found to override". More to that, when I trying to use some variable from base class (with base. or without it) it says DerivedClass does not contain definition for variable.
@Chelicerae Is that variable defined as protected, or private?
Also, is the method you're overriding marked virtual in the parent and override in the derived class?
@Hans1984 lol
or maybe even shadows
ah, my bad
so lame, I read about that once more just today and still forgo
think I should dig in it, since I can't set variable (it's list) to protected, as well, as func to virtual
@Chelicerae Being a list has nothing to do with it.
If you don't control the base class, and it doesn't define its methods as virtual and its members as protected, then inheritance is not the solution.
I'm trying to separate my classes more to try and implement SRP, I used to have a NetworkListener which would hold a list of connections, and listen for incoming connections of a TcpListener and then add them to the list. I've now refactored this so that NetworkListener gets passed an instance of a new class called NetworkHandler which holds the list and has a method RegisterClient which adds the client to the list, is this an improvement? Or am I over-engineering?
Jesus is the answer

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