@Hozuki lol never said the job was hot shit, its just shit, hence why im leaving, but as its a solo role, i need to ensure whoever takes over is capable of doing the job with no oversight. In a large company with plenty of developers around, that wouldn't matter because it would get caught in a probationary period, unfortunately there is no code review process here, as there is no one to review the code and say "Hey, this guy doesn't know jack!"
aye, well ive migrated away from the immense library of stored procs the dba from 2011 made
created a DAL in EF
so the nitty gritty isnt really required for the role, but they'll still need to dive in to debug bad data etc
knowing the difference between a primary key and a foreign key really isnt that big a deal when all you need to do is dial in an update a single record so its stops borking this old bit of software
the guy who hired me, saw the job listing and got in touch last night, was a hilarious convo, but he was talking about how much he loved PHP with Laravel
yeh but tbf its not a dba role, it just has moments where you need to do something on the sql server, because the software here is terrible at validating
Ya but you never know who's going to be giving the interview. Had an interview once for a dev job and the guy asked only SQL questions.. I use LINQ mostly at the time, so kinda buffed the time questions.
Hello, let's say I have dot net core api running. Now I want to make a docker image for it. Now in my build machine (windwos) it has no docker installed. Actually docker is not installing for some reason & I could not resolve that. I have another pc which has ubuntu install and docker running. Can I use it for build that docker image ?
but there's still some legacy crap in there that might need dealing with, need to know they wont accidentally drop a database when querying for stuff lol
@bluetoothfx As far as im aware it should run on Docker anywhere, so yes?
last time i checked though it didnt even really need docker, thought you could just compile it out to run on linux as a container anyway
i mean, i did a Web API on a CENTOS install without docker, so im sure its doable
I am so frustrated that docker is not installing in windows. I have reinstalled windows for that and upgraded to its latest version and even for that it shows error.
I was wanting to see if I could circumvent the issue where I enter the same item in twice and Hozuki suggested .TryAdd() for sorteddictionaries
now visual studio is just being slow so meh
I set public List<Pattern> patLst = new List<Pattern>(); in Waiver.cs, then I call this object in a method on my webpage where we first see if there are any objects in patLst, so if (waiver.patLst.Count > 0), but this returns a null reference exception.
HEy all, In my ASP.NET Core 3.1 MVC-based application, I canNot do the following with JavaScript @await Html.PartialAsync("UpldPopupContentTmpltPartial", new ViewDataDictionary(ViewData) { { "BookId", document.getElementById("HiddenSelectedUploadDataType").Value } });
I need to pass the partial view with a javascript value
it's more efficient to order as you insert than it is to throw it all into a Set and then sort the resulting values
that difference isn't obvious for smaller numbers but still
Also LinkedHashSet is relevant when order is important.. maybe it isn't enough to know if an instance isn't in the list, but maybe you want to know in which order it was inserted
I've had to use both in different occasions, and not just to test the various implementations for the heck of it :)
when would I use public MyClass (Set mySet) // ctor instead of public MyClass (LinkedHashSet mySet) // still ctor to change the underlying Set with DI or something?
I would go for the second case, and change the LinkedHashSet for other type, and rebuild that part