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what happens if you dont await an async call?
if you have a function AsyncMethod()
what is the difference between not awaiting AsyncMethod(), and calling Task.Run(() => AsyncMethod);
5 hours later…
@cubesnyc It depends on what the async method actually does internally, but generally speaking it simply lets the task continue running unobserved.
It means that, for instance, any exceptions that occur won't be handled.
Taks.Run, specifically, starts a new thread and runs the async method in it. That doesn't necessarily happens when you simply call the async method unawaited.
For instance, consider a method like this:
public Task DoSomethingAsync()
      Console.WriteLine("I'm async!")
      return Task.CompletedTask;
It's an async method. It returns a Task, which, if you don't await, will run and complete unobserved. But because it doesn't actually do anything, it will likely run on the calling thread and complete immediately, returning a completed task, without creating any new thread.
I enabled the outlook desktop "coming soon" and now I can't disable it :(
I like the Coming Soon features, especially the compact UI.
Compact? It's all super spaced o ut for me
This is easily the worst part though
Why the fuck did they think the unread counts need to be seperated from their respective folders?
Don't you have the on/off switch next in the top right corner?
no it's gone after I restarted to see if it was still shit
I enabled it for the "Prefer Tighter Spacing" feature, which is nice.
And the Simplified Ribbon.
Wow, the tighter spacing isn't that much tighter
It just looks like it did before again
If you're gonna have massive margins, at least be consistent
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan just saw your response
i think youre wrong about it explicitly starting a new thread
"Queues the specified work to run on the ThreadPool and returns a task or Task<TResult> handle for that work."
@cubesnyc Regardles of whether it's a new thread or a thread from the threadpool, it's a separate thread from the calling thread.
Whereas just calling an async method can complete on the calling thread.
my question was more so
@CaptainObvious I feel the tighter spacing tightens quite a bit.
@cubesnyc when you're calling an async method, simply calling it doesn't automatically make it run on a different thread. An async method that does nothing async and doesn't await anything else will run synchronously and return when done.
I mean the tighter spacing feels the same as before I toggled the coming soon. I can't check though because I can't disab;e it again
so what happens when i call an async method without using await that uses await internally
so if i had a function
async Task DoComplcatedStuffAsync() { await Task.Delay(); Console.Writeline("done");}
void Test(){ DoComplicatedStuffAsync(); }
@cubesnyc In this case, DoComplicatedStuffAsync will yield back to Test the moment it hits the first await call. Test will then complete.
oh ok so anything before await would be run synchronously
When Task.Delay returns, it will find a thread to run on, and then run Console.Writeline().
and then when it hits the first await, it returns
btw are you israeli?
cool i was just there, in tel aviv
For the Eurovision?
haha no visiting brother/family friends
so i guess technically the immediate difference between Task.Run and not awaiting is that part of the method/delegate isnt run on the same thread
Effectively, yes. If you do Task.Run, it's like your call to Task.Delayinside the async method - you're adding a new method (Task.Run) which, internally, calls DoComplicatedStuffAsync. It's another layer in between (which might be what you want, but often isn't).
For instance, if your async method is an I/O bound call (say, it's a call to HttpClient.GetAsync()), you probably don't want to wrap it in Task.Run because that would just hold up a thread for no reason.
thats a good point
better to just dispatch the request immediately, synchronously
and have it pick up on the next available thread in the pool
is that right/
async Task<HttpResponse> GetData()
     var response = await _httpClient.GetAsync(_url);
This, for instance, will return immediately, but because HttpClient uses IO Completion Ports, it probably won't hold a Thread resource while waiting for network data.
you lost me at iocompletion ports
Simply put, it's like a separate pool of threads that handle I/O requests.
thanks avner that was very helpful
do you remember my question regarding that batch order processor i was working on?
Nope. :)
well i wrote some code would appreciate any input
if you have the time
not sure if there are any holes in it
Sorry, a full-fledged code review is more than I can squeeze in right now.
no worries, ill post it in the event you feel bored
oh wow i think i found a bug anyway
if i capture a variable in a closure
List<Items> itemsList;
StartSomeTask().ContinueWith( t=> {
lock(itemsList) { var copy = itemsList; itemsList = new List();} }
if two threads access that code
will itemsList get updated to reflect the new List assignment
thats a more complete code example
Printing PDFs without using acrobat reader in C# - Any recommendations before I dive in?
use another pdf-reader?
I mean programmatically
someone else needed this answer before you
Yeah I know that, I was asking if there was any recommendations before asking google
Partly because it takes until the 4th answer until I get something which doesn't involve using Acrobat reader
it's pretty good, especially in combination with the other libraries they sell.
> from $999 for a PDF lib
oh, it need to be cheap as well …. LOL
I mean
I only need to print it
I don't need any other PDF features
And also I deploy to multiple locations
there are lots of library's out there that do the job, Problem is finding the tool that gives you the least pain/trouble. Before picking one library, read about 'missing' features, and don't pick a tool that has updates every month (deploying becomes a problem)
You could always just... not update the library
If it does what you need to there's no benefit in updating unless it doesn't work anymore and a newer version will
Looks decent but relies on Acrobat reader to print
@CaptainObvious work or personal project?
Then $999 is a snip
They probably spend more than that on teabags
Nah we're a small companu]
And not a software company at that
If they want the feature enough to pay a developer to code it, they can pay for the tool to make it work, I say.
Assuming it's not you that's the decision maker here which based on your description I guess you could be
Pardon me for being opinionated but I've had a lot of frustration recently with people determined to waste time and/or money in order to save time and/or money
I'll have to do a bit of research because even if it wasn't expensive, I still don't like bringing in huge libraries to do a single thing
3 hours later…
Hi, is there a better way then this?
var rnd = new Random();
var rnd2 = rnd.Next(wordList.Count);
It depends on what you're trying to do
I need a random list item
Do you need lots of them or just 1?
I finally managed to print PDFs good by using Google & Foxit's pdfium (via the PdfiumViewer .NET wrapper). It's built in printing isn't very good, but it can render to a bitmap and I can manage the printing of that muself
just one
I have an other question
var wordToGuessWithUnderscores = wordToGuess.Select(x => letterList.Contains(x) ? x : Replace("_")).ToString();
This doesn't work
I want to create a word guessing game. I want to replace letters in a word with "_" if they don't exist in my letterList.
@CaptainObvious there was one cli level library that does this printing very well
i forgot whats it called
Yeah I tried that too but it was gonna be too awkward with the dependency and the packages to bundle it weren't working properly
@kame what's Replace for?
Replace a char in a string if char not in list
possible with LINQ?
Also, .Select works because a string is an IEnumerable<char>, but I don't think you can .ToString an IEnumerable
Yes it's possible but think more carefully about what you're doing here. Select is taking a sequence of chars and returning a new sequence of chars. You're not trying to replace anything in the original sequence, you're copying the parts of the old sequence that you want into the new sequence
The body of the select is half right. When X is in the list return X, otherwise return _, but that Replace which is presumably meant to be a method call doesn't do that. Both sides of that ternary should work in basically the same way, right? Either return the original char or return _. But what you have is return the original char or call a method, so the negative path is doing something different that doesn't fit
to difficult. :/
what is a negative path? @TomW
the false branch of that ternary expression
hey tom
this is the code i came up with regarding my quesiton from the other day
i am not sure about the locks in the continuewith, if you could offer your input
line 58, that looks like infinite recursion?
or at least repeating the exercise for the same items until the queue is full
What is the "correct" way to build multiuser wpf app?
I want to allow multiple users work on the same db and notify every user when someone changing something
is should work on local network and online
oh no I see
it's looking up any items that were queued from any previous runs and ordering them?
@cubesnyc I'm still pretty sure I don't understand why you need to do whatever it is you're doing, but I can't see any obvious problems with the locks. I'd be wary of a deadlock with the second lock on processingOrders, but I don't think either block has any reason that that lock wouldn't be released, so you might be OK
Ooh wait. What happens if a thread tries to lock an object it's already locked on?
if its the same thread, its fine
i tried to explain it to you in terms of a shopping cart
like on amazon
you get an order for items you start the order process programatically (enter items into cart, enter payment etails, etc.). you dispatch another order until that order is done processing, otherwise it will restart the whole process with whatever is in the cart currently, so all that processing time goes to waste.
Who is "you" in this explanation?
the program
or you physically if that makes it easier to comprehend
Why would you be allowed to start more than one order at a time?
I think the problem is you have a mental model of how ordering things works that is totally different to mine, and you're jumping forward to how to implement these programming rules without it being clear to anybody else why you need them in the first place
i explained it to you yesterday
You thought you did
there are some sites where the "shoppingcart" is singular to the account
Can't you just attach an id to each item and only submit the ones that are relevant in the first place?
@TomW not sure what this is in reference to
for other sites, there is no global shopping cart, but rather you select what you want and pay for it immediately. it doesnt get added to a cart that can be modified, or keeps state. So essentially you can have an unlimited number of concurrent orders happening.
I wasn't around for this yesterday by the way. It wasn't me you were explaining it to
I sort of looked at bits of it
we were talking about it
Nope. I was aware the conversation was going on but wasn't really reading
oh i must be confused then
Alright, so the intention is that you'll receive a stream of these ordering events at the server side, and you want to group them in a way that is efficient to physically be dispatched, and make sure you only dispatch them once
is that it?
efficiently as defined by sending them out as fast as possible while preserving the batches they arrive in
What defines a batch?
so at the minimum if two items come in together, they are dispatched together
not necessarily solely, they can be grouped with things than come in after them, but at the minimum to preserve that initial batch
The way you explained it, when you order something it's actioned immediately, so in what sense are order events together?
there has to be a period of time between clicking one button and clicking another, so you must be defining a window in which they are seen to be together
so if i order A, order process starts for A, if B and C then come in together, they get queued up pending A finishing, then D comes in while A is still processing, gets attached to the B, C batch. A finishes, B C D get sent out
assuming max concurrency 1 here
I think I would make this the responsibility of the order, to be honest. There must be some rule that says I'm not waiting any longer for anything else to come in, I'm dispatching this order now
could be seconds, could be hours
what do you mean
exactly what I said
well first off there is no time limit
so how do you decide to dispatch it?
if the order is queued to process and the previous order never finishes then the queued order can never start or else it will fail
but to follow your line of thinking
i could just dispatch an order
and put a semphore on top
So if I order ten things, but I click slowly, how many orders that is divided into is determined by how fast the backend can get through them?
Or if I click really fast and the server is busy, they'll all be batched into 1 order?
assuming concurrency is 1?
if there is an order currently processing, then yes that is correct
speed is paramount
I don't think I would want the way I do physical things in the real world (packing orders) should be determined by how fast my code runs
not sure what point youre trying to make with that last bit
Trying to get the point across to you and vice versa is making my head hurt, sorry
I've got other things to do so, good luck

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