@cubesnyc It depends on what the async method actually does internally, but generally speaking it simply lets the task continue running unobserved.
It means that, for instance, any exceptions that occur won't be handled.
Taks.Run, specifically, starts a new thread and runs the async method in it. That doesn't necessarily happens when you simply call the async method unawaited.
For instance, consider a method like this:
public Task DoSomethingAsync()
Console.WriteLine("I'm async!")
return Task.CompletedTask;
It's an async method. It returns a Task, which, if you don't await, will run and complete unobserved. But because it doesn't actually do anything, it will likely run on the calling thread and complete immediately, returning a completed task, without creating any new thread.
@CaptainObvious I feel the tighter spacing tightens quite a bit.
@cubesnyc when you're calling an async method, simply calling it doesn't automatically make it run on a different thread. An async method that does nothing async and doesn't await anything else will run synchronously and return when done.
Effectively, yes. If you do Task.Run, it's like your call to Task.Delayinside the async method - you're adding a new method (Task.Run) which, internally, calls DoComplicatedStuffAsync. It's another layer in between (which might be what you want, but often isn't).
For instance, if your async method is an I/O bound call (say, it's a call to HttpClient.GetAsync()), you probably don't want to wrap it in Task.Run because that would just hold up a thread for no reason.
async Task<HttpResponse> GetData()
var response = await _httpClient.GetAsync(_url);
This, for instance, will return immediately, but because HttpClient uses IO Completion Ports, it probably won't hold a Thread resource while waiting for network data.
there are lots of library's out there that do the job, Problem is finding the tool that gives you the least pain/trouble. Before picking one library, read about 'missing' features, and don't pick a tool that has updates every month (deploying becomes a problem)
If they want the feature enough to pay a developer to code it, they can pay for the tool to make it work, I say.
Assuming it's not you that's the decision maker here which based on your description I guess you could be
Pardon me for being opinionated but I've had a lot of frustration recently with people determined to waste time and/or money in order to save time and/or money
I finally managed to print PDFs good by using Google & Foxit's pdfium (via the PdfiumViewer .NET wrapper). It's built in printing isn't very good, but it can render to a bitmap and I can manage the printing of that muself
Also, .Select works because a string is an IEnumerable<char>, but I don't think you can .ToString an IEnumerable
Yes it's possible but think more carefully about what you're doing here. Select is taking a sequence of chars and returning a new sequence of chars. You're not trying to replace anything in the original sequence, you're copying the parts of the old sequence that you want into the new sequence
The body of the select is half right. When X is in the list return X, otherwise return _, but that Replace which is presumably meant to be a method call doesn't do that. Both sides of that ternary should work in basically the same way, right? Either return the original char or return _. But what you have is return the original char or call a method, so the negative path is doing something different that doesn't fit
Hello! What is the "correct" way to build multiuser wpf app? I want to allow multiple users work on the same db and notify every user when someone changing something is should work on local network and online
it's looking up any items that were queued from any previous runs and ordering them?
@cubesnyc I'm still pretty sure I don't understand why you need to do whatever it is you're doing, but I can't see any obvious problems with the locks. I'd be wary of a deadlock with the second lock on processingOrders, but I don't think either block has any reason that that lock wouldn't be released, so you might be OK
Ooh wait. What happens if a thread tries to lock an object it's already locked on?
i tried to explain it to you in terms of a shopping cart
like on amazon
you get an order for items you start the order process programatically (enter items into cart, enter payment etails, etc.). you dispatch another order until that order is done processing, otherwise it will restart the whole process with whatever is in the cart currently, so all that processing time goes to waste.
Why would you be allowed to start more than one order at a time?
I think the problem is you have a mental model of how ordering things works that is totally different to mine, and you're jumping forward to how to implement these programming rules without it being clear to anybody else why you need them in the first place
for other sites, there is no global shopping cart, but rather you select what you want and pay for it immediately. it doesnt get added to a cart that can be modified, or keeps state. So essentially you can have an unlimited number of concurrent orders happening.
Alright, so the intention is that you'll receive a stream of these ordering events at the server side, and you want to group them in a way that is efficient to physically be dispatched, and make sure you only dispatch them once
The way you explained it, when you order something it's actioned immediately, so in what sense are order events together?
there has to be a period of time between clicking one button and clicking another, so you must be defining a window in which they are seen to be together
so if i order A, order process starts for A, if B and C then come in together, they get queued up pending A finishing, then D comes in while A is still processing, gets attached to the B, C batch. A finishes, B C D get sent out
I think I would make this the responsibility of the order, to be honest. There must be some rule that says I'm not waiting any longer for anything else to come in, I'm dispatching this order now