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12:16 AM
Hey how is everyone doing?
I have a xamarin project and I am trying to shrink an image. If anyone gets a chance can you look at my issue: stackoverflow.com/questions/54759499/…?
1 hour later…
1:43 AM
How the Google console at website make connection through Windows service?
Is that hard-coded in Chrome?
2 hours later…
3:29 AM
@nyconing it probably is since Google Chrome is shipped with platform-specific codes
2 hours later…
5:40 AM
Hi guys.
I made my own control for type URL on my cefbrowser.
cuz there's no textbox like chrome Address Input Box and FireFox Input Box.
I made it well but there's a problem.
I wish to make my control has only 26px height, but this control needs to print more than 26px when textbox focused.
but I don't wanna ruin my layout. I just wish to print suggestions under textbox like combobox.
is there any way to do this?
5:54 AM
found the solution.
that was <popup/>
damn... what a simple solution is...
1 hour later…
7:17 AM
My wife is feeling a little under the weather. To my delight, every 5 minutes for the span of the entire night, she made gut-wrenching coughs
So basically I'm a walking shell of a man right now
Maybe that'll improve with coffee
Goood moorniiiiing CeeeShaaaaarp! Have you also slept as great and comfortable as me last night?
@Squirrelkiller @Neil wants a word with you.
passes out
@Squirrelkiller usually I sleep 2.5~3 hrs a day.
yesterday was 6 hrs.
7:27 AM
@Arphile Why not sleep at night
so I can say I slept as great as you.
cuz I have a lot of things to do.
24hrs are not enough for me.
so I love weekends.
Weekends are the best part of the week
I wish there's only weekends on week.
7:33 AM
What I want is 10 hour work days
That way, friday can always be a day off
I don't mind putting in the extra work in the week if it means getting a "free" day
that seems great.
if I can work 4days per a week, I can travel more places.
I technically kinda have that.
We log into the time tracking system when we start, and log off when we leave. Overtime can be used to either leave early (Fridays the only restriction is: have to be here at least 5h), or take a vacation day in exchange for 8 hours.
that is nice
Although we can only take 2 of these days each month
That seems like the most logical thing in the world to me
7:36 AM
So yeah, my kolleague has every second friday off
Why make government pay extra for overtime? It really should just be enough to enforce that whatever time worked extra some days can be deducted on others
I understand the restriction too, since you don't want people "working the night shift" or some weird shit like that
If I opened up a company of my own, ideally I'd have a policy like this in place
Your system will making CHAOS
how so?
If you do so, hour rate and maximum deduction rate may applied.
@Neil We work on a flexible-time principle. So long as you make 40h, nobody cares when you do it. It's preferred you are at least in the office enough to schedule meetings and whatnot, but other than that... well... your choice.
That said, I'm at work every day from 8 to 17 so whatever, but its nice to have as option
7:42 AM
@RoelvanUden Wish my job were that flexible
Honestly I think if I asked for a little time off one day to make up for it another day, nobody would bat an eye
It's mostly useful if there's a thing you need to do during work hours, but for the most part, the people here are in at regular times.
'Course nobody would mind. If you're off half a day and do the work some other day, who cares? You're a software dev, not working in a call center, where and when you do the work is irrelevant
when you call Tim's call center, the Albanians reply
I dont know why
yep maybe
7:47 AM
here they often outsource to Romania, since many Romanians speak Italian
Just get forwarded for some reason.
I called Apple Malaysia, I get CS from China.
but they sometimes don't speak very well Italian so I don't understand nothing!
@nyconing great
yeah, sometimes their Italian is kind of broken
@Neil can you not arrange that with you company? That you work for 10 hours instead of 8
7:50 AM
I can speak Chinese so no problem in communicate. But I have new problem, that CS dont know English interface which I used on my device.
@Proxy No, because they expect me to be available friday like any other day
They don't mind exceptions, but it can't be the rule
ah i see. The company where my buddy is working allows him to do that. 10 hours days then free friday or monday
that sounds nice
Though I suppose I wouldn't even mind working friday if I could work remotely
People gotta lay off this idea that you have to breath down the necks of programmers before they'll produce anything
good (ugt) morning
well they need to make sure that you are looking at code
7:57 AM
Relationships are built on trust. Regardless of whether it is romantic or employer/employee. If you can't trust your developers to actually work, then you should sever the relationship. "Making sure" they are looking at code is one of the biggest BS I've ever heard.
@Proxy Most of my job isn't looking at code
@RoelvanUden I agree 100%
The trust was established when they saw my skills in the interview and they saw how I worked after a few months time
Though honestly I do think it's also somewhat political in nature
The boss maybe wouldn't care, but he doesn't want to look bad in front of his boss by letting those under him work from home
I suppose that makes him look compliant
@CapricaSix I thought Dapper was made by Stackoverflow devs
@Neil It's probably political or the lack of will to deviate from workplace standards. After all, McDonalds employees don't work from home, nor does the cleaning lady, so why should you?!
The fact that the type of work is VERY different isn't understood by many. Hell, how many people actually understand what software development entails?
good point
for most people, software development is akin to working at a conveyer belt of product and producing software at a certain amount per hour
really it is a lot more similar to say, writing a book
8:07 AM
It'd be like making your star writer come to work at a desk all day at his laptop to produce his next book
When you think of it that way, it is a little silly
maybe working at home It's more comfortable and garant you to produce better code?
couldn't be a good point this one?
@Neil I like this analogy. It also implies that forcing the author to write n pages per day doesn't mean that the story is going to be interesting/good.
@AtanvarCoslin I, for one, am more productive working from home. My own home, my dog, and my music, and zero interruptions. I guess it doesn't apply if you have children and they are bouncing around at home.
As Bill Gates famously said, "Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight"
@RoelvanUden true
that is
8:30 AM
That said, most software development is done by teams, and having teams be in the same offices often helps in communication.
@Neil Ask a professional writer. A published author. Any of them what the secret to successful writing is. They'll tell you "Sit and write. Don't wait for inspiration. Sitand write and write. Have a set time of day to sit and write. Just sit. And write".
@AtanvarCoslin For me, for instance, working for home is about 15-20% as effective as working at the office.
Even when I'm home alone and not (like today) home with a sick kid.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I'm not saying you shouldn't try to program, I just mean results suffer if you're not given the space to consider how best to approach a given issue
@Neil Of course, but I don't think "be at the office between 9:00-17:00" is the same as "produce X lines of code every day".
But take that same writer, and not only does he have to sit and write, he's got people popping in asking him if he got that e-mail or if he could just check something real fast on his computer that's acting up.. writing isn't going to get done
That's true. But also that coding isn't a developer's only job.
that seems evident using a writer in this analogy, but perhaps less so for a programmer, at least for those unfamiliar with our field
True, and I would argue neither is writing the only job of a writer
I think they try to bug a writer as little as possible, but I'm sure there are plenty of promotions or marketing people bugging the writer for things
at least they have the common sense to write an e-mail and not bug them in person
8:35 AM
The difference is that a writer usually isn't part of a team.
My work is intertwined with that of 4-5 other people.
it can be, sure. That isn't my case though
It's not that remote teams don't work - they have their advantages - but their disadvantages too.
Usually specifications fall in my lap, and I have to produce, stopping only when specifications are unclear
8:48 AM
Content Security Policy (CSP) is a web standard that grants web developers additional control over what locations a client browser is permitted to load resources from/what other sites are allowed to interact with the developer’s site.
So if developer's site is sending request to ABC.example.com and getting response back from it, Do i have to make a policy like this in web.config:

default-src 'self' https://ABC.example.com

or just 'self' would work if the response from ABC.example.com is just html/json:
Güten morgen, mein fruenden!
Kind reminder that I'm not german, as any german natives can probably tell because I probably butchered that
du hast!
du hast mich
9:13 AM
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan It depends on what the task is at the time, for me. It's rare now that I get tasks that are "just leave me alone and let me get on with it"
It should be more of that, but the way organisations are set up more often than not it takes half a dozen people to accomplish a task that could be done by one
I have a json where the value of a key is coming either as dictionary or integer. For parsing purpose I have kept the type of that variable as object in my file. But it's failing. Any idea what can be done ?
@Rishab can you give us a simple example?
@Neil ok wait
What file?
@Neil there you go pastebin.com/WwSgq9hs
9:25 AM
@Rishab ok, and what's the failure?
is it not parsing this as json?
@Rishab is it wrapped in an array?
Good day my dears, I was wondering if there's any way I can get my current location in lat/lng, I mean the location of my PC not a handheld device, using of course Bing map SDK and WPF, I've been tackling with a project on github called geocode: github.com/chadly/Geocoding.net , I'd appreciate your thoughts about this
This isn't technically json because it needs to have a root object or array including everything else
Yes it's very long json
It's inside an array
Cannot deserialize the current JSON object (e.g. {"name":"value"}) into type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[EMAShared.AuditAnswer]' because the type requires a JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) to deserialize correctly.
To fix this error either change the JSON to a JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) or change the deserialized type so that it is a normal .NET type (e.g. not a primitive type like integer, not a collection type like an array or List<T>) that can be deserialized from a JSON object. JsonObjectAttribute can also be added to the type to force it to deserialize from a JSON object.
!!morn or horn
9:28 AM
@Hans1984 horn
@Rishab It looks like it's expecting an array there and not an object
@Rishab please provide a minimal valid sample JSON data
I don't know why that is exactly. The actual json (assuming it's wrapped) looks okay
@Neil Even if it expects an array shouldn't object pass? object is just a placeholder for any type isn't it?
Also value is coming as either dictionary or integer. It's not expecting array.
How do you configure NLog to use a bit different settings depending on build configuration
9:36 AM
@Neil it's not since it has the same key: Answer
for example for Debug I want to log to C: drive, but for Production I need to log to D: drive
@mr5 oh that's true
@Taurib preprocessors?
You need an array of answer objects, or your keys need to be different
you can't use two "Answer" keys in an object
do you mean
9:37 AM
If anything, you have an "Answer" key with an array value containing all answer objects
@Taurib yep
@mr5 Can you use it in XAML?
don't use preprocessors
@Taurib sorry I'm not familiar with NLog
ideally you would map a drive on the computer where it's being run to the appropriate drive, and then your program uses that
in production, the mapped drive would be D: and in test, the mapped drive would be C:
that way your program can stay the same
9:40 AM
It is web application, so I do know which drive it needs to run from, but the paths are different, since I cannot exactly define route in web server by myself
@mr5 working json for you pastebin.com/0C1n10PN
@Taurib you can make it a web.xml parameter then
so that again, your program remains the same, and simply uses the parameter passed to it
while you could add logic in your program to change behavior, that's going to get you into trouble
@Rishab can you somehow modify this JSON output?
To what?
It has unnecessary hierarchy
9:43 AM
I can try to contact backend guy but don't know whether he'll do it or not
@Rishab if the json is invalid, that must change
passing invalid json to parse is unacceptable
Well the json is valid
no, it's not
if it is like the first link you provided
9:47 AM
i just trimmed it down
YEAH I have steamboat for dinner tonight
@Neil it is valid
26 mins ago, by Rishab
@Neil there you go https://pastebin.com/WwSgq9hs
this isn't valid
I'm sorry I still can't answer. Very busy rn
@Neil Don't worry about that. I am a bad trimmer. look at the second one
9:58 AM
hello, i have two C# project one asp.net core and second is console application, i have setup a queue in asp.net core project to track all changes and add it to iit, i want to be able to listen to the event tracker from the console application, how can i do this :(
@Neil Cheers, this one works, I can add parameter to web.config and read it into NLog.config variable and use it there :)
@Taurib :)
1 hour later…
11:10 AM
stable > unstable, therefore stable version is above unstable version, there 'up' is the fitting direction.
@Rishab You can throw it into a jobject and then go int.TryParse on the value. If it works, it works. If it doesn't work, make an object.
I hate working with those kind of data models.
Those people clearly does not understand enough the data so they just throw it all
@Squirrelkiller yet, if you have 1.1 installed and you select 1.0, it still shows "Update" (iirc)
Well you actively choose 1.0, its value is therefore higher than the value of 1.1.
For whatever reason you came to this conclusion
MsLogic.exe has stopped working
11:28 AM
Should I explain in single steps?
Btw why is there a "downgrade" but no "downdate"?
since when "grade" is the opposite of "date"?
up is the opposite of down...
but there's upgrade (more featues) and update (newer version)
and downgrade (fewer features) but no downdate (older version)
downdate is a word?
11:31 AM
It is not
it's squirrel language
Hence my question
but it makes sense
2 mins ago, by Squirrelkiller
Btw why is there a "downgrade" but no "downdate"?
I'm 5 minutes away from going home leaving the office
11:31 AM
Verb: downdate (third-person singular simple present downdates, present participle downdating, simple past and past participle downdated)
  1. To alter, degrade or downgrade to an earlier or worse version, especially when it was intended to update.
Oh my. I think that was like the first time ever I actually used the word 'hence'.
@Squirrelkiller I feel you. I feel very eloquent whenever I say some new English word
Oh shit it's indeed a thing
@mr5 new?
I bet you feel eloquent now
11:32 AM
I feel like I'm possessed by avnir's vocabulary
@Wietlol I mean, words I rarely or never used before
i C
u C?
11:35 AM
1 minute!!!
come on!!
I C#
I only C# with glasses
I only Java punch but not Java kick
@mr5 I C#
11:39 AM
giggles like a schoolgirl
on a side note... can we have a minute of silence for all the idiots that dont think properly of escape sequences?
one minute later
thank you
@Wietlol having issues with programmers who don't think properly of escape sequences? :)
now its time for..
@Hans1984 That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: watcat, foxcat, badcat, bagcat, sadcat
@Hans1984 That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: cats, pat, wat
11:45 AM
@Hans1984 :3 :3 :3
oh its all gone
too bad
@Neil environment variables
Is there any reason that in a CORS scenario the call to an off-domain resource would return with a success code, but with the response body missing?
Colleague is telling me that he's seeing the same call through a gateway service vs. directly, no other differences, the response is empty from the gateway
The client is an ajax request in the browser. From server code and from postman it works fine in both cases
They've been having issues with CORS, and I've set up the gateway to respond with the proper CORS headers
I'm wondering whether there is any reason that a proper CORS implementation would act as if everything is fine but strip the response body, or whether I should be looking somewhere else
My suspicion is that he's just done something wrong
12:23 PM
is there a cors error in the browser?
No, solved those.
12:51 PM
Hi folks. Anyone here that maybe can give me some help on certificates. I am running a C# project, but I'm not really sure if this is a C# question, or rather a certificate question. but...
@TomW I'd say check fiddler, see if the problem is server or client
I have created my own key, and then generated a CSR that I have had signed by another bloke, now I am reading guides on how to create a pfx file from my key, and the received certificate. HOWEVER, after I have created a pfx, and then try to extract the key from that, it seems to give me another key.. is that correct?
public vs private key?
This is the private key
For a moment I thought you were the panini guy
12:55 PM
May 4 '16 at 14:23, by Caprica Six
Jan 12 at 16:55, by Markus Werner
to all stupid put all "Panini" in your asshole
le double quote tho
The original got deleted
I use openssl pkcs12 -export -in signed.pem -inkey private.key -out test.pfx to create the pfx, but I run openssl pkcs12 -in test.pfx -out key.rsa to export, and then openssl ras -in key.rsa -out test.key
now I'm expecting the test.key and my private.key to be the same
they are not though...
I'm guessing I have missunderstood how to work with openssl, but can anyone tell me where?
1:04 PM
@TomW Sorry, I'm just a regular Markus...
Not a legend
shakes head
such disappointment
ok, I found it... if I run openssl okcs12 -in test.pfx -out test.key -nodes I get the correct key...
sorry for the disappointments.. :/
one can only do so much
1:19 PM
is it just that the format of the file it was saved to was different?
@Markus no worries
I guess so
the fact that running it with -nodes suggests that the other thing I ran just was encoded in a DES mode
oh that rings a bell
I had to use openssl a little while ago for something I didn't really understand
the flag -nodes is rather confusing in that it looks like it spells something it doesn't
no key encryption is what it actually means, right?
1:49 PM
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Hey! Sorry for bothering you again. but I've got a few questions about the topic we discussed yesterday. Do you maybe have a sample of your own using Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData?
Not entirely sure it can even work without Entity Framework lol
2:23 PM
I figured it out
My colleague is using a browser-based test tool called Restlet, which uses XMLHTTPRequest under the hood, which obeys CORS, same as any other ajax request , except that it doesn't know where it's supposed to be simulating being from, so it sets a default Origin header. The tool is preflighting it, getting back an allowed-origin that doesn't match anything, and swallowing the error
How can I differentiate interfaces from classes in light theme for VS?
In dark theme it shows yellow or blue
Change the highlighting colour
> 2019
> Using light theme
!!giphy confused nick young
Wietlol became confused
2:32 PM
!!giphy what year is it
it hurt itself in its confusion
@rlemon ya shit broke again
@KendallFrey ;)
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens don't use the light theme
2:42 PM
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens don't use the light theme
We all like a good tan for a reason
Hmm. I see programmers can no longer easily remind themselves of basic syntax statements they don't use very often
Huehueueueueue nice.
Funnily enough, DuckDuckGo will serve all programming topics for that exact query.
but this is all profile based
Isn't that what intellisense and stuff is for?
2:45 PM
Switch case is evil even in C# 8.0
Just looks cleaner than 10 if/else statements
Everything is evil in your world @J.Doe
@J.Doe It's better than if ... if else ... if else ... if else ... if else ... if else ... else - which is what I've got here
R# can instantly convert if elseif else into one big switch
@MattThrower depends on your braces
2:46 PM
Switch case is 1 step
opens epic project
What's an Epic Solution? 100+ projects
1 project - 20 years
2:49 PM
hmm... I refactored them all I think
> Zoinks! You've taken a wrong turn.
hmm... I cant see my old images
Well that's how technically if/else statements work
is it?
they're just if{ else { if { [...] } } }
think about it
else executes 1 statement after it
as does if
2:52 PM
> It makes it more clear what parts are in the else sections.
- Developer
to execute more stuff, we make a block that goes "hey I'm one statement, execute me!"
and since else/if is very common, you can just combine it
and yes... there was one with about 40 branches
similar reason to why several using statements go straight below each other
I mean using(var s = GetStream()) kind of usings
standard setting is to not indent several of these directly after each other
hi guys, quick question: I need to format a TimeStamp as
TimeStamp.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss.FFF")
How can I force it to always display three numbers for decimal?
if else if is better than switch case
2:59 PM
@Squirrelkiller the sad thing is when you need one stupid statement between them
What's a TimeStamp? Is that a fancy word for a DateTime?
yeah... quick answer: use fff instead of FFF...
@KendallFrey DateTime is ambiguous

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