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2:46 AM
1 hour later…
4:04 AM
1 hour later…
5:14 AM
Goooooo wayToEarly Morniiiing CeeeShaarp!! Have you had any previously unknown food this weekend? How was the beer?
5:40 AM
Prefer wine.
5:54 AM
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' squirrelerinos!
Hi Squirrel o/
\o killerino
WHat kind of wine? I prefer white, the sweet kind.
The wining wine
6:07 AM
Btw PC still not running properly, no idea why :(
That's some fancy wine you got there
No this is serious wine
Sounds too sour for me
6:18 AM
Lemme ask google tranlate
Yeah sour/acidic. ALthough acidic sounds too...chemnistry IMO since it's about taste.
Its sweet
THen how can it be serious
I cant expressing thru English that not my first language
But this is the best wine I have drink
I have go there and tasted all their wine they have.
This still the best compared to other
40 friggin $ for a bottle?
Lady I don't have that kind of money
There is always provide ultimate wine, Audrey Wilkinson at NSW
Its expensive but totally worth
You will agree when you have tasted
6:26 AM
@Squirrelkiller You do.
My local Marktkauf center has some damn good white wine for 4€ though
@Squirrel let's see for how long, I got a GF now.
Good morning.
@Squirrelkiller As my best mate would say, "A girlfriend costs more money than you realize". Congrats though! Best of luck :-)
6:43 AM
Welp my wife "earnt" more money than I did, so technically I was the expensive one :D
Morning Roel, and thanks^^
@Squirrel Since you don't update your software for IMO arbitrary reasons, I stopped wondering about anything really.
@Squirrelkiller Never patch on patchday ever!
7:17 AM
MOrning proxy o/
morning squirrel o/
good morning!
7:49 AM
I am reading this blurb about CompareExchange.
What is the point of that example, can they not just do that with Interlocked.Add()?
oh lol it literally says that in the preceding paragraph
It literally says that in the preceding paragraph!
Diamond mod...
You rang?
lol, two diamond mods
Ohno, there is three
@MadaraUchiha that timing was almost creepy :D reminded me of the bash.org quote where fbi logs in to the same channel and says they're not stalking
8:03 AM
talked 1405d ago
@Default IRC admins with access to the server can basically make anything happen (since they control what messages the server sends out), so they can make a fake user called FBI to join, and give a message or two :)
I know, because I did (and programmed) that a few times
@MadaraUchiha yeah, I know, still funny :D
My timing was coincidental though 😃
Can I have that transcript that is sent through server backend?
@nyconing On an IRC server..?
Sure, I guess, most IRC server software has a logging feature
8:08 AM
Yes. I mean can I have that transcript link?
8:31 AM
Given up.
Keyword is too wide
But found that search engine going weird on searching "user"
Unrelated result is given
Morning all
8:57 AM
I'd rather eat randy - Still got that open :D
9:22 AM
hello @here
how are you doing
need your help on json deserialization.
Hello. I am doing great. Thank you.
well am having nested json , but i have failed to logic out how to deserilize it, i used json2csharp page to generate the model class and it looks like this :

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace newApp.Model

public class Location
public double lat { get; set; }
public double lng { get; set; }

public class Northeast
public double lat { get; set; }
public double lng { get; set; }

public class Southwest
public double lat { get; set; }
public double lng { get; set; }
Can a return in finally override the returns in try/catch?
oh I love it when you auto-generate code that is not able to be auto-generated
this is the method on how i was trying to deserialize and it failed :
public async void getData()

var content = await _client.GetStringAsync(URL);
var n = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<List<Result>>>(content);

Debug.WriteLine("Output ", n);

9:26 AM
@Squirrelkiller no, because a return in a finally is considered a compiler error
@LutaayaHuzaifahIdris try to make an mcve
@Squirrelkiller No. A finally is intended to do something regardless of a successful code execution, or an error.
!!tell oh why bother I am in mindjail anyway
@Wietlol, i didnt get that
9:27 AM
Why is an MCVE
it is not started with a,e,i,o,u
Ok that was too easy.
In VS Source Control Explorer ctrl+G>find changeset, how do I look for changesets including "*.resx" files? Wont let me just type it in.
@nyconing Because M is pronounced "Em"
The other way around being "a Unicorn" since the U in Unicorn is pronounced like "junicorn" (and how do you write that pronounciation anyway? It just seems strange in english. ENglish is strange with pronounciation.)
`Cannot deserialize the current JSON object (e.g. {"name":"value"}) into type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Collections.Generic.List`1[newApp.Model.Result]]' because the type requires a JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) to deserialize correctly.
To fix this error either change the JSON to a JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) or change the deserialized type so that it is a normal .NET type (e.g. not a primitive type like integer, not a collection type like an array or List<T>) that can be deserialized from a JSON object. JsonObjectAttribute can also be added to the type to force it to deserialize
An Unicorn?
Lutaaya, let us take a look on your content variable that is contains json
An Umbrella / a Unicorn
Umbrella goes "Umbrella" while Unicorn goes "Junicorn" (that's a german j not the strange english one).
an MP3 player
Or a?
9:36 AM
you're right, an, since you go "Em-Pee-Three"
Haha, you said pee.
So it is based on pronunciation.
Still have 98% of roads to mastering English
Unicorn is a weird one
It's doesn't follow standard convention, "An Unicorn" both looks and sounds wrong, even though it follows the rules
unless you are the Pyro, then it would be "Mph-mh"
9:59 AM
You are weird!
@LutaayaHuzaifahIdris This it not slack
Wait no, "A Unicorn" is fine
Fucking english, why is it so hard to understand
I've been speaking it for the last 21 years or so
Cuz #nohomo
10:11 AM
hello there can any one help me ,, I want to assign font style of a control to a fontstyle variable
FontStyle fs = new FontStyle();
fs = lblSample.fontstyle
FontStyle I believe is part of the font, so try lblSample.Font.Style or something
I am so through with badly developed - not tested software.
I just wana go hang the devs
!!Cap, Hang 'em all!
@Squirrelintraining That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
note to self, if you are looking for duplicate email addresses in the database, do include where address = @address in the query
10:21 AM
@LeeButler thanx..!!
@raw_hitt dont people love it when people re-assign variables like that?
depends upon the people man
yea, some people would get annoyed
10:37 AM
@Squirrelkiller Can't believe I didn't check that link before I clicked it.
Welp gotta listen to it now
Yesss, got another one :D
It just was a perfect opportunity
FYI I was wondering what the hell you where posting :D
My PC's specs
We were trying to work out why hsi ancient PC wouldn't post
Hey it's absolutely DotA-capable on high settings
ALso titanfall, although I guess nobody plays that anymore :(
10:58 AM
I wish you'd play more DotA
And get better at it.
I wish I had a running PC so I can play more DotA and get better at it.
@Squirrelkiller You shouldn't. You should spend that time with your GF.
11:19 AM
I'm surprised he even has both, I thought having a GF and playing DotA were mutually exclusive
going through the star list at mondae (forgetting that some starred messages may be links from fridae) like "damn you! its not fridae yet"
Well I do currently not play Dota.
@Roel she works Saturdays, and also works until 9 on weekdays.
@Squirrelkiller DOTA it is.
Just gotta get my PC to run now. So far, Reddit only came up with "is the power switch on?" And "maybe the PSU is old".
Well, man, you're an IT guy. Fix it.
Or buy something new.
Whatever floats your boat.
11:37 AM
> Hey, you are a Java guy right? I need help with my pc. Can you help?
Yea, sure.
You see I get this message "Java update available.", what should I do?
no wait. install ubuntu. of course
im not sure what advantage that would have
> Click the update window away like everyone else.
12:11 PM
> Like I do. (@Squirrelkiller can confirm)
@RoelvanUden You're advice here is like the evil little devil on my shoulder :D
@Squirrelintraining You should listen to your little devil bruh.
He doesn't appear that evil after all.
You don't KNOW my wife.
If she's that terrible a person to spend time with, why are you with her?
Because of
12:28 PM
If you love a person, you'd want to spend time with said person, no?
Maybe not ALL your time, but he makes it sound like he doesn't want to go near her, EVER.
Q: not getting "invoiceId" in Paypal IPN sandbox?

Ram SinghI have set up a testing website for getting the IPN request and parameters and response. So that i can use the values for next features. i am just want to confirm only thing, whether sandbox returns the invoiceId or not. anyone, can you please confirm?

Can confirm, "Update available" window is the Squirrels arch nemesis and gets removed immediately.
1:08 PM
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1:32 PM
I don't really wanna open twitch at work, acn I have a summary?
Literally nothing so far, it's counting down for the next 2 and a half hours
Nvidia fanboys spamming the twitch chat with all sorts of shite
4PM GMT (adjust accordingly) is when it actually starts
Guess who's NOT watching The International 8?
Yeah. It's me
1:47 PM
what is The International 8?
DotA 2 International Tournament
and where do I buy it?
I think TI8 is always held in Seattle
No more tickets
@RoelvanUden Becuase of love.
@Squirrelkiller hiss He said the forbidden word.
@mr5 watch it online?
2:02 PM
@Proxy yeah but I'm banned at watching right now :(
2:21 PM
@mr5 but why
Gaming is now included in sports.
Much more importnatly: Games are now included in the Sozialadäquanzklausel and are therefore allowed to show Nazi symbols, so we can kill actual Nazis in Wolfenstein now.
2:57 PM
cya negelctis
1 hour later…
4:02 PM
wolfenstein 3d had nazi symbols
3 hours later…
7:19 PM
Anyone here? Need some help, I might be blind once more.
paste.ofcode.org/zSaUgmSPsx8JfNC8igrkvR wont work, says I can't cast.
7:43 PM
Hello :,x
There is somebody with experience using firesharp here?;( i have expend a lot of time searching for information about propertly use of this library...simply i cant find something good
Aug 28 '17 at 15:53, by mikeTheLiar
Don't ask if you can ask, it creates an infinite recursive loop. Just ask your question. If someone is around who can help, they will.
We can be rubber ducks too

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