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02:00 - 14:0014:00 - 21:00

when I do GROUP BY in sqlite, how can I calculate TOTAL of all the merged rows?
for example if I have table:
1 |10 |abc
1 |15 |fbs
I want to group by id but I want to have sum = 25?
@Mr.Noob have you tried doing SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalCount?
it will return rows count
I need sum
then add the condition inside COUNT()
why count()?
oh sorry I wasn't reading. yeah, maybe try SUM(column or condition with your column here) as TOTAL
when I do group by it will take the last value of all the rows
hmm I think I managed to make it work... used TOTAL()
TOTAL is a function?
yes, its same as SUM but will work if some rows are NULL (it exists in Sqlite)
where sum will return NULL if there any NULL cells, total will return result without the NULL
for some reason it didn't worked when I tried to do it like this before... hope I didn't created bug query again lol
that doesn't seem to be official
I can't see any results in Google
1 hour later…
In JSON.NET, when setting TypeNameHandling = All, how can I get custom control on which types are specified (via $type) and which are skipped specifying type?
I checked that link, unfortunately TypeNameHandling.Objects doesn't solve my problem.
I want to have control on when $type is generated and when it's not.
The example in your link is great, the question is how I can omit the $type generation (like in the second sample), but in a custom manner, i.e. not via TypeNameHandling
Q: Serialize Property, but Do Not Deserialize Property in Json.Net

RJ CuthbertsonWhile I've found plenty of approaches to deserializing specific properties while preventing them from serializing, I'm looking for the opposite behavior. I've found plenty of questions asking the inverse: Making a property deserialize but not serialize with json.net Can I instruct Json.NET to ...

I want to deserialize the property, I just want it to be without $type
2 hours later…
posted on March 05, 2018 by Scott Hanselman

One of the great joys of sharing and discovering code online is when you stumble upon something so truly epic, so amazing, that you have to dig in. Head over to https://github.com/axle-h/Retro.Net and ask yourself why this GitHub project has only 20 stars? Alex Haslehurst has created some retro hardware libraries in open source .NET Core with an Angular Front End! Translation? A multiplaye

Goood morning sharperinos!
What do you think?
I want to do foreach on StackPanel.Children (WPF) and I have different stackPanels that I pass by ref, but each stack panel has different child items (type), how can I set the correct type in
foreach ([variable type] c in AccountStack.Children)
I have 3 custom user controls
I need it cast to the correct type because I need to access specific methods and vars
when I use var it return object
is it possible to store the type somehow and use it to cast?
if I use typeof()?
I dont want to do if else to find the type because it will create a lot of duplicate code
Use var always. You are smart enough to perform type inference on the fly
Good morning
@Mr.Noob AccountStack.Children is a UIElementCollection, meaning it returns a list of UIElement. That's all that the compiler knows about the objects that are returned.
Because UIElementCollection implement IEnumerable (and not IEnumerable<T>), iterating it will return a collection of object.
That's all the compile-time type information you have. Anything more has to be done at runtime.
good morning
The simplest way is to simply check for the types you know how to handle. It's ugly, but simple:
foreach (var control in AccountStack.Children)
      if (control is Button)
      else if (control is ListBox)
      // etc.
It's ugly and hard to maintain. But easy to do.
Why do you even have this requirement?
I have 3 different stackpanels each one has LogClientView or BloClientView or PayClientView, depends on the log type that is open
but they all has same variables and methods
for example each one has ClientName
I can try to use interface but it will add more work and duplicating code
This isn't MVVM in any way, is it?
@Mr.Noob if they all have the same vars and methods, why not make a base interface?
THis is exactly the sort of complications that MVVM comes to avoid.
no its not MVVM
or base class?
why cant I just set variable or something that will hold object type that I need to cast to and I will use it instead of var in foreach loop?
I will check once "if (control is Button)" and store the result
is it possible?
@Mr.Noob Because that doesn't make sense. You can add metadata to the Tag property, but it would still be read at runtime. ANd you can simply use is for that.
if hacking. Just hack it hard. Store the whole thing in Dictionary
@Mr.Noob Possible, or simply storing control.GetType(), but it won't really help you. What then, next time you'll do if (control.Tag == "Button") and then cast to Button? You might as well do is next time as well - it's clearer and faster.
I have to go now, be back soon
if (control is Button button) button.DoButtonStuff()
@RoelvanUden I like the pattern matching syntax because the duplication is fun to say, and sounds like singing. "If control is button-button, do the stuff for the button-button".
Strumming the G chord on the guitar while singing eh
Entity Framework gives me the following error: "Unable to determine a valid ordering for dependent operations. Dependencies may exist due to foreign key constraints, model requirements, or store-generated values.". Should this be fixed if I use FluentAPI for all relationships? So if I still get this error, it means that I missed a relationship?
The error does not return the name of the entity, so do I really have to go through all my entities?
FluentAPI vs. DataAnnotations should be mostly comparable. Assuming you do the same thing using the FluentAPI.
if anyone have some time to give me some advice on this codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/188768/… I would appreciate ;)
I'm not using DataAnnotations
I prefer DB-First. I like to see my database, gives me a better mental image to work with.
Or desgn-first of course, but I haven't actually tried that yet.
For smaller projects, I like code-first. I like to view my DB as an accidental side effect, an artifact of the ORM layer.
I prefer Code-first, so the persistence has no influence on my business domain.
but yeah, for small projects it can make sense to use DB-first, because it's so quick & easy to create with the right tools.
I prefer no-db. I like to store everything serialized as json embedded by xml containers in txt files.
@RoelvanUden Ideally, I would like all my app's data to be embedded in the user's minds and not require storage in any digital medium.
Even more perfect
But how do you encode that? Can't easily update people when unicode gets more emoji again, you'll have different versions running around everywhere.
@Squirrelkiller When you have a software update, it's downloaded as a stream of quickly flashing images that reprograms their cerebral cortex. And by "downloaded", I mean "sent out as a wave of flashing light across the entire country".
hack the system, replace all characters with 🍆
We'll call it...the Intersect.
Ooh, I liked that show. For the first couple of seasons, anyway.
But can anyone tell me what the best way to find out what or where it went wrong? The error message "Unable to determine a valid ordering for dependent operations. Dependencies may exist due to foreign key constraints, model requirements, or store-generated values." is not really helping me out here. Ok, I know something is wrong with a relationship. I don't know what and I don't know which. Kinda hard for 100 entities.
Try to catch the exception in the debugger and see if there's any more data in its internals.
Nope, there is not
Where is the exception thrown? The first time you access the DbContext?
The first(only) time I do dbContext.saveChanges();
When I add SaveChanges multiple times in my code, it works. However, then I lose the "transactional" part
Probably then something get's an ID or something.
If you break up your SaveChanged to several calls, it works? Or it only throws on some of them? Try to break up your monolithic SaveChanged to two parts. Then three. Try to narrow down the context which throws the exception.
Then it works.
I'll try
I heard that WPF is ending its life, what will be the use of C# if win forms is gone, WPF also ending its life, Aspx sucks...
What does ASPX have to do with Win Forms or WPF?
its C#
and also dead
and an entirely different type of framework
its not asp.net?
im crying
ASPX WebForms was Microsoft's attempt to make the web behave like WinForms.
both should DIAF
ASP.NET is a framework for web
WinForms and WPF are frameworks for desktop
ASP.NET MVC is the framework you should be using for web
ah, I mean asp.net then
You don't, because ASP.NET does not suck
UWP is the currently supported UI framework for Windows Desktops, even though there are still some things it can't do, but it's slowly catching up.
and even if you did, it's still a web framework unlike your other two named thingies
Also WPF isn't dead anyway
Also, there's more to life than client-side frameworks. Even if C# disappeared completely from the client side and everyone just used javascript, C# would still have its place.
WebForms sucks, true, but it's been deprecated for a decade or so now.
WPF is becoming legacy. UWP has replaced it, because WPF has fundamental limitations on multi-device multi-platform support.
ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET WebApi are both fine frameworks for web apps, either as data-only endpoints or for MVC-style UI handling.
@Squiggle UWP still has a way to go before WPF is obsolete. It still lacks a lot of options for lower-level work, accessing devices and core Windows APIs that are simply unavailable in UWP.
Right but UWP hasn't replaced everything yet for desktop development
Yeah what Avner said
most of the app today is web apps
I know that an upcoming Windows release will give UWP a set of APIs to handle multiple windows on multiple monitors, which is sorely lacking right now.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan true. I live in the "web" bubble where everything is client/server.
@Mr.Noob ?
@Mr.Noob Good, good. The web has caught up to native client apps in many ways, and for most apps, web is the right way to go.
I though ElectronJS will be the solution, but its sucks
so idk if there ever will be any real solution to all this
Electron is part of desktop's problem
JS is part of everything's problem :)
wpf apps can be cracked by 12 yo kids
Please go away
@Mr.Noob That made no sense whatsoever.
WPF apps can be "cracked", in the sense of easily decompiled, by almost any half decent developer, yes. Javascript apps are usually a bit easier to decompile, and native code C++ apps a bit harder, but generally speaking, the possibility of decompiling is a given.
hi @KesiyaAbraham. If you have a question, please just ask it :)
or are you a regular here and I don't recognise you? :/ I've been away for too long
I have some doubts in Help page configuration.I have two web apis in a solution say web api1 and webapi2 and whenever I tried to access webapi2 help page apis,it override the api url with webapi1s url
@Squiggle Or lurk. Lurking is fine too.
@Squiggle No I am not
Lurking is also fine, yes.
talking about ASP.NET, can anyone clarify this?
@Wietlol Unknown web method.
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public static string GetCurrentUserHmac()
Is this in a WebApi/MVC project, or an ASMX webservice?
asp.net web forms
i know right
Are you sure the method should be static?
dont worry, we only have 6 of these projects
the method has no use of not being static...
but ill try it without
@Wietlol But it breaks the infrastructure. It's looking for a method on the Page.
wtf is WebMethod
Oh web forms
God help you
other web methods are also static, and they seemed to work
@RudiVisser IIRC it's comparable to WebAPI's [HttpGet]/[HttpPost].
It's metadata used by the infrastructure to match an HTTP request signature to a method to dispatch.
non-static doesnt seem to have any difference
The maybe that's not it. It's been well over a decade since I last used WebForms.
does it matter if the method is on a different page than the current page?
Rewrite it in Core 👍
if we rewrite it, we rewrite it in Jaba
Your company's just a mess of bad technologies isn't it
not really
Jaba is better supported by AWS, and since we want to move to that, we kinda figured it'd be better to use Jaba instead of .NET
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan turns out it must be on the same page
Those last 2 messages are so contradictory
issue is that I want to call this method on the master page
@RudiVisser Jaba isnt that bad
Let's not get in to that :D
and a master page web request returns a 404
Bruh you got so far as to be here, so why the hell would you move FROM C# TO java?!
Isn't the Master Page merged, on the server, into the current page? It's not addressable.
@Squirrelkiller as I said, it is not a downgrade
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan then im fucked
it must be called from a script on the master page
so... it must exist on every single page that uses the master page
@Wietlol 😂
and it must be keeping track of the name of the current page to access the method
btw PHP has great support on AWS too just throwing that in the mix
@RudiVisser @Squirrelkiller if your memories of Jaba are plain Java 1.5, then sure, it'd be a downgrade
@RudiVisser You could probably swing some CGI-BIN in perl if you really want to.
but luckily, I am talking about Kotlin, JDK9 and Maven
Oh, almost anything would be an upgrade from WebForms. And if your company's main dev knowledge is Java, by all means, stick with Java.
i consider it a good improvement over C#
No point in upgrading from WebForms into another brand new technology for your team.
or at least over ASP.NET frigging web forms
Pretty sure we were on SE 7 back in the day
well... "morning", kinda evening already
Worst experience of my life but hey, I ran away from that job quickly enough
@RudiVisser after having used a few more languages, you will understand that one particular language is not bad just because of memories :D
... well... except PHP
Indeed, but having looked at a Java app a few months back it made me want to cry
I've used enough languages to know what to stick with
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan you like irony?
Me: googles "C# web forms master page web method"
@Wietlol I am a fan, yes.
Assholes, assholes everywhere.
hi all
I am facing creation of virtual directory failed error:Filename :redirection.config . anybody have any idea how to solve this?
Given how broad that is, I'll go with a permission error
i.e. you don't have permission to write
Get rid of the virtual directory, maybe the location of where you are trying to create it to does the have the sufficient permissions. If that is the case, it might be due to application pool identity not having permissions — Umar Karimabadi 2 hours ago
this is my question link
the error is that my web project is not loading anymore into vs 2015
Q: Creation of virtual directory failed with error : redirection.config

ratnaMy project has web application folder named ABCPortal and this project can't load into VS 2015 whenever I load the whole project . screenshots are attached . any help regarding this will be helpful . UPDATE I found this http://vivekthangaswamy.blogspot.se/2009/07/aspnet-website-cannot-read....

I think, at this point, I would have liked to have language-level support to specify Task<T>, like ? specifies Nullable<T>.
So instead of public Task<Template> GetTemplate I can simply do public Template~ GetTemplate or something less icky.
preprocessor directives are surprisingly versatile
C# has preprocessor directives?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan pls kill me if I havent got this idiotic thing working at the end of the day
(currently trying to get a .asmx to work cause of shit)
Why doesn't it work, @Wietlol?
because I need access to the session variables
Do you have access? If not: because technology, or because permissions from IT?
because technology... or framework... or w/e
Then hack it
google says "[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]" which is what works for normal web methods
Is the ASMX under the same website root as the pages?
but then I get a whole lot of other errors
Without changing anything else?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan i can call it, as long as I dont have EnableSession to true
@Squirrelkiller yep, literally that difference
public string HelloWorld()
    return "Hello World";
@Wietlol But the session is shared at the website level. If the ASMX is under a different site root, it won't find the session the other pages use.
that works
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string HelloWorld()
    return "Hello World";
that doesnt
By "doesn't", you mean....
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan it is in the same root
i mean
Ah, we're there again.
@Squirrelkiller more like #if DEBUG do some logging
@HéctorÁlvarez You can do that with the [Conditional] attribute as well.
i guess i have it working now
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan why didn't I know about that... I thought attributes couldn't know about solution configurations
@HéctorÁlvarez Attributes don't know about anything. They're passive metadata. The compiler does, however, know.
oh right
I learned about the [Conditional] attribute half year ago
from Bill Wegener's book. It was quiet good.
well... it works now... finally
that code is so painful to look at:
            if (LOG.Type == "Log")
                foreach (LogClientView c in LOG.asMl.AccountStack.Children)
                    c.accNum.Content = n.ToString();
                    c.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            else if (LOG.Type == "Blo")
                foreach (BloClientView c in LOG.asBlo.AccountStack.Children)
                    c.accNum.Content = n.ToString();
I will leave it like this for now, maybe someday I will manage to make it right...
hopefully before more log types will be added :\
That's the spirit
1. enums bro
2. It's just .Content every time, there has to be a better way.
Build a common Interface for example
switch-case is your friend there
also something like
foreach (var c in LOG.asBlo.AccountStack.Children){
  c.accNum.Content = n.ToString();
  c.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

it should work without conditions
Can I get a fully qualified name with nameof() ?
> If you need to get the fully-qualified name, you can use the typeof expression along with nameof
Because right now I have
@Squirrelkiller No. It just gives you the name.
> Used to obtain the simple (unqualified) string name of a variable, type, or member.
e.g. $"{typeof(C)}.{nameof(f)}"
@Squiggle oh, that's nice and elegantly symmterical.
Isn't it? Surprisingly that's from the MSDN docs...
Doesn't typeof(myclass) just give a Type object?
but yeah, nameof can be used for parameters, which have no fully-qualified name.
yes, but Type.ToString() outputs the fully qualified name
Damn, fully-qualified is too qualified for this purpose XD
How qualified id you want it? Class name + property name?
What's that last one?
What's Statics? An inner class?
People from the 80s put Statics everywhere
yes, static instance of inner class
Create an extension method on Type that returns both its Name and its DeclaringType.Name if it's a nested type.
public static string GetNestedName (this Type t)
    return t.IsNested ? $"{t.DeclaringType.Name}.{t.Name}" : t.Name;
var name = $"{typeof(MyClass.Static).GetNestedName()}.{nameof(MyClass.Static.Property)}";
You should probably put a + there instead of ., to match the convention.
That's almost as long as the nameof.nameof.nameof solution^^
@Squirrelkiller But more generic.
!!afk lunch
Would anyone take a look wpf and entityframework stackoverflow.com/questions/49110274/…
@ahmedpio what is that constructor? Id = Guid.NewGuid(); ?
each time it loads the item from the database, EF calls the constructor and assigns a new Id to the model. That's clearly broken.
Very broken
Or fun, depending on which way you look at it
Items which are orphaned as soon as you load them? Such fun!
Hello. I'm trying to use edmgen to generate model and mapping files. When I give the /provider:Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client parameter, it says error 7001: Failed to find or load the registered .Net Framework Data Provider.. What does it mean by "registered"? I have an ODP.NET, Managed Driver entry in the DbProviderFactories section of my machine.config, and I just added Oracle.ManagedDataAccess to the GAC. Where else do I need to register it?
@Kevin I don't know what you're doing but it seems like you're constantly coming up with questions that even seasoned professionals can only answer with "how the fuck should I know".
@MikeTheLiar I must be overly-seasoned, because I've solved this issue before.
Oracle == 'Orrible
@Squiggle You are salty.
Well yeah I mean duh
The correct answer here is "don't use Oracle"
^ +1 for "don't use Oracle"
But we've already established that option isn't available for Kevin so
@MikeTheLiar You know how some people just don't get along with technology? My mother can bluescreen a tablet by swiping at it once. I think I inherited the Zone of Destruction from her, and it metastasized into something nastier.
@Kevin I hereby name you "Technical Entropy Man"
around you, all technology devolves into a more chaotic state
@Squiggle the amount of specificity in the intro to the answer tells a lot
The electronic toys I play with don't self-destruct right away, oh no. It's far more insidious. First it lies dormant for five years while I get a CS degree. Then the fireworks start.
Hmm on second look I see that the version I put in the GAC is and the machine.config says "Version=". I bet this is an important clue.
"It was March 24th. Snow had recently fallen. The birds were starting to return. The clock stuck half past 2."
Tip: with very few exceptions registering something in the GAC is a giant red flag that something is wrong.
There are exceptions but they are few and far between.
I hate touching the GAC very much, but it seemed warranted in this case.
It's not like I'm going to be adding data providers every day.
You should register all of your .exes in the GAC at first opportunity
and on first run, ngen them
Then put them in the GAC again
and make everything dynamic for ultimate performance
yes. All of them. Even hl2.exe
IIRC the only time I've had to do that was registering a custom SSIS component but since it was a custom SSIS component I already knew that something was very wrong.
All my previous projects talked to Oracle via Oracle.DataAccess.Client, so this is the first time I'm using ManagedDataAccess on this machine, so I expect there to be a little initial setup before I can use it
Try registering Oracle in the GAC
... Beyond just "fetch the thing from NuGet and read the README"
I'm going to change the entry in the machine.config to and see what happens. I wonder if I need to change anything else? Like this PublicKeyToken? How often do PublicKeyTokens change?
for ManagedDataAccess there's all sorts of crap that needs to be set up. I remember faffing about with .ora files and all sorts.
@Squiggle Yeah, I faffed about with that last week. It mentioned it in the readme so I wasn't caught off-guard.
@using (Html.BeginForm("HandleFileUpload", "Uploads", FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
        <input type="hidden" name="folderId" value="@ViewBag.folderIdForPartial" />
        <input type="file" value="Upload document" onchange="this.form.submit()" />
!!tell manu format
@manu Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
done ;)
can someone tell me why this is not working. The debugger jumps into the Controller and into HandleFileUpload, with the right folderId, but Request.Files.Count is always null.
When I don't do a direct submit, it is working. But I want to do a direct submit.
Hmm even if I comment out every line in the machine.config that mentions oracle.MangedDataAccess.Client, edmgen still gives me Failed to find or load the registered .Net Framework Data Provider.. Which is weird, because my expectation was that edmgen was using the machine.config to find the information for the dll, and then failing to find the dll in the GAC.
@manuzi1 onchange="this.form.submit()" <-- why this?
I expected it to give me The specified store provider 'Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client' cannot be found in the configuration,if I removed it from my config. That's the kind of error message that I get when I do /provider:obviously.fake.name. So why does ManagedDataAcess give me "unable to find..." when other not-in-config dlls give me "... cannot be found in configuration"?
Is there... A second machine config I'm not looking at?
02:00 - 14:0014:00 - 21:00

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