Hello! when I do GROUP BY in sqlite, how can I calculate TOTAL of all the merged rows? for example if I have table: id|sum|title 1 |10 |abc 1 |15 |fbs I want to group by id but I want to have sum = 25?
Hi! In JSON.NET, when setting TypeNameHandling = All, how can I get custom control on which types are specified (via $type) and which are skipped specifying type?
I checked that link, unfortunately TypeNameHandling.Objects doesn't solve my problem. I want to have control on when $type is generated and when it's not.
The example in your link is great, the question is how I can omit the $type generation (like in the second sample), but in a custom manner, i.e. not via TypeNameHandling
While I've found plenty of approaches to deserializing specific properties while preventing them from serializing, I'm looking for the opposite behavior.
I've found plenty of questions asking the inverse:
Making a property deserialize but not serialize with json.net
Can I instruct Json.NET to ...
One of the great joys of sharing and discovering code online is when you stumble upon something so truly epic, so amazing, that you have to dig in. Head over to https://github.com/axle-h/Retro.Net and ask yourself why this GitHub project has only 20 stars? Alex Haslehurst has created some retro hardware libraries in open source .NET Core with an Angular Front End! Translation? A multiplaye…
Hello! I want to do foreach on StackPanel.Children (WPF) and I have different stackPanels that I pass by ref, but each stack panel has different child items (type), how can I set the correct type in foreach ([variable type] c in AccountStack.Children)
@Mr.Noob AccountStack.Children is a UIElementCollection, meaning it returns a list of UIElement. That's all that the compiler knows about the objects that are returned.
Because UIElementCollection implement IEnumerable (and not IEnumerable<T>), iterating it will return a collection of object.
That's all the compile-time type information you have. Anything more has to be done at runtime.
I have 3 different stackpanels each one has LogClientView or BloClientView or PayClientView, depends on the log type that is open but they all has same variables and methods
for example each one has ClientName
I can try to use interface but it will add more work and duplicating code
@Mr.Noob Because that doesn't make sense. You can add metadata to the Tag property, but it would still be read at runtime. ANd you can simply use is for that.
@Mr.Noob Possible, or simply storing control.GetType(), but it won't really help you. What then, next time you'll do if (control.Tag == "Button") and then cast to Button? You might as well do is next time as well - it's clearer and faster.
@RoelvanUden I like the pattern matching syntax because the duplication is fun to say, and sounds like singing. "If control is button-button, do the stuff for the button-button".
Entity Framework gives me the following error: "Unable to determine a valid ordering for dependent operations. Dependencies may exist due to foreign key constraints, model requirements, or store-generated values.". Should this be fixed if I use FluentAPI for all relationships? So if I still get this error, it means that I missed a relationship?
The error does not return the name of the entity, so do I really have to go through all my entities?
@Squirrelkiller When you have a software update, it's downloaded as a stream of quickly flashing images that reprograms their cerebral cortex. And by "downloaded", I mean "sent out as a wave of flashing light across the entire country".
But can anyone tell me what the best way to find out what or where it went wrong? The error message "Unable to determine a valid ordering for dependent operations. Dependencies may exist due to foreign key constraints, model requirements, or store-generated values." is not really helping me out here. Ok, I know something is wrong with a relationship. I don't know what and I don't know which. Kinda hard for 100 entities.
If you break up your SaveChanged to several calls, it works? Or it only throws on some of them? Try to break up your monolithic SaveChanged to two parts. Then three. Try to narrow down the context which throws the exception.
Also, there's more to life than client-side frameworks. Even if C# disappeared completely from the client side and everyone just used javascript, C# would still have its place.
WebForms sucks, true, but it's been deprecated for a decade or so now.
ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET WebApi are both fine frameworks for web apps, either as data-only endpoints or for MVC-style UI handling.
@Squiggle UWP still has a way to go before WPF is obsolete. It still lacks a lot of options for lower-level work, accessing devices and core Windows APIs that are simply unavailable in UWP.
I know that an upcoming Windows release will give UWP a set of APIs to handle multiple windows on multiple monitors, which is sorely lacking right now.
WPF apps can be "cracked", in the sense of easily decompiled, by almost any half decent developer, yes. Javascript apps are usually a bit easier to decompile, and native code C++ apps a bit harder, but generally speaking, the possibility of decompiling is a given.
I have some doubts in Help page configuration.I have two web apis in a solution say web api1 and webapi2 and whenever I tried to access webapi2 help page apis,it override the api url with webapi1s url
Get rid of the virtual directory, maybe the location of where you are trying to create it to does the have the sufficient permissions. If that is the case, it might be due to application pool identity not having permissions — Umar Karimabadi2 hours ago
this is my question link
the error is that my web project is not loading anymore into vs 2015
My project has web application folder named ABCPortal and this project can't load into VS 2015 whenever I load the whole project . screenshots are attached . any help regarding this will be helpful .
I found this
Hello. I'm trying to use edmgen to generate model and mapping files. When I give the /provider:Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client parameter, it says error 7001: Failed to find or load the registered .Net Framework Data Provider.. What does it mean by "registered"? I have an ODP.NET, Managed Driver entry in the DbProviderFactories section of my machine.config, and I just added Oracle.ManagedDataAccess to the GAC. Where else do I need to register it?
@Kevin I don't know what you're doing but it seems like you're constantly coming up with questions that even seasoned professionals can only answer with "how the fuck should I know".
@MikeTheLiar You know how some people just don't get along with technology? My mother can bluescreen a tablet by swiping at it once. I think I inherited the Zone of Destruction from her, and it metastasized into something nastier.
The electronic toys I play with don't self-destruct right away, oh no. It's far more insidious. First it lies dormant for five years while I get a CS degree. Then the fireworks start.
Hmm on second look I see that the version I put in the GAC is and the machine.config says "Version=". I bet this is an important clue.
IIRC the only time I've had to do that was registering a custom SSIS component but since it was a custom SSIS component I already knew that something was very wrong.
All my previous projects talked to Oracle via Oracle.DataAccess.Client, so this is the first time I'm using ManagedDataAccess on this machine, so I expect there to be a little initial setup before I can use it
... Beyond just "fetch the thing from NuGet and read the README"
I'm going to change the entry in the machine.config to and see what happens. I wonder if I need to change anything else? Like this PublicKeyToken? How often do PublicKeyTokens change?
can someone tell me why this is not working. The debugger jumps into the Controller and into HandleFileUpload, with the right folderId, but Request.Files.Count is always null.
When I don't do a direct submit, it is working. But I want to do a direct submit.
Hmm even if I comment out every line in the machine.config that mentions oracle.MangedDataAccess.Client, edmgen still gives me Failed to find or load the registered .Net Framework Data Provider.. Which is weird, because my expectation was that edmgen was using the machine.config to find the information for the dll, and then failing to find the dll in the GAC.
I expected it to give me The specified store provider 'Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client' cannot be found in the configuration,if I removed it from my config. That's the kind of error message that I get when I do /provider:obviously.fake.name. So why does ManagedDataAcess give me "unable to find..." when other not-in-config dlls give me "... cannot be found in configuration"?
Is there... A second machine config I'm not looking at?