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01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 22:00

!!tell Harry sandbox
@Harry Please go and play in the Sandbox
forgot about that
apologies lads
Mike, lie to me.
Oh really haha
i think we should make a bot Mike :-p
@Zorkind Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.
@MikeTheLiar interesting
you should def make a bot with the command "lietome"
guys. "The .NET Standard is a formal specification of .NET APIs that are intended to be available on all .NET implementations." - Microsoft Docs
what does .NET APIs mean there? what are they?
In computer programming, an application programming interface (API) is a set of subroutine definitions, protocols, and tools for building application software. In general terms, it is a set of clearly defined methods of communication between various software components. A good API makes it easier to develop a computer program by providing all the building blocks, which are then put together by the programmer. An API may be for a web-based system, operating system, database system, computer hardware or software library. An API specification can take many forms, but often includes specifications...
i am not sure he wants to know what API stands for, i think he's asking something different.
Oh thanks for this. So, all of the references I see at the top of class file, are apis
am I right?
sorry json, your question was a bit vague, not sure you wanted to know what API is in general or only related to that phrase :-)
@jsonGPPD according to the Wikipedia definition, yes. Most people would be confused by that, though.
yeah i agree with that.
In the parlance of our times, an API is usually a 3rd party that your code interacts with, typically over the internet, essentially acting as a wrapper for some external resource.
@jsonGPPD You can follow this link github.com/dotnet/standard/blob/master/docs/versions.md and click on the link at the header of the each version in the table, then on "APIs", to see what in particular each version provides
API is an old term, that became popular with REST
Because in this definittion "The .NET Standard is a formal specification of .NET APIs that are intended to be available on all .NET implementations." that term "formal specification of .NET APIS"
what does that .NET Apis actually means there
for example, .NET Standard 1.0 provides the following github.com/dotnet/standard/blob/master/docs/versions/…
libraries in general i believe.
Yeah those libraries I mean
because I heard before as well, I create service for my app, and that service can be api too
when you have to add a reference to something.... you know? hahaha going down a notch
something external to your code
per say
everything that is external to your code, could be an API.
Oh so that's the key. external outside the code
@jsonGPPD it's an API because it's an interface for programmers, as opposed to the interface provided to the end user, like a command line program, a desktop GUI application, or a web application
Mhm ^
Thank you @Zorkind @milleniumbug @MikeTheLiar :) I've learned something now :D
hi! how can a an serializer like newtonsoft decide at some classes like timespan that it does not serialize their public propties but use the tostring method to format it? i need to write something similiar to an serializer and i am not sure how to decide between calling tostring on an object or looking for it's properties.. does newtonsoft just have an special implemantion for things like timespan?
Probably. Unless someone here works on the Newtonsoft serializer I doubt any of us know how they decide on their implementation.
looks like special implemantion for datetime things..
@jsonGPPD o7
ask @jsonGPPD he would know O: @cyptus
@jsonGPPD any idea? :-)
i never got into so much detail on their library, but you can go around it, for sure.
json has no idea dude haha
for example, i know a lot of people that goes around XML Serialization because of issues like that.
creating their own thing.
i believe their library have an opening for such a customization tho.
so you don't need to do a lot of coding.
yes sure, basically i am asking because i've an app which has dynamic settings (custom setting classes registered by differentent services) and i dont want to save the settings serialized but as key/values (save type of the object too) and with parent/childs for classes which references to another class with properties - what do you thing about this? are there better approves for saving such dynamic settings?
so just serialize it..? but long strings are handled so bad by azure sql db's
Well if you want it in object form just define models that are able to be stored in a database (ie. represented by tables)
omg I just sent a mail to my whole division, from devs to bosses, ending with a super duper 'Best retards'
I guess I can't undo that
can I?
In Outlook/Exchange you could recall the message but it won't really do anything useful for you
You can if you configure Outlook to wait before sending but otherwise no.
Hope for the best, if nobody actually reads the useless crappy message at the end, I'll be OK
We'll know tomorrow when I get in the office and everyone's laughing at my face
on monday actually
You could just send another email "Apologies for the unfortunate typo in my last email"
cos it's friggin friday
just send another mail with same content and fixed sig and an attachment, say "this time with attachment sorry".. :-)
@cyptus lol you are the ninja here
@RudiVisser That's one of the stupidest features ever
You're the stupid feature ever dammit Kendall
shut up i hate you all
you can't really come back with that profile pic
start sending resumes man hahahaha
!!are you alive
okay they read it, I'm getting a couple messages with stuff like Thanks you dumb fuck, lol I love my peers
i think @Harry broke Cap D:
R.I.P. Cap.
Yes it is
Best Retards Cap o/
don't blame me @Zorkind D:
@Harry dude, you were messing with her tho D:
easy tiger
you hurt her :-(
i blame mike
well she is gone now T.T
!!giphy fetish
@Harry you sound just like my mother
@MikeTheLiar why are you so irresponsible michael!!
in JavaScript, 1 min ago, by rlemon
I'm working from home today
she ded
I simultaniously have internet and don't have internet :D
Cap is hosted in perhaps the dumbest way possible.
how is that? @MikeTheLiar
Shrodingers internet
Interwebs ^_^
Firewall Policies combinded with a 2nd USB network card
She's a browser plugin running on rlemon's work computer.
@MikeTheLiar shit :-(
at least its not my fault
@Harry i am not sure about that -_-
@Harry you were the last one to use her >.> in a weird way
You're a hazard, Harry.
thats another harry potter joke well done
Mike tried to stop you from harming her D:
harming it
Frig wat now
now you are offending her :-(
zork you sound like you want to marry her
Wait so im confused
pets @CapricaSix
Why does rlemon working from home kill cap
rlemon's browser isnt on at work so cap isnt on either ig
rite, but she was working before
that's the most stupid thing ever o:
That's what i dont understand
maybe he went to work then went home
@CaptainSquirrel his machine probably restarted or something
so noob
so Mike that means you could start your own bot for lies :-p
alright, I'm out for the weekend
best retards
Best Retards @HéctorÁlvarez o7
starting looking for new job m8
chat dead
cht ded
ct dd
Now you are just beeing silly
cd --> users --> chat dead
What's the shortest way to pin an object to prevent it from being garbage collected?
Without using a variable
Right now I'm using GCHandle.Alloc which does the trick.
this.GetNamePtr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((GetNamePrototype)GCHandle.Alloc(new GetNamePrototype(this.GetName)).Target);
this.CreatePtr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((CreatePrototype)GCHandle.Alloc(new CreatePrototype(this.Create)).Target);
this.DestroyPtr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((DestroyPrototype)GCHandle.Alloc(new DestroyPrototype(this.Destroy)).Target);
this.GetWidthPtr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate((GetWidthPrototype)GCHandle.Alloc(new GetWidthPrototype(this.GetWidth)).Target);
I need to create unmanaged pointers on a struct, which means I can't add members to the struct itself.
I could use a static dictionary to store some meta data, but it really isn't important for this.
Why when I do a throw new MyException(); I get the exception
and is not catched?
I mean in method1(), I call method2() which throws the exception
in method1() I have the catch, and it is not executed
You Sir, write very confusing
I am not native English, sorry
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens please post the actual code dotnetfiddle.net
OK, I go
I post in gist
there you have
The problem comes when the Exception is throwed, because the catch is not being run
wait do you expect that the exception is thrown across the HTTP request
yeah no
for starters, who says that client has to use the same programming language as the server
just I wanted to learn to do REST APIs in .NET
don't you recommend it?
if you are providing a REST API, you should follow the conventions for the REST API restapitutorial.com
and use the appropriate HTTP error codes
(which then, you can translate to exceptions in the client)
> soapKey
I hope 007's replacement shows up soon.
guys do you have a sample like I have a class with property public string name {get;set} = "Jayson" from .net standard and I want to get that value in my ASP.NET Core App within the same project
@milleniumbug Thanks
@MikeTheLiar me 3
He already has 2 accounts trolling around
@Squirrelintraining who?
Cya guys
have a ncie weekend
and a wunderbar
i will have a ncie weekend
nice try
maybe thats what killed cap
Whoa holy shit 007's account is gone
You pranking me?
Oh shoot, yeah, it is. 007 is gone.
He will probably remake his account as some other troll.
When he does, he'll have to re-ignore the entire C# room again
and get banned from JS again.
room topic changed to C#: General discussions about the c# language and Squirrels if you ask nice | gist.github.com - For Easy Code Pasting | stackoverflow.com/help/privileges/flag-posts - Please read the flagging rules before flagging a post as spam | Long live 007. Gone but not forgotten | Do not place panini in... questionable places [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [coreclr] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
see you later lads
@Harry dear god man change your fucking avatar
What the shit is this
God I can feel it crawling on my skin
...is that a tick?
R.I.P. 007 o7
You have not the 007.
@MikeTheLiar are you lying to me?
Meh, forget it, any yes or no, could be a lie :-\
This statement is false.
@MikeTheLiar does it have a false, or is it false? o.O
@MikeTheLiar hahaha :-p
@MikeTheLiar you wouldn't dare! D:
i would bite you !
Court won't give me back my stabbin' knife.
oh so this wolf's tail is safe :-p
whats the difference between the abstract algebra en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_algebra and mathematical logic? this article makes one think they are separate fields? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boolean_algebra
sorry i suck at formating posts :-(
@KendallFrey might be able to help
i always thought they were like the "same thing" ?
food for thought o:
I don't see how they're at all related
to me, mathematical logic seems like more meta-math
that article say tho o:
does it lies, like Mike? D:
@Zorkind says what?
that ^
oh wait
Boole's algebra predated the modern developments in abstract algebra and mathematical logic; it is however seen as connected to the origins of both fields.
That seems to imply they're separate, not the same
it says they are related
It does not say that
oh :-\
oh, but what's the difference between them?
since they have the same "origin"
It also does not say that
"it is however seen as connected to the origins of both fields."
Which does not say both fields have the same origin
i thought there was only mathematical logic.... i didn't know there was one more thing.
In fact it explicitly uses the plural "origins"
we losing too much time with this man. ok, it's one of them, whatever, f. it.
i just want to know the differences
who cares :-\
let me try google then.....
@Zorkind I still don't see what the similarity is
lol man
found it
Q: The relation between logic and algebra.

Piotr DobrogostWhat's the relation between logic and algebra? Can one be thought of as a special case of the other?

That's about logic, not mathematical logic
are you blind
ok man, whatever.
Read the second answer, lol
@KendallFrey Most mathematicians will understand the term logic as in mathematical logic
from the third answer >.<
Boole's Laws of Thought. The guy "boolean" was named after
ah yeah third answer
> However logic is a much wider term.
i know
but i am not arguing about the term tho
i am not into semantics here
That's the problem, I think
i don't give a shit about the "texting" on this shit hahahaha
i want to know the differences in the fields
something something panini
@Zorkind They're just different things altogether. Like apples and oranges.
What similarities are you seeing?
sorry meetting here boss o:
@CaptainSquirrel it’s a radroach
@MikeTheLiar what’s wrong with it?
Oh it's a Radroach. That is less unpleasant.
Inferior IP though
What did you think it was
Some sort of real-world insect.
Oh god somehow I ended up on this page en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_insects
Pfft. A 10 year old can deal with a radroach
Have a good evening everyone o/
It's 12:46 pm here
and its 17:47 here
strange how time works ;)
pheeew, boss is gone... finally o:
so @KendallFrey i give up :-( let it be :-p
@KendallFrey i was just curious why the have a shared origin. that's all :-\
but they don't
> Hmm, I wonder why the sky is green
ok :-(
..... the nothingness....
!!is there anybody out there?
!!knock knock
3 hours later…
@Nathvi You've returned the most blindingly bright shade of white ever known.
01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 22:00

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