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02:00 - 20:0020:00 - 22:00

question for native English speaker: how does it sound when reading your language in a source code?
I have this error InvalidOperationException: Cannot create a DbSet for 'Role' because this type is not included in the model for the context
services.AddIdentity<User, Role>().AddEntityFrameworkStores<EFIdentityDbContext>();
public class EFIdentityDbContext : IdentityDbContext<User>
public EFIdentityDbContext(DbContextOptions<EFIdentityDbContext> options )
:base (options)

public class Role : IdentityRole
public Role(string roleName) : base(roleName)
use ctrl + k before sending to format your code
ah thanx will do
@ma1169 here and here
I have seen them and others already as for github i'm not using AddOpenIddict
sorry. not familiar with those library
it's ok it's the new core library a bit pain in the ass
it looks great, but it was a pain to set up. so i still use the framework
i found my solution finally
@hsimah but its fun still to play with than the old ef
i dont really have time to play at work, not on c# apps
one day soon there will be more knowledge out there and that will make it easier to get into it
1 hour later…
Hello, I am developing a wcf rest service and consuming it.. I want to send data as a single json string. and want to return a json result. which methosd shold i use. POST or PUT. ? can you give a method of calling service with data(POST/PUT) and returning from Service.
Why it's named using(resource), what's the relation between the name and what it does, despite it conflicts with the using namespace directive
@NoMan Use the VERB appropriate to the action you're doing. GET is for retrieving an item or list, POST is for making an item, PUT is for replacing an item and.. DELETE, well, is for deleting an item.
using (this thingy)
        and then I don't need the thingy anymore
Morning sharperinos! \o
@Metallkiller but its main job is to release resources for IDisposable types
@RoelvanUden i am passing some data (json string) to the service. in service it performs a search and returns the result as json. Here which is appropriate? PUT or POST
@NoMan GET
but can i use GET when i pass a comparatively large amount of data to service
i Want to pass username, password, and 4 other parameters out of wich one is an xml data consistiong of 10 data. -- all thewese are converted to a single json string.
still GET is the appropriate one ? @RoelvanUden
can u give some link?
@MohamedAhmed Releasing those ressources is part of the whole thing. It's job is to use ressources for a block of code. That may be an object you need in the following code block, or a namespace reference you need in the following code block.
@NoMan This is an opinion, but yes. It's easy to think about POST/PUT/DELETE as side-effect producing verbs. They alter data, whereas GET is used to query data. In this case, you're still really only doing a query -- so I'd say GET. In regards to username/password, put that into a token?
ok thank you
but how can i pass the big string as parameter in GET?
if something is set to expire at lets say 21.09.2017/00:00:00. Does that mean its active still on 21?
@Proxy Usually food can be kept and eaten safely beyond the expiration time, I wouldn't worry.
@NoMan Just put it into the query string?
lol its not about food :D i mean in general
If it's about date/times, then usually 00:00:00 means the start of that day.
yeah, we have some expire date field, but people are putting random times. Like someone is putting 00:00:00 someone 12:00:00 etc
Respect that time? :-P
And educate the users :-D
so i dont know when to deactivate them
eh if it were so easy
Well.. when entity.ExpireDate < DateTime.Now??
yeah but if i run it at 12:00:00 it will deactivate those that are active until that time but 18:00:00 will still be on... we run it once a day but nobody want to abide to the same time, so they put random times
We do it like this:
1. Calculate the closest expiration date.
2. Sleep until the closest expiration date.
3. Deactivate everything that is `<= DateTime.Now`.
4. Go to 1.
Whenever an expiration date changes, we tell the service to go to 3.
Run it in the evening before leaving then
yeah but it still does not fix the problem, because of random times
@Proxy Sure it does, random times are respected.
What exactly is your problem here o_o?
Or bring it to the attention of someone above your paygrade so you can unify it
OR just write a concept (or change an existing one) to the deactivation script being run every day at 8am. Problem solved.
Or run it every 5 minutes.. nobody'll be any wiser.
Can't change the users, but you CAN change the process. If they want it specifically deactivated on that day, they'll have to go through the process correctly.
@Proxy But what exactly is your problem? If users are allowed to set a time, respect that time. Don't want that? Don't allow them to input a time!
the problem is as i said if i run it at 7 . It will deactivate what is active before 7. If something is after 10 it will still be active until the next morning. I could deactivate everything on the same day, but then i got complaints that they have set a different time. The problem is that nobody has defined it exactly how should it work
and even if i say something, i dont think anyone is giving it any atention
i can run it only once per day*
reasons *tm
That's not a valid argument. Please try again.
so it does not kill our database(so was i told)
I understand they don't want it to poll, but you can subscribe to changes
could you elaborate a bit? right now im running a php script via cron job
Hey all, I was in an interview and the interviewer told me that string was a value type in C# and also a primitive type. I insisted it was a reference type. who's right?
A: In C#, why is String a reference type that behaves like a value type?

codekaizenStrings aren't value types since they can be huge, and need to be stored on the heap. Value types are (in all implementations of the CLR as of yet) stored on the stack. Stack allocating strings would break all sorts of things: the stack is only 1MB, you'd have to box each string, incurring a copy...

You were
@Proxy Oh dear lordy. You went into idiocy there. Nope, PHP can't do that.
LOL i outshined an interviewer
@ItayZaguri You.
@RoelvanUden am i that dumb :'(?
@ItayZaguri make sure, that the interviewer is put into place. Hammer him. You will get the job ez.
Hey, you dodged a bullet there. You really don't want to work for a business where the interviewer (= respected developer) is operating on wrong information, and doesn't want to be told he's wrong.
@ntohl the interviewer is the CEO of that small company
@RoelvanUden true true!
@Proxy No, PHP is just limited and shit. You can't react on events from SQL, for example. You also can't run a PHP script for an extended amount of time (sleeping, etc) without causing a lot of shit storm. This is technology limitation, if they don't want polling and don't want anything other than PHP running, your second-best solution is probably to ignore the user complaints.
i would have dropped the time altogether, since i think the date is enough and i should deactivate every active one at the end of the day.
also in some other technology(c#,python or you meant directly on the database) could you elaborate a bit what exactly did you mean/how would you solve it?
cause the way you have explained it i would still periodically have to hit the database when the expire time is reached. (the performance hit though should not be that big)@RoelvanUden
@Proxy The most important thing is for you to make a decision.
A) Change the process to the script being run every day at the same time, document it, and have the users deal with how they want to work with that?
B) Make it so the users can't actually pick a time?
C) Change the process so you can run the script several times a day, or change the script to be not as heavy weight so you can run it for each user individually?
D) Run it whenever you like and ignore the user complaints
!!brb rebooting
Also welcome back cap
@GNi33 I'm not dead! Honest!
@Proxy See @Metallkiller's response. What I meant with a decent technology stack is that it's possible to subscribe to database changes on MSSQL. You'd hit the database once to retrieve the closest expiration time, then sleep until that time. Whenever the expiration time changes of an item, you'd recalculate with that changed value (if necessary). That means one query, one subscription, and a whole lot of waiting. Performance impact is non-existent this way.
TBH even with all that said, if your infrastructure can't deal with 1 query per n minutes, there's something a lot more wrong.
yaay. My new G502 mouse arrives today
yeah i thought u meant that, just wanted to be sure. I already have suggested them that we drop the timeinput, however they said it should stay. So i told them i will run it at a exact them, to which they said its okay but they dont keep track of those things, or they do not care. @RoelvanUden
my previous G500 served me only 4 year 8 month. The MX518 before that was much better. I can still use that as a spare.
so they pinged me again with it today
i have the g402 :P
Recently got the G502 too, great mouse :D Let's see how long it holds.
@Proxy They pinged you again? Even better! Present options to them, and have them make a decision!
When people present impossible requests, give them the possibilities and let them decide.
eh i wrote already an email explaining it, so we will see
problem is they do not have any IT knowledge(or so to say) and i do not think they care that much either
No need to explain. At first, explaining just confuses people.
If they are higher ups who jsut want a solution, explanations don't matter.
Present the possible solutions. How or why is your thing, they don't need to know, unless they ask.
well in the end i just asked if they want to remove the time or run the script at a certain time
@Metallkiller there is a Dilbert comic for that. Can't find
thanks for your input @Metallkiller and a kiss :* for @RoelvanUden
@Proxy Question: What exactly does this script do for expired items?
just deactivates them, changes status from true to false :P
... Why isn't that either an active check on ExpireTime or a trigger?
what do you mean by active check on ExpireTime? as for the trigger i dont know :/. when i was assigned that task honestly a trigger did not cross my mind
Drop the column Status and make everything that references status use expireTime instead :D
Or, yeah, a trigger, because it's easier.
No, not a trigger.
Doesn't work
Drop the status column :p
i cannot drop the column status because sometime they can cancel it earlier
Why isn't the 'cancel earlier' not expireTime=DateTime.Now? :P
because they still need the expire date column available. when they add an item, they decide how long will it be active, however they do not have to activate it immediatelly
Wait, explain that again.
morning :)
eh man i suck at conversations
Consider this practice. :-)
basically they add items as they come from users. When they insert them into the database, they immediately until what time it will be available, however it does not have to be available immediately so that is where the status field comes into play.
and later on they need to have the info how long was the item available so i cannot change the expires time field
I would split this up into:
* startDate (nullable datetime)
* endDate (nullable datetime)
Then you can:
* set startDate whenever it becomes 'active'
* set endDate when the expiration is known, or immediate is endDate=NOW
* calculate availabilityTime with endDate-startDate more accurately
And you won't need cron jobs or tricks to set the status.
If it's a lot of code to change (e.g. more than a days work), consider making a view that adds a 'status' column based on a computation of start and end date.
i see. Will try to put it down and recommend a change but i doubt it will go through though
its has been this way for a long time so
customer needs > long time haven't changed
tho it depends on the customer
well i doubt customers are complaining about that though :P. the complaints are coming from my marketing department
ohh. That changes things
how do you properly make a fire&forget async method?
I'm paranoid about the IDE's constantly warn me that I didn't await a certain async method
aside from #pragma warning disable/restore CS4014?
i like my youtube mixes, from disturbed to lovely japanese songs <3
@mr5 Just go Task.Run(methodToForget);
AFAIK the IDE doesn't care whether or not yo await those
@Metallkiller the question is about the public async Task<int> ExampleMethodAsync(). The warning is there... And I don't know the answer
If you don't care about when the method returns, and it just needs to run without blocking anything, you could always throw it into another thread
new Thread(ExampleMethodAsync).Start();
Although I'm still not sure how to properly execute an async method
so maybe
new Thread(() => async ExampleAsyncMethod()).Start()
Or something
it's still not the usage
it's about defining the method without warning
Will the GC destroy a background thread without a reference to it while it's still running?
no. Just checked it not long ago
new Thread(() => await ExampleMethodAsync()).Start();
That'll do fine, but that's not a background thread, that's just a thread.
@Metallkiller idk, it looks unconventional
That might be, but because that shit is confusing enough for me I'll usually go with Background=!MainThread
Let me rephrase:
Background=!UIThread where UIThread = MainTHread when in COnsoleApplication
@RoelvanUden huh? so you mean, not all threads(except for main) are running in background?
@mr5 There's usually a 'main' thread and n number of threads. They are not called 'background thread', they're just threads in the process. The key difference is that a 'background thread' are automatically killed when the 'normal threads' all exit.
oh shit. I didn't know of that
how to achieve exact timing in C#? like 0.1 ms exact?
Scheduling is not that precise. +- 26 ms is normal.
A: Reactive extension serialized task each cancellable

BrandonWindows is not a real-time OS. In general, system timers run at 60Hz, which means they are only accurate to 16.7ms. Add in the fact that are are many many more threads than there are physical cores to run them, and you just cannot expect to write code that has precise timing without really know...

kay, then i have to use a microcontroller ^^
@ntohl thanks for adding the info why this is impossible ^^
no problemo
why is NumericUpDown's Value decimal if it accepts only int?
@MohamedAhmed i think you can change the value for incrementing/decrementing when clicking on up/down to less than 1
Can I get the nameof a variable inside a class, fully qualified?
like nameof(MyClass.StaticInt) -> "MyClass.StaticInt" ?
@Metallkiller I don't think so
For now I'm going $"{nameof(MyClass)}.{nameof(MyClass.StaticInt)}"
from official docs:
> Used to obtain the simple (unqualified) string name of a variable, type, or member.
@Metallkiller reflections everywhere
gotta refactor that, one after another, every time I find such a thing when I'm working inthat class anyway.
@ntohl is that true for all Windows OS only?
@mr5 it applies to all OS with a scheduler supporting multiple threads per core
basically all OSes typically used by muggles
@milleniumbug oh yeah, have you tried the latest Volume of demort OS? it has a revolutionary implementation of the kill -9{pid} command
1 hour later…
tell us something interesting then ^^
(got nothing to do)
@SebastianL A man, a woman and a yordle walk into the sun... They die. Because it burns them alive.
You guys have an idea if I can uninstall a program using task scheduler?
@Metallkiller yes you can
all uninstallers are in SystemDrive:\ProgramData\PackageCache\{GUID}Or{NAME}\somename.msi
just get the installer GUID which has to be the same every damn time you install/update it
and run the uninstaller with -quiet
@Proxy They should've gone at night. Genius. ¯\(°_o)/¯
lol that was what i thought the first time i heard it :P
omg no you can't be that silly
also, i added you to our database senpai :).
there is a user with the name Roel now :)
they'll think Roel was the programmer.
well at least they wont blame me for anything then :P
Blame senpai-kun-sama!
@SebastianL How do I find the guid of a program? Say, Visual Studio 2012?
Or sql server, where I cant actually start it
Q: Find GUID From MSI File

dshipperHow can I list the GUID of an installed program in Windows? Alternatively, is it easier to find the GUID if I have the MSI file? I'm looking through the MSI file with Orca but not sure where to look to find the GUID. Thanks!

If I had the msi, I could just look a the folder above it, right?
But to find the msi, I need the folder ocntaining it, which is named with the guid of the msi that idont have, so i gotta find the msi, so i gottta find te folder containing it, which is named after the guid of the msi.......
but you may want to use a virtual machine to experiment
because windows is not very forgiving for messing with its installer thingys
Thats ok, my machine will be emptied and clean installed on 30.10.
brb, rebooting...
better buy a ssd next time before you reboot ;)
Oh I have one, and if I hadn't, I'd ask IT to get me one :)
i'm not sure if i'd like to ask it for a solidstatedisk ^^
is it just me or are 80% of the low quality questions from indian sounding users?
Hey not everyone with bad english grammar is indian :P
@Metallkiller yeah, they are the other 20%
@SebastianL that is my opinion too
Check me on this. If I send an https request, are querystring parameters visible to anyone who might be looking at network traffic, like man-in-the-middle attacks?
MITM is not possible with HTTPS. Eavesdropping is not possible.
Otherwise HTTPS wouldn't be so secure
The only 'plain visible' data is in SNI, which is the hostname of the site you're accessing.
> secure
@Failsafe any reason why its italic?
Ok. It just seemed odd because I thought querystring parameters were just part of the URL that you were sending the request to.
In HTTPS, do they get separated before they're sent and included in the content, then re-added after they're received?
The entire HTTPS handshake happens before the HTTP headers are sent. The URL is just a part of the header, that includes the query string of course.
When opening a website, you send the server address only at first (example.com/) to get the IP adress. From then, you send the other parts directly to the server
I need to learn more about how actual networks work.
What happens is this:
1. Connect to IP
2. Tell server what hostname you're there for (e.g. stackoverflow.com)
3. Do HTTPS handshake and verification process
4. Establish session key based on HTTPS certificate public key
5. Send HTTP headers + body encrypted with session key

@ISP: Yo whats the adress for example.com/ ?
ISP: Here's the eadresss:
@ Yo gimme /aSite I got u fam
[ports redacted because of course nobody knows which ports browsers use and noone ever will]
So it's not just the querystring parameters, but any folders/filenames after the domain name that get split off, too.
Nothing gets split off
Which makes sense
Did you ever look at the raw HTTP headers?
I've seen them
That entire thing is encrypted. Nothing gets 'split off'. All of the HTTP-contextual information is encrypted
All of it
AFAIK the only thing not encrypted is the dns lookup
@ISP: Yo whats example.com?
And SNI, like I just said.
@Wietlol its italic because i surrounded the word with *
good to know
I have a server with a webservice running on it. But in one folder in the webservice project, there are some ashx files that need to be publicly available. At the moment I keep getting a 401 error. How can I turn off required credentials for that one folder?
@KamilSolecki Hollow
Be careful out there, neither of us want to see you go hollow!
hey guys, im trying to connect to my database but it gives the error: "cannot open database "wouter" requested by the login. the login failed. login failed for user 'domain\myself' "
any idea why this is?
this is my connectionstring: connectionString="Data Source=MYDESKTOP;Initial Catalog=wouter;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=15;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=True;ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite‌​;MultiSubnetFailover=False"/>
sounds like you don't have permission
what happens when you try to connect to the DB in SMSS
yes indeed, but i checked that in SQL server management studio and it looks like i DO have permission
i can connect to the server management studio with my windows NT authentication
check the profiler to see what the error says
i dont really understand what you mean with profiler?
im downloading it now
ya the SQL profiler to see what error the sql server is getting when you try to login
Well there is a problem
i put in the wrong server name
seems like it connects
I see your domain is called ENGINEERING.
I can do absolutely nothing with that information.
yup thats my domain indeed
I'm out, bye
Fixed the problem :)
what was it the domain\UserName problem?
no i tried to open the wrong database
the database wasnt made yet
another error:

System.InvalidCastException: 'Unable to cast COM object of type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ApplicationClass' to interface type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Application'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{000208D5-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}' failed due to the following error: Error loading type library/DLL. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80029C4A (TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY)).'
but this could because im using office 365
That is Could be
hi all
Hello Guys
someone posted a duplicate question under another username. but I cannot do anything about it. I posted an answer to both before I caught it. can someone step in and help me out?
I am doing post request to some URL, That URL have logins. If i login in this URL through browser it redirects to some URL and return XML in response
i need a moderator to step in or someone that can mark it as a duplicate
I want to do this using c#
@Aaron.S you could remove one of the answers
yes i could BUT marking it as a duplicate, shouldn't this be the first place to start?
let me rephrase
yes i will remove my duplicate answer
but i think someone should step in first to verify its a duplicate question, thoughts?
@SandeepChadgal What kind of authentication does it use?
Please visit this URL, authentication is SAML
Login works on some VPN but if you click on this url it redirect to login page
When i enter logins, it send me back XML on browser
oh wait, you can't actually mark this as a duplicate if the supposed duplicate doesn't have an upvoted or accepted answer
^^ what I said. I tried closing it as a duplicate but I can't because of the above
only when it has an answer that has been upvoted then it can be marked as a duplicate?
upvoted or accepted, yes
well i flagged both as needing moderator attention with my note that its a duplicate
fair enough
thanks for the quick response and checking for me!
Which is duplicate?
Are you guys with me ?
@milleniumbug ?
@KendallFrey ?
don't ping random people over your question
also: the duplicate remark was about this one. Don't assume you're the only person in the room
Hey, I'm having issues with debugging what could be wrong with why data is not being inserted in my db
How can I debug something like that?
Here's a code snippet:
SQL profiler
 var repo = DependencyResolver.Get<IRepository<DBRepo>>();

            await repo.QueryAsync("delete from DBRepo");

            var range = new DBRepo
                DeviceId = "TestDevice",
                NovRangeId = 43,
                RangeStatus = "A",
                StartNumber = 100,
                EndNumber = 500,
                LastNumber = 499

            await repo.InsertAsync(range);
How would the SQL Profiler help in this case?
Like the issue is where in my code is the issue where the data is not being saved?
Do you know the issue is in your code?
Because you asked how to debug it. I assume if the issue is in your code you can already debug that.
hi all.. is there any way to speed up an mvc application ?
yes, put it on a faster server
ahhh I see
Accelerate your users to an appreciable fraction of the speed of light.
I'm not 100% positive but maybe it is the code
16 mins ago, by mikeTheLiar
y tho
To everyone here: quit C# and .NET and use Node instead.
@mikeTheLiar That'll just make it look slow
@Sippy Quit C# and use TS
TS is arse
TS is much cooler than C#
Flow is cooler than both
Haskell is cooler than all
Knew it
@KendallFrey but when they slow down again the application will have completed so much
TS is nice
@Sippy trolololololo
@mikeTheLiar how can I properly debug it in my code?
.....use a debugger?
Set a breakpoint?
I'm not sure I understand the question.
In order to debug your code, you must......debug your code.
sorry, I mean
I set breakpoints but I see the data and it's being inserted
so either it's my code or the db but I'm not sure
Which is why I suggested you use a database profiler.
Isn't a profiler just for performance or am I mistaken?
Run a trace on the database you're inserting into.
I'm assuming this is SQL Server?
Open SSMS, go to Tools -> SQL Server Profiler
ok I'll look into sql profiler, thanks :)
Connect to the database that you're trying to insert into
When you create a new trace you're going to want to filter it heavily - by default a trace shows you every command that's being executed on that server and there is a lot of noise
Events -> Column Filters -> Text Data
You're going to have to filter out how you want to filter it on your own though, we can't help with that.
Sure no prob. Thanks a lot for your help! This is the first time I'll ever be using the profiler for sql haha. This is interesting
It's a very powerful tool once you figure out how to use it effectively.
ok got it
y tho
Quiet you, the land creatures are talking.
2 days ago, by Proxy
the comment section on this is :ok-hand:
@rlemon your dark chat emoji options are 💩
how fuk u do this
Do you have the dark theme plugin for chat?
It should replace your emoji code once you enter the second : and hit space
Can I ask about the dark theme for chat? I didn't know I can change SO chat theme... lol
It's a chrome extension
oh I see
wat fuk
Sorry, had to find the link.
not work
Interesting, thanks!
where that thumb goin i wonder
🍆 💦 😝
02:00 - 20:0020:00 - 22:00

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