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can someone help me with an aspnet question?
im getting this error: "WebForms UnobtrusiveValidationMode requires a ScriptResourceMapping for 'jquery'. Please add a ScriptResourceMapping named jquery(case-sensitive)."
im following this basic tutorial
im at the step test login page
1 hour later…
apparently this fixes it:
<add key="ValidationSettings:UnobtrusiveValidationMode" value="None" />
no idea why
4 hours later…
Anyone here on AX ?
what is an az
Microsoft Dynamix AX
Hi. I add an executable project as a reference to my target application...but sadly the former's config doesn't get copied... :(
1 hour later…
o ha you
oh hi yo
Hi, how to program the "map/world" in worms (worms amagedon or worms worlds party) a 2d array for each "pixel/square"?
How to check collision then with worms, it would be to heavy iterate through every "pixel/square"..?
why dont you use an engine
for this kind of thing
that handles the collision for you
ala unity
engines are boring, want to do it by myself :)
how does unity do it..?
ironically they arent open source
when i did my game
i did load the map in a 2d array
but i also stored the current coordinates of each object
then i would basically check the surrounding for each individual one
@Dwadelfri Just trace it. Get a path from old position to new position, and check collisions along the path. Once you get a collision, use the previous position (may be somewhere along the path)
rectangle around them*
Especially for 2D games this is extremely simple
anyone know anywhere i can read more about this? :)
just google 2d game
2d platform game in c# :)
isnt there some real time programming involved
real time?
'Morning Avner.
real time
thank you but the land will be very uneven, it will be to many rectangles to iterate through everyone. Also the land will be changing all the time
are you remaking worms?
what are you even making?
What game are you making?
yes, kinda remaking worms
@misha130 what you mean by real time?
start question: Hi, how to program the "map/world" in worms (worms amagedon or worms worlds party) a 2d array for each "pixel/square"?
How to check collision then with worms, it would be to heavy iterate through every "pixel/square"..?
well the fact that it should have a response
in time for the event
at the same time
you don't have to iterate through every pixel
Games are inherently real-time @misha130
Everything happens to happen in the frame you do processing in
just the one surrounding you
and it has to be not slow
@Proxy ah, that gave me an idea how to solve this :) thank you :)
@misha130 That's why you can do collision detection in two passes.
@Roel I just thought there was a thread for each object and it works on the thread and then it kind of goes with the frame that it has
so you can have 2 objects working on 2 different frames
Broad and narrow. First, you guestimate everything that could be colliding. Then, your narrow algorithm (more CPU intensive) decides if it is or not.
@misha130 This is usually not the case. You may spread out certain types of processing over threads, e.g. one for audio, one for input/movement/collisions, but that's about it.
hm ok
Only really, really, really complicated engines can spread out tasks more than that. And they usually don't do such a great job. Hence a duo core or quad core is rarely even used properly in games
I just assumed...
we forgive you this time
What is the best way to get the Windows Explorer UI in a web application? Left the folders, right the folder content?
1. Search google for ["windows explorer jquery"](https://www.google.co.il/search?q=windows+explorer+jquery&oq=windows+explorer+jquery&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i64.4452j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)
2. Find the [Stackoverflow result](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17255739/make-a-windows-explorer-like-html5-menu-that-automatically-adds-new-files-maps) with some answers.
3. ...
4. Profit!
Stupid chat formatting that chokes on manual linebreaks.
@misha130 Yeah. Not as annoying as Blogger, which automatically redirects all your blog links to blogspot.co.il (or your relevant country-specific domain) for no apparent reason.
ddg.gg ftw
@manuzi1 I'd say use the "File Thingie".
finally sayed that he he. (actually not a good idea as the project seems abandoned.)
@satibel ty, have to look at it. :)
But why do you want a Windows Explorer UI in a web application?
maybe he likes retro stuff
Because its an order from above. :D
You can argue with your manager, y'know, it's not only 'yes sir' and 'ok sir'
My "manager" is the chancellor of Austria. It isn't that easy. ^^
"from above."
hahaha ;)
I don't care if he's the president of the world, you can converse with people.
Especially if he's a non-technical person that should be relying on your expertise
Why I should? It is easy to prog and i get the money.
Oh, you're like that. Okay then.
Because there are 9 million people in Austria which will curse you whenever they're forced to use a kludgy piece of web software you designed.
<3 :D
btw if he is a chancellor, the probability is high, he is not a tech guy. So open for suggestions.
You are right.
The problem with emulating a Windows UI element on the web is that A) it will probably not work exactly as it does on Windows, which will create an impedance between what the user (reasonably) expects and what actually happens.
And B) it will look out of place on Linux, on a Mac, and on any version of Windows which doesn't match the specific look and feel you implemented in your web version.
well often that is :
we could do that the right way that will take 2 days
or we could hack together something that will be a nightmare to maintain in 2 hours.
what do you choose?
most non tech managers will choose the second because they want it NOW!
Thanks, will have a look. :)
But all I read about it, it should be easy.
@satibel in the demo I can't select multiple things
Its clear @AvnerShahar-Kashtan and obv. I said to them, define it. So it should have D&D and on rightclick open, copy, paste.
be careful with browsing though, as if you type
$('#fileTreeDemo_1').fileTree({ root: '/', script: 'connectors/jqueryFileTree.php' }, function(file) {
in the console on the demo site, it will display the root of the filesystem. (/)
@RoelvanUden I'm in den Bosch \o/
@rightfold Shit city :P
Yeah, already left
The station was nice and warm though
Very crowded
You're passing through? :P
Den Bosch station is terrible, too crowded, too small, nice appie hein tho! :p
Where'ya going?
how it feels when someone says he is the one paying you :
sudo rm -rf ./@satibel
hello @SebastianL
@misha130 you should write that into your bash.rc as alias for ls or cd
@misha130 one time we tested when will the console disappear after rm -rf /. It does not
then how...
wait... it was setting all the bits to 0 on the harddrive
not rm -rf
Entity Framework code-first throws a ModelValidationException saying that my DB and my entities aren't the same - but it won't tell me exactly which entity. I have 15 DBSets in my DBContext. :(
it cant set its own bits to 0?
cause they are in use?
@misha130 it did in su mode
we couldn't restart
when you say harddrive I guess you mean partition
Oh, wait. It's throwing an InvalidOperationException, not the usual ModelValidationException. Weird.
I wonder if erasing the contents of the _MigrationHistory table, like the internet suggests, will be a stupid idea. (This is a dev machine, not prod)
I did it one time, and it solved the problem I had.
tho it was not even dev machine
just local playing with EF
@misha130 it was something like this> sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M
If I want to get data from table2 which is a navigation property in table1, I would do _context.table1.Include(t => t.Table2) but how do I pull based off of properties in table 2? For example `_context.table1.Include(t => t.Table2).Where(t => t.table2.SingleOrDefault()) blah thats where Im messing up
In other words, I want to grab table1 data where table1's table2.someProperty matches
Q: Not able to use Query with Dapper in Class library

Ram SinghI am very new bee for Dapper ORM, i am just trying to create a class library for Business logic with Dapper. I have Install the Dapper into the class Library with Nuget. And i can see the reference in the references for Dapper(1.50.2). Now i write following code, in which i am not able to access ...

Please help me
@ntohl it stores itself in ram/swap doesn't it?
@satibel yes
@RamSingh using is missing
2 hours later…
Do you guys ever get the feeling that constantly delivering despite unreasonable demands is a bad thing?
I always seem to pull something out my arse now the boss thinks I'm sort of wizard
You're a wizard, Harry.
Can't remember the last time i actually finished on time though :(
Like i told
Dont hide yor ASP.NET apps behind cloudflare
Recent requirements ha e included a custom cms and a workflow system having built both the boss abused them then started complaining the performance was bad
NSA will take all data from cloudflare
@War Tell him he's abusing it? :D
Yeh that doesn't work
I mean the terms "reasonable" and "manager" don't fit well together
I relate to this in the fact people think I'm a wizard
but that's because the last intern did so well
so they expect us all to be super smart
where as I'm average at best
@RoelvanUden I tried building a system that couldn't be abused in the begining, of course he complained about that as it wouldn't let him do what he wanted
so I opened it up to allow nearly anything to be built
the net result ... its slow and that's my fault
I've had a similar thing where people want to circumvent the rules but I'm building an application to follow the rules because the rules are the rules
Tell him exactly that. It's not your fault nor problem.
or I guess in this case it would be policy
@War literally my life
how is it even possible
how do I have 6 projects I am incharge of
@War sounds like you need to focus more on requirements gathering?
@Rovak tell me about it ... most of our projects end up getting rewritten because I can't get across to the boss that agile / scrum does not mean "rewrite everythign when the client changes their mind"
then when I ask for a pay rise he complains he can't afford it ... and i'm like ... well stop wasting money on drip fed project requirements then
if you actually did the job properly and specced out a project / feature before starting the dev work then you wouldn't be wasting so much dev effort
then he moans baout us not being able to do waterfall ... and i'm like ... uh this isn't waterfall ... i'm just asking for a complete requirement for 1 thing before I start writing code
As the architect here it's a nightmare trying to balance the requirements he says are all the same across projects then he throws in a spanner that means I literally can't reuse design effort
so I end up building slightly different versions of the same stuff ... then after about 4 projects of that I'm like ... so the real requirement for all of that is this 50 lines of code
which basically means every line of code I write is technical debt
@War just go
I did
I'm at the new workplace since jan 2
the amount of technical depth code was so immense... Noone ever considered code design choices. Company punished when You didn't want to hack, and You spent time on refactoring.
>Company punished
the guy who took over my code on the first day wrote logic in the VM
@J.Doe that was the word choice of my college, but on second thought it is what is happening.
@War yep, you ask for better requirements and he is not providing them, you ask for a raise and he isn't giving it with some lame excuse. The main problem is that he doesn't care about your opinion or solving core problems. It doesn't sound like a healthy work relationship. I would leave if he just considers you as someone who converts coffee to code
So important question - How much $ do you earn by hour?
@Rovak The problem I don't think that its because he doesn't care ... I just htink it's because he's overworked and doesn't know how to deliver what I need correctly
we need a new BA / PM to get in between us TBH
on the weekly meetings the boss(/es) said the word "pledge" (you pledge, that the code will be finished) at least 10 times. And "accountability"
the only matter was that You have to prove that You did every hack You could do to finish in time
and me complaining about having to put one-ofs in a batch process.
I'm working on the basis now that I will only commit to deadlines for properly planned out work ... anything else he gets when he gets it
even if the administration of the proving takes more time than the actual coding
I've also refused to do any "temporary manual processes" out right
I will make it possible to do something manually ... but i'm not doing the manual work
@ntohl This is apparently a hot topic.
Is it the same bad as it was for us?
That You have to administrate every hour, that it was XY's fault, that I couldn't progress
with some technical details (if he/she doesn't accept it)
Not that much, no. But when you "commit" to work, it has to be done at the time you said it would be done. It's nothing as extreme as with you, our manager is sensible and reasonable and given enough head notice, you can work with adjusting schedules (but of course it's preferred not to!).
But.. we decide what we can do in x time.
Not our manager.
ohh. That option...
that is a nice perk
well that is not a perk that is how it should be (in my opinion)
The problem I've had is that the client will say "please do X and Y ... oh and we need it by Z date" the boss will agree to that then come to me asking how long it'll take ot implement based on his description of the issue
If I ask for documentation he half arses something today that's long winded and 50 pages in a word doc of bullet points under 4 headings
then expects me to quote for it
so I do a ballpark figure of say 1 to 2 hours per requirement then estimate him like 6 months for a his 50 page doc
Yeah. I mean, you estimate, and you try your best to finish in your estimated time, but if you foresee a problem you should notify your manager so he/she can work with the new schedule. Because clients are waiting. But you don't want to have this occur often, because it's bad for customer relations. So if you fail to estimate every time, you should really work on estimation skills :3
he then argues the estimate
@War That's a wrong work-flow.
But if someone else estimates for you.. that's just wrong.
so I say fine .. when do you want it by ... and he says "the clients deadline" and I say ... well based on the fact that we haven't got adesign for these requirements yet I don't know if its possible
so I break the requirements down (which takes me a long time because of the long winded ness) and build a design
Good Morning Coders
he then tells me that the estimate is too long for the work and we can "hack some shortcuts in place in the time we have"
morning @juanvan
that is kind of shitty
so I'm like ... fine what out of this do want me to get done by the time the clients deadline hits based on my estimates
Here is hoping nothing falls apart today
and why i don't like to have pm above you who has no idea about coding or can not properly estimate required time
he then picks a load of unrelated items which I point out have dependent items as per the design which in order to deliver those need the dependent items too
time we don't have
and makes deals without consulting the developer
so we then get to this point where he says stuff like "well we have to do it i've agreed it with the client now"
so I say stuff like "i'm a human developer not a warlock"

I'm trying to access the original value for a dynamic proxy object on an entity.

Animal { Id, Name}
Dog { Id, OtherProperties, Animal } <-- Current Entity

I'm trying to get the OriginalValue for the Animal.Name in my case and I can't use "ComplexProperty" etc because it throws an error that its not a complex property. How do I get the Original value for the Animals name?
Sec, accidental submit
so over time this happens time and time again and I end up meeting him half way each time so we agree to "half arse the project" on the basis of his "half arsed estimates ot the client"
@Proxy It's not a problem if your manager has no idea about programming. Mine doesn't have much of that knowledge either, yet she's awesome. The problem is in the fact that @War's manager doesn't consult his developer team for estimates on work, and agrees to dates without consulting his team.
yeah i wrote that later on ^
@RoelvanUden exactly ... i raised this with him before
he agreed he would stop that
and he even agreed I could manage my own dev team ... then him and the CEO keep throwing work at my juniors
so I can't commit to anything because they steal my devs working hours
Sounds like serious flaws in your companies hierarchy and workflow
why don't you look for another job if you can not follow that anymore?
when they then talk baout how deadlines slipped this year I see red and have to leave before I murder someone

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