@TomW I have something that's called "bachelor of information science". It focused a lot on system architecture, ux, project management /methodologies etc. A bit higher level than the regular computer science stuff.
I have a physics degree, I have no formal training in software. Well, we did do some computational physics classes, and my final year project was in computational methods
@QuietNaN it seems to me then, if that's really the case, a single generic factory is not going to work, you probably want to have some form of conversion interface and them implement that for each type of conversion you want to perform
There are definitely times when I wished I had taken a course on algorithms and data types.. Luckily MIT and Stanford have that stuff online free so I might do a couple of those to get up to speed
@RoelvanUden im with you on the uni thinking ... see it all the time ... uni students come out thinking they can solve anything until they are given a real world problem to solve that includes mostly domain modelling type work
@DaveRandom haha yeah I heard they added a lot of stuff. It looks like its C# + JavaScript or something now... But I think the main issue with PHP is how people use it
for the first time in my life, in c# i created a constructor :D.. I mean a total class to use it for validation of windows form's controls. I really want you to look at it and give out your opinion on how i am doing or learning . so would you? if you would. I'd paste the class on github ^_^
i know and i will make myself better in time to time. But, i do need criticism from you guys in my code just like today and i appreciate it. I'll look into every source of learning points you guys shared.