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Using TFS 2010 ^^
give um group rights
(I haven't used TFS yet, but cannot be that different from git)
He has
@ntohl starred for its adorable innocence
that error is telling you there's something wrong with the WITD, not the user.
can everyone else view those same work items?
but all other users are able to view and edit work items without problems
does it work differently through VS and TFSWeb?
and you're positive you gave them permissions to the areas and iterations those work items belong to?
yes sir
just like for every other user
this is old but you can try it:
there's a lot of moving parts in TFS and services that keep them in sync, sometimes they stop synching
already read that, what does it mean by "Attaching and re-attaching the collection"
does the user have to do this?
no, it's something you do on the server in the administrator console
basically forces TFS to refresh everything.
1 sec
just ignore all the stuff about moving to a new server.
that's usually what detach/attach is used for.
do the stuff under Detatch -> Rebuild -> Attach
@MichaelEdenfield your avatar puts me at ease, knowing somewhere out there Cthulhu is watching over us with a fashionable hat and sandals.
Summer Fun Cthulhu <3
well, I do live in Florida
my bff had one of those plushies
speaking of TFS...
^ ominous
i'm apparently in charge of TFS and all deployments... but we only use TFS for version control - not for planning
no user stories, no tasks, etc.
we use trello for that
how should i take this?
You... don't need to take it anywhere?
but i feel like i'm in charge of something that we don't really use...
shouldn't i campaign for us to use it so i can be in charge of something?
sweet jesus... nevermind
Trello is fine for lean planning. TFS is an adequate source control system. If there's no requirement to link builds to work items, then you're golden :)
i don't want to be in charge of anything. that sounds too much like management/administration and too little like "pound out code"
yeah... there's no...um...
sure there is. Call it "a custom variant of Kanban"
that name is too long. call it Bob.
lol @ TFS
@Amy the name "Microsoft Bob" is already taken
okay then, "Ben"
or "Al"
Kan Ben
reminds me of Krypton's naming scheme.
no really... someone says they need something, we do it and deploy it
if they need it, why are you doing the work?
shouldn't they do it, as its their need?
because they're nongeeks
!!msdn String
you're welcome
Jeffrey Ritcher's giving a talk today at a meetup
o/ @rlemon
I'm going to make him sign my book lol
although I barely finished reading it :S (CLR Via C#)
@Amy anything unexpected with it ping me. I'm doing ... umm .. shifty things on my server to create the request
lol shify things
getting schwifty on the server
my hopes is that google is as care free as imgur. imgur didn't rate limit or block me after 80,000 requests over 6 hours
I needed a large pool of sample images. 2/10 would do again. 80% of it was porn.
hi guys i have a linq dataset with an table from sql server and i got this code to update a row but its not updating
but doesnt says error just doesnt update
can anyone help me?
you have to tell the dbcontext to save the changes
its not going to save just because you set some properties
didnt understand what u said, what context? @Amy
in your code, what is the db variable?
LQMDP_PRODDataContext db = new LQMDP_PRODDataContext();
that looks like a context to me.
yes thats my context but doesnt my code should update?
simply setting properties won't update anything. you have to tell the context to save its changes
like i said
try typing in db.Save... and see what intellisense shows
ok ty
This is pretty hilarious and extremely spot on
@JakobMillah ive watched that guy before :)
            CloudBlockBlob statusBlob = GetStatusBlobReference(timerName);
            await statusBlob.UploadTextAsync(statusLine);
            // best effort
he is a bit crazy
// well at least I tried
that looks super official.
meh, don't care much about other ppls feelings about iphones
I'm an Android-using ChromeOS-loving MacBook-using C# developer.
have at you, demographics!
That guy's trousers are WAY too baggy
if you like whining about corporations
no u stop
no u stahp
no everyone halt
May 5 at 15:17, by BoltClock
tu est caesum
does that one not work anymore?
tu est caecum
Make me the Empress of C# and I will bring peace, justice and security to my new empire.
I will bring the room under control.
@Michael A bit crazy, but he is pretty smart tbh
First we will throw all mods into the sun.
Second we will throw Kendall and his mom into a lake.
@Amy gonna need something bigger than a lake..
A really big lake.
those are called oceans
fine fine
If we have a hard time throwing his mom (we will), we can build a trebuchet.
@Amy There's not enough titanium in the world to build a trebuchet
Third, we bring CleverBot into C# chat and have it respond to the help vampires so we don't need to.
idk, falcon heavy can only lift 54 tons
maybe if Elon gives us two.
what do you mean, african or european falcon heavies?
@Amy american
That wasn't one of the choices, @rlemon.
such a sexy rocket
Looks beautiful
that is a sexy rocket.
yay asparagus staging
idk if that is even
just agree, Veronica
I still haven't gotten into asparagus staging -- I stage like a wedding cake :P
just drop off the larger layers as I go up
@rlemon tbh that's probably better since 1.0
I almost never go beyond a single set of boosters on the side feeding into the core
back in the day though...
I do notice in 1.0 they've tweaked a bunch. hard to explain. getting into low kerbin orbit seems almost harder
but transfer windows are easier to hit
like I said, hard to explain. but I also didn't play KSP for a while there because it didn't work
it takes like 500m/s less dV to LKO now
so might just be my head
oh dear
if only people had context
only, If
if (only)
(concatenate 'string "If" " " "only")
This is why we can't have nice things
why can't we have nice things?
Because Kendall keeps putting his penis in it
if only
!!giphy nice things
I hope when I die I can be a ghost and do the ghost stuff
Do you need hella promotions in hell to get that level of ghost?
I believe so, Sterling.
I wonder how you get promoted in hell
or you need to find a grizzly disgruntled veteran ghost to teach you.
Dammit... wrong comic. Same concept though
dude, why did they even try to change that
Right? It's about heat, not spice :(
lmao I just got your snapchat
@JakobMillah very smart. In his videos he claims that he never really went to school for the stuff he does. or at least got a degree in it. some how picked it up on his own.
@rlemon I like the construction tactic of making a rocket lift more by strapping several of them together
Like, how many does that work with
I tend to put 7 solid boosters with 7 more on top then 3 liquid on top of that (outer feeding to inner) then ditch the outers.
and by "tend to" I made that last night and got to duna and back
Well I meant IRL but gg
So I'm having this weird problem in azure where I attach my debugger to the azure application through the "cloud explorer", but then in the Diagnostics Hub output it just says "Access is denied." It doesn't break on exceptions or anything like that. Anyone else had this problem before? I've already tried making sure that remote debugging is enabled via azure portal under the application's settings.
!!google amazeballs
... Impressive
Guys, I need help! D:
!!google rlemon's amazeballs
Server error (status 500) occured (message probably too long)
so much for those amazeballs
> rlemon's amazeballs probably too long
Imagine, I have a Metric table. Each Metric can have many parameters, so I also have a Parameter table. Right now the number of parameters are defined.. They have names and values. The names are already defined, for example "Feasibility", "Design", etc. For each metric I will have these same parameters, but I don't want to repeat the name of the parameters over and over again for each new metric I add to my database.
Should I create a separate table called ParameterName that has the names of the parameters and then include a foreign key in my Parameter table that has the values? Or that doesn't make sense? i'm a bit lost
!!google rlemon's a
Hey google works again!
so the limit is somewhere between 10 and 20
@Jakotheshadows Is that question addressed to me? b:
What, the one about Azure?
@Jakotheshadows ??? You just asked a question about character length
No, that was a statement not a question. Notice the absence of a ? at the end
@Jakotheshadows oh, okay, sorry :/
Does anyone have any suggestion regarding my Metric question? :r
If every metric has the same parameters, why not have one table that looks like:

MetricName | Parameter1 | Parameter2 |...
I though about that, but what If in the future I want to add another parameter? I would have to add a new column to the table where as if I had it on a separate table I would just have to add a new parameter to the table. I hope that made sense.
Would you be adding the new parameter to all the metrics?
Either way, you only have to change one table, right? And you'd want to minimize the amount of joins you have to do.
@Squiggle It worked :) I have posted what I've done as answer to my question (stackoverflow.com/questions/37817934/…). Thanks a lot for the discussion and help provided. It seems that it is exclusive to UWP.
hmm, okay, I think I'm going to study a bit more before I decide on what solution to take. Thanks for your time @GrantHill
Any time.
@Greg - Nope, haven't used.
@TravisJ Oh, it is pretty nice.
Could I get your feedback on the structure of this application, it is a small application but I wanted to structure as if it were becoming a huge.
Scalability is always important
What do you have?
Ironically, that scale doesn't scale very well. It only goes up so high.
^ Should be sufficient for all your scalability needs
If you need more try one of these:
That scale only supports one user.
Maybe two. But after that there will probably be exceptions thrown.
@mikeTheLiar - Much better. That scales.
@Greg - I have been holding my breath this whole time
Inb4 Greg's actually writing an application to scale fish and weigh them on scales.
@TravisJ Sorry, got interrupted.
@Greg are those..... are those emoji in your commit message?
We're doomed.
If you can think of a better way to describe exploding camels, @mikeTheLiar, I'd like to hear it.
Raging Dromedaries?
Raging Dromedaries would be a good name for a band
!!google raging dromedaries
Is Cap dead again?
@mikeTheLiar Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
I'd listen to Raging Dromedaries about once before I realized they suck.
Actually camels spit
@Greg - It looks scalable enough to me. Nothing wrong with the structure. However, using just raw sqlcommand is an interesting choice - at least look into using dapper. Other than that, should be fine. I would suggest using areas in your project as well. They help organize controllers as the project grows; that was one place in my project that I didn't expect to get so large, the sheer amount of controllers.
@TravisJ "1 + 1 = 3"
cap seems alive
still bad at maths though
!!> 1 + 1 == 3
@mikeTheLiar false
I have this shirt, BTW
I've never gotten that joke
I think I get it, but I think it's a really bad joke.
Either that or it's really dumb.
which makes me think I don't actually get it.
It's either really stupid or really smart
And I'm not sure which one it is
It is a somewhat common phrase in advanced math to say things like "f(x) == f(x+1), for large values of x"
because for some reason small numbers screw everything up.
so things that aren't actually mathematically true are "true enough" if you pick sufficiently large inputs.
I think that's what the joke is, it's just kinda dumb.
Right yeah I get that
and also.. try explaining that to the checkout lady in Walmart
Especially in physics and stuff like that
Maybe the "extremely large value of 2" is 2.5.
That's dumb.
Two plus two equals ten
....in base four I'm fine
when working on problems like this i find it helpful to keep the spherical cow in mind
I always think of a system of arithmetic that counts by tying knots into string. If you tie together (add) two strings with two knots each, you end up with five knots.
it is a bigger joke than I thought.
the joke is, apparently:
Isn't anything times 100% just the anything?

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