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Although the number of Indian programmers we have on the project makes me question how serious they are about confidentiality and security
Not because there's anything wrong with Indian programmers, but because they're not British and they've made a ton of noise about who can see stuff and who can't
@TomW Accuracy(Indian, FlawedSecurity) // returns 90%
@TomW It's all about the money.
@CuddleBunny if you mean, you can't hire programmers and specify they must be british nationals, for any money, you are correct
The idiots we've had through the door on ludicrous money
@TomW I dunno how many deals I've lost to companies here in the US because they have proxies in another country and bid 5+ times less than us...
Onus is on you to prove that an on-shore team gets significantly better results, I guess
or screw those clients, because if they don't understand that, they probably don't understand enough other stuff that they'll make your life a misery anyway
Can you get a map from Google by passing the address, rather than Lat Long?
@Greg works on my machine
All the documentation seems to demonstrate with lat long.
@TomW You have a sample of that syntax?
!!map Gap,+PA
(The answer is yes)
In DateTime value = DateTime.Now

What is Now? A class ?
Now is a static property
@androidplusios.design I don't suppose you've tried googling it...
or pressing F12 on it
Okay. I'll take a look.
can't navigate to definition with F12
@CuddleBunny at my last company I always thought we didn't make enough of the fact that we were small enough that if you called with an inquiry about our software, you'd normally get a callback from the developer that wrote it the same day
And this is retail software, sold as a CD and an instruction manual
sorry, probably my resharper mapping. Anyway, you can open Object Browser, or MSDN
Personal service ftw
@TomW Yeah, but on the same side of that coin bigger entities can push you around. For example we develop a course for someone and they put it on there learning management system and it doesn't work. Even if we debug it ourselves and prove their LMS provider is at fault we are hard pressed to prove it...
why doesn't Stack Overflow work in IE?
@TomW in my last company, the company is not big, but the management did whatever they could to make things like that not happen
@CuddleBunny then I'd expect you should send someone to their site to prove it
even internally, consultants have a hard time asking developer a question
@edc why on earth?
Its a property.....hmm
@TomW management thinks devs shouldn't get distracted
@edc ok, pragmatically... Nobody else would know the answer
It's either get the dev to do it, or let the customer give up
I guess they were thinking, if we make consultants/clients try, eventually they will get it, or give up
They made us do it, anyway. A few reasons: 1) it builds familiarity with the real world usage of the product 2) Might as well get the person who's going to be fixing the bug to talk to the person who raises the bug 3) There is literally nobody else who'd be any use 4) Our position in the market was so precarious we had to chase every customer 5) It actually is pretty good customer experience
i agree with you too. at the same time, I agree that devs do want their own undisturbed time.
I emphasise by this I mean bugs
our software was fairly prone to fatal crashes
i am now trying out those SignalR samples, pretty promising
@CuddleBunny are you the kind of company that writes the flash animation (or similar) stuff that big corporates use for their mandatory company training? For example, we have diversity awareness, health and safety, anti bribery, information security etc
And we have to re-do them yearly.
They're click-through flash-like apps
oh I remember those
Ontario, Canada has one for work safety
which is mandatory for any employee to take, yet has 0 relevance to programmers
I think most of them are the law. That is, most companies must ensure that their employees are trained in their legal obligations
yup, that's it
And everybody is obliged to not be a massive racist, not set fire to things etc.
@edc We do?
I wrote the exam:
Question 1: Write down your own implementation of Math.Sqrt
Carmack's fast square root ftw
@KendallFrey if you work in Ontario, yup. It started like a year or so ago, I heard.
^ cannot remember Carmack's fast square root
@edc never heard of it
I remember one interview question I got was to solve quadratic equation, but with complex numbers involved.
Was it a company whose work involved that kind of algorithm?
Question 2: Design a generalised notation for finite state machines
Requires: - State - State Transition - Guard
possibly side-effect
Question 3: Prove that binary search and merge sort have worst-case logarithmic time complexity
Question 4: Prove that answering your questions has worst-case time complexity
I felt like crying
oh I see
> I wrote the exam:
Q1 was too difficult
You mean you recorded what was on the exam
I thought you meant you'd designed your own obnoxiously difficult exam to make a point
why do that
> to make a point
I could have a decent attempt at all those, I think. They'd take me a lot longer than a usual exam because I'd have to devise some method of checking everything as well
One of those per evening, I guess
Depends whether you're meant to have learned the principles that allow you to answer them, in the class
2 yes. 1 no. 3 no
are those interview questions? or school?
Time to write a naive sqrt, just for fun
y = x^a
do while(i*i<N) {
There was a time zone question as well
log y = a log x
I realize it would be easy with logs
I said naive
Maximum and minimum spanning trees was the easiest question
@MoonOwlPrince hardest for me. I don't know what they are.
you don't need to if you already have a job
I didn't take a computer-related subject
int y = 100;
int root = 0;
 root = rand.Next(2,y);
}while( root * root != y );
the dart board approach
@TravisJ we did that as a naive monte carlo simulation
@TomW - Was it faster than iteration? :D
find pi by calculating the proportion of random hits that land within a circular area
We noo....
@TomW technically that's an accurate way to do it for large sample sizes...
@Pheonixblade9 yep. Part of the solution included reaching a specified confidence level
double sqrt(double x)
	double a = 1;
	double _a = 0;
	while (a != _a)
		_a = a;
		a = (a + x / a) * 0.5;
	return a;
Well. I had a job I wanted to apply for. I haven't finished the excruciatingly long and detailed personal statement they want, and deadline is midday tomorrow
They use TFS. Fuck 'em
@TomW: Like a baws!
however: They are a shit hot employer, I am told
not in the facebook sense, so much
Which company?
shit isn't exactly hot
not even when it's steamy
University of Oxford
more tempered?
they use BizTalk. Why, well I guess I'll find out
biztalk is the shit
What type of position are you applying for?
They look after their own. Food prepared in any establishment except the common rooms, yours. Gyms, of which they have a lot, yours. Vintage wine unavailable to the public from college cellars, yours at below market price. Unrestricted entry to any of their libraries and museums
Doesn't strike me as the most awesome place to work for a dev
Senior Integration Developer
Awesome perks though
Especially the wine part
for a dev should have a fairly big Venn diagram overlap with for a human being
@TomW why?
What would be the day to day work?
My friend works for them. They insist on repeatedly promoting her. Since they've also sacked her boss, it's practically pulling her up the hierarchy
@scheien dunno, I guess I'll find out
presumably they use the integration platform for consolidating a ton of operational data
You have an insider
She works for a college in a completely different area
this would be central I.T.
Does she have access to that building?
Sidenote: I would still apply for a job even though they use <random application I hate here>.
Passes are hierarchical. Hers opens some doors she thinks it shouldn't, doesn't open others she thinks it should
I dislike that type of security aswell
It's prone to abuse at some point.
If you're ever in a medieval city where you pass random 4.5ft high, 400 year old oak doors in 800 year old stone walls for no apparent reason....some of those have electronic locks that the staff passes open
I prefer to have only the authorization I need for my daily job, so that I don't get into those "can you do this work for me" kinda things.
at my old job I.T. passes opened everything
sorry, I don't have access to that
I was not I.T.
but you had an IT pass?
I did not.
You should have
I think they enforced such strict segregation because of the server rooms. Fairly unusually they had quite an old-fashioned halon system, whose protocol worked something like the following:
Did they call their passes "root"?
- Sound a verbal warning upon the detection of heat or smoke
- If no response after 90 seconds, activate an alarm and further verbal warnings
- If no response after a further 90 seconds, close the door if not already closed, cut the power and issue further VERY LOUD verbal warnings
- if no response after a further 90 seconds, lock the door and purge all oxygen from the room
an IT pass that opens everything is anything but strict?
Basically the fire suppression system would kill anyone left inside who couldn't figure out how to turn it off
Well, yes.
Working as it should
Remove oxygen
However it will be bad for the person/persons passed out on the floor.
So they trusted that I.T. would have run through the proper induction to be able to access the server room safely. I was told in no uncertain terms that setting foot in the server room for any reason whatsoever would lead to me being fired
Sounds fair to me
The one dev who'd gone through the rigmarole stopped me once while we were having a conversation and said no, really, stay there
@scheien what bothered me was...suppose you haven't responded because a rack has fallen on you
That IT dep must have had only trustworthy people then?
Yep, or passed out for some other reason
It required you to visit the control panel and physically cancel the alarm, I believe
@KendallFrey - Where had you seen newton's method before?
@scheien Trustworthy...not sure. Aware of the rules, certainly
@TomW: Should have been setup with some infrared detection to indicate unusual heat signatures. Could be problematic if a rack falls over you, depending on the camera angle.
There was a split between IT individuals who were like, I like devs because they give me interesting stuff and IT who hated devs because they made life difficult
@TomW: Those who can't be trusted are likely to also break the rules.
@scheien yeah, this contrasts to my friend who worked in a bank. All their IT was expendable, they set it up to fail safe on electrical connection then flood the server rooms. Sprinklers won't hurt anyone
They probably have some backups stored at a offsite location.
They had a whole company set up at a DR location
and yes, equipment is expendable, unlike people.
As in, an office block, with its own server rooms, running the same software, desks with PCs set up, lights on, janitors the only people who ever entered
disaster recovery
@TravisJ eh?
@KendallFrey - Your "naive" approach was to use newtons method for square roots
just curious where you came across it
and their definition of 'disaster' includes 'sued and stripped of assets'. The offsite plan was technically run by a different corporate entity which would be sold the bank's entire assets if it appeared that the bank would be at risk of seizure
@TomW: That is pretty slick.
no idea
If I did, I don't remember it
Why is it so inconceivable that I could have invented the same technique?
@TomW: Was this done as a precaution after the 2008 recess?
@scheien I think he worked with them before then
he also broke their chinese wall while he was there
Not that inconceivable, what path did you take to reach the convergence equation?
he was an intern, not his fault. They hadn't explained to him what it was at that point
@TravisJ some neural pathway, I guess
@KendallFrey - So you just came up with that in a few minutes?
Dude you are wasting your time at your job lol
Evening all
You need to be working on mathematical theory :P
Just switched jobs and will be entering the world of C# and .NET
@kaleeway congrats
@TomW: Chinese wall? Don't think I got the point.
@TravisJ I want to say you're overreacting, it was easy.
Is it fair to say C# is compile once, run anywhere?
Not really, no.
@kaleeway debatable
that depends on what anywhere means.
Linux is a pain, and in all reality c# doesn't run very well on iOS
Well the .Net environment is kind of like JVM it supports C# apps
@scheien a Chinese wall is a methodology a bank is supposed to have in place to ensure that insider trading does not occur. Essentially information must be isolated between traders working with instruments that benefit the customer, and traders working with instruments that concern the customer
c# is compile once run anywhere that has .net installed
They take this to extreme lengths, including physically isolating staff from one side of the building or another
@KendallFrey - how would you solve the cube root?
@TomW: aha, I see.
@scheien my friend tailgated through a door he couldn't open, because he had some cable to install and he believed his site was on the other side of that door
Did he get in a lot of trouble?
He couldn't open it because he worked for a different legal entity that was banned from interacting with the legal entity on the other side, through the medium of the chinese wall
@TravisJ Hmm...
No, he had never been told
@TravisJ: compiled against 4.5 and run on XP?
x/a/a I suppose
@scheien - as long as xp supported .net 4.5
@scheien I expect it caused a serious crisis. Breach by someone who is meant to know they really lose their shit.
But not for him
Lawyers get recalled from holiday etc
Sounds like serious biz
@KendallFrey - that does work
@scheien yeah. Government policy on insider trading seems to be "Do we look like we're fucking joking?"
It sure misses a bunch before it hits though for some reason
In norway you get punished way harder by doing crime related to economic shit than murder in some cases.
@scheien possibly because on the rare occasion they actually catch them they should look like they're doing something
@KendallFrey - I see how you ended up there now. That is pretty brilliant for a few minutes of creation.
@scheien Anders Breivik. I heard that according to maximum sentencing in Norway he could be out of prison before he claims his pension
@TomW: There are probably some of the same mechanisms here in Norway aswell, just that I'm not familiar with the branch.
He will never be a free man again
In norway the maximum sentence is 21 years.
I also heard they were trying to find a way that the law would allow them to never release him
but you can get sentenced to preventive detention
which enables them to hold him forever
or "as long as they see fit"
That fucktard sits in a prison about 20 km from where I'm sitting right now.
The international reaction was kind of like, we're really glad that Norway has so little experience with these kinds of people they haven't seen the need for very long sentences. They're gonna have to do something different here
have to leave early =/
A couple of weeks ago we went to a "open prison day" for the family of those who work there. Then I stood outside the door to his cell. Felt kind of weird.
@TomW: The preventive detention has always been around.
but only used in severe cases
It doesn't have quite the same impact. In extreme circumstances in the UK the judge can deliver a whole-life sentence
He will surely be killed if he ever gets out.
Sorry, didn't mean to derail, not a nice topic of conversation
never mind
no problem
Just have to say that I feel the prison system here is rather good. Probably because I know a bit more than others since my wife works in one of them.
Getting late too
I believe that's the case.
Also yes.
How's your apartment coming along? Or you just ended up buying a lot of tools?
Done the essentials inside. Focusing on outside. Partly because I'm trying to avoid dealing with the inside
The electrical wiring seems to be...a mess.
switch marked 'floodlight' in a cupboard (I don't have a floodlight) controls the main power to the boiler
For example.
yea, I remember you talked about that. Sounds dangerous.
FooBar refObj = new FooBar();

I think it this way.....refObj is a reference to the object that has been created...its not the object. Am I right?
provided FooBar() is a class, then yes
it was a class
U.S. Government stance on insider trading: "That's our business."
Anyone here use Team Explorer in VS?
@BrianJ i have why
just wondering how I can pull changes made to my repo online?
I want to sync them with my local repo
doen a small bit of research, says I need to create a new branch for remote
and then I can pull
sounds right but I honestly havent used it recently enough to remmember. A screenshot might job my memory
I cant remmember well enough :(
no problem, Google will come to my aid as usual :D
Google is our friend
image programming without Google.
I once challenged myself once to not google anything about a project I was doing... needless to say it was a long painful process, but I also learned a lot.
easy fast answers can make you lazy
hm. how do you convert an expression to a const?
const string derp = GetDerpString(); //no work
const string derp = new string(GetDerpString()); //no work
can you use readonly in a switch statement?
i dont see why not, but i can't say for sure
readonly is not a valid modifier
it's for fields only...
it won't work in switch statements?
it doesn't even compile as is
readonly string derp = GetDerpString(); //no work
what are you trying to do?
there is no local immutability support in C#
const is compile-time only
(must be a compile time constant)
time for some cascading if else statements
I fucking hate this project
so - my best answer is, if you want that in .NET, use F# :D
@ReedCopsey it's cute that you think I've been given the ability to make decisions any more consequential than when to take my lunch break
lol ;)
give the variable a name that nobody will want to use, then, or wrap it into your own, local, immutable class
we have a bunch of constants... and they want the ability to change them... they have NO IDEA why they might ever change them... and they're the ones that define the data that goes into the table the constants are trying to match with... but they need to be in a config file, god damnit!
@ReedCopsey that's what I already did. It needs to come out of the web.config
read from web.config into an immutable class that exposes it as props
there is a giant ass configSection with a bunch of BS constants that are used in exactly one place.
how would I do that?
that is just more work than I want to do for a stupid switch statement
they make a shitty design with no flexibility, they get shitty code
*Imagines configSection for giant asses
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I wish I had a printout of log tables.

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