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still do not appreciate the "meh, good enough" philosophy
@Pheonixblade9 - Yeah, but if you are insuring flight #fishytg and you accidentally get #fighyth which happens to be a Gulfstream 650 then that quote is probably going to be a little off.
Is javascript good as a scripting language for windows scripts?
In what context?
In general, I would say no
but I'm a C# dev, so there is that :)
Okay, that was a bad question. Let me give an explanation. I want to embed a lightweight and familiar scripting language inside a file, so the script commands are run at certain times. I'm not sure which language to use. The scripts should be pretty simple, like copying or modifying files, but the windows shell language just won't do.
@GreĝRos powershell doesn't work?
I said lightweight and familiar :)
powershell is quite widely used
I thought only system administrators and a few professional programmers used it
I don't know powershell, but I would still suggest it for that
As opposed to?
Well, javascript.
Ah. I don't know how well Node.js handles that sort of thing so I couldn't speak to it.
ValidationScopeBox have a look if you have time.
Feels like there should already be something like it in the framework
@JohanLarsson Can you give a summary of what it is, and what's in the files?
Yes, there are a lot of things that feel like they should be in the framework :(
@SpencerRuport What does Node.js have to do with it?
@GreĝRos Sure, the idea is that you can set v:ValidationExt.IsValidationScope="True" on a control. Then it will get v:ValidationExt.HasError = true if any child control has a validation error
think it can be useful
wrote it for fun, flame if it is dumb
@GreĝRos - I'm not aware of any other familiar way that javascript might be able to handle File IO stuff. I just assumed you meant Node.
spamming here to get input
aren't you trying to validate input to prevent spam?
@SpencerRuport There is a kind of javascript is used for Windows scripts. It has various functions that don't exist in the normal kind. But it's not really a standard scripting language in the admin industry, in that most people I know use VB script, windows shell (ugh), or PS for administration tasks. But if you look around, a lot of scripts in Windows itself are written in JS.
Ah yes. I do recall seeing that now that you mention it.
Does everyone use the razor helpers to create inputs in mvc and that is it?
@JohanLarsson It could be quite useful.
makes me sad
@GreĝRos You can set v:ValidationExt.IsValidationScope="True" on the toplevel window. Then all panels and usercontrols will be scopes
@SpencerRuport - Ever had a situation where you were going to allow the client to dictate which parts of a form were going to be required and then change them on the fly ?
@TravisJ I am using htmlhelpers
@C4CodeE4Exe - I know they are being used, I just strongly dislike them.
Too static. Too clunky. Too server reliant. Not dynamic.
@TravisJ I should not use them?
@C4CodeE4Exe - I am not saying that.
@C4CodeE4Exe - They are good for simple straightforward use.
But if you want to build something complex or something that isn't just a reproduction of an excel spreadsheet + a set of fields then they start to get in the way
If excel can replace an application, then the application was probably a waste.
@TravisJ as I am also new to this, and I am creating a complex web app with dynamic stuff on the page, so seems not good
I just started, created login and registration using html helpers
@C4CodeE4Exe - For example, lets say you have a list of items and you want to let the user add a new item which must be validated and mapped to the model binder. Which html helper would you use?
Basically you can't use any in that scenario. You can do a post back to the server and build the page like that, but that is awful design.
Keep in mind, all the html helpers do are return html strings
It is a string generator. That is all it does.
@TravisJ - I followed you right up until "and change them on the fly?"
You mean using a configuration screen somewhere else in the app?
@SpencerRuport - Sorry, I don't think I explained that clearly enough.
@SpencerRuport - I am making a form. It has 3 dropdown selections (<select>). In addition, a user can click a button to add a set of two text inputs. The user can add as many of these sets as they want. In addition to this, there is also a subset of inputs. Four text inputs. In this subset, if any one of the text inputs has information, all 4 must have information. If none have information, then they shouldn't be validated when submit occurs.
@TravisJ - If you mean allowing them to configure which fields are required yeah I've done a lot of that. The utility rebate form app has a ton of those kinds of things.
Do you use $.validate?
You should ask @CharlieBrown. My experience with that sort of thing has primarily been in Knockout.js
Anyway, that is what I am working on
It would be nice to just assume no one is going to mess it up and go forward but noooo
@TravisJ correct
In knockout I wrote a script that would validate basically whatever you wanted but in addition there was an activation observable so you could short circuit the logic if, say, a checkbox wasn't checked.
Yeah, I think I might go overkill cuz its easy
If the activation returned false the validation always returned true.
Detect input even on any of the input elements. If any of them contain a value, add the restraints for validation. If not, remove restraints.
one more thing - while doing login, I am calling login web api and it is returning me a json .how should I deal with thing situation like validation errors , any error from web api in MVC
@juanvan Just did the old school ugly plain way.
lol wtf
@Pheonixblade9 hahahaaha
I don't get it =/ tell me meow
@TravisJ I have a login form, user enter email and password, I call login action inside controller which further calls Login api -> returns json then how should I handle this response inside controller function.
send it back to your form?
I am a very code centric person.
Also, might not want to use email + password as credentials
people tend to prefer not to enter their email as their username
and it makes your user db suspect for being targetted
yes, send back to the form
and show validation errors if any or navigation to homepage.How should I handle this inside controller
this will refer to the instance of the controller
@GreĝRos refactored it and put the useful stuff in a separate project
hi @rutter
@SpencerRuport - How does it capture the screen?
Runs off of youtube streams. It's just a site that specifically shows coding streams from youtube.
@ReedCopsey - Any idea on this reflection issue? I don't understand why his type argument isn't working for GetMethod. If he just left the type argument out it finds it, but with it, only null is returned. stackoverflow.com/questions/30539611/…
@TravisJ It's mostly because reflection in .NET has limitations
and he's hitting them ;)
Okay I can accept that
you have to just do GetMethods and then filter after the fact for the one you want
which is a pain
Because from the documentation and from his param construction it seemed like it should work
A: GetMethod for generic method

Ken BeckettThat previous answer works for some cases, however: It doesn't handle nested generic types, such as a parameter type of Action<IEnumerable<T>>. It will treat all Action<> as matches, for example, string.Concat(IEnumerable<string>) and string.Concat<T>(IEnumerable<T>) will both match if searchi...

yeah - that's pretty much how you have to do it
So basically you have to manually do the filtering
get all of the methods, then filter yourself
Thanks :)
and handling nested generic types isn't fun ;)
Yeah I have had to bark up that tree before
har har :P
@Pheonixblade9 - Check out my expression tree pun :D
@TravisJ SMH
var validateState = on, on = true;
validateState = ?
What happened to Kendall? Love?
Kendall went to the middle east and hasn't been seen since.
when did he go?
I was mostly kidding. His profile says he was seen 12 hours ago.
oh, that reminds me, I got a girlfriend, yay
she's pretty rad
He did go to Kazakhstan though I think
@Pheonixblade9 - Oh, cool :D
@Pheonixblade9 - Does she like puns?
she loves puns
lol nice
we were making magic the gathering puns at each other last week
she plays video games and magic haha
and she made me this birthday card...
Wow, that is pretty awesome
So she publicly admits to being into bedazzling?
for valentines day she made me a pop-out card with a Magic: the Gathering pun
att&t commercial reference
Did she study art?
she painted me a pretty fucking amazing 6x10 of Bioshock Infinite
I'll post it later, I don't have a picture
and yeah, it's hand made/drawn
she's really talented
which is a relief... because sometimes people went to art school or are super into art, but they kinda suck. hahaha
Well cool man, that sounds good for you :)
I gotta run though
have a good weekend!
you too :) enjoy the weather
don't burn up!
posted on May 29, 2015 by Scott Hanselman

Bear with me, for now this will be a tiny post, a placeholder, but I am looking for feedback, ideas, comments and I will keep this post updated. The scenario: My local sandwich shop where I often hang out and work remotely has a wireless router that started to redirect me to a fake "update your flash" and download a "Install flashplayer_10924_i13445851_il345.exe" malware file. There are no vi

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