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In terms of best practices, how should I be handling a result which can have either valid or invalid data? I have a method that returns either a Point2 or a null. Should I keep that as-is, and then just do a null check? Or should I be doing something different?
sounds right to me
3 hours later…
4 hours later…
Morning lads. It's Monday again. Anyone awake yet? :P
How best to support some sort of session in a WebAPI project
Basically I want the user to login, and they check session that they are still logged in
After X number of minutes of inactivity they are logged out
I guess you've all got the Monday morning blues !
posted on February 09, 2015 by Scott Hanselman

For years there's been numerous hacks and ways to get Ruby on Rails to run on IIS. There's also ways to get Java via Tomcat or Jetty, Go, and other languages and environments to run as well. There's ways to get Node.JS running on IIS using iisnode but that's been node-specific. The blog posts you do find say things like "get Rails to run on IIS in 10 steps" and I'm like JUST TEN?!? Wh

@Tommo1977 so I think the term session is misleading, it seems that a lot of people use session to mean stashing some kind of state together with the user's authentication
I think based on your description what you're really looking for is forms authentication
Previously when I programmed in Classic ASP, I used a Session to check if the user had (a) logged in, and (b) when they were still logged in
Now I have some secure pages, that I only want accessed if they have correct username/email and password etc
@Tommo1977 In a RESTful API, you don't have a session state. Or, you shouldn't have one. What is common is an authorization token with an expiration time. A client asks for a token with his username/password and gets one from the API. In subsequent requests, it attaches the token in a HTTP header so the API can check his token and verify associated permissions. Usually you store the tokens in a cache like redis so you scale out easily.
And yes, that sounds similar to session (and it works pretty much the same), but it is explicit, and without cookies, and its important to differentiate that.
@RoelvanUden Yeah I was just reading about session state
@RoelvanUden Do you have any good examples of this
Morning all
good afternoon all
Has any one got any good examples for Web API authentication and authorisation. Basically I want to be able to authenticate against a database
@Tommo1977 Like how?
As a web accessible API?
No, don't want OAuth2, I mean I have a database that has username and password hash
I want a example how to implement in WebAPI
You can use OAuth2 with your implementation
And honestly that solution looks more like the API is used for data access by the application, not externally.
@Sippy I don't follow 'And honestly that solution looks more like the API is used for data access by the application, not externally.'
Couldn't I use something like this e.g authenticate user, and call

FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.UserName, model.RememberMe);
Why do you need an example?
It's just a HTTP field.
Sorry @RoelvanUden I don't follow you
I just want basic authentication over HTTPS. I have a database with user names and password, and if user tries to access a secure page and isn't logged in, I redirect to a login page
1. Client makes POST request over HTTPS to `/Api/Authentication` with credentials.
2. Server validates credentials and creates a token in the cache with permissions.
3. Server returns the token to the client. The HTTPS POST request is now done.
4. Each subsequent request, client sends `X-Authentication-Token` header.
5. Prior to running the API, the server validates the token against the cache.

There you go.
An API never redirects.
An API has no state.
@Tommo1977 What do you want an API for?
@Sippy I am creating a My Account set-up for our website that will run under myaccount.domain.com
So basically this WebAPI project will have all views for the My Account like Login, User Profile, Manage Account etc
An API doesn't have views
You're thoroughly confusing a web site with an API ;-)
Sorry guys
I created a ASP.NET MVC 4 project.
i might of called it a web api, but mean a mvc project
No need to be sorry, but you do need to read up on the basics of web APIs, they're built for the sole purpose of data access.
Well then, you're not doing an API. Just use regular Forms Authentication.
Would this be the sort of example I should be looking at
@Tommo1977 You might be confusing an API with a Web API
I am confused
So certain software will expose APIs that allow the user to hook externally visible functions to make use of the data in the software
Games do that a lot for people to use in making addons
Yeah I understand that
Like a web service
Web API is literally a layer above the database that lets you specify some input values to return a dataset
@Tommo1977 Example: API is api.github.com/users/Deathspike and Web Site is github.com/Deathspike
So if you ever talk about session state, redirects, html etc, its not an api :p
@RoelvanUden Thanks. So for authentication in a website, can I just use form authenication like this project example codeproject.com/Articles/578374/…
Sure. I haven't read the tutorial, but nothing changed for ages in FormsAuth
OK thanks a lot.
Try to stay away from the membershipproviders (simplemembership) and rather go for the asp.net Identity
The first one is crap to work with if you need to extend a user object with e.g. an profile. Sure there is a profileprovider, but that sucks really really hard. It serialize the values into a single field, which make it hard to pick just one value without deserializing the whole shite.
And if you are going to make a custom provider for each of those 3 (membership, roles and profile) you can aswell just write your own from scratch
but Identity is not perfect either, just to have said that.
Q: What's the difference between HttpContext.Current.Session and HttpContext.Current.Items?

user2704I know that the data stored in Session is alive until the user closes the browser while the data stored in Items is alive until the request/response is processed. I also know that if I call Session.Abandon() it will make the Session behave like Items. I made some tests where I've put an Entity ...

@scheien cheers
@Sippy: sup with that? items is per request cache and session is per session cache?
correct me if I'm wrong.
Fuck knows I'd like to see an answer to it :D
It's a stupid question.
Title is what is the difference between x and y
Ignoring the body of text, the question itself is valid
but the content is suddenly talking about some dbcontext and whatnot
But you did just answer me the question actually.
Cheers :D
Why would you ever store your context in Session?
That seems like a really strange thing to do.
That seems like a fucked up way to do it
Oh no! You ruined your rep points! Now I can't call you sslippy :'(
> So your actual question has nothing to do with the question title.. Your actual question is "Why is database access from the request cache slower than database access from the session cache?" to which the answer is another question, "Why the hell are you accessing the database from either of those things?"
Seem fair?
I would say so
s/the hell/on earth/
Let's make it PG
is that not PG?
Are you Mormon?
People like flagging me
Last Friday I got flagged 5 times in 10 mins in HTML room lol
I did say fuck 5 times ..
PG? What is that?
@Sippy: are people easily offended you think? :>
@scheien Something like that.
I am trying to find algorithm to fill tab control with as many buttons as is elements in linq query. Do I need to use loop for that and fill row by row, or is there any simple binding?
@Marek In WPF, there's binding for pretty much anything
@KendallFrey Would you reference me something off top of your head, please?
anybody here?
@Marek uh, ItemsSource?
@marek i need a help in asp.net
@Sajeetharan csharpchat.com
I have never felt so self-conscious as just now. Buying curtains in the linen and haberdashery section of John Lewis. Suspicious looks from all the posh middle-aged women
why you are dealing with links?
What can one do. I need curtains.
@TomW You in the wrong neighborhood, bitch.
@Sippy fo sho
@TomW: hehe awesome!
@Sajeetharan Because you haven't yet asked a question.
> Don't ask if you can ask, it is recursive
Even if no one is around, you should still ask your question
@KendallFrey ItemsControl & data template will do the job!
I have a classic asp page, i get the session when the user login, now when i transfer from asp page to asp.net page
request goes likt this
the user can copy this url and access the site again later
is there anyway i can redirect to index.asp page if the session is not there
hey. I'm in need of some explanation. Specifically, why does this work -> stackoverflow.com/questions/2820660/… (namely what the questioneer build)
@SteffenWinkler why wouldn't it work?
and why does this not work: (new Func<SomeClass>(() =>SomeClass.SomeProperty) as Expression<Func<SomeClass>>.Body as MemberExpression).Member.Name;
Because functions are not expressions
lambdas can be compiled to one of two things
then above method should not work either
methods or expression trees
the questioneer does exactly the same: He passes a Func as a parameter for an Expression
no he doesn't
he passes a lambda
he does
which is a func
it's compiled as an expression tree
ok, let me rephrase that
No it's not. Listen to Kendall. A lambda expression is not the same thing as a Func<T>
if you've a lambda and pass it to a method that expects an Expression<Func<T>> parameter, it means that a lambda must be convertable to an Expression<Func<T>>
@SteffenWinkler not convertable
it is compiled to an expression
I guess I'd call it a literal that can be interpreted as either of those two types. Whether or not 'literal' is the right term I guess is down to the language design
it has nothing to do with conversion
it's never a function to begin with
but he doesn'T compile it
he just passes it as an argument
there is no .Compile()
or similiar
C# is a compiled language, of course he compiles it
he compiles everything
in that case I compile it, too
but you compile it to a function
the moment I click on 'compile' in Visual Studio
because it's inferred from context that a function is expected
okay...I don't get it (still). I can pass a lambda into the constructor of a Func
and Expression<Func> contains a Func
which contains the lambda
then why can I a pass a lambda as an Expression into a method?
a lambda is not an object that can be passed around
it is a representation of a function of expression
after compiling, the lambda no longer exists
only the method/closure or expression tree
okay, so in the generated MSIL code, I'd find an Expression instead of the Lambda?
Note that you can't do var sqr = x => x * x; because it needs context to determine what to compile it into.
so...that means that I could 'just' rewrite that lambda to a 'real' Expressiontree?
what do you mean?
You could pass in a custom-built expression tree, sure
yeah that's what I meant
just like you could pass a custom delegate to a Func<T>
I always thought that an Expression would be compiled in to Lambda
not Lambda into an Expression
I guess there's probably quite a lot of scope for writing DSL interpreters in terms of expression trees, no?
DSL? Digital Subscriber Line?
@SteffenWinkler You can compile an expression into a function, but as I said, lambdas don't exist
domain-specific language
ParameterExpression numParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "num");
            ConstantExpression five = Expression.Constant(5, typeof(int));
            BinaryExpression numLessThanFive = Expression.LessThan(numParam, five);
            Expression<Func<int, bool>> lambda1 =
                Expression.Lambda<Func<int, bool>>(
                    new ParameterExpression[] { numParam });
that sort of thing
@TomW ah thank you
@KendallFrey so...the cake code is a lie
the cake is a lie
What could possibly raise NullReferenceException on following code? Note that selectedOp.Id has always value.
Operator prod = (from n in _dt.Operators where (n.Id == selectedOp.Id) select n).SingleOrDefault();
The SingleOrDefault is null, right?
_dt could be null. _dt.Operators could be null.
@SteffenWinkler ah, thanks!
depending on what Operators is, an element inside of it could also be null
@Marek So many things
@SteffenWinkler Thanks, you were right, I forgot to initialize the DataContext
and in most cases, First/SingleOrDefault is null but not always. 'orDefault' looks at the expected type and returns the default value for that type. For integers that'd be 0. To be safe, always check against default(MyType)
haha, yeah that happens, glad to be of help
@KendallFrey totally agreed :D
Hi guys...
I need an advice/guidance... I any one available???
Ask your question mate
thnx.. I have to select Final year project...
My lazy department won,t even publish any lists
So i have to select a topic myself and i really have no idea which topic to choose..
Whatever satisfies the requirements and requires minimal effort.
and that you can ace like a baws
Pretty much that. It happened to be my guiding principle through Uni.
Except the graduation project. That was awesomely hardcore.
what was ur project @Roel van Uden?
and no i won,t ask for code!
> Performance optimization of offline Digital Signal Processing (DSP) for optical single-carrier coherent transmission systems. Solution implemented with Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) acceleration using Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA), multithreading with Task Parallel Library (TPL), a high-performance TCP/IP networking implementation, a peer-to-peer distributed computing cluster, and further C#.NET and MATLAB code optimization.
wow its so... dope
It was so much fun to go nuts at high-performance solutions over a cluster.
That's what my dist hash cracking system would've turned into
Never got round to GPU part cos it was only a 4 week project :(
I had 4 months which was still packed with experimentation and implementation.
I can imagine lol
Imagine pulling open a door and seeing a rack of 30 xen-core servers and they are like "So... how many do you want? We got 29 spare ones"
(Slightly exaggerated, but not much)
@Rusty But, to come back to your project, are there guidelines/requirements?
So how many guys were in ur team???
:D :D :D
2 :-)
Team? xD
Me and a buddy.
ah I always thought you were a 1 man dev team
I essentially am most of the time, but at graduation you did it in pairs.
if u come to my uni we would make u our king!!!
There were 4 people in my team but one of them did literally nothing, then we gave him the documentation for the system to do and he did 1 page
So we kicked him out
honestly no exageration
Good. Be mercyless. We did that a lot in regular group projects.
@Rusty Where do you study?
I wanted to work in a team for our graduation project but they told us we'd learn more doing it alone
Which I think was bullshit.
Having a choice would've been nice
It's hard to judge who did what in a team. That might be the real reason.
@RoelvanUden Problem is, there are no rules
My Head of department approves Projects, and he wants database applications/ websites
Is this a graduation project at a company, or a final on-school-premise kind of deal?
A national university. Sorry please don,t me the country
it is 4 years undergrad program
@RoelvanUden Yeah, the choice would've allowed us to choose good team members or go solo.
@RoelvanUden how about secure programming?
malware analysis?
Hi all, quick question: I got a working server in C# and I need to let my jQuery make the right call too, but I cannot get it too work, probably because of bad input
this is my content call in the C# client
var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new Dictionary<string, string> { { "" , "buttonOne" } });
How can i parse the same content within jQuery
data : 'buttonOne', i tried this but its not working correcrtly
@Sippy well you do learn more when you do everything....
also working alone on a project is far more relaxing
at least in my opinion
It also takes a while longer to get the job done
The problem with universities is that not every student has the same level of commitment
which in turn fucks everything up when they do group assignments
@scheien that is pretty debatable
I talking about team members that do actual work
no laziness
no work, no team
@scheien in a school/at a university?
even at work
I too want to live in that magical land of yours where people, during school, would actually do work in a team
I have no problem pointing out people who slacks at work
If you have an assignment, and a deadline. Get it done.
The single worst thing is to watch people slack, and miss their deadline because of that
I did. But I also worked alone for the most part.
I kicked my team
never believed I'd say that but being an outside did have it's perks
at the university
so, in the end, you did work alone ;)
thank's for proofing my point ;)
Although I agree with you that if you were to find people that'd work in a team project, that'd be awesome
@Rusty That's fun too. I did a lot of reverse engineering :-)
Morning everyone.
Morning @Greg
so im stuck using .NET 3.5 currently... and I need some replacement for EncodingInfo.GetEncoding(string) where I can get a specific encoding by name
anyone know how to get a collection of Encodings, or look up one by name in 3.5?
GetEncodings().First(x=>x.Name == name)?
there is no GetEncodings in 3.5
There goes my suggestion. Flies away
:/ maybe I imported the wrong Encoding class?
omg im such a derp
jI named my param Encoding
well im going to go hang my head in shame then
It happens to the best of us! Glad it's solved :D
@SteffenWinkler You learn nothing about working in development teams, which is arguably what most of your professional life will be.
I also learned more in 1 month of employment with ASP.NET than I did during my entire grad project lol
They're all about the buzz, bout the buzz
@Sippy That merely means your grad project (or dare I say, you :P) sucked
Both sucked
I still do suck
I've learned a lot but I also learned that there's a lot more I need to learn lol
Uni was shit for that.
Localized data annotations are soooo ugly
@Sippy computer science or software engineering? Or something else?
@TomW Computing
The guys on compsci learned the same shit we did, +electronics.
CS is a particularly boring specialised branch of maths imho
I get connection refused to my Web API, im running it on localhost:900 and im trying to access it with my browser
@RoelvanUden I've seen quite a bit about PInvoke, any thoughts about it?
Q: Why is my Partial View is not Showing anything in ASP.NET MVC4 with EDMX model

NilmagIm having trouble showing the results from a DataBase in my partial view, while i am getting no errors as a result of a previous question posted the information does not display. I have tried to use viewbags to see if other elements of the page display to no success. However the search bar fea...

Third question I've seen today where someone didn't populate the var .. lol
@Greg Sure, avoid it is you can, but sometimes you must :-P

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