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Those problems being? I still see some UI code in the refactored area that will be problematic
@BradleyDotNET - I run a whole environment in here :) Modifying the popup is code I already had handy
Firstly, channel,hub and create, are "used like a type/method but is a field"
@KendallFrey you're right, it did once I got my query right. Thanks
how about this?
@BradleyDotNET - Besides, user scripts are fun :P
match a space and a comma, but only when not preceded by a square bracket
@BrianJ Thats because they aren't in a method
so it will match:

", "

but not

"], "
You probably wanted them in your constructor
I tried "[^]], "
@Pheonixblade9 you want it to match that string exactly?
@KendallFrey yeah
(invisible trailing space there)
lemme try
why the parentheses and not brackets?
I'm using notepad++ if that makes any difference.
it may
(?<=) is "not preceded by"
@BradleyDotNET okay I just needed to move them inside the method.
is the <= a look behind?
@KendallFrey you got me on the right track
"(?<!]), "
thanks :)
@BradleyDotNET also noted, I need to remove the UI stuff like, textbox updates from the model.
Yeah, those should go to the VM through events or similar
then the UI picks up the updates from the VM via INPC
@KendallFrey what about if I want the same thing, but only if it is preceded by a number?
how do I combine those two queries?
slowly getting there, I've created a second clone of the project, so I can refactor bit by bit and my original project won't be affected.
"(?<[0-9])(?<!]), " didn't work
so should my events triggered from the myo connecting not be in the model? Or just not the UI stuff in the events?
@KendallFrey I can post it as an SO question if you want that sweet, sweet karma
although you're at 20k now so it's not super relevant
Your myo events should be in the model
but not do UI stuff
I'll get on to the UI stuff later
Just make sure to comment it out for now, it will break your build
@BradleyDotNET btw I tried to bind the gauge through my code behind earlier today but the gauge didn't update, hope moving to the MVVM pattern will resolve this, don't want to devote to much time to it otherwise.
the dispatcher code is UI too I think?
Most of it is
You have to modify UI stuff through the dispatcher if it was originally on another thread
but that doesn't mean everything inside was UI stuff
I'll remove it for now and see.
yeah it was just the text box line that was UI related.
@BradleyDotNET Hows it looking now? :)

So my next step is removing the code I have moved to the model from the code behind
and calling the methods from the code behind instead?
Other than the duplicate method names it looks fine upon cursory inspection
Thats right
Technically from the VM, but that could be another iteration of refactoring
@KendallFrey I figured it out:
"(?<=[0-9])(?<!]), "
@Pheonixblade9 that is redundant :)
if it's preceded by a number, it won't be preceded by a ]
it worked though!
haha, good point
redundancy is one of my pet peeves
I actually thought about it
and decided not to do the formatting
because the original file is formatted badly
and I just wanted to do this find/replace to make sure I wasn't destroying data
@BradleyDotNET Okay, I'll try to call it from the code behind first then work on refactoring to the VM.
bye again
cya, thanks for the help
so from where in the code behind should I call these methods? In the area where InitializeComponent(); is declared?
Unlikely, since thats the constructor
but I need these methods to be called as soon as the view is loaded, so they should be..in the loaded event for the window?
That would be more reasonable
constructors should almost always be used exclusively for variable initialization.
this process isn't actually as bad as I though when you have someone to give you pointers, should have started last week though
@BradleyDotNET I'd generalize it to say "constructors should be used almost exclusively to initialize resources that last the lifetime of the constructed object"
e.g. initializing a DataContext or DataContract in a constructor is not always a terrible idea, assuming your object's lifetime is short
so its a void method then I don't need to specify any parameters when calling.
Ummm... no
Those are not related
A method can have a return type and be parameterless, or return void and have a whole bunch of parameters
a void method does not return anything, therefore it's 100% side effects
In computer science, a function or expression is said to have a side effect if, in addition to returning a value, it also modifies some state or has an observable interaction with calling functions or the outside world. For example, a function might modify a global variable or static variable, modify one of its arguments, raise an exception, write data to a display or file, read data, or call other side-effecting functions. In the presence of side effects, a program's behavior may depend on history; that is, the order of evaluation matters. Understanding and debugging a function with side effects...
does that make sense?
a function might return some data, but could modify other states that are not returned.
my understanding anyway
anyways I can't call the public void MyoDeviceConnected() in the model from my code behind of the vew, does the model need to be inherited by the view or something?
basically, and those modifications are called "side effects"
Oh heavens no
Did you create a variable/instance of MyoDevice?
nope that was my plan b
int i = 1;
//no side effect
var range = Enumerable.Range(0,5).Select(n => n + i).ToList();
//side effect
var alter = Enumerable.Range(0,5).Select(n => n + (i++)).ToList();
void AdductionAbductionFlexionView_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Window window = Window.GetWindow(this);
            window.Closing += new CancelEventHandler(window_Closing);

            MyoDeviceModel myoNetworkObj = new MyoDeviceModel();


but I don't think this will work, as its calling connected and disconnected methods?
Probably not...
but you need to decide when you want those methods to be called
If all they are doing is setting up event handlers, then the device could just do that
You should just say "MyoDevice.Connect"
and be done with it
they are checking to see also if the device has connected.
then firing the event if there is a connected device.
@BrianJ - Do you actually have one of these devices?
if I call .Connect, it will connect even if a device isn't present.
yes :D
sitting beside me right now
Do you test it against your builds?
@TravisJ I''m sure what you mean test it against builds? as in test the code as I add it, yes. The code was working fine but now I'm trying to port the code in my code behind to the MVVM pattern.
Boa noite, brasileiro aqui?
Not at the moment, Victorio does
you know entity framework?
you can me helper?
@BrianJ Unfortunately you are in the realm of business logic, where only you know what methods should be invoked when.
@BradleyDotNET I know that the connected and disconnected methods need to be fired once the layout the view is loaded.
Then you are fine
it just looks weird semantically, so consider renaming the methods
but before the methods were in a hub that decided which to fire based on the connection status
The model should take care of that
what is better? entity frame or ado.net
can I post my original code so you can get an idea of what it was like before I moved code?
@WarLock - Is this with relation to your recent EF question?
no, JUST want to know About
Which is better? Kind of like comparing apples and oranges
@BradleyDotNET you see the hub managed the device and decided to call either connected or disconnected based on connection status:

EF is way more dev friendly
but has overhead
its okay.
when I have a problem with C # , can I ask here ?
You are referring to this part right:
hub = Hub.Create(channel);
@WarLock yes... Though if its involved enough, just post on the main SO site
@BradleyDotNET I think I should be calling the hub from the code behind, then let it decide which method to call?
Right. That whole giant block should probably just be one method in the model
that the UI Loaded event would invoke
okay I'll scrap these methods then..
im brazilian
I know not speak English very
basically this:
 // create a hub that will manage Myo devices for us
            channel = Channel.Create(ChannelDriver.Create(ChannelBridge.Create()));
            hub = Hub.Create(channel);

                // listen for when the Myo connects
                hub.MyoConnected += (sender, e) =>

                    this.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() =>
                        statusTbx.Text = "Myo has connected! " + e.Myo.Handle;
Yes, that should be a myoDevice.Start method or similar
should be re factored to a method and called from the UI loaded event?
as would be an example , to list all the data with EF
getting there slowly but surely
@WarLock ok...
btw the methods in the model should be pvt right?
i have a Entity People , i here list all data
Anything you want the VM (or the UI for now) to access needs to be public
everything else can be private
People have atributes Name, Email, Site ...
how to list in EF?
i have in Sql server this data
Well, EF is an ORM, so it does that work for you
you would do something like foreach People person in context.People { ... }
write a example
and in the braces you have a single People variable called person
with EF, only for learn ME
or more fully:
foreach (People person in context.People)
context is your DB container by the way
this go list all data?
Well, it would list everyone's name
in that table at least
Does that make sense?
How would one mapping class?
The framework does that for you
That doesn't exist in EF
Once you have generated the model, it uses LINQ to Entities to generate the SQL queries
@BrianJ Much better :)
@WarLock And by getting the "People" property it executes one of those queries to get all rows in the "People" table
so now I need to create an instance of the model class and call this method
An over-simplification perhaps, but its close enough here
@BrianJ Right
See, you are getting the hang of it already :)
not have dbSet?
mapping class?
@WarLock Right, there is no dbSet object in EF
i see a example with dbSet
Could you link to it?
They might be doing something a bit... wrong
dbset is Linq?
To my knowledge, dbSet is not related to LINQ
@BradleyDotNET I hope so, has to be working by Thursday night, including having the gauge binded and updating from the degreeOutput, I think its fairly doable, what do you think? :)
Plenty of time :)
see this
Q: Where is the DbSet <--> Table mapping specified?

AcuteI wrote a class Patient which is supposed to be an object representation of my relation. Then I wrote a context class which inherits from DbContext and which contains a public property DbSet of Patients. All right. Now, how do I say to Entity that this DbSet should work with TBL_PATIENTS table in...

Five minutes!
Oh, that DbSet
sorry for the confusion
Stupid mondays
Thats just a collection of other Db objects
I think it actually got replaced in newer versions of EF
and to think earlier today I thought this would be the last thing I would be doing with the project, anyways 1:25 am here, chat tomorrow and thanks for the advice!
Don't have any EF projects to check at the moment :(
@BrianJ No problem. Good luck!
There's other classes named similarly to that in ADO.NET that I had it mixed up with
Still not related to LINQ though
its just a convenient storage object that may interface into LINQ to Entities
dont need mapping class in new EF?
Not if you let it generate the model for you
you might in Code-First, but I've never used that
its okay
model of diagram?
Model-First is super easy
I'm not sure what you are asking there
I JUST taking doubts
im programmer junior
In Model-First, you do create an ER diagram...
in a company
i understand
iam android develper
now i am .net developer
glad you saw the light :)
I'm getting used
java and laborious ?
c# is more easy
visual studio is perfect
i hate xcode and apples languages
won't argue with you there
i am java developer, I'm enjoying Very C #
where you live??
Reno Nevada
I take it from above that you are from Brazil?
@WarLock While you are looking at ORM's consider looking at Dapper
Kind of a middle ground between EF and ADO.NET
and super fast
Anyways, I have to get going
Talk to you all later!
4 hours later…
good morning guys :)
3 hours later…
Material Design <3
also, hello people
Not a lot
Really not a lot.
I'm just wrapping angular directives inside of angular directives.
yo dawg, we heard you like...
Can anyone explain to me
Why the end key toggles as the home key in VS2013
Squiggle's AngularJS rule of thumb: in a good angular directive, the lines of comments outnumber the lines of code.
@Sippy toggles?
If you have an empty line and press the end key, it moves the caret either fully to the left, or to its correct indentation
Home does the same, but LHS
why ...
@Sippy because if it didn't toggle, which approach would you prefer?
"Here are some keys. They have a predefined function. We didn't like that, so here's their new function."
and either answer would be wrong according to The Internet
I don't like the fact they changed it
The ability to turn it off probably exists but I have no idea what I would look for. lol.
when did they change it? It's been like that since at least 2010, IIRC
sometimes I like to really jazz up my IDE with a small strobe effect by holding down shift+home.
you're doing that right now, aren't you?
Sorry I had a fit
Also are you sure
I don't remember being annoyed by that in 2012
MVC 5, Render Partial to String. Is there any preferred ways ? I've seen a number of examples that seem to do what I need. Like
        public static string RenderViewToString(ControllerContext context, string viewName, object model)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(viewName))
                viewName = context.RouteData.GetRequiredString("action");

            ViewDataDictionary viewData = new ViewDataDictionary(model);

            using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter())
                ViewEngineResult viewResult = ViewEngines.Engines.FindPartialView(context, viewName);
                ViewContext viewContext = new ViewContext(context, viewResult.View, viewData, new TempDataDicti
@RoelvanUden i choose malware analysis...
Detecting malwares and their behaviorexecutions Using file or network signatures
Please be my sensei
Good luck kouhai, but I'm afraid I won't have much time to teach you everything :P
:D thnx, i,ll be looking forward to you when troubled
good mornig
Give me someone Help
post question
i have method for list all Date in EF, see:
Go read that, come back when you have.
internal List<Arquivo> GetAllArquivo()
using (var ctx = new GEDEntities())
var arquivos = (
from ver in ctx.ARQUIVO
select new Arquivo()
TAG = ver.TAG,
URL = ver.URL,

return arquivos;
how to acess a OBJECT specific
protip don't code in portugese ...
this not work
because I can not access the objects of this method
example, ClassDAL.GetAllArquivo().myObject
you're returning a list of objects, not just a single one
why this not work?
but i have another method returning list of objects and working
cool. But you're still returning a list here.
I suggest you read a "Programming 101" before you start to code, eh?
^ what @RoelvanUden said.
see this another method:
internal List<ArquivoVersao> GetAllArquivoVersao(string arquivoGuid)
using (var ctx = new GEDEntities())
var versoes = (
from ver in ctx.ARQUIVO_VERSAO
where ver.ARQUIVO_GUID == arquivoGuid
select new ArquivoVersao()

return versoes;
this working
Ask your supervisor/teacher.
I'm betting teacher?
you know EF?
@RoelvanUden why Dal.GelAllArquivoVersao().myObject working
and the above method does not
Guys stop.
King vamp.
Give me someone Help
Can you kick people
Room owners can
any one familiar with or have done work with paypal merchant sdk
I've had the displeasure of working with eBay's merchant SDK. Did some paypal integration there...
but probably can't help past the basics
@Sippy: hehe, nice comments!
Sometimes I can't help it.
MVC authentication
I need some advice
Anyone what to help ;)
Have you replaced the spacebar?
Basically we have X number of websites that we are providing a external account.mydomain.com pages. Basically the websites header/footer/nav menu etc are posted to the domain account.mydomain.com.

So on the domain account.mydomain.com it can display a similar looking style to the calling website.

So far so good :)

But now on the domain account.mydomain.com we need to ensure that the user is authenticated and they can only view the authorised pages, if they are logged in.

I have this so far
So my Home controller is
        public ActionResult Index(string pageHeader, string pageFooter, string mainNav, int? hotelId, int? agentId)
            string host = Request.Url.ToString();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageHeader) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pageHeader) && hotelId != null && agentId != null)
                    string sHeader = EncDec.Base64Decode(pageHeader);
                    string sFooter = EncDec.Base64Decode(pageFooter);
So this given me the relevant login page styled in the calling websites style
The login page posts to my Account/Login controller and I have this
    public class AccountController : Controller
        public ActionResult Login(LoginViewModel model, string returnUrl)
            //replace with user authentication code
            if (model.Email == "[email protected]")
                FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.Email, false);

                return Content("Logged in successfully");

So the user can login
Now, for the secure pages I was going to use [Authorize], but the problem is if the user isn't authenticated/logged in it redirects them to path/login.aspx etc, but the problem is I dont have the header/footer of the issue calling website
So I was going to just do this
   public class ManageAccountController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
            return Content("You can view this page !");
            return Content("Only authorised users can access this page.");
Do I have any other options, other than what I'm trying to do
Bet you wish you never asked now ;)
I was also reading this
Q: Forms Authentication Timeout vs Session Timeout

Hemant KothiyalIn my asp.net website i am using asp.net form authentication with following configuration <authentication mode="Forms"> <forms loginUrl="~/Pages/Common/Login.aspx" defaultUrl="~/Pages/index.aspx" protection="All" timeout="30" name="MyAuthCookie" ...

On how I can handle timeout
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 3 mins ago, by Feeds
posted on February 10, 2015 by Maciej Stachowski

Every .NET programmer is familiar with the concept of properties. They’re a nice language feature, allowing the programmer to inject little bits of logic into the process of retrieving or setting the value of a field. A getter can, for example, lazily initialize a field when it’s first used, and a setter can validate the value before it’s set. Even a simple property with no logic beyond providi

@Tommo1977: The session can drop before the timeout if the applicationpool recycles
atleast if you run the session inProc
The applicationpool has a default idle timout of 20mins
which would count as a recycle
OK. But what about my method of dealing with this issue
afaik the cookie is set for the domain
Is using System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated OK ?
so a site on sub10.domain.com would not be able to read that cookie
Since I can't use [Authorize] as decribed above
@scheien yeah I know that
it will only be account.domain.com
Maybe I could have a custom Authorize attribute
If you just set [Authorize] it will check if the user is authenticated, and then it will allow the request to proceed to the metod/action
Not sure if I understand your problem
Well, if they aren't logged in, and they try to access a secure page I get
You do not want to redirect the user if he/she isnt logged in?
401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.
You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.
Ideally I want to show a custom looking page, saying they aren't logged in etc
Thought it did that out of the box
If I add this in my web.config
redirected to login page
<authentication mode="Forms">
If you arent authenticated, or not in the correct role.
it allows me to specify the login page etc and other parameters like timeout
I'm redirected to this page
Which would be fine
But and it is a big BUT
This page or whatever is specified would not have the inital website calling header/footer styling etc

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