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@Squiggle - That's what I thought at first but this is outside the building
@SpencerRuport what is an "outside"?
@SpencerRuport It's something common in London. Very popular throughout all of England.
@KendallFrey - California is unfamiliar with this peculiar weather pattern.
el nino
People say that every year.
@KendallFrey @NETscape Now that I think about it, wouldn't it cause an NRE. Because the object isn't set to an instance? When you go to use the object as is, because it is set to null.
@Greg but you're never accessing a member, so how could it?
NuGet is buggy as shit, I hate it
The devs don't seem to understand when annoyed users explain that its behaviour doesn't make any sense
@KendallFrey I just clarified that, but wouldn't that be kind of useless? Why build the object if you don't intend to access it at some point?
@TomW - Which is weird because their users are devs. :P
@Greg I'm sorry, what?
"build the object"?
@TomW - "You developers have no idea what you need. /pat pat"
@KendallFrey Declare, is that better for you?
Nuget used to be better I think
@Greg well, it doesn't seem to make sense in this context
Why declare object content = null, then never access it?
you wouldn't
that's not part of the question
It's also really, really slow for what it is
Anyone here seen Bluestone 42?
@Sippy 50 Shades of... oh, god that would be awful
That's enough internet for today
What would cause a MySQL Stored Procedure to successfully perform a UPDATE statement on our staging server but not on our live server. No error is generated. Strangely some records can be updated, but others remain unchanged.
i havent had issues with nuget yet, but i do hear others have had some
Also it is a basic update statement
@Tommo1977 security
@CharlieBrown No, because some records are updated on the live server
            UPDATE UserAddress

		SET Forename = sForename,
			Surname = sSurname,
			SalutationId = iSalutationId,
			Address1 = sAddress1,
			Address2 = sAddress2,
			City = sCity,
			Zip = sZip,
			CountryCode = sCountryCode,
			Phone1 = sPhone1,
			Phone2 = sPhone2,
			Mobile = sMobile,
			LastChangedBy = iUserId

		WHERE UserAddressId = iUserAddressId;
That is all the update does
@Tommo1977 Foreign key constraints, triggers, security can be by PK
Happy Friday All
Would you expect a error to be thrown though if it was a foreign key constraint
@Tommo1977 you should be able to point query analyzer at it and watch the query run live to see what happens
i am using Pagedlist.mvc packet to handle sorting and paging for my data. it works great but i need to add the code for each view , is there a better way to do that , than rewriting the same code ?
I think i am going to create a separate class for that
any toughts?
What the fuck was the designer of the nuget VS extension thinking? It blocks for ~minute going from one tab to another. Who thinks that's acceptable in this day and age? In a core component of the IDE?
@TomW That's one of the policies Visual Studio enforces on extensions, to provide a consistent experience.
The sad thing is I believe it
which tabs? mine is a couple seconds, if even that long
@TomW I made that up, which does make it sad.
there needs to be a FirstOrFirstOrDefault linq query
tries matching the predicate, if no match then chooses first item in the collection, if no items in collection returns null
that makes almost zero sense
@NETscape You can write one easy enough
almost as in slightly less than
It makes about -0.013972201 sense
it approaches zero
@NETscape coll.FirstOrDefault(...) ?? coll.First();
@CharlieBrown which part, the name?
hopefully thats what you mean
thats like saying "give me a specific item from the list, if you cant find that one, give me pretty much anything you feel like"
@NETscape It's not
I could maybe see some weird business cases where it might make sense, similar to where you sort by one thing then by another
but not common enough to warrant a linq method
i dont what the issue is, but js source maps are not working in chrome for me
I want to open a VS 2008 .sln file with VS 2013, but although I allowed to upgrade it cant open file, it says it is read-only. How can I solve?
@KeremZaman This is a guess, but maybe the converter made the new .sln file read-only? Can you go to the file, right-click, properties, security, then grant yourself modify access?
@EternalLearner I've tried so but it doesnt change anything
I have grant modify Access to .csproj files,too. It is solved
@KeremZaman Are you using TFS source control?
If TFS - Team Foundation Server I have never used it
@KeremZaman Oh, so it was the project files! Didn't think about that.'
@KeremZaman ok. I know TFS with default workspace settings will set all files to read-only, (automatically removing the read-only flag when VS tries to edit them)
@MikeAsdf ok, thanks for your interest
Okay I love plnkr. <3 Soooo much easier to diagnose layout issues.
Oh, shit, here we go again
    <ColumnDefinition Width="237*"/>
    <ColumnDefinition Width="257*"/>
    <ColumnDefinition Width="251*"/>
Oh dear
Someone was not thinking straight when they wrote that
Can I get some feedback.
I've got the following path:

Initial Method:
- Contains a method that Checks for Duplicates
- Contains a method that Authorizes against Systems
- Contains a method to call the Domain to do some form of Crud.

Whats a good name for that top level method?
I can't find the right words.
what is the method signature for it
@Greg the method does all 3 of those things?
@Pheonixblade9 It calls three sub methods.
Does the first one return a bool?
just call it what it does
you don't need to specify that it checks stuff
public IEnumerable<Model> _____(Model model)

@Greg - What is the user doing when it's triggered?
@Greg, so, this method calls those other three sub methods correct?
@Pheonixblade9 I was thinking about Finalizer, as it finalizes all before moving but wasn't sure if that was too vague.
@SpencerRuport They Submit.
@Greg Methods should not describe what they do, but describe what their purpose is
@Greg - The dupe check and crud stuff makes sense to just call it "save" or "submit" depending on your preference. As far as authorization I would recommend moving that logic to a ActionExecuting event. Otherwise it's easy to forget that you need to do a security check. Also it cleans up your naming concerns.
Isn't what they do their purpose?
How can I filter whole content in wireshark?
@Teomanshipahi - What do you mean "whole content"?
I mean for example I am using
frame contains "Content-Type:audio/mpeg"
@Nathvi not necessarily
it only filters frame but I want it to search all elements like internet protocol, ssl etc..
dog.OpenMouthAndVocalizeLoudlyAndSharply() is not a good method name
@Teomanshipahi - I think wireshark has a Http.ContentType property you can filter on.
@SpencerRuport I have to authorize, I have to submit to our bank to receive a token or see if it is fraud.
@KendallFrey, I see.
@Greg - I know you do I'm just saying you can move it out of that function and have it execute in the ActionExecuting event.
@SpencerRuport Not following, since this is triggered by Ajax to a Controller action.
@KendallFrey, I guess putting in irrelevant implementation details is well, irrelevant.
Although I would say, it is still describing what it does, just with a higher level of abstraction.
@Pheonixblade9 Yeah, that might work.
thanks :)
i'll never forget
@Greg - You mean the authorization relies on data from the ajax request?
@SpencerRuport great! helps alot thanks.
The purpose of a method is what it does, but, putting in all of the steps, the implementation to reach that end in the method signature, is self defeating to the idea of abstraction.
@Nathvi The Domain is called, which handles all of those steps.
@Nathvi The controller just calls the Domain to do it.
@Nathvi definitely
@SpencerRuport Well, the authorization is a service and it will give me a response back. Which is either valid, fraud, or decline.
@CharlieBrown right, if you had a saved profile which contains a SerialPort.PortName that you load from a file... and you try to see if that port still exists, then set the selected port in the combo box to that serial port, otherwise set it to the first available serialport.portname. If there are no serial ports, then just set it to null
@SpencerRuport Sorry for not being clear.
@SpencerRuport The Ajax calls the Controller, the Controller calls the method (in my domain), then it has those smaller private methods to perform that task.
i know but it just didn't look right
so, methods should describe what they do in the method name, just not HOW they do it.
when did he do it? if you didn't merge your PR yet you can just pull the old commit
How do I make a string (declared in the base class as public string) available in another class?
I set it in an inner method
God I hate estimating times to completion.
but declared it outside all the methods
maybe I better just put the value in session?
ReturnTrueIfListContainsInt is a bad method name because it goes into implementation details. ContainsInt is better because it focuses relevant things, ie abstraction.
Still not much of an abstraction
@SpencerRuport I was super good at it at my last job. Now I'm kinda like "uhm... sure?"
I mean ReturnTrueIfListContainsInt is an abstraction from actual c# code. It all depends on what is a "good" level to end at.
@Pheonixblade9 - I've never been good at it. I feel like my work is always really uncharted territory and I never know when I'm gonna hit a brick wall that takes a week to figure out.
@SpencerRuport well I guess the answer to that is:
"That wasn't foreseeable"
"Why not, you're supposed to be the expert"
"Well in this case I don't know what I'm talking about"
Yeah that's always fun to explain
If you were honest about what you did and did not know, there's nothing to say to that#
will a string I set in a method be there after a postback or do I need to move it into Session?
I told you I didn't know how to do it, and you chose to accept the risk
"Yes, I have been doing this for 15 years but I am continuously working with new frameworks all with their own quirks and gotchas which are exponentially compounded when combined with other new frameworks plus the particular requirements of this feature."
For example, right now I'm trying to get kendo, angular, jquery and bootstrap to all work together plus the custom stylesheets for the app.
that fixed it.. thanks.. uh ... for the help ;)
Well, I got the product owner's attention with my complaints. Success, I guess.
anyone know where to claim if someone uses google cloud tiers to hack?
no sir
@tweray - Google doesn't speak to it's users without a 48 hour waiting period.
@SpencerRuport well, that's their typical way :)
@SpencerRuport anyways, just googled out the link, we will see if it just go into the ocean
Can someone help me with some reflection?
@Greg C#? or reflecting on what your life has become?
@MikeAsdf A little of both ;)
I've got a method:

public static List<TInput> FindDuplicate(TInput model)
     var cards = account.Read(model);
Actually, let me rethink that, I think I'm going about this wrong.
on a generic class?
or is it FindDuplicate<TInput>
Well, I've got a concrete on account, by me calling it I can't do that to a generic like that.
It's one of those days.
@Greg - You should avoid making static methods which access the database.
static all the things
@CharlieBrown - crota hates me, only getting shards for 2 weeks in the raid now
@TravisJ ive been out, havnet turned it on in a couple weeks
Was anyone ever facing problems when Selected item from Combobox list was not displayed as selected item? I have LINQ binded ItemsSource and set DisplayMemberPath = Text and SelectedValuePath = Id. Can anyone help please?
what kind of types are in the linq collection?
@NETscape It is Linq To Sql so its System.Data.Linq.DataQuery
@TravisJ Why? As long as the required contexts, etc, are passed in as parameters, what's the harm?
@Marek are you binding to SelectedValue as well?
@NETscape I do not.
Fuck everything
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Categories}"
          SelectedValue="{Binding CategoryID, Mode=TwoWay}"
          DisplayMemberPath="Name" />
@ReedCopsey - It can lead to unpredictable results on rare occasion. The more use, the more common the occasion.
@Greg Funny story, you know how you were talking about a cast throwing a NRE?
Well, my code did exactly that
Not with a string, but an enum
cannot be null?
> Attempting to unbox null causes a NullReferenceException.
I had no idea
@NETscape I would have expected InvalidCast or the default value, maybe
i guess that's why they have Enum.TryParse... meh
I would've thought default value
This is really weird. I have LINQ to SQL class Batch with parameters Id, Name. That is `ItemsSource` of combobox

DIsplayed items are OK, when I try to select item from combobox list, it just does not get updated. What am I missing? I tried to set `SelectedValue="{Binding Id, Mode=TwoWay}" ` No changes.
ctrl-k that junk yo
                dt = new LilkaDataContext();
                var batches = from p in dt.Batches select p;
                cb.ItemsSource = batches;

          <ComboBox Name="CbSettingsBatch" Grid.Column="2"
cb.ItemsSource = batches.ToList()
but it didn't look that way initially
it was screwy
@Sippy @ton.yeung
hi person
@TravisJ yoda i am
@CharlieBrown Had no luck with that :/
@KendallFrey did you see it too, or were you trying to construct it in a diff way?
@Marek Does your viewmodel have an Id property that implements INPC?
@Steve i wish i knew what you were talking about
@CharlieBrown How can I know?
@KendallFrey when you seen it, it didn't make sense either?
@Marek you would know if you wrote it
@KendallFrey ooooookay
somebody has been drinking
and it ain't me
@CharlieBrown Is that what I am missing?
@KendallFrey Really?
@KendallFrey ok
@Marek do you have a viewmodel?
@CharlieBrown No, I just LINQ to SQL
@KendallFrey i kid i kid, u big boy
@Marek this is wpf, correct?
@CharlieBrown Yes.
you should have a view, codebehind, and a viewmodel
code behind + viewmodel? eh?
classic asp.net with a hint of mvc
well that explains why i dont know what you're talking about
ya'll boring today
it is FRIDAY, and you are all working instead of sitting in here chatting it up, room is infected with some sort of voodoo curse
Hahaha, I am so lost in this simple task, It would be a shame posting this as Question, lol.
@Steve I just started a new job, gimme a break!
where are you working man?
Slalom Consulting
nice, going to learn a lot working for a consulting company i suspect
that's the idea
also this is my office which is neat
grats on the new job Phoenix
just that desk, or all of that?
the black desk is mine
I share a decent space with 3-4 other guys
Good view.. but looks kind of cramped
@drch thanks :)
it does look cramped, but the view...w hew
it's not really cramped, I have about 1.5m of space behind me
2m if I moved my desk up more
Who taught you meters
but I'm on the 20th floor on the waterfront, so that's cool
@drch dude, I have a degree in computer engineering. I do everything apart from miles in metric
besides, 95kg sounds way better than 215lb
how does a degree in computer engineering differ from something like compsci?
more hardware oriented
I only took 4 CS classes
I have a math minor
my engineering classes were basically applied math
@Pheonixblade9 - That's your personal office or the company office?
I taught myself most of the CS stuff I know
@SpencerRuport it's just the office I'm in right now while I'm working on this project for 5 weeks
Ah gotcha
I want a personal office. D:
it's a personal office a lot of the time
usually it's just me and 1 other guy
@TravisJ Should be just as predicatable, provided all of the requirements are passed in as args
today I'm by myself in this big space
probably... idk, 5m by 10m ish?
bigger than my bedroom, anyhow
yeah there's plenty of space
Alright. Lunchtime for me.
you don't get #1 place to work in the state of WA that easily
@ReedCopsey - It doesn't work nicely with the dbcontext.
Our office is about that big but there's 12 of us
@TravisJ if you pass the context in, it's exactly the same as if it's a local cached copy and you call it on an instance
there is no functional difference
How many employees?
~4000 right now I think
it's been growing 35% a year for 10 years
just opened a London office
Munich office?
London and Toronto only
I think they are going for 100% english speaking countries for now
but yeah, big plans
@ReedCopsey - I would avoid it.
I speak 100% English
#16 best place to work in the country according to GlassDoor though...
@TravisJ there's no technical reason to do so
yeah. I'll let you know if there's plans for a Munchen office ;)
@Pheonixblade9 Both of them Ontario cities
@KendallFrey London, UK you dork
@Pheonixblade9 hehehe, might want to talk to @Greg about that - Apple's #22 on there ;)
You can write München or Muenchen but not Munchen
I take what I can get! :)
@ReedCopsey wait, is greg at AAPL now?
@Pheonixblade9 and Adobe is #18
@Pheonixblade9 no, before
yep, better to work here than Adobe, whoo
oh ok.
but AAPL has been on there for a long time, too ;)
Never heard of glassdoor before.
Slalom seems to actually pay attention to their Glassdoor reviews and such and do things to address them
@TravisJ Best way to determine the drunk from the sober
#8 "IN-N-OUT"?
@KendallFrey - So you have been drinking today!
I know last year Slalom got like a 90% on their "LGBT -friendly" score and they made a point to get it to 100% and they did this year
What does that even mean
I'd take that list with a grain of salt though - GOOG is great, but they force you to work a lot...
@drch stuff like making sure domestic partners get insurance benefits, childcare, that sort of thing
> To earn a score of 100, companies also must show a commitment to diversity, public support for inclusion in areas such as recruitment and philanthropy, and responsible citizenship around lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights.
@TravisJ IN-N-OUT is a good place to work, apparently. They pay decently and give their employees benefits
@ReedCopsey Talk to me about what?
working at apple
@ReedCopsey Apple is one of the worst companies I've ever worked for, and I've worked for some doozies.

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