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We're ugrading our project from .net 2.0 to .net 4.5
where once we had 1 class with 10 different ways of doing work, we now have 20 classes, and only 1 way to do work for each path.
with 6 levels of inheritance , all using generics. bit more complex, but makes the whole operation smoother
@RyanTernier - Finally!!
That is beerworthy
@TravisJ I have a flask of whisky at my desk :P
Is it Scotch? :)
After 3.5 years, since I got hired.. it's finally happening. Now I'm slowly being moved onto/into a Solution Developer/Architect/"Do what I tell you and you will be happy" person.
I have always wanted to make some with fruit. A friend of mine when I was living in Hawaii would make these crazy batches using lemons and oranges and it was crazy deceptive
@RyanTernier - So are you converting everything to fluent lambda expressions?
as of now, we're re-writing 2 of the 7 services
I've converted everything to WCF, keeping the old ASMX for clients who refuse to update (can't force them).
Yup, well.. talk about job security :) You will be set for years lol
A lot of the guts will unfortunately stay the same, however where we can we're using proper standards
how can I get this to work:

protected abstract Task<foo> barAsync();

protected Task<foo> test()
   foo f = await barAsync();
   return f;
barSync is defined with Async in the derived class, however because it's abstract I cannot add the await keyword
so glad you are using new stuff, but I think there is some missing context here. going to try to reproduce some of it in linq
Show Details Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error CS4032 The 'await' operator can only be used within an async method. Consider marking this method with the 'async' modifier and changing its return type to 'Task<Task<Result>>'. HCIM.SystemTests Service.cs 99
Show Details Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error CS1994 The 'async' modifier can only be used in methods that have a statement body. HCIM.SystemTests Service.cs 115
I don't see any async stuff in the pastebin
forgot the keyword on the one method
<3 @TravisJ
Heh, I have a post optimize method I made, it has these comments
//paths in backwards time order
//look for potential unused edge
@RyanTernier my minimum charge is 1 hour of work @ $150/hr. I'll invoice you
@RyanTernier You don't need await
jsut do:
protected Task<foo> test() { return barAsync(); }
if you really want to use await because you're doing other stuff, just add the async keyword to the method - but in that case, you're better off not doing that
i forgot to have the async infront of Task<foo>
now it works :P
yeah, but you're better off leaving it out
it just adds overhead and no benefit (unless you're doing more stuff than you showed in that code)
ugh, I hate people that latch onto any working code they can find
I'm doing more.
Because we've finally scrapped biztalk, I have to rewrite our system test framework to work with the new async services we're making
So all message types (Like updating a person) need a syncronous and asynchronous function
@KendallFrey Its even more annoying when such people use your code and complain about a missing semicolon or an obviously implicit variable. I really wish people could think for themselves occasionally.
stop, you're making my feels hurt
This is the most ridiculous thing ever:
Q: WPF Storyboard Animation Not Working

RaathigeshI have my custom 3D model class (Model) which contains Visual3D element and a Storyboard (sb) to hold animations related to that model. I'm trying to rotate the Visual3D element using the Storyboard but unfortunately it's not working. Here is the code snippet public void AnimationRotate(Model m...

I have to give my objects special names so Storyboard can find them
who thought that was a good idea???
2 hours later…
With regex it's possible to search and select text in a textbox however how can i use regex to find a previous match?
You can't search backwards with a regex
You would have to start from the start of the string
so what is an alternative? any idea? I'm trying to implement Find Previous feature
If anyone has any idea please let me know
I've been hunting this for a very long time
It's not that hard, you just won't be able to get regex to do it for you
i have no problem with not using regex, the only reason is because regex made it easier for me however what is another alternative that you know off?
are you using regex because you want to support regex search patterns, or are you using regex because that was the first thing you tried that worked?
I used regex because it was the first thing that was available for me to use. I was looking up and down for asearch function for a TextBox and came a cross regex and it being used
but soo ni realized i can't stick with regex because like you said, It can't do backwards search and i really need that feature
You really should be using something like indexof
In this case, LastIndexOf will solve your problem quite trivially
so IndexOf and Last Index of
2 hours later…
How the hell does this question get 7 upvotes in less than a minute? stackoverflow.com/questions/27834136/…
up to 10 now
it's cray cray
there's been too many bad quality questions in the last few days
school must have started back
is that really noticable?
ok, it is
Q: jquery intl-tel-input plugin issue

ArsalI am facing an issue in intl-tel-input jquery Plugin When I select Canada on my edit page and save it and when refresh the page it shows US flag I It is happening because both USA and Canada has same iso2 code +1 I have read the whole docs but find nothing to fix this can any one help me in th...

here come the up votes
For this post, the answer
Q: Make Find function for Notepad with TextBox in C#

Kristijan DelivukI am making a copy of a Windows Notepad and I'm stuck at "FIND" function. Honestly I have no clue how to make it. I've been searching for a while and everyone suggests RichTextBox because it has implemented find function but the point is i need to make it using textbox. So I've made new form, c...

@ReedCopsey you said the up and down? is that to go through each result? like in a loop?
does anyone here have experience working with mono
im in a roadblock,could use some help
not me
You might get more help if you just ask your question, or post it on SO ;)
Q: Accessing System.Drawing.Bitmap from GTK# Thread throws Object Currently in use elsewhere exception

technoIm trying to manipulate an image using system.drawing in GTk#.I want the UI to update the image on screen as soon as the user updates a textbox.To implement this i tried using the background worker from winforms,it worked but when the textbox is updated at a higher speed the application becomes s...

this is my question
no answers
an error occurred while capturing the video image in c# windows form and even no ans for the question
what is WebCamCapture()
well am using easywebcam source code in my project
have you tried using breakpoints and stepping through it line by line?
yup and I get error here in this function
  public void Start()
                webcam.TimeToCapture_milliseconds = FrameNumber;
                webcam.Start(0);//shows error
what's the 0?
set the breakpoint on webcam.TimeToCapture and make sure you step into the next line not over. See what is going on inside of start to narrow down the error
I have debugged the program and in non-public members
I have x Wecam_Capture.WebcameventArgs and inside that WebCamImage is always null
i dont know
even this question has asked many times but there isn't any ans
Hello Guys i have some issue with MVC code first approach? Anybody help me please
Then you should post your question.
Ok @BenjaminDiele i will Thanks !
Q: Issue with MVC4 Code First Approach

vishu minhasHello guys I am connecting my MVC 4 Project with database but its not showing the object in Entity Data Model. Everything going fine. Connection is established object also comes in Entity Data Model Wizard. I don't know whats the issue anybody help me please. Thanks in advance

@vishuminhas Code First is an Entity Framework concept, not MVC.
Is your question related to that? If so, what's the issue?
@RoelvanUden Thanks for reply now I have update my question please look once.
Q: Issue with MVC4 Code First Approach

vishu minhasHello guys I am connecting my MVC 4 Project with database but its not showing the object in Entity Data Model. Everything going fine. Connection is established object also comes in Entity Data Model Wizard. I don't know whats the issue anybody help me please. Thanks in advance object not added...

@vishuminhas Let me first clear up a misconception; there is no GUI tool for database-to-model mapping when using code-first approach. Those tools are intended for model-first approach. In code-first, EF creates and updates the database based on your code (hence the code first).
Have you understand the problem @RoelvanUden??
No. I think you're just mistaken in how you use code first.
	class User {
		public int Id { get; set; }
		public string Name { get; set; }
	class MyDbContext : DbContext {
		public MyDbContext() : base("MyDbContext") {
        	Database.SetInitializer<MyDbContext>(new CreateDatabaseIfNotExists<MyDbContext>());
            Database.SetInitializer<MyDbContext>(new DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges<MyDbContext>());
		public DbSet<User> Users { get; set; }
@vishuminhas ^ That's how you use code-first. I made a table Users and a context which re-creates the database if the model changes. Perfect for development.
You would not use the model explorer while going model first would you?
Or is it fit to load the model into explorer to visualize?
No, code-first is without GUI tools.
Model-first would require an .edmx
@scheien Is that possible? That would be nice if you could have a visualisation of your schema in VS.
Have no idea mate
You can probably load a "model-first" within a separate project just for visualization purposes though
You can have a visualization using a class diagram.
It's not the proper visualization of the database, though.
or what @RoelvanUden said
However it should not be a problem putting the edmx in a separate project, so that it does not interfere with your models etc.
As long as you dont reference it :)
True, but it will not have correct identity mapping and lag behind if you forget to run the code-first to update the db, then pull in changes via the edmx. It will ultimately add to confusion if you ever forget that the two aren't synchronized at all
True, so true :)
Human error incoming
Has anyone used EF data migrations in anger?
No, but I was in anger when trying to use them.
how so?
i was pretty angry yeah
because I was too lazy to learn about it and deleted my database in frustration :D
My experience has been quite good, so long as you don't try anything 'fancy'
I have no experience with automatic migrations. Does it even work?
Haven't really looked at it yet. Right now I only get that for developing, so it's not a big deal to drop my db every once in a while
does anybody know how to use CALL function in batch files ?
@RoelvanUden it works surprisingly well, if you use it from the outset
@Squiggle It doesn't go bonkers if you want to drop a column that causes data loss?
It does warn you, and you have to explicitly agree to that
and yes, you can screw it up in all manner of ways if you don't understand what you're actually doing
Ah, but you get the option, that's quite nice then.
but as a time-saving tool it's pretty good, especially for small apps and rapid prototyping
Since EF7 is code-first only, I had to know :P
Q: Make Find function for Notepad with TextBox in C#

Kristijan DelivukI am making a copy of a Windows Notepad and I'm stuck at "FIND" function. Honestly I have no clue how to make it. I've been searching for a while and everyone suggests RichTextBox because it has implemented find function but the point is i need to make it using textbox. So I've made new form, c...

I've been using code-first in pretty much every project for the past 3 years. I'm not angry with it yet, so it must be OK.
what does Reed Cospsey mean by it doesn't handle up/down?
is it the looping for each seletion?
@F4z probably that the document contains more than one match, you need to write some clever code to navigate between matches
I see. so sorta like loop through each result
how though?
posted on January 08, 2015 by Scott Hanselman

I thought I lost everything today. Well, not really, I have a very regular Backup Strategy (stop reading this blog post NOW and back your stuff up!) so I could get stuff back if I really needed to. But a laptop died today. It just wouldn't start up and I had to run "Refresh my PC," a very cool feature of Windows that basically mostly reinstalls Windows without reinstalling. It promises not to

Why would minecraft have such a stupid savegame location?
>Well, sadly Minecraft doesn't save worlds in "My Documents\Minecraft," where it should. It puts them instead in c:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves which is basically like a temp folder of sorts for config data.
I'd be good if they give you an option to specifiy a location
Or if they'd use sensible defaults
Has Microsoft updated Minecraft yet? Or is it still dead?
They probably have a team rewriting it in the .Net stack
I take my words back. It's not a bad location, seeing that that's the location to sync your stuff.
I only play Minecraft using modpacks and those custom launchers, so I've got about 7 versions of MC installed all over my PC :-/
There's only 1 game you should play, and that's Dorf Fort
no idea how Microsoft will appease the MC mod community
hah nerd.
"fun" encapsulated
@Sippy Better start cooking!
@BenjaminDiele wat
I have a object which consists of the following;

    public class RoomDetail

        public DateTime Day { get; set; }

        public decimal Price { get; set; }

        public decimal VatRate { get; set; }

In my winforms application, how best can I list X number of these objects with textboxes
By this I mean if I have a List<RoomDetail> which contains a count of 4 items, I want to display 4 rows
Each row would have a textbox for each property
A sort of table, you mean?
I know I can bind like this
textBox.DataBindings.Add("Text", obj, "Day");
Am I best just using a DataGrid
Uh. WinForms, no clue. In WPF you'd just bind a list. o_o
bind what to a list ?
Probably calculate positions and make elements? :/
you can do it by creating a custom control for a single RoomDetail, then adding/binding many of these to a repeater.
Before you write your own
I'm 90% sure that an editable grid already exists for winforms.
@Sippy aye, it does.
I think i might just use a data grid
@Tommo1977 DataGrid all the way
or make your own user control
and use FlowPanelLayout
    public bool FindAndSelect(string TextToFind, bool MatchCase)
	dynamic mode = MatchCase ? StringComparison.CurrentCulture : StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase;

	int position = TextBox1.Text.IndexOf(TextToFind, mode);

	if (position == -1) {
		return false;

	TextBox1.SelectionStart = position;
	TextBox1.SelectionLength = TextToFind.Length;
	return true;
I can only manage to search one term
how can I loop through this?
there are a couple of ways. Either with regex, which should return a list of all matches...
i don't want to use regex for this
or easier (but perhaps less efficient) is to use the overloaded parameters of string.IndexOf
I'm trying to understand what Reed Cospey said in the post
Q: Make Find function for Notepad with TextBox in C#

Kristijan DelivukI am making a copy of a Windows Notepad and I'm stuck at "FIND" function. Honestly I have no clue how to make it. I've been searching for a while and everyone suggests RichTextBox because it has implemented find function but the point is i need to make it using textbox. So I've made new form, c...

for the up/down
i take it that that is the loop
IndexOf(string value, int startIndex)
@Squiggle Is it better to add the data directly to a DataGridView or bind the DataGridView to a DataTable/DataSource and add the data to these
find the first match, then use that position as the startIndex to the next IndexOf
it searches the first term fine however it doesn't go through all the terms
@Tommo1977 I'm not exactly sure, but I'd prefer to bind it to a DataSource. Generally cleaner that way.
    while (TextBox1.Text.IndexOf(position)) {
	TextBox1.SelectionStart = position;
	TextBox1.SelectionLength = TextToFind.Length;
that didn't work
@Tommo1977 there should be plenty of guidance on msdn about that
@F4z By 'up/down' he meant iterating through matches
If you have 12 matches for your search you can move up or down to different ones.
@Sippy yea, I can't get that to work. It's stuck at the first match
The only reason that'd happen is if your selectionstart was in the wrong place
So your code is probably setting selectionstart right before your search term as opposed to right after it
@F4z try something like
List<int> positions = new List();
int startIndex = 0;
while (startIndex > 0) {
startIndex = _text.IndexOf(searchterm, startIndex);
if (startIndex > 0) positions.Add(startIndex);
loop over, passing in the previous match to the next call
does that make sense?
testing it
hold on
you probably need to modify that code. It's more pseudocode...
yea working on it :P
just so long as you understand the approach
so you're using a loop
i'm trying to get loop working i don't understand fully
Then you could have buttons for moving to next / previous match
i can't get it to jump to the next match
@Squiggle I did this
int index = 0;

do {
	index = TextBox1.Text.IndexOf(TextToFind, index) + 1;
	TextBox1.SelectionStart = index;
	TextBox1.SelectionLength = TextToFind.Length;

} while (index > 0);
however it still doesn't go to the next result
I have a WCF service which has two classes with the same name, but in different namespaces. The problem I have is that when I add this service as a Service Reference in my winform application, the class names are shown as MyObject1 and MyObject.
Is there anyway around this ?
How can I test if the deployment of my WPF application is working? Right now I'm using LocalDB on my dev machine, but I'd like to use SQL Server CE (so that the client doesn't need to install sql server). But how can I test if this actually works?
@BenjaminDiele Just deploy the CE binaries with your app. Test on a blank VM? :P
@RoelvanUden That was what I was thinking, installing a VM to test it on.
Btw, how come I only see a few other sites and why can't I search for the correct one?
@BenjaminDiele prfff, like they'd let you do such a thing!
It's a wonder I can still flag stuff
@F4z I think you're a little confused as to what the logic is you're trying to accomplish.
I would suggest building up a list of all matches first.
@Squiggle He'd need to have done that already if was implementing same functionality
Although that doesn't mean he has I guess
@Squiggle Do you bootstrap at all?
@Sippy only in private
But yes, I've used bootstrap on most projects recently. What's up?
Bootstrap well isn't expanding to fit content vertically
Haven't had to deal with that problem before
which classes are you using?
got things inside a class="container"? If so, that restricts the maximum width.
Figured it out
Closed span with /> like a special guy
must be
I hope not, it's too great to just be trolling
Note to self: Never work alongside a "Kris Steinberg"
Maybe we all have a little Kris inside each of us
"hey, let's rewrite our stable application in languageOfDay!"
heard that one a lot on my previous job
Stable application? needs horse.js
It was so bad that even the managers wanted us to rewrite stuff, for no gain whatsoever
I think they have about 3 or 4 database technologies, 2 or 3 queueing techs, etc etc
@BenjaminDiele: Haha, trolling awesomeness!
@BenjaminDiele Oh dear.
@Sippy Boiling already?
No I know plenty of people in this business who are just like that
Mostly 50 year old blokes who can't let go of VB6
And guys who quit development because it was too hard, so they went to management and now they say "I know this is easy, I was a developer."
That's how I feel towards them :D
man i hate working for other people, i need to start my own company
@Steve doing what? Consulting?
idc, selling crack if need be
but no seriously, making some android apps with subs, not sure how well it'll work out but we'll see
I am my own company
I publish code for free on GitHub
@Steve Build something in your free time, market it, and if success, companyify it.
thats the plan
@Sippy his arms are growing out of eggshells. cannot unsee
@KendallFrey go awaaaaaay
@Steve I'll come work for you
As long as I can bring my duvet to work and wear it
you can bring whatever you want ;)
@Steve What are you gonna build? :P
aint gonna tell, i found a place in the market thats lacking
maybe its lacking for a reason, but i'm still gonna try to fill that hole
(that means he doesn't know)
I want to form some sort of data company. Aggregating useful stuff in some industry or other, and charging for services.
lol i know exactly what i'm creating, down to the fragment
a defrag tool?
app development is really hard to make a living from.
I used to behave like that, then I started open-sourcing my code.
You get a code, and you get a code, and you get a code!
the app is free but a ballache to use, so you charge for support
@Squiggle what makes it difficult? low money? too much competition?
The app is free and easy to use, people start using it, you become famous, voila, well-paying jobs
It's better if it's something you have a great knowledge set on (and probably find interesting), or something that is hard to replicate (due to insane skill requirements). The first is more accessible most of the time. Just don't.. make something all businessy that you find boring; you'll get bored and quit :P
@Steve how many apps do you have on your phone? How many app developers are there?
@Steve normally low returns, competition can be a pain, and the cost of promotion if you actually want to get a large userbase
see the only reason i'm making this app is because i want it and it isn't out there
well, not the only reason, obv i want money lol
That's a good reason :)
@Squiggle Tell that to the nerd who made flappy bird ....
@Sippy one in a million, that.
True enough
Are you saying steve isn't a precious snowflake?
Cos he acts like one :D
I only ever made one commercial mobile app. I think it saw a user base of perhaps 80 people.
i have been trying to make a successful site / app since i was like 13, it'll happen eventually if i try hard enough
@Steve That's how Paypal happened.
well... I was paid to write it. Cross-platform, Android, iPhone and Blackberry.
the only thing we need is willpower
well, some luck wouldn't hurt too :p
@Steve and some smarts.
got that covered
@Steve And massive promoting in your target audience!
@TomW Lol fantastic
@RoelvanUden that's the expensive bit.
@Squiggle That depends entirely on your target audience. Facebook and Twitter offer convenient access to hordes of lesser intelligent beings. Then of course, you have forums and whatnot where you promote.
and you can also pay some spambot network to promote your stuff.
i want to say it'll be so bad ass that it'll promote itself, but we all know that never works out
@Steve Nope, that never works.
Or you get people to spam their Facebook feed with your app messages for VIRTUAL CREDITS
e.g. how candy crush works
TBH, the business of promoting apps and digital services is all really well documented.
nah thats annoying, funny enough, my christmas message: "All I want for chrismas is for you people to stop sending me candy crush invites. Thanks!"
I might just start a company that automates this process.
@Steve whaddya mean "you people"?
@Squiggle thats a good idea
@TomW lol i said that at work on accident while talkign to some of our execs about ebola
@Steve Hey, negative attention is attention, too. Who cares lol.
i told em i want those people to stay over there and not bring it over here
Outsource all the non-automatable tasks...
@Steve Hopefully your execs aren't the type to be offended by that
Or you will be cleaning floors soon :D
If everyone spams "Stop spamming with APP_Y" then undoubtedly some people will pick that up as "CHECK THIS AWESOME APP_Y AND SPAM ME WITH IT". Oh the irony.
lol, i was worried for a bit but no our execs are cool as hell
@Steve I heard hell is not cool, but hot.
cool as those gunmen?
they were pretty cool under pressure, is what i meant
not as in
they're cool because well, they're douche bags
The suspects have just robbed a gas station apparently. Shootout with police soon i think
Who is this?
@TomW The gunmen from yesterday?
Well, that's what I wanna know
Why would they rob a gas station?
Power trip?
theguardian.com/world/2015/jan/08/… holy crap he totally went there. What an utter knob.
Provocation? Who knows.
/me :(
Fingers crossed that some French police marksmen earn their keep soon
@Squiggle: That's pretty fubar
@Sippy Need money to get out of europe? :P
@RoelvanUden I derped and thought you were asking me that question then lol
@Sippy Unfortunate.
@Squiggle He's an idiot for trying to gain something from what happened but I don't completely disagree with his point
Well, part of his point.
@Squiggle But doesn't he have a point? It is political / religious.
@BenjaminDiele Yeah but people get very upset when you suggest that certain people shouldn't be allowed in a country.
Yeah, god forbid we do some screening before we let anyone in the country
It took the UK years to extradite Abu Hamza because of that crap.

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