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@TomW The issue, is the implementation of an interface at this stage:

public class Example
     private IReader<TParam, TOutput> reader;
     public Example(IReader reader)

@SpencerRuport - No? Now I do though. Thanks! :D
Nah man thank you for doing all that digging.
That was a good answer.
@Greg - you are missing this.reader = reader.
@TravisJ lol
hes right, whats wrong with it
@Greg well yes, it would have to have an implementation
@Greg - But beyond that. what do you do with reader? You are injecting a customer which inherits from an IReader already that you use to inject into the reader? But now you have lost the exposed IReader interface!
The sky is falling at this point
@TravisJ Well, I know that part but Visual Studio still freaks out.
You've been here long enough to know that saying that is useless without what line and the error message
@TravisJ Yeah, that would be the problem. The scope for it changes at that point.
Ollah. :)
So now you need to internalize the IReader interface into the Reader class which does not inherit from IReader in order to expose the IReader functionality.
Anyway, check that book out. It will make everything make sense.
or however it's spelled.
Howdy everyone?
It's spelled Aloha.
@TravisJ Okay.
No no not allah or aloha
I meant that spanish word
ola or so
that one :)
Ding ding ding we got a winner :)
wing wing wing we got a dinner
It's hola. Holla would be pronounced Osha in Spanish.
Anyone has experience with windows server 2008 r2?
@KendallFrey Isn't it winner, winner, chicken dinner?
@MikeM. Yes.
@Greg You enjoy it?
@SpencerRuport - I was thinking more like the ebonics version.
!!urban holla
@TravisJ [holla](http://holla.urbanup.com/977454) 1. A word used to acknowledge the presence of a fellow companion
2. For a man to express interest in a particularly impressive female specimen
3. To contact via telephone
oh just a lag :P
lol @ #2
Gonna holla atcha gurrrrrl
@MikeM. It is alright, except we use Windows Server 2012 now.
@SpencerRuport not according to google
I really get annoyed in it as I get confused by this freaking book all the time
@MikeM. - What are you trying to do with it
I have to setup a domain controller with a iis webserver running php and mysql and it takes me 3 freaking days already {(-_-)}
Ah, there is your problem.
Don't IIS + php
I have to
iis + php is working fine :)
I think our definitions of fine are different then.
but man the DC doesn't like me :)
@SpencerRuport d(-_-)bstep
gotta get dat wuuuubz
wub wub wuuuuuuuuuuuuuub
guys what you talking about
I have to create a DC through the installation of AD DC, set it on windows server 2003. Now it the book creator is trying to be funny with saying: raise it to windows server 2008 -.-
Super sick new music style. You've probably never heard of it.
iis+php is so much better than years back
how do you view a website on localhost. My sites are hosted on IIS, I want to test it in the browser
now its easier to just host php on azure though
Super underground performances at venues like a closed down Gold's gym.
better than LAMP?
@AhmedDaou http://localhost
@AhmedDaou ....
yes I triy this
@TravisJ 3 clicks to get started is always better than LAMP
Did you set the PHP ini attributes>?
but how do I point to the site.
@CharlieBrown - Meh, I can't stand php so there.
I have nothing on default site
i used to do quite a bit, now i only do it for my wordpress site
@CharlieBrown - Should have named it DIY because that is how the whole language feels.
yeah, its a really ugly api
@AhmedDaou - What port is it running on?
it's in htdocs probably in your c:\windows or so
Show us your bindings.
no consistency at all
@AhmedDaou ignore all that, look in IIS Manager you will find a link in the configured site to browse it
first time with drawing graphics/moving it/adding a gameover and intersects
Click on "Browse" on the right
@MikeM. try MonoGame... it will handle all the game loop for you. its a direct port of XNA
they listen on port 80 @SpencerRuport
I see the browse section when I click it takes me to the domain itsledf
I know I am just playing with it's stuff that's why I made it that amazing name :) UselessV1
I want to do it locally not public/domain ip @CharlieBrown
if its not configured to do it that way it wont work
@AhmedDaou - Unless you do some wacky stuff with the LMHosts file the easiest way is to add a localhost binding for a different port. I assume your default site already binds to localhost:80 so I'd recommend something like localhost:8001
if there is a host header it can get messy
whats the latest and greatest way to implement iDisposable?... i swear there are too many opinions on it
I don't do the finalizer
It depends on what you are using the Disposable for though
disposing DbContext in a service layer
Yeah I only use a Dispose() and that is it, not even a bool flag or anything
Anyone ever used chromium (Chrome OS)?
Although I have an async version of that, and it is complex
the sacrilege
if a method takes Func<T>, can you pass Func<T, int, int>?
which of course is true, so how to make that one work
i guess Func<T> wrapped in a factory
Chromium is quite nice but man it's mouse is laggy, you'd need to run 1 command before it runs smooth :)
Chromium on a VM :)
@TravisJ Why not?
@CharlieBrown what do you mean by internal service? Use $.get() to hit an APIController that has enabled caching?
@KendallFrey - By the time the GC runs Dispose has always been called.
@KendallFrey - There is no possible way for the GC to run and Dispose to not have been called.
If only that were true
@VictorioBerra that works too
@KendallFrey - In which situation do you think that would be false?
So I have added my webserver in my Domain, I can ping with eachother. would I be able to see the iis home page already?
@CharlieBrown well is there something else you had in mind? id like to learn about stuff I havent heard of.
Im always trying to find the best ways to do stuff
@CharlieBrown I have this R# template.
@VictorioBerra there are lots of way to handle it, each layer could implement its own caching. The basic idea is anything you need at each request, cache
Never noticed it was poorly formatted, guess VS fixes it on the fly
@CharlieBrown well im going to do an Html.RenderAction that his as [ChildActionOnly] with the [OutputCache] added to it
that seems better than more javascript. And its hard core MVC stuff ;)
@MikeM. chromium.org might interest you... beware, its much easier to get it to build on non-Windows
@NETscape - Does it have Flash support again?
Do you prefer to inject a Logger, or have a global Logger? or have a Logger extension like this.Log()
I inject
@SpencerRuport didn't look at it entirely, i just got it to build for fun. but you can check. code.google.com/p/chromium/codesearch#
@TravisJ When you never call Dispose
@KendallFrey - Ah, so never then :)
@JohanLarsson yeah, but man, inject into every darn layer, as long as it works i guess
the container handles it
@SpencerRuport that's kinda expected... android dropped it as well
Did android ever have flash support?
pre-10.4 or something iirc
I wish Adobe would just die already.
is it normal that server 2 can ping the dc but the dc can't ping server 2?
@CharlieBrown I will keep that in mind. What Duration? Is 10 seconds too short, is 5 minutes too long?
@TravisJ I've got a question, what is the best way to compare the contents of a data model to the data in the db?
@TravisJ I'd have to read the data out of the db, just for the sake of comparison. Seems like a waste of the hit.
I would start with how often the data changes. So if it only gets changed in the db at most once per day, then do half that.
@CharlieBrown Not entirely sure, won't change much.
After that, profiling the db is the only way to get more precise
@Greg - That is the only way.
cache, cache, cache
@TravisJ That is what I was afraid of.
yes, I did, I did yes I did it xD
I can connect from the DC to the webserver, but I can't ping the webserver G_G
@TravisJ If you depend on the behaviour of consumers of your API so strongly that you use words like "always" and "never", I'd hate to see the rest of your code.
@KendallFrey - Luckily I don't deal with junior developers. It allows me a lot of trust in my consumer.
ive never believed in coding so other developers cant screw it up
it sounds too much like "too lazy to train them" or "too lazy to write basic documentation"
Okay guys I am tired of the server, gonna play with VS :)
Can anyone tell me how I could get rid of the "flashing" movement pastebin.com/8WvE77pV
I assume it's in the draw because I clear everything before I draw it again, this make a "flash"...
kinda long shot, but has anyone here used Azure API Management?
Turns out its a nightmare to use [OutputCache] on a [ChildActionOnly]
I now dub this solution, "The Last .NET Solution Architecture Pattern You Will Ever Need"â„¢
Its a nightmare to use [OutputCache] and [Authorize] too...
Well this isnt fun.
wtf is up with my internet. Effectively down, until 5PM, then works perfectly
that's the time when everyone stops watching youtube at work.
the odd thing is, it would come back on every 10 minutes, for about 20 seconds
my message history can confirm
@KendallFrey - Sounds like you wanted the always on lane internet. Your ISP has a special this month of $59.95 / month with a 6 month contract and a $40 processing fee.
Don't you feel lucky?
so I just had a quick question.... why will the C# compiler allow me to define instance fields and constructors in a static class, but will throw a compile time error if one attempts to create an instance?
is there some cool feature about static classes with instance fields or something that I don't know about?
it will complain unless the instances are static as well
it wont complain if you don't reference them from a static context
public static class Foo {
   private int blah; // compile error
   private static int blah2; // no problemo
you might be missing 'static' on the class
that verbatim compiles correctly
doesnt on my machine
I can even go so far as to add a constructor
but I cant actually create an instance
now that's really weird
@MarkW I don't believe you
Im getting "OutputCacheAttribute is not allowed on child actions which are children of an already cached child action." its trying to tell me _Layout.cshtml is already a part of a ChildAction?
i dont believe im still working
That doesnt make much sense to me
> 'ConsoleApplication32.Foo.blah': cannot declare instance members in a static class
ConsoleApplication106210311.Program.number': cannot declare instance members in a static class
same for me
'UserQuery.Foo.blah': cannot declare instance members in a static class, linqpad ftw
=] mike
everything in a static class must be static
dotnetfiddle for me
I got it
restarted my IDE and its complaining now...
im confused
it kept getting me today in this static class I was working in
kept creating fields and would reference them in a static method
it would complain there
but not on the declaration
cool... im not insane
thx guys
blah2 will belong to the type Foo. blah will belong to the instance of Foo. However, there can be no instance of a static class. can haz compile error
is the _layout.cshtml the product of a child action???
Figured it out
I was doing Return View and not Return PartialView in my action
@VictorioBerra - _Layout is kinda complicated, should I answer what it is the product of?
Knowing how it ticks might help me @TravisJ
Okay, well internally, when you call View() it finds the scope from the current controller it is inside. From there it will locate the Views folder for that scope (Areas have nested scope), and then the .ViewStart.cshtml file. That file will contain a reference to the master layout page (default _Layout.cshtml) and the path to it. At that point the Layout begins to builds its return string for the response stream.
Hmm maybe this info can help me figure out why my Index action method inside my area keeps getting called over and over resulting in a stack overflow
you need to set layout = null in your partial view
@drch if you return PartialView in your ActionResult it should not include a layout... plus this isnt the only place in my Layout where im doing a RenderAction and returing a PartialView() from it
But yes it seems as if its loading the layout
2+ times
how about RenderPartial() ?
I cant use that because I cant cacheOutput
my ActionResult uses [OutputCache]
But I think I figured it out Html.RenderAction("Index", "Notifications", new { Area = "" });
I had to put that area attribute in there
not sure how PartialView() behaves via html.RenderAction()
Im not sure about behavior either, but everything is working now so it looks like PartialView makes sure tere is no layout, and [ChildActionOnly] is working well with [OutputCachwe]
And in some places I have to use
@{ Html.RenderAction("Index", "Notifications", new { Area = "" }); }
instead of
@Html.RenderAction("Index", "Notifications", new { Area = "" });
any Excel wizards here?
Erm, how much of a wizard?
I cannot decrypt the bit stream that composes an Excel file manually =/
It is actually a minified version of an operating system in there
if cell in col A is in any cells col B through col E then _____
so take col A2, search all cells from col b, c, d, e, and if there value of A2 exists in any of those columns, then highlight A2
i think i can just check duplicate values
which is a preset conditional formatting rule
@SpencerRuport - Yup
@NetScape - Something like: =IF(COUNTIF('Sheet1'!$B$2:$E$2,"*"&A2&"*")>0, "FOUND", "NO")
@TravisJ - I didn't know that. Gonna have to look it up.
@SpencerRuport - I once tried to manually convert an xcel file to pdf with the formatting in place. It didn't go well.

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