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so my problem is the way I'm loading my items
I added the Load method in the One Time Method (where the InitializeComponent();)
I moved it to an event where everytime it goes back to the main menu, it triggers (LoadedEvent)
and it works there
@JohanLarsson How important is closing streams? e.g. StreamReader and StreamWriters?
for files it is very important
If i don't close them and use another stream with a different name? are there posibilities that the unclosed streams can cause conflicts?
for files, yes
use using and the code will be nice and clean
i am using 'using..'
using(var steram File.OpenRead(...))
@F4z then you don't need to worry about closing
var x as streamreader
var y as streamreader

would that cause any kind of conflict?
A: Uses of "using" in C#

paulwhitThe reason for the "using" statement is to ensure that the object is disposed as soon as it goes out of scope, and it doesn't require explicit code to ensure that this happens. As per http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/tinguusingstatement.aspx, the .NET CLR converts using (MyResource myRes = new ...

im using the streamreaders twice
is there a more efficent way to writing multiple files using streamwriters without conflicts?
@F4z looks strange
What are you writing to the files?
that was an example just showing the usage of streamreaders
using (System.IO.StreamReader r = new System.IO.StreamReader(""), r2 = new System.IO.StreamReader("")) {
i think that might answer my question
One alternative is to use File.WriteAllText and File.readAlltext
don't use ^ if the files are huge
using different streamwriters to write to different files one after the other
in C# how can i wait for an operation to complete and then do something e.g. let's say I have to create a folder and then create a file inside that folder and then read that file
how can i make sure that the folder is created and if the folder is there create the file and then read the file?
Updated the sample with some file writing
@F4z If you use the synchronous api it will happen automatically
Wrapping disk stuff in try catch is perhaps a decent idea
also i asked because I'm using quite a few writers and readers and if i do something involving them too quickly it causes exceptions but if i do it a bit slower
then it wont
check out the updated sample but note that it is not very nice for huge files
yes i did'
i agree
its good to write small stuff
dates, numbers settings
anything small
small can proabably be pretty big :)
just not 10,000+ characters?
downside is memory footprint
@F4z the profiler will tell you :)
I know no phone best practices either
dw, it's almost the same
with xaml and c#
just a very very few differences like the names of methods
e.g. IsolatedStroageStream to open a textfile
                IsolatedStorageFileStream idStream = myIsolatedStorage.OpenFile("Folder/Passwords/" + a_ID + "/" + a_ID + ".txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
that's how you read a file
if reading/writing takes long you probably don't want to do it on the ui thread
long is > 20 ms I think
its weird because the creating is random
sometimes it taeks a while and crashes and sometimes it doesnt at all
does not ring a bell, maybe a phone thing?
it is a phone thing and what is more frustraiting is there is a difference in this when i'm using a emulator and device itself
prompt the user to get a computer?
ahahah. no!
creating a specific app for the phone so yea
6 hours later…
morning all!
3 hours later…
Anyone here?
familiar with xamarin?
Sorry mate, don't have any experience with that other than installing it.
aww..Im kinda stuck on something
and I got no response in the android/java room
What is the problem?
Im trying to connect to a bluetooth barcode scanner with my app
but the rfcom socket wont connect
here is my SO thread
What happens instead?
I have a Class DLL project and a Console App. In the Class DLL project there is a Service Reference to a 3rd Party web service (with the endpoint config in the class dll app.config file).

The problem I have is I need the endpoint configuration details in the console app.config
How do I do this ?
the BluetoothSocket Connect() method throws an exception
Java.IO.IOException: "read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1".
@SamyS.Rathore Never used Xamarin at all and I'm just reading the API docs, so I know nothing other than what it says there
they do say:
> Note: Requires the BLUETOOTH permission.
Permissions are specified in a manifest I think? So there's no mention of that in your code sample, but I guess I shouldn't expect there to be
also createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord says:
> Use this socket only if an authenticated socket link is possible. Authentication refers to the authentication of the link key to prevent man-in-the-middle type of attacks. For example, for Bluetooth 2.1 devices, if any of the devices does not have an input and output capability or just has the ability to display a numeric key, a secure socket connection is not possible. In such a case, use {#link createInsecureRfcommSocketToServiceRecord}.
> This is designed to be used with listenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord(String, UUID) for peer-peer Bluetooth applications.
Hm. Does a miscellaneous device count as "peer to peer"?
Reading from here
hey tom, thanks for looking into my issue
firstly, yes I have BLUETOOTH permissions in my app
and I can use the barcode for a secure connection as the device would always pe paired with the device
and is capable of providing input
besides that
I've also tried the insecure connection, had the same result with that too
I have no more ideas
Hm. The barcode scanner functions as a server and the phone connects through a client socket?
@SamyS.Rathore You set UUID inside a loop over all devices, so it'll have the value of the last device in that collection. I guess if the only paired device is the scanner that's not a problem though
Asking for mysterious bugs whenever someone comes into range wearing a headset for example :)
Oh hang on. This documentation is confusing
> Returns
a RFCOMM BluetoothServerSocket ready for an outgoing connection
Server socket? Since when did servers initiate outgoing connections?
hmm, this is kind of confusing
but that's what the docs suggest for an SPP profile
hi every bodu
can I Speak with dial up modem in C# ??
how to do it ??
@amin what..?

type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
url: "MasterService.asmx/InoutReport",
datatype: "JSON",

success: function (data) {

someMethod(); //this method takes 5 minutes to execute


error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
I want to make this call syncronous
look at sucess block
it has someMethod(); taking 5 minutes to execute
I want to make call clearPopup(); after someMethod() completely gets execute
and in sucess block only
what can i do?
@Steve sir plz suggest something
1 hour later…
hi guys
am looking for some help regarding this question
Q: SQL Server Management Studio error “Saved settings file cannot be found” Virtual Machine Win 8.1

Saad ChaudhryHere is my problem: Every time I start the "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio", I get a warning but the issue doen't end up here. I have searched alot on stack and done alot google aswell also checked this ans. But the strange thing is that there is no such location _HKEY_CURRENT_USE...

what is under the view problem details on that video
@SaadChaudhry Have you checked the 32-bit registry key as well?
@juanvan lemme send you
@KendallFrey I think there is no 32-bit registry key but am not sure
There should be, if you're running a modern computer
I think it's called Wow6432Node or something
I am trying to run it on vm on Mac
@juanvan here it is
and when it appears second time
ya the VM should not be the problem - what version .net framework is installed? @SaadChaudhry
CLR20r3 seems to point to a .Net Framework problem - want to verify the install maybe update or reinstall
So System.Xml is the part that is causing the problem
A: Deciphering the .NET clr20r3 exception parameters P1..P10

Hans PassantP7 and P8 are the important ones to find out where the P9 exception was raised. Use P4 to know what assembly to look for. Run ildasm.exe and open that assembly. File + Dump, tick the "Token values" checkbox, OK and save the .il file somewhere. Open the file in a text editor. P7 gives you the...

Visual Studio Regex
it should match a word and remove rest of the line with some text
let say I have this,

string yummyYummy1 = .SomeClass.Attributes["SomeValue1"].Value.ToString();
string yummyYummy2 = .SomeClass.Attributes["SomeValue2"].Value.ToString();
string yummyYummy3 = .SomeClass.Attributes["SomeValue3"].Value.ToString();
this is what I want

string yummyYummy1 = "";
string yummyYummy2 = "";
string yummyYummy3 = "";
replace \.SomeClass\.Attributes\["SomeValue.*"]\.Value\.ToString\() with ""
sorry I had to make it difficult for you @KendallFrey :)
Hi, I've put this question up. Wondered if anyone has any thoughts.

> Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow
for some reason, i still liked it though
Thanks Kendall, I thought it would get flagged as that. All the same, does anyone on chat have a suggestion - I'm looking at Loggly, papertrail
That's not my area of expertise, sorry
@KendallFrey how about regex find and replace :)
Regex is my area of expertise :P
lets see how expert are you then :D
i got 10 minutes before i finish today though
@juanvan so any solution in mind?
@SaadChaudhry did you try to decipher the P0-P10 error code from that link? The System.Xml is what is tossing the error - the problem is P10 Line - but I have no clue how to get exactly what that problem is - look in event viewer see if anything comes up for System.Xml
Is this is a dev machine? This an new problem? this a always since you installed problem?
it goes above my head lemme
actually I am using Mac from a long time
have to see what causing issue with it
Ya windows errors and Mac errors are way different
If this is your dev machine - I would uninstall the .net framework and reinstall it?
Morning everyone.
can we have a quick Teamviewer session?
Hey I have a question, if I have a textfield and I want to have it so that when I click on tab, I tab to the textfield, I want the inner contents highlighted? how do I do that? right now, it's not being highlighted
What UI framework?
well now I am using Kendo UI
@SaadChaudhry not really in 7hrs I could - Verify Tool from MSDN
trying to resolve things myself
Good Luck!
Hi guys
Im little confused with VMware products
I want to virtualize an xp machine
But I look for the free version not trial or commercial
What version of windows are you running?
there is player pro, but what about the regular version
windows 8
you can install XP mode for free on 8
@juanvan hoq
I see it supports 7
@meda "VMWare Player" is probably what you want
that is what ive used for a few P2V conversions in the pc repair business many moons ago
you should be able to import the resulting VDI into any virtualization host
virtualbox is great too
thanks guys
I've even done a VMDK to AWS EC2 before without any issues.
I think I will use virtual box
I vmplayer is better but im unsure
for license
virtualbox is god-tier for a quick vm solution.
followed closely by Xen
@Bob will it allow me to convert a XP Mode existing VM
depends on the container format
its vmc
can you get to the VHD?
you should be able to just mount it and manually set up a new virtual box instance
yes I can
you should be good to go then.
you might want to open the VPC file in a text editor to confirm the IDE settings to make sure you configure correctly
@Bob thanks for the info
where can i find more about editing the text file
just right click on it and open with... notepad.exe
you can open anything with notepad
not true
what you can read on the other hand
I've got a 16 gigabyte page file that would cause some slight issues.
really - msi file?
Well it will crash notepad
there is a BigNotepad program that will only load a % of the file to read at a time
I use notepad++ for things in the 1-300mb range and then crazier shit like textpad for the really big stuff.
anything <1mb I use sublime text
ya love sublime - if I could only get it to run JS files right :-\
the linter?
I use echo and cat for everything
under Tools - Build System commands
what sort of javascript project are you trying to build?
nothing really - was just trying to get it to work
well if you are doing a node.js type of project, you can build the server-side using grunt and set up a sh/bat to execute the proper build commands and return success/fail to sublime text
actually you can do client-side with grunt as well with some karma unit tests
did install node.js - it never built right - you have a copy of the sublime-build maybe I have it wrong, followed 3 videos and got no where
thats one really simple method
WOOHOO it worked
thanks @Bob Most the other videos I watched were close to that Build but never worked for me - always worked for them - never for me
Good stuff. I still recommend using grunt for larger projects. It keeps the build configuration clean in ST and you can keep your build system in source control.
Another alternative is to use a live reload project seed that automagically refreshes the browser and node server when a source file changes.
will take a look into that
most of those generators have live reload built in
xcode has in the playground mode
I have yet to use anything that even comes close to ST for manipulating HTML/CSS/JS files.
!!xkcd 927
I say we create a new NuGet transitional standard.
Hi guys
Does anyone know how to display an image outside of an appilication in IIS
the folder is not inside of the app folder
Any ideas on what effect he used to make the font like that?
His ass, by the looks of it
Ah, thanks a bunch
We need to add a timer to this chat room - "Number of hours since a legitimate .NET question was asked."
then we can make a fun meme around saying "reset the timer!"
Does anyone know of a good download to try to open a web-site not by a browser, but like a bot that spiders a web-site?
@Greg phantomjs
You could set your user agent to something like googlebot?
phantomjs is excellent because it allows you to touch DOM elements that are generated by client-side javascript as it would be rendered in a webkit browser.
Thank you.
I have a folder in Vs with 10 files. What's the easiest way to move it to another project?
the folks getting money for using it. :-)
@KendallFrey CTRL +C CTRL +V ?
@KendallFrey move or copy?
@abhi no worky
are the namespaces different?
@ton.yeung project
@Bob yes
@Bob move
just copy pasta to destination project, then open source project and remove it
then you can click+drag the moved folder to the sln explorer under project root
or wherever
@ton.yeung move how
@Bob copy pasta how
I am surprised that it is not working.
@Bob won't let me drop it into the other project
no the filesystem folder
like close your visual studios
How do you use Phantom.js?
@Greg very carefully
@Bob I gotta re-add everything? urgh
You can't just query a particular page?
Basically I want to see if a bot is corrupting the View State and triggering several errors.
@Greg This is probably the simplest example: github.com/ariya/phantomjs/blob/master/examples/pizza.js
@Greg yeah you can do that. You can hook any DOM event.
@Greg don't use phantom, use the tool that is actually crawling your site
Web spiders are almost never able to handle client-side javascript, so if you are using that to process your view state in any way it will break.
They also suck somewhat at dynamic requests
@ton.yeung fuck me, it was because I had something in the debugger
@ton.yeung They're appearing on our server, with a malformed ViewState.
@ton.yeung Plus our database is showing a ton of them.
@ton.yeung Yes, very concerned about SEO.
@Bob It is Web-Forms.
So how do you call this in phantom? I see it is console oriented, but if I try to execute I just get parser error.
@ton.yeung I know, Legacy- We don't start rewrite for another 6 months.
@Greg you have to write code for what you want it to do in javascript and then invoke that file
@Greg but it sounds like you dont actually want to use phantomjs
9 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
@Greg don't use phantom, use the tool that is actually crawling your site
We track errors for different reasons, but it is triggering.
@KendallFrey I think it isn't our Google or Bing Bot.
What's the user agent that's causing the errors?
@KendallFrey We believe this is a third party, either competitor or some hacker attempt.
In that case, where is the IP coming from?
are you getting the IP
@KendallFrey Well, another developer put the wrong code. So it is accessing the incorrect IP Address to see where it is coming from so we can just block that IP.
blocking an IP address is a horrible approach to fixing a problem.
sometimes it is the easiest - putting up mug shots at bars catches criminals
so for some reason a new file isn't showing up in my project anymore, after shelving and unshelving
uhhhh was the file excluded by any rules?
@Bob nope, it's still right there
and your csproj was part of that shelved changeset?
yes, everything looks right in terms of file contents
sounds fucky to me
restarted VS, no dice
Show All makes it show up, grayed out
Sounds like standard TFS
Doing very little is usually enough for huge BS
So I hit include in project, and now it works. changed nothing
i fucking hate tfs for this exact reason
> Enterprise version control.
@JohanLarsson That's why I'm reading the git book
the only non-git source control system I can handle is perforce
git is the new gold standard for no bullshit
hg is good
no thanks
I asked IT if they could enable git in our TFS. 'There is no strong business case for it'
but using hg is like skipping chocolate cake even though it's the same calories
git > all
@JohanLarsson I would punch IT in the face.
@Bob that should be on a schedule yes.
Wait, it did actually include the file twice
fuck the wat, VS
Since when do we work for IT?
let me guess, HR runs most of the business over there?
I'm not following
It owns the server and no one can touch it.
thats fine and dandy - But in my world, IT works for the developers and handles their requests without talking back on things like source control settings.
You have unicorns eating rainbows also right?
There have been reports of half-eaten rainbows lately...
nice, I'm glad for you
its shit like that that got me out of big corporate work

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