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looking for hats....
How is it going @Myster ?
it looks like you're shooting candles atm :)
indeed, I think there is some delay in awarding hats, or perhaps I have not met the criteria I thought I had.
6 hours later…
Let's see if we can get some life in here. Good morning people!
Well, okay, good morning.
Although... Afternoon.
Well.. good afternoon then :P
Kinda good, yeah, just finished my pea soup.
Weather is shit.
But I am in da office, so IDC, MOAHAHAHAAH.
Cmon, speak about the weather. It is the easiest topic to start the talking from.
It's nice and cloudy out. Was raining before, but not right now.
Storm coming soon though. What a shit place. :P
I honestly think it's harder to talk about weather than code :D
I am noob, I rather speak about the weather.
Or PC games. Or shoes.
Shoes just came to my mind tho.
Shoelaces then?
As for the weather, it is snowy-rainy-dirty-crappy-near_zero_degreesly.
No snow here, yet. Where are you for it to be snowing?
Russia, Saint-Petersburg.
It is not really snowy.
Wet snow and wet ice all around.
Account expired at work, should take minutes to get it back
Shoelaces are fine, tho I believe shoelacesless shoes should get over shoes with shoelaces.
Dat wordmaking.
I ring up, guy says my manager has to submit a service request, which will go to service desk, which will go to operations, which will go to user management, they will then ask my manager to confirm and it will go all the way back up the chain before I get my account back
I know the feeling.
I'm being paid to sit here and do nothing whatsoever right now lol
Haha, same for me for last year and a month.
Hi Guys
I was doing file uploads on MVC, I'd much rather be working cos it was fun :(
I am creating a chart custom control for WPF. But since there is no exact requirements as always, I am doing it veeery slowly.
I already suggested a good open-source 3-rd party library, but they want to have their own. A waste of time, IMO.
Hah sounds like where I work
I am sure you are not in Russia. :p
who's in russia
I am.
nothing, to whom u were saying u r not in russia, i was asking that
To sippy_bizzle.
I am glad we solved it.
@sippy_bizzle Awesome. You can learn whatever you want and get paid.
I can't log in.
Else I would.
hmm so what about @RoelvanUden
What about me?
@Denver Yes, shoelaces are cool. An advancement for human kind!
@Denver I'm in the UK lol
@RoelvanUden Velcro all the way man
@sippy_bizzle Just, no.
Roel have you ever done drag and drop file uploads with MVC?
@RoelvanUden You did not get me, but whatever.
From what I remember of last week I was trying to implement dropzonejs
Wondering if you have any other experience that isn't html5
@sippy_bizzle Jus.
Should I google dat
No. Just google for JS drag-drop file upload.
MVC has no concept of that.
Aaaaight, that's what I do last week. Dropzonejs is prolly fine
Yeah I guesses
Can't type on this phone lol
We've used filedrag.js, works fine.
Gotta support ie8 T_T
Is Remy Sharps html5 shim worth a look at?
Whos what?
Some guy wrote a js plugin that adds html5 elements to shit apparently.
    <!--[if lt IE 9]>
      <script src="https://oss.maxcdn.com/html5shiv/3.7.2/html5shiv.min.js"></script>
      <script src="https://oss.maxcdn.com/respond/1.4.2/respond.min.js"></script>
That's the junk I usually add. It pretty much makes IE capable of EcmaScript5-apis.
It's not magic for all the new html5 stuff
So it probably won't add file drop functionality
Probably not.
Fallback is probably going to be a big huge button, "select yo file here, bro"
Really trying to avoid that cos they will just complain that it's not drag and drop :(
Q: IE8: drag'n'drop files to a webpage

jonnyIs it possible in IE8 without using third party plugin like Java?

There you go. If no browser support, fuck 'it.
you could use flash (runs away)
@Rovak Look at the balls on this guy
Woo got my account back
@KendallFrey Sounds familiar.
I just realised how you're meant to use bundleconfig and why.
TIL script bundling abstraction in MVC doesn't make much sense?
In razor I have a select box like <select name="MyListBox"></select>
How would I insert a ViewData value like ViewData["MyCounter"] after the name MyListBox so I would get
<select name="MyListBox1"></select>
<select name="MyListBox2"></select>
I tried
<select class="form-control input-medium" name="MyListBox@{ViewData["MyCounter"]}"
But it doesnt like the syntax
It is @(), not @{}
The @{} means a code-block, but you're trying to output, thus @()
@RoelvanUden Thank you
i.imgur.com/qKUjVOI.png 2 pictureboxes, but how do i get the background of the player's image to actually be transparent :(
Gentlemen greetings
@Meraj99 PNG with transparent layer in image and the allow transparency on and transparancy key set to transparant
@RoelvanUden er, i went to photoshop, removed the background, saved as png... well, that doesnt work
First make sure it's really transparant in the PNG. In PS that would be a checkered background of grays and blacks i think
yup, it is
then how do you display? windows forms?
yup, put a picturebox in, and stick that as the image
Ok so please remember that Windows Forms seriously blows while I explain.
Windows Forms has no transparency support. What it has is AllowTransparency and a TransparencyKey. Obviously, the first must be set to true. The second is the color that is going to be interpreted as "Transparent".
Does Windows Presentation Foundation support transparency?
As transparent is not a color, your correct PNG will not work in Windows Forms. You can give it an awkard color, like pink and set that as transparency key and magically the pink will disappear in Windows Forms and become transparent. Downside: All pinks will be transparent
Yes, WPF has no issues whatsoever with transparency.
So stay away from Windows Forms: obsolete
Pretty much, WPF is almost always the better option.
Especially powerful for grid-based games with binding.
Like Sudoku
And a UI language > drag and drop anyday
All grid-based games, including Zelda and Pokemon of course.
I'd do them in JS, because browsers and cross-platform, though.
I don't like working with browsers too much
Though JavaScript is as wonderful as C
I did a MMO foundation that used Pokemon sprites and allowed n number of concurrent players with virtually no observable latency (friends from Africa observed no issues which is massive!). The browser has become a really powerful thing :)
No latency in Africa?
Amazing innit ;-)
My server was located in the Netherlands and it took me 4 iterations of network protocols to make it smooth as butter. I intend to get back to that project soon :-)
@RoelvanUden You could make some dolla from that dude.
@sippy_bizzle I intend to build a game on it eventually. Once I hammer down the back-end to scale over virtually endless numbers of servers for map instances and whatnot. It's a really interesting thing to do for a game project without having to think about the kind of game yet :3
Hell yeah considering I live in Africa and Africa's internet speeds make me scream
Exactly why I wanted to test with that :D it means I can serve the entire world from europe with no observable latency.
harr harr. total win for me :P
Has your concept been implemented in any other contexts yet?
But why not have it as a WPF, Cocoa and GTK app
Cos I mean, if you code a generic server base, you could supply that to businesses for them to run their shit on
You could make millions lol
You could make billions
@sippy_bizzle It depends a lot on the type of game, really. Not many specialize in 2D grid-based games and thus the network protocols in that area generally suck. It's really not hard to do though, the concept is fundamentally simple: do not waste bandwidth and reduce observable latency with clever interpolation. Works insanely well in 2D, less so otherwise -- so no, I don't plan a business on it at all.
@MoonOwlPrince Because that is painful and boring. JS works everywhere, browsers, phones, tablets, your refrigerator, your car, your game console, everywhere. If you make a game that doesn't use the latest modern graphics, make it accessible for everyone. :)
One code base to rule them all.
@RoelvanUden Stop sounding like a Java installer
The concept of Java is great, failed execution though.
Bjarne Stroustrup and Dennis Ritchie were right about Java. You are right about Java. So let us all need require our clients to be running Java unless they are Java clients by default
@RoelvanUden Java isn't that bad.
It's usable ..
We should settle for what is good not what is not bad
@MoonOwlPrince You do realize that Java is only flawed because of the execution, right? If it was keeping up with features the modern world needs, and would have proper tooling, then it would be an amazing platform. You can also deploy Java along with your application, including only the components you need, just like you can with .NET/mono, your clients don't need it installed at all.
@RoelvanUden Ah I see, I thought you meant you'd stumbled upon some amazing way to structure network requests so that they take virtually no time regardless of relative distance
If you had discovered that you'd probably get a nobel prize haha
.NET is now going the route that Java should have been. If done correctly, win.
Yeah hence why I dislike Sun and Oracle
@sippy_bizzle You're still bound by physics y'know, software can't do that. We can trick the user into not observing the delay, but we can't make it disappear. Imagine that... it would be insane.
They're a soulless entity, what point is there in disliking ..
@RoelvanUden Yeah I can dream
@sippy_bizzle We'll wait for systems build on split atom pairs.
@RoelvanUden Quantum comput0ring!
I wanna see quantum networking before quantum computing
To be honest.
Quantum teleportation is a process by which quantum information (e.g. the exact state of an atom or photon) can be transmitted (exactly, in principle) from one location to another, with the help of classical communication and previously shared quantum entanglement between the sending and receiving location. Because it depends on classical communication, which can proceed no faster than the speed of light, it cannot be used for superluminal transport or communication of classical bits. It also cannot be used to make copies of a system, as this violates the no-cloning theorem. Although the name is...
@sippy_bizzle ^
Kendall would probably have some stuff to say on this :D
They broke the theory of using quantum teleportation for networking, last I heard :(
It made me cri
Not as far as I am aware.
What I want to see are the programming languages for quantum computation
It's extremely difficult sure, but not impossible.
@MoonOwlPrince The languages won't change much.
The code that makes languages work will change enormously :D
I'd guess that when quantum computing happens it'll take a few years before there are even programming languages that can get near what we do on computers now, from a usability point of view.
Maybe even a decade.
And also I would be interested in the concurrency models
Mmm, if I am given this string (omdbapi.com/?t=One+Day&y=&plot=short&r=json), what would be the best method to get year, plot, etc. into their respective variables?
Who invented the finite state machine?
@Meraj99 Parse Decode the JSON.
@Meraj99 Don't be stringly typed
I think I'll finish learning other stuff first :P
Decode lol
@MoonOwlPrince Me
Yano what would be cool
A VRAM visualisation.
Watch it creepin' thru yo harddrive :3
WTF our server has a splash screen?
@KendallFrey wat
@KendallFrey wat
The type or namespace name 'script' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web'... apparently msdn is wrong...
@Meraj99 I'm gonna guess you're looking at the wrong version.
@Meraj99 Clearly you have made a mistake
@Meraj99 Sounds right. I've never seen a class with a lower case name.
Although I have seen mistakes on MSDN before.
More like spelling mistakes though.
What version of .NET? Did you reference the right assembly? Did you capitalize it wrong?
@RoelvanUden mmm, Script doesnt work too
@KendallFrey version 4.5.50938?
looks right...
@Meraj99 > missing assembly in references ? Probably System.Web.Extensions !
Can a websocket replace a socket application, is there a specific case it would be worth doing so? (since this is rather a broad question, I tough I could ask it here to get some directions)
@Guapo Uhm, elaborate please?
In short, WebSockets can do nearly everything regular sockets can.
But you can't change the WebSockets protocol itself, so you can't make a JS browser connect to <insert proprietary socket protocol here>.
@RoelvanUden I have an application which is like this clients connect to a server to receive and send information from the server is going directly to the database. The data received by the clients are usually directly to that client only hardly any broadcasts. The website does have a chat and an API. So instead of having a restful AJAX/JQuery site + socket server I was thinking on making a single websocket server and connect everything to it. But I am not so sure the websocket would let me send a message to an specific client or be fit for all this tasks..
@Guapo Uh, that sounds a fine case for WebSockets. Hell, you can push anything over WebSockets, chat, notifications, updates, even page requests and remote resource request responses. Makes a lot of sense for an app.
@RoelvanUden and would it be possible to bypass the website to acquire the websocket url and connect directly to it from a client? Because the clients don't really do anything other than talk to the server and I would like to avoid having to add the extra websites request to acquire the key or URL, does that impose any breach to how the websocket works?
Goddam invisible escape sequences!
@Guapo Uhm, sure, you can do that. Look, the only restriction that you have is that A) you have to adhere to the WebSocket protocol and B) you have to adhere to browser cross-domain limitations. If you're not using a browser, then B even fades away.
A WebSocket isn't a complex beast for devs like us.
@RoelvanUden there is no x-browser at all its an internal application really for control, and I've been reading on websocket specially because it's not as complicated as making my own socket and because there is already lots of libraries in c# to have your own ;)
Eh, what? A regular socket is even simpler.
Especially if you do C# to C# communication it takes no effort at all.
WebSockets are a bit harder to do in C#
Really? I mean a regular socket you need to make all the reading for receiving the packets and all that stuff +_+ so much work
What? No, just lay on a Stream onto the Socket and you're done.
Or even use the TcpClient and TcpServer classes.
They do exactly that, then you get a Stream and you can create your own readers or writers (e.g. BinaryReader/BinaryWriter) and chatter about very easily.
I don't know I was trying some socket servers I had so much trouble handling multiple connections, files transmission(mainly images) and the such and I tried a websocket and it was so simple
is there any order by $natural
at SQL?
a 1 on 1 client/server was really easy but when it came to multiple clients +_+
@Guapo Because you need to send files in binary and you need to send the length first. If you send 4-byte length, then the file, the receiver knows the exact length. A common protocol is <command:byte><length:int><payload:byte[]>
Just make a Task for each client after the Accept
Yes, but what I had trouble with was that some how I had to read the file in chunks it would come in with a single stream and that made it a lot complicated for me
sadly I don't have the code here or I could show you some bits of it
It's actually ridiculously simple in C#. I'd open a file stream, then do a CopyTo onto the network stream. Everything handled for ya like that.
On the server-side, open a file stream for reading, then readto chuncks and write into file stream.
Isn't more than say, 10 lines of code on each side.
I will have to go back into that and try again, but then I wouldn't be able to have a centralized server if I stick to that
WebSockets on the other hand are a lot more complicated if this was already too hard.
TIL about class extensions
@Guapo Why wouldn't you be able to? O_o
Why the fuck don't they teach that at uni
The chat at the webpage for example
I would have to make a websocket just for the website then? would have to maintain 2 "server"
public static string Between(this string source, string from, string to) {}
@Guapo You can just accept connections from 2 end points, one websocket, one regular sockets, if you want. We have like 7 end points for different stuff on a product in my company.
Never knew .. about .. extensions .. why.. ebola
@Sippy It's just sugar :)
@RoelvanUden I have needed this for so long and never knew it existed lol
That's a good point so I could reuse all the communication except for the streams?
I even searched at one point for something like it and didn't find it and it's so simplistic T_T
bad googler
@RoelvanUden thanks a lot for the insight it was really nice talking to you, :P it has expanded my vision, guess I was too focused on it
glad I came around to the chat
@Guapo Pretty much. Just aim to keep it simple. It's really not complicated if you think about the concepts involved. Always take a step back and think, "Can this be made simpler?" :-)
We all get focused too much sometime :D
@Sippy Just.. you fail sippy :D
:P I was never good at putting what I have to do in the black and white lol im like on the fly ahhah
like I try this see how it goes then try that then hit a wall and go do some research
@RoelvanUden Yeaaaah ..
@Guapo That usually starts out with cute fluffy bunnies that then grow and evolve into horrible monsters that invade your dreams and turn them into nightmares. Planning isn't necessarily a bad thing. :-)
Doesn't have to be really formal; just an outline of goals and designs.
I just don't know how to summarize what I need or will do
Guys this is what I get and they just say they want a website
Dear Sir

Thanks for the input.
I have made some changes and the statements now read as follows:

Vision: A just and safe community for all people.

Mission: Building community capacity and facilitating linkages and supporting vulnerable communities.

What are we into: Community development with special focus on women and children

Core thematic areas:

-Gender equality and right promotion
-Food security
-Economic empowerment
-Social protection and security
-Capacity enhancement

Core values: ( to be included in the next communication)
Had to fix that
I wonder why do they want a website
for example for this application, I know I need a way to talk server<>client as real time as possible as well as being able to update the website with information, like every 1~3 seconds top... My first point was of course to have a server for the clients but not how the server would be, what communications would be done trhu it or anything in depth until this point. So I guess in the end I just don't have "the how" to write what I will be doing how it should be done :( if you know a good book or reading im all in :P
Morning everyone.
I feel I am going to be spending more time working on their business process
@Greg how do you develop a website when there is no purpose for it
@MoonOwlPrince looks like a non-profitable org
@Guapo Hm, I'm always all for simplicity. Doing everything in the same way, that is, WebSockets, is a good thing (tm). But beware that not everything is peachy, WebSocket server in IIS is great and clients on the browser is fine, but a WebSocket client in .NET is a bit on the non-existent side. If all of your client stuff was browser-based, then it'd be easy: all websockets, all the way.
Yes it is
I need to find out what these guys really want
And they should stop addressing me as ma'am in all their e-mails
@RoelvanUden clients were all socket but somethings to be implemented yet like file transfer and handle all specific communications like ping pong etc...
@MoonOwlPrince Looks like they want a clean color site that projects safety and strength ;)
you probably want to grab their visit card or their logo to see what colors they have and those stuff
@MoonOwlPrince What do you mean?
This feels like Web design 100
@Greg when a client does not site a specification for what they want the site to do
@MoonOwlPrince Simple, analyze the business.
@MoonOwlPrince An understanding of the business will help clarify potential path or direction for the business.
(sigh) I was scared of that. That is more work than I anticipated
Welcome to the role of business analyst.
Never realised what you guys have to go through
Half the time will not be spent on coding
A developers code is useless, it has zero purpose. It only takes on purpose when it caters to a business and the goals it requires. Your code only creates profit for a business when it:

- Is agile like the company.
- Works through each aspect of the company departments (If your writing PIM for example).
- Provides quick information about how the business servers its customers.
@RoelvanUden Would you agree with that?
@Greg Not exactly, but it is clear that we don't write code for ourselves. It's for the customer, and more often than not, the customer doesn't have a clear idea of what they want or how they want it. I don't think that "quick" or "agile" have anything to do with that :P
nice talking to you @RoelvanUden ima go for lunch and take some time to digest all this and see if I can actually come up with a plan :)
@Guapo Awesome! Good luck :-)
Have you never seen that? :-)
<--eating dear jerky :P
anyone else like dear jerky?
public JsonResult uploadServiceRequest()
    	string organisation = "";
    	foreach (string fileName in Request.Files)
    		HttpPostedFileBase file = Request.Files[fileName];

    		BinaryReader b = new BinaryReader(file.InputStream);
    		byte[] binData = b.ReadBytes(file.ContentLength);

    		string result = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(binData);

    		organisation = result.Between("Organisation : </td>\r\n<td>", "<br>");

    	return Json(new { message = "info", organisation = organisation });
Mmmmmm feeling dirty
@RoelvanUden My theory on agile, code that is capable of adapting or shifting as the business adapts and shifts has a longer life cycle and usually hits the needs far faster for business.
@Sippy Too little var! Embrace the var!
@Sippy And learn to dispose :-P
@RoelvanUden I agree most customers don't.
@RoelvanUden Bah it disposes itself.
@Greg Ah, yes, absolutely. Don't box yourself in.
@RoelvanUden And half of that is copy pasted lol
@RoelvanUden I embrace var but sometimes not assuming or guessing what var is quite helpful.
I had it all written with var the first time
@Sippy It doesn't. The binary reader will live forever.
I will dispose the fucker then.
Very good sir.
Becuase this service is gonna get quite a lot of use.
@Greg I like var :-) when it's obvious anyway, use it :P
@Sippy You should do:

using(BinaryReader b = new BinaryReader(file.InputSteam))
@RoelvanUden Yes, I agree with that.
using(var b = new BinaryReader(file.InputSteam))
fixed that for you
@RoelvanUden That describes my situation right now
hallo peeps
@RoelvanUden Yeah, you could use var.
@Squiggle Late today, sir!
I wasn't aware I was to be expected at all!
@Squiggle Good weekend?
Today is a Monday. When is Friday coming??? I can't wait for it
@MoonOwlPrince In exactly 24h15m of worktime.
where's your work ethic, man?
I'm not sure I woke up at all today. I think I might still be asleep.
I did pretty much the same thing
Full on anxiety all night last night
Awful shit.
awful shits are the worst
Hi can I here request for getting answer on my old question? no body check it now stackoverflow.com/questions/18184046/…
@Ahmad doesn't HtmlUtilityPack provide xpath-like syntax? doesn't //table[n] work?
1 year
And still no solution ..
@Squiggle I like to have the live element to have the offsetHeight and offsetWidth
@Sippy in fact I am banned to ask questions, and sorry I just edited an old question! had no way !
@Ahmad Well there's probably a reason for that.
@Sippy but you can vote my questions up anytime ;), to leave the ban
You probably just shouldn't ask bad questions.
My bet as to why you're banned is because you posted loads of questions which got downvoted and deleted them
@Sippy my questions are not bad, I think I am victim because I debated on meta and exposed my questions there :(
I deleted few questions, and few answers 2 or 3 at each, while have more than 26 questions
@Ahmad There are no victims on SO
@Ahmad Well, that one question is a really bad question.
If your questions are downvoted, that almost surely means they are bad
If they are all like that, your questions are bad. Harsh truth, sorry.
@RoelvanUden which question?
The one about web browser control.
I want to add some transitions / animation to my angular app. I'm running into issues where jquery doesn't pick up ng-attr-id's for my dynamically generated Id's. Presumably, this is why I'm not supposed to use the full jquery with angular.... is there another option for transitions? CSS3 offers some, but obv. thats not supported by all but the newest browsers....
@Steve NO! Don't mix Angular and jQuery! Bad! Learn the angular way.
this is my most down-voted question, is it really bad stackoverflow.com/questions/26653838/…?
@RoelvanUden how would i achieve transitions / animations in angular alone?
@Ahmad Bad question and equally bad answer.
@Steve No idea. Google on angular animations.
did, no luck
@Steve Use jQuery!
nvm, my browser wanted to search with yahoo instead
no wonder no useful results appeared
@Sippy Could please say why? it could be commn and also the answer is not trival
However I edited many times to show its not that bad, maybe the older version were better
@Ahmad the answer is a codebox. That's not an answer. The question shows no attempt at solving the problem given and barely contextualises the problem.
well, i figured angular and jquery would at least be able to work together a little bit since angular ships with jqlite
but i was totally wrong
@Sippy I had posted a try, which is in fact ScrollToCaret, but it doesn't work unless I use the Windows API stuff,
Yeah just booked my flight for Feb
@Steve if you need to use jQuery in angular you're generally doing something wrong
@Steve jQuery does work with Angular, you're just not supposed to use it :3
thank you, buy
@Steve what can't you accomplish using the native Angular animation support?
Any Bootstrap guru' around
basically, i want jquery slideDown, but I'm not familiar enough with angular to know if I can or can't accomplish this with it, i'm looking into it a little more
I have this ;

<div class="container">
                        <div class="row" style="padding-bottom:1em;">
                            <div class="col-lg-3">ROOM TYPE</div>
                            <div class="col-lg-3">BOOKING POLICY/CONDITIONS </div>
                            <div class="col-lg-3">PRICE FOR @Model.CheckOutDate.Subtract(Model.CheckInDate).Days NIGHT(S)</div>
                            <div class="col-lg-3">NUMBER OF ROOMS</div>
How can I make it so that these column headers are always visible
@Tommo1977 aaargh.
the only solution is to have fixed-width columns.
Is it possible, I seen some examples using table and th
yeah you need to use a javascript solution
there are some off-the-shelf / free js grid utilites that support that
Is there no other way
If you look here
I can get it working like this
OK, so if you have a fixed number of columns in your table
AND if those columns can have a fixed width
then yes, just use bootstrap columns, rather than a <table> element.

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