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no, be cause it has no input
although the algorithm itself that is used to generate them may very well be
right ok, so algorithm has to have an input in order to be called a "hashing algorithm"?
yes. input --> algorithm --> output
gotcha, thanks for your help.
and cryptographically strong hash algorithms are meant to generate unique outputs
what's up party people
of course, otherwise it's a collision.
@deltree sup
just fighting with css fonts :)
@deltree Ah, have you got the AK-47's out yet?
@Sam yep - and there's collisions and theoretical collisions with a lot of the hash functions still used. eg MD5, SHA256, SHA512
the css?
@deltree yeah, i was just kidding. ;)
lol, according to SO it's unsolveable stackoverflow.com/questions/16901500/…
just found that in my google searches
ah, shame
of course, that's barely related to my problem
@drch that's why SH3 out, right?
@deltree !important
for some reason, the client is pulling down some google fonts and so when I try to call css to require the bootstrap fonts it ignores the call and doesn't even search for the font
yep. and sha-3 is non NSA so bonus there
!important didn't do anything at all saldy
@drch +1 to that
@drch starred
I was only half serious. !important is an awful hack
@drch starred
is that suppose to be regex????????
sozz, not much of a regex person
i know, i find it too complicated, i'm more of a built-in string method person
and you ruined the joke too
I was enjoying the banter
protip: if sir knows a bit gets 1 more downvote, he can't chat in here
i thought it was just us
and i don't want to be a bullly...
your fine
just kidding.lol
@SirKnowsaBit Just say something downvote worthy, and I'm sure it'll happen ;)
what are you going on about?
for real?
24 messages moved to Trash can
yes for real
oh,lol, well just look at my profile....
but when you bin it I can't validate the flags anymore!
LOL a/s/l actually does mean regex
@rlemon Sure you can.
google it
!!urban asl
@SirKnowsaBit No it doesn't -_-
@rlemon asl What stupid people say on chats to learn who you are and where you live so they can come to your house with a chainsaw and kill you.
@SirKnowsaBit No, I'm not. Stop lying.
@CapricaSix sounds about accurate to me
kendall is also kick ass and respected.
you can't say as much
@SirKnowsaBit In what way does a/s/l mean regex?
!!Is kendall a lair?
@Sam Not a chance
now I bid you adieu and wait for more flags.
@rlemon I must be very drunk.
so i'm starting to hate libraries
Find all "@font-face", Subfolders, Find Results 1, Current Project: Tier2.WebUI\Tier2.WebUI.csproj, ""
C:\Git\Tier2\Tier2.WebUI\Content\bootstrap.css(2386):@font-face {
C:\Git\Tier2\Tier2.WebUI\Content\font\font-awesome.css(28):@font-face {
C:\Git\Tier2\Tier2.WebUI\Content\font-awesome.css(28):@font-face {
C:\Git\Tier2\Tier2.WebUI\Content\theme\beige.css(7):@font-face {
C:\Git\Tier2\Tier2.WebUI\Content\theme\default.css(7):@font-face {
C:\Git\Tier2\Tier2.WebUI\Content\theme\moon.css(6):@font-face {
@deltree lol, im making one atm
stupid libraries
how does this flag shit work?
4 flags and nothing?
the libraries of DOOM.
@rlemon Needs 6
every library tries to import another font set, and when the overlap, boom
@SirKnowsaBit GTFO
revealjs is ticking me off
Sure you can. See how to fix it here.
gets ready to flag
Google Chrome is EVIL.
saw that coming
You're a troll.
how can you tell if one of your comments is flagged?
@Sam once you get banned from SO, you know
@SirKnowsaBit Alright, I say I'm awesome.
25 flags
oh ok, i don't think i want to find out.lol
> This user has been automatically suspended for posting inappropriate content and cannot chat for 29 minutes.
Finally, peace
you need to hook up your bot to access control like we do
> 59 minutes
@rlemon Nah.
he's on a role!
flags are "old school, but effective".
hmm, so it's not the fonts overriding each other, that's good news
i'm working on why the .htaccess isn't working
slow atm as well. :/
all the pics are very large to start off.
and my image scaling / cropping code probably is also to blame
but hey, pizza placeholder service.
top notch.
i dont want my pizza now, i want my pizza 10 seconds then 404 from now
you got a 404?
on the one in chat yes
it's strange, it's like there should be an error saying that the font is 404 but there isn't, which implies the font was found, but it's not even loaded, like my class isn't attempting to load the font
well not 404, but image not found. worked when i clicked
wtf suddenly it started interlacing
hrm, timeout I imagine
@KendallFrey your pizza?
guis... I did it in php. expect the unexpected.
also lol & 700kb placeholder
its blazing fast with interlacing
> 1 hour 24 minutes
I hope he's steaming
@rlemon fyi, tinypng.org got it down to <200kb from 700ish
ooo good to know
yea I went to google images and types in "Pizza" size+2MP
German Hacker Group "We hacked the new iPhone Biometric scanner with a regular printer"
--I heard a great disturbance in the Force, it's as though millions of fan bois cried out in terror.
but go jpg and get it to like 80kb
good idea
@rlemon lorempizza should be illegal... it makes me so hungry. Also, why does the pizza at my .NET user group never look like that?!
hmm.. pornumipsum.com might be a good one too
well this will be pointed to from placepizzas.com and lorempizza.com
if I get the code working fast I will make as many clones as possible.
or just sell the code
whatever works.
if people actually used it, you could do geoip lookup and overlay local pizza place phone numbers
i speak latin and dutch
of the pig and double dialects, respectively
@drch I just clicked on that link, and hit generate... if my office has any type of alarm system based on the # of bad words used on a web page, I for sure triggered it hahaha
@drch you replace that when the client does not pay?
System.StackOverflowException... did I win the game?
you won 1 MB of RAM
yeah my HS 'security' was beatable with a 3 key combination >_<
That is hilarious, seriously poor thought on their part.
If my tax money was paying for that sort of incompetence I'd be pretty pissed
oh wait. It probably is.
Think the whole idea of giving students tablets/ipad is a bit much
Give them a TI83 and say Ok now we have a learning tool - or a Raspberry pi
I expect all the contracts are awarded to the supplier who gives the funniest presentation
Make em earn it. Only allow students with over a 2.9gpa to have access to the technology.
In true stackoverflow fashion, all the other students can be closed as off topic and deleted.
no child left behind! That's what the recycle bin is for
@TomW You know it is.
@JohanLarsson ...which can be claimed at downloadmoreram.com
Why are they giving out ipads to students?
@TravisJ haha
That's bizarre.
@deltree That remark made me laugh so hard.
blah blah blah engaging, blah blah blah knowledge economy
@KendallFrey How does one download more RAM?
Go to the site and try it.
@KendallFrey Eh, I'll pass.
It works I went there
@Greg There are no viruses or anything. Promise.
I'm nervous to click download
*assumes bad things
They have a twitter account -- twitter.com/DownloadMoreRAM
Nothing bad.
@KendallFrey I feel that link should have a tag; nfsw perhaps?
I guess...
nothing dangerous, just stupid
@Greg hardly
What is the most used language in programming? Profanity.
yep, star
DownloadMoreRam.com ‏@DownloadMoreRam 6 Aug
When you see Twitter's trending topics, it's a lot easier to understand why they have to write "Do Not Eat" on silica gel packets.
DownloadMoreRam.com ‏@DownloadMoreRam 21 Jul
44 Years ago we put a man on the moon. Yet we still can't vertically align in CSS.
Good thing rockets don't use CSS.
About DNA, I do not know exactly, but I know that:
1. A human cell contains genetic information 75Mb
2. One sperm contains 37.5Mb.
3. In one milliliter contains about 100 million sperm.
4. On average, ejaculation lasts for 5 seconds, and contains 2.25 ml of semen.
5. Thus, the transfering capacity of the male member on average:
(37.5Mb x 100M x 2.25) / 5 = (37,500,000 byte/sperm x 100,000,000 sperm / ml x 2.25 ml) / 5 seconds = 1 687 500 000 000 000 bytes / second = 1687.5 Terabyte / s

It turns out that the female egg withstand this 1500 terabyte per second attack, missing only one data pa
God, if I knew what Qt wanted to make it work I would do it!
@RyanTernier Hate to bother you, but you ever get around to that double-melody thing?
@CCInc Gah no i haven't - Sorry :(
simple way of doing it thought
Take the melody line, and put a 2nd note 6 notes lower
that'll give you an idea, and you can play with the tunes.
Hmm. So just transpose the melody to create the harmony?
I need a git help channel I seem to have broken my git because of git-tfs
has anyone ever needed to switch out EF with another ORM (like OpenAccess) in a mature project?
How does async await run a task in the background without spinning up a new thread?
StackExchange did. They wrote Dapper.
A: parallel programming - I need some clarifications

Stephen Clearyasync does not start a new thread. Neither does await. I recommend you read my async intro post and follow up with the resources at the bottom. async is not about parallel programming; it's about asynchronous programming. If you need parallel programming, then use the Task Parallel Library (e.g....

@RobertHarvey - That is an excellent question for @Reed
Another answer states that async is single threaded, just like Node. Problem is, Node isn't actually single threaded. The dispatcher is, but it immediately spins up a new thread to handle each request.
@RobertHarvey - I think the confusion from the OPs perspective in that question is a classical misunderstanding of the difference between multitasking and multiprocessing.
@RobertHarvey IO completion ports is one example I think, probably timeslices et al.
So rather than spinning up a new thread, you just reorder the code execution in the same thread?
I think that does occur unless the new thread is explicitly created inside of a task factory or something along those lines.
async only says you can await it imo. Can be a thread or true async that does not spin up a thread. DownloadStringAsync is probably the standard example.
That's at odds with what I learned about callbacks. My understanding of async and await is that it is just some compiler magic to create callbacks under the hood. When you create an async method in the traditional way, you drop the task onto a thread, hook up a callback, and go about your business.
I agree about the compiler magic for callbacks. Does not have to be a new thread though.
I do not think that using await is the same as using a task. I wish Reed were here because he is far more knowledgeable about this topic.
The blog post referenced in the answer seems to suggest that async and await merely tells the function call being awaited to go to the end of the line (in the same thread). Basically, "I don't need this right away. Give it to me when you get around to it." Which would make sense, actually.
Later everyone.
@TravisJ thanks!
@RobertHarvey - This is a good video on it (not sure why the link starts half way through): youtu.be/MCW_eJA2FeY
@RobertHarvey maybe more of "I'm not gonna block while waiting for this. Tell me when it is done and I'll continue from here"
async does not necessarily start a new thread, although the imiplementation may
public async Task<string> ReadFile(string path) {
   return Task.Factory.StartNew(()=> { using (var s = new StreamReader(path) { return s.ReadToEnd();  } });

public async Task<string> ReadFile(string path) {
   using (var s = new StreamReader(path)) { return await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); }
My understanding was that Tasks don't always generate new threads. They will sometimes use the current one if it's spinning or waiting.
@JohanLarsson Yeah, that sounds about right. I'm finding other SO articles about it, one answered by Jon Skeet. All of them say that async await does not start a new thread.
we are now drch powered
I think starting a thread in an async method is a bit of an antipattern actually
you could also write one more similar to readToEndAsync() itself by doing Task.FromAsync()
to give you a clearer idea of why a thread may not be necessary in an async call
@RobertHarvey but the method can start a thread, all async says is that you can await it
@RobertHarvey - Do you ever abandon answers when you see the link for (1 new answer to the question)
Especially if it gets to 2 or 3?
@RobertHarvey Still around? We can talk about async
Oh cool, Reed can clarify the async stuff :)
@TravisJ Sometimes, unless it's clear that the original answers are crap. I'm kind of a "slow burn" answerer anyway.
yeah - so - @RobertHarvey: async/await doesn't necessarily use any threading, and the compiler "magic" doesn't create or use threads in any way
10 mins ago, by Robert Harvey
The blog post referenced in the answer seems to suggest that async and await merely tells the function call being awaited to go to the end of the line (in the same thread). Basically, "I don't need this right away. Give it to me when you get around to it." Which would make sense, actually.
the actual implementation can potentially use a thread
mmm - let me see if I still have my example
one sec
here's a sample from my talk on async
private async void ButtonStart_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    buttonStart.Click -= this.ButtonStart_OnClick;
        buttonStart.IsEnabled = false;
        buttonEnd.IsEnabled = true;
        this.TextBlockStatus.Text = "You clicked me.  Asynchronously waiting until you click second button!";
        await OnButtonClickAsync(this.buttonEnd);

        this.TextBlockStatus.Text = "Done!";
        buttonStart.IsEnabled = true;
        buttonEnd.IsEnabled = false;
So - if you look at this code, this is completely asynchronous, but the implementation doesn't ever use a thread
because it's "waiting" on the WinRT message pump
I'll give it a try when I get home. Thanks!
This code is for a Windows Store app - but I think it'd actually work unchanged on WPF, too
just make a Window with 2 buttons named buttonStart and buttonEnd, and subscribe the click to the first method here
but if you look at it, it never makes a thread
the thing that confuses people about the "async isn't threading" talk is that it doesn't have to be threading, and doesn't have to use any threads
but in reality, nearly every async call does actually use another thread at some point ;)
well you DO need some other context to synchronize back to
ie, you don't have that in a console app and it will deadlock like a mofo
if it's async IO (which is when it's really valuable), the OS will wake up your app with the interrupt occurs using a ThreadPool IO thread, and then the state machine does a SynchronizationContext.Post call back onto the captured context (usually)
but the amount of time it's using and stays on that thread pool thread is very, very small (just long enough to do the post back into the main context)
I assume that, for a period of time that short, it uses an already-existing thread, rather than spinning up a brand-new one?
so, in that respect, most async operations are "single threaded" in the same way that node is single threaded
Yes - for IO operations, it'll use a ThreadPool IO thread (which most people don't even realize exist)
(the ThreadPool has 2 "classes" of threads ;) )
they're the completion port threads in this API: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/…
but the sample I gave you above is truly single threaded
it never uses nor touches a separate thread - it's working 100% in the UI thread
(which is why I use it as my first example when I talk about async)
@ReedCopsey You ever do any talks at the TechNet events?
@RyanTernier TechNet is more IT Pro oriented, usually
oh, the teched ones?
I've submitted before, but haven't gotten accepted
my bad - that's what I meant
@drch - Almost done. I hope the 3 days is worth the 4 :P
I lead the MS Practice here, and I'm trying to get them to send a few of us down there every year.
@TravisJ im sure they will be
especially if you take mondays off ;)
Got about 10 good business cases for it, besides the obvious "it's a geek fest with free toys"
@TravisJ what is it?
@Ryan - You should go to the VS Live vegas convention in march :)
@Johan - Hm? Is what?
@drch - Lol
@TravisJ the 3 days worth 1.33 days/day
I actually have heard that VS Live is better than TechEd
@Johan - In an hour I will have worked 4 hours in 4 days. That means I can take the rest of the week (3 days) off.
nice scheme
lol, what a typo
4 hours in 4 days? That's a short work week ;)
It should say 40 hours :P
@TravisJ Looks good, too bad it doesn't have MS Partner discounts like Teched
I am probably going to it.
It is close, seems awesome.
I can get there in 4 hours in my car
Time to make a business case :)
We work a 9/80 schedule here. Eight nine-hour days and one eight-hour day. Gets us three days off every other weekend.
i work 40 hours flex
get to work between 7:30-9:30, leave sometime after 5pm. no lunch. Sometimes I work till midnight if deadlines come
I had been doing a lazy 6 day 7 hour schedule but I wanted more days off. the 9/80 sounds interesting to try
usually 45-60 hours a week. Love OT>
Ski season is approaching though, and I want to try to get as many days off per weekend as possible :D
I don't take a lunch either.
President of our ToastMasters, Quality auditor, and MS PRactice lead. Damn i overwork myself :(
@Ryan - Don't forget Official StackOverflow Rep.
I have been known to give some stellar answers :)
It's sad living in a .net 2.0 world
Where the architects hate design patterns because they think they're hard to maintain
Haha I thought I had it bad in 3.5.
at least I have var.
So I bash my head against designs channeling Luke Skywalkers 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' whenever i read them
You can use var and target .net 2
we have BizTalk 2006 apps in our solution
oh weird, I thought it was introduced later.
those blow up if we do anything funky with anything .net 3+
I'm using 4.5, PostSharp, SLAB, NuGet, Telerik OpenAccess, all that jazz. Everything is confusing.
Heck, in fact BizTalk blew up over:

public abstract void GetList(List<string> foo);
public abstract void GetList(XmlDocument foo);

because both List<> and XmlDocument implement the same interface, and it doesn't know how to differentiate between them.
I made a Point Cloud system that sat under a helicopter. It took point clouds of the ground, which then auto-mapped to locations using Google Earth. All .net 4. Got laid off... now i'm leading a dev team in .NET 2.0
@JoshVarty It is, but it's a compiler feature, not a runtime feature, so you can use a new compiler and still target .net 2
has anyone worked with WebAPI + Bootstrapper.ServiceLocator + SimpleInjector (or any DI framework that Bootstrapper supports) ?
Reed is correct, unfortunately I can't upgrade past VS 2005 for this app. Though all our tools are 4.5+
Yeah I was just looking at the docs and I'd mixed up .Net 3.5 with C# 3.0.
    My architect counterpart gave me flack for putting:
    public delegate void Action();
    public delegate void Action<T1, T2>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2);
    public delegate void Action<T1, T2, T3>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3);
    public delegate void Action<T1, T2, T3, T4>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4);
    public delegate TResult Func<TResult>();

in our common static lib hahaha
seems like an odd thing to get flack for
He thinks delegates/Actions etc. are too complicated and harder to maintain. Because I inherit Tact from my father, I told him to buy a book and learn how to code before criticizing another persons code. If someone doesn't understand how Delegates/Actions, they need to learn it, or ask for training.
I won the argument, but was told to be nicer to people :\
...particularly knowledgeable about MVC WebAPI and the ServiceLocator/DependencyResolver inner workings?
I'm not content with my team not expanding their knowledge base in .NET, which is why I try to get them to do 1-3 MS exams per year.
company pays for everything, even pays 40 hours of work time for their studies.
lol @Dilbert
@RyanTernier Sad that the company is really good about encouraging studies, but then trapped in .NET 2
because that's only going to cause long term disgruntled employees when they learn all of the cool things they can't do
@ReedCopsey True. However this is an Enterprise Health application that has integration points with old mainframe's, Java bits, etc. It's scheduled for a rewrite when I rip BizTalk out of it next year... can't wait...
So if our customer doesn't want to upgrade, regardless of how we give them the information, we're stuck.
I found the record online of one of my classmates who was arrested for possession of alcohol. faciniating
Has her address, DOB, the works
I don't get it, why were the charges dismissed...
WHAT?! Possession of alcohol is only a C misdemeanor?

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