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@Steve He's a youngun.
Who gives a flying fuck about old conventions?
@KendallFrey All of the older programmers you just dissed.
@KendallFrey old people.
it was 80 chars per line because monitors Could Not scroll
That is why java IDE's have a f'n stupid ugly red bar of WTF down the right hand side of the screen
@Steve I'm serious. There is no norm, there are too many recommendations.
but due to conventional IDE's, that is not needed
lol ok
@KendallFrey 361 characters long in my current project, so I don't follow it, was only sayin... JEESH STOP YELLING AT ME
I wasn't yelling at you, only loudly proclaiming my opinion on a slightly tangential subject to to the general populace.
@Bracketworks Can you not use SlowCheetah?
@KendallFrey ;)
I enjoy demonstrating my particularly extensive vocabulary.
I also enjoy posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.
@KendallFrey Troll.
Who pin'd that?
@RyanTernier Me. It's worth everyone seeing.
But Kendall's thoughts are true. Sometimes there's nothing more satisfying than trolling a bunch of people.
I'm less a troll and more a dick.
did you post the @drch parser (the last parser anyone will ever need)
I delight myself in beholding superb sites get ignominiously haunted away to oblivion by trolls.
I got bested by a Junior Programmer.
For some reason I just can't stop writing beautiful code lately
Back in the good old days, 'trolling' meant posting something defensible as an innocent but misguided point of view in order to attract an angered response, or 'flame'
Can I get some feedback on an answer I wrote for someones question-
Yeah, that number just to the left.
A: Design Architecture using C# + MVC

GregUnfortunately your question is quite broad- You can essentially utilize a large quantity of Architecture Patterns and Techniques. They all can accomplish a solution to a given problem. The real question shouldn't be what to use because the scope is too general, non specific. Without real cont...

@TomW The rise of crime, assault, rape, and everything in that nature in American society is most likely linked to the fall of Christian values in the same society.
like that? ;)
@Pheonixblade9 Flashbacks of Data Analysis class.
Or when I'm visiting my highly volitile feminist friends, I say the only reason doctors coined the term Fetus is so that when women have an abortion the doctors don't say they killed the baby.
Oh the things that my brain makes up.
@RyanTernier Your correct, with the social values being thrown to the way side. While our society becomes focused on consumer driven, greed, and moral ambiguity the fall of a predominately self mentality becomes extinct. Making the one honorable life style, an illusion.
It's actually quite sad how horrible our culture has become, how far we have truly fallen.
Aww i was trying to be a troll, not inspire an intellectual conversation. My God man! This is a C# chat room, not a philosophical room for that kind banter and frolicking!
but yes it is sad :)
Hi Guys,
AHhh Pasta
@RyanTernier My apologies- I love philosophy.
haha i'm just being a tard.
I'm hoping I answered this dudes question relevant and well enough-
How can i stretch/expand controls label and textblock during WPF load and put it back to same size at the end.


A friendly room for discussing XAML based technologies. Our Co...
This room is for WPF too.
@JohanLarsson knows all
WPF =/= C#
this room is for everything
I would be more than happy to answer a WPF question in here.
I'd be more than happy to listen to kendall answer a WPF question in here.
@KendallFrey Do i have any suggestion for my question?
If you're wondering whether a question is on-topic for this room, read the tags under the room title.
@linguini Yeah, I don't really understand. When do you want to expand and when do you want to shrink?
Should ^^ be pinned?
Holy jiggers, it's 4:30 already
24 secs ago, by Kendall Frey
Holy jiggers, it's 4:30 already
talking about me again eh?
trying to figure out F#. Why is this not printing?
bah you edited it
open System
open System.Data
open System.Data.Linq
open Microsoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders
open Microsoft.FSharp.Linq
#r "System.Data.dll"
#r "FSharp.Data.TypeProviders.dll"
#r "System.Data.Linq.dll"

type dbSchema = SqlDataConnection<"Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Admin;Integrated Security=SSPI;">
let db = dbSchema.GetDataContext()

let alerts = db.Alerting_Alert

let query1 = query {for row in alerts do select row}
query1 |> Seq.iter(fun row -> printfn "%d %s" row.AlertID row.MerchantAccountID)
@KendallFrey Let say i got a label & textblock of fixed size. During form load expand label 1, shrink label & then expand label 2 and shrink label 2.
@linguini During form load they won't be visible anyway, right?
@KendallFrey During form load it is visible but expand and shrink one by one.
I don't think I understand what you mean by 'during form load'
I wish to develop for Apple, you didn't have to own an Apple.
@KendallFrey You see, it's stretched 1 by 1...
It's hard to justify the price of an Apple, when it technically cost more then an equivalent Windows based PC .
Yeah, I get what you want to see, but not when you want to see it.
@KendallFrey ?? please
@KendallFrey I think you have been really nice lately
@JohanLarsson Don't feed his ego-
It took us long enough to get it within the scope of this room.
@JohanLarsson Hi
@linguini Please what?
@KendallFrey ok.
@KendallFrey What is he trying to do?
@KendallFrey i didn't get your previous message.
@linguini hej
You say you want to display an animation while a window is loading, but my understanding is that a window cannot display until it is loaded, and therefore the animation is useless.
@KendallFrey Sorry, I was miss-interpreted. It's after loading, start the expand from control 1...
After loading?
@JohanLarsson ça va?
@KendallFrey yes
So, you want it to start when the window is loaded, and stop when ___?
@linguini a bit tired, just got home from work
@KendallFrey It sounds like he is trying to do it based on the size properties of the forms.
@KendallFrey Start for the control 1 & stop when moves to control 2.
@JohanLarsson Have food & rest well :)
Yeah, but you want it to go to control 2 and then 3 and then ... and then 1 and then 2 ... right?
@linguini So your trying to create an interactive menu, so when the hover event switches to another button the menu ends animation.
@linguini Kind of like a web page navigation
I don't think it has anything to do with where the mouse is, am I right?
@KendallFrey Yes, nothing with mouse. Everything is by automatic.
You want it to loop through them infinitely?
@Greg : Nothing with mouse.
expand 1, then 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4...
Or should it stop at some point?
@KendallFrey Yes.
Have you used Storyboards and Animations?
@linguini But how will the menu know when you've switched if it doesn't trigger an Event?
You want one Storyboard to handle the animation, and one Animation for each control.
That I think where @KendallFrey is trying to decipher to help you.
You probably want to use a DoubleAnimation and target Control.Width
@KendallFrey ok
@JohanLarsson You know any good books for C, or really nice Enterprise Application development? I'm looking to expand my knowledge further-
theres really not much to it
you can remove the dependency to ImpromptuInterface if you want. it allows you to not even bother with concrete classes and just use interfaces for the settings
ill try to get around to cleaning it up (tests, readme, etc)
in the next day or two
@drch Will you leave it or do I have to clone it now?
ill leave it
I don't know if I should be concerned but my supervisor said "I don't program to interfaces ever". Slightly worried-
var config = AppSettingsLoader.Load<Interface or Concrete Class>();
if its concrete, expects a parameterless constructor
and public setters?
but if you use impromptuinterface, it creates a dynamic proxy
gonna have a look tomorrow, really tired now :D
yeah thats cool np
its basically just one class with a couple of attributes to allow you to configure a setting name or a custom converter
How can a tester finding a bug cause it to break on my machine too?
he checked in the bug
cause he didnt have anything else to do today
I haven't pulled in over a day.
@KendallFrey Should i use double animation for expand and shrink?
Yeah, I would say so.
I'm not sure what else you would use.
@KendallFrey can i get some example? I have googled it to expand/shrink some control but no snippet.
Rendertransform with animation?
So my multithreaded code for working with azure storage queues is improved drastically by setting the system.net->connectionManagement->maxconnection setting in app.config.
@MikeF which approach did you end up with?
in memory queue?
@JohanLarsson I don't know how can i achieve this!
@drch still deciding, but I'm leaning towards in-memory queue plus storage queue
that setting kind of implies youre making a new connection every time
does it allow you to reuse a single (or pooled) connection?
I think they're pooled behind the scenes when using CloudQueueClient
@linguini I googled some, check this out. In bed now can't write any code :D
@JohanLarsson Checking the link. Thank you. Bonne nuit :)
> The extension of the specified path (including the period ".")
^^ From Path.GetExtension, seriously? Come'on man...
@RyanTernier yep, pretty much like that.
@StuartBlackler how is your tdd?
@JohanLarsson hey mate! yea it's alright. Not amazing, but it's getting there. How are you?
@JohanLarsson the tests look like this at the moment: raw.github.com/sblackler/IWDev.ProcessingFramework/master/…
tired and happy, all tests passed :D
what test did you pass? : )
my test suite at the current project, 60 something tests
@StuartBlackler I just gave it a glance cos tired, they all look short and sweet that is a good sign ime
I do like it when the test suite passes. Speaking of which, I am now a MCP, passed the exam on Monday
yea I tried to keep them short as possible
testing only a specific thing
@StuartBlackler Awesome job on the MCP. What exam did you do?
70-483 Programming in C#
the new exam? nice. what learning material did you use?
just basic knowledge. Read CLR via C# v4 for a few things. But I knew most of the stuff already. It's only around multithreading and performance counters I was a bit dodgey on
yea it was the new one
i was expecting it to be a lot harder than what it was
what kind of questions did they ask? I'm trying to push a new process at my office where a senior, int, 2 juniors group up and tackle exams together
@StuartBlackler gratz
erm things like in what order do you need to do X. And given this LINQ what keywords do you need to put where etc
my next one, which ill book for next month is exam 484. Basics of making windows store apps in c#
then the advanced one to get my MCSD
what do those cost
$150 per exam usually
most employers will pay the exam cost when you pass
i've never heard of one not doing it
ah i thought they were much more than that
even if your employer doesnt pay it, i think it is worth it because it forces you to learn more about what you are doing
yeah £100 isnt that much
not sure how useful MS certifications are in the real world though
for developers anyways
in English Language & Usage on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 14 mins ago, by Robusto
S. 1867, a/k/a the Defense Appropriations Act, gives the President unlimited dictatorial power. It's the equivalent of Germany's Ermächtigungsgesetz. The President can kill or detain any citizen at any time for any reason he deems necessary to the "War on Terror"—which is a bullshit war, just like the drug war. All it does is deprive Americans and others of their liberty.
on the cv, probably not alot. but its the knowledge that you get with it i think is more benefical
well thats definitely the right attitude
@JohanLarsson o.o
I think it might be worth something on the cv, people reading cv's are often pretty clueless
@JohanLarsson wasnt obama recently saying that we have to call the war on terror ended?
I have no idea, the only news I read is the chats :D
@JohanLarsson i didnt realize 'billions of iphones' was a unit of measurement
@rightfold tjenare
@drch Yeah, it's referred to as a Steve in both Imperial and Metric.
The SI abbreviation is Stv
@JohanLarsson Sv was taken by Sieverts.
and the lowercase prefix indicates magnitude.
but prefix?
ok fair enough
The SI has rules for establishing new units.
they should have told people look your average email that you get at work is like 2kb max.
One of which is "no non-essential vowels for shortened formal names"
if you received 100 emails a day
that data center would be enough to hold everyone on the planets email for the next 9000 years
according to their rules, Stv would be the SI abbreviation for the Steve unit.
one thing that would be interesting to do with that zettabyte is figuring out who replies to the penis enlargement spam's
i need a greasemonkey script to send a 'just kidding' after my searches in incongnito mode
Is there a built in type of object in C# that's like a list, but limited in size, and when you try to add one more after the limit, it deletes the oldest, and adds the one you were trying to add?
@Xantham not built in but you could do that quite easily with a Queue<T>
I could write something myself, but don't want to reinvent the wheel if I don't have to.
yeah wrap a queue, should not be much code for doing that
That's what I was kinda thinking.
A: Fixed size queue which automatically dequeues old values upon new enques

Richard SchneiderI would write a wrapper class that on Enqueue would check the Count and then Dequeue when the count exceeds the limit. public class FixedSizedQueue<T> { ConcurrentQueue<T> q = new ConcurrentQueue<T>(); public int Limit { get; set; } public void Enqueue(T obj) { q....

as an example
@drch Ah, I tried searching for limited size lists, not fixed size. Excellent find. Thank you all for the help.
Is it just me or is stackoverflow turning into a freaking overseas job shop
"Hey guys! Okay, here is my awesome idea: I need this. I want this. But not like that! Like, at all. Can you do it for me? Sweet! Thanks! <3 some random 1 rep user who will copy paste run."
they talked about paying a reward for an algorithm that identified poor quality questions
my idea was block india in the firewall
I had an idea that all low rep users questions would be placed in review queue before being published
probably bad in many ways
@drch - Where did you read that?
and how much $ did you get?
it was a while ago
what did you buy?
> We’re running a machine learning contest on Kaggle to find an algorithm that predicts whether (and for what reason) a question will be closed.
@JohanLarsson i probably could have retired if i submitted it
Kevin Montrose on August 21, 2012

Over the last 4 years we’ve built up quite a bevy of moderation tools here at Stack Exchange.  We’ve got closing, editing, deleting, flags of all sorts, voting, commenting, review queues, and more.

Plus our super secret mod tools.

These all work great, but they all require action after a post is made. This is a lot of work for the community, and not particularly friendly toward those posting, particularly new users. In a perfect world, we’d be able to offer specific, targetted guidance for authors whose posts were likely to be shot down, before they ever showed up on the site, and without requiring as much up-front effort from our community. …

rep-whores are probably part of the problem
@drch - So the contest is over
yeah it was only a couple months
bah, I would have loved to do that
That is pretty cool
Pffffff, do you know if it's possible to edit a SSRS at runtime? (the user do his own report)
edit @ runtime? highly doubt it
Question, if I were to implement a Fluent API- But I wanted it's implementation to be polymorphic- If I simply did ICustomerParameters with some properties / methods- The methods simply state ICustomerParameters WithPropertyName(string param); That way each class is forced to implicitly or explicitly implement the Fluent API to whatever class is inherited- Or will the daisy chain effect with the API not work like that
All someone would have to do is define the method- And return the interface object?
:| I'm stuck on it, I must do some graph/chart/etc generator from my SQL database, Is there a way to let the user choose column, row, value or I must predefine all the differents charts/graph/etc?
@RyanTernier Nice.
A: System.Data.SQLite lock/sharing conflict

GregThe particular error code represents the following: Error Code 14: SQL Lite Database File Can't be Opened. The reason that running Visual Studio as Administrator worked is because you elevated the Permission for Read and Write. It isn't that it is actually creating a new file, but it may b...

I think I did a good explanation, anyone have a better one or did I hit it head on?
Q: Closing changes: [on hold], unclear, too broad, opinion-based, off-topic reasons, bye-bye to Too Localized

JaydlesAfter a ton of discussion, work and input from the community, we're rolling out the remainder of major closing changes that you've helped us design, as discussed in these prior posts. They're live on Meta today, and will likely roll out to the rest of the network sometime next week. The clos...

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