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wrong one
You can edit your message I believe.
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mine that is running still is number 3
Largest Prime Factor
and you broke the rules drch
you arent supposed to show solutions to anyone who hasnt submitted a correct answer!
oops ;)
I am working on Pythagorean, too
its ok
i just dug up my primes for way back when i was doing euler
i know the problem and how to solve it, i just havet filled it in
        public static IEnumerable<int> Primes(int max)
            var bits = new BitArray(max, true);
            bits.Set(0, false);
            bits.Set(1, false);

            for (int i = 2; i < max; i++)
                if (bits.Get(i))
                    yield return i;
                    for (var j = i + i; j < max; j += i)
                        bits.Set(j, false);
in case you need it for something
theres a lot of prime related questions
well you could refactor the for loop
for(int i = 3, i < max; i+=2)
no prime is even (past 2)
that cuts the cycles in half
By your previous program drch I get a result of 31875000
there is a SqrRt method too
@Hayden: yep
Hayden, you are an asshole
i just said i was working on it and it is against the rules to give answers
I was just commenting about the output not the code itself.
the output is the answer.
want my answer for #3? ;);)
Sorry then.
very funny, but no
its ok
asshole was a little harsh
i am sorry too
i am just in it to win it and I won't learn anything that way!
Well I better get ready for work soon.
bye, i hope i didn't ruin your time and sour the rooom
Nah it was fun. ;D
Good! We can yell another day
Btw no offense was taken before.
Yeah will do.
good. I talk sailor-like, but I try to keep a certain etiquette on SO
How sailor-like?
hush, child
Is there any way I can have my parameters the same name as class members in a constructor?
I fixed my first open source library the other dy. refactored the test class and got two tests to pass (which ade it all tests pass!)
yes, lowercase or underscore it
not a good practice to be exact even if you could
@Pawnguy7 Example?
just not the class members
public class Foo
    private Foo foo;
    public Foo(Foo Foo)
        foo = Foo;
holy foos
No that worng
its not
public class Foo
    private Foo foo;
    public Foo(Foo foo)
        this.foo = foo;
there she is lol
its bad naming convention practice, but it compiles
it is
CC Inc has the right answer actually i think
if i was doing it for realz, id do this:
public class Foo
    private readonly Foo _foo;
    public Foo(Foo foo)
        _foo = foo;
i don't think you even need the this.blah = blah;
i think you can have that inferred
can't you just blah = blah?
me either
I personally don't thinks o
you need this.* in CC's because the parameter and member name are the same
the parameter hides the instance member
and depending on who you ask, that would be the more correct way. stylecop bitches if you dont use 'this'
I forgot why I asked this question...
but resharper tells you its redundant and says to remove it
Apparently I forgot what this was :(
i checked and you are right
thanks for the weird bit 'o' knowledge
I shoulda known better, but there is just soooooo much sugar!
(in C#)
thats what i get for trying to be a smarty pants
anyone here hosting an open source project on GitHub?
@dotToString smarty pants or smartass I wonder
ok ok, you caught me
Any sailor would say smartass I'm sure
I just get over excited when C# actually comes up in this room!
indeed, sir, indeed
hows #3 goin? still churning away?
it is lmao
so so sad
I prolly should mercy kill it so i can get back to work
but now its almost impossible to do
i feel invested
whats your algorithm ?
seriously dont laugh
brute force remember??
.... ':/
here, fuck it
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ProjectEulerLargestPrimeFactor
class Program
static List<long> FindFactors(long number)
List<long> factors = new List<long>();
for (long i = 1; i <= number; i++)
if (IsFactor(i, number) && IsPrime(i))
return factors;

static bool IsFactor(long possibleFactor, long baseNumber)
if (baseNumber % possibleFactor == 0)
return true;
else return false;
and screw your formatting
its soooo ugly
i had to verbalize that
That's fucking vulgar shit man
the code? yeah. i know. pitiful really
i know next to nothing about math, so i do what i can to make it through until the time comes when I can take a few classes
notice I hear nothing from drch as he is too busy getting back in his chair from rofl to type
yeah you can't really brute force this one
but it's not super hard math. just have to give it a think
I should just brute force the primes under that number, then move backward though that list for the factor
dont you remember doing prime factors by hand in high school?
half the list and round up, then move backward through looking for the highest factor would be faster still
what school?
freshman year of high school or college? they are the only completed
ok so take 100 for example
100 is divisible by 2 so you add that to your list of prime factors and do the same on 50
the having thing
not halving
if [] contains our set of primes, the steps are like this:
[], 100
[2], 50
[2,2], 25
[2,2,5], 5
so basically, once you find a number that is a factor, you add that to your list, divide the original, and start all over
when youre on the last factor, the resulting number is 1, and youre done
and if not divisible by 2, then divide by 3?
yeah, check next prime
or 5 or 7....so on?
so, how far up will i need to account for for a general case?
or should i have a generate next prime iterator method? lol
keeping in mind that we aren't talking bigints
thanks btw. thats a concide explanation
always start from the beginning
always start from 2,3,5,7,...
i get that
ah righto
yeah so thats why i had that primes generator
i mean, for a general use case, will i have to have say above 17 in my prime list?
i mean its not gonna get past that for numbers under ulong size, right?
well the thing with that generator i posted above is that its lazy
the largest possible prime you will have would be square root of that massive input number
i see what you mean.
to get the largest prime factor, then, you would use the lazy method and pull just the first result?
first Prime result i mean of course
which in 100's case is 5
in 100s case its 2;)
but yes
so, once you have that break and print
but isnt that the smallest prime factor (2)?
er yeah sorry
almost threw me
i thought maybe it had to do with factor count or something lol
for this one, the point is realizing that if a is prime and a is a factor of n
thats cool!
that its {a} union {prime factors of n/a}
i updated your code to use that algorithm and kept your IsPrime() and IsFactor() in place and it was still < 1 sec
so once you get the logic there right, youll have it
in future problems youll need a better prime generator but this one is ok cause thats not really the bottle neck
cool. gimme a sec
cause as you go forwards, the problem rapidly gets smaller if youre doing it right
im gonna try
now im just bummed
i think i am way overcomplicating the loop
probably ;)
room topic changed to C#: There's no C# talk in here. More info at csharpchat.com [hmm does formatting work](There's no C# talk in here. More info at csharpchat.com) [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
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erm.. yeah
im not seeing how this is getting stuck
That was fast as hell!
damn. I need math...
its ugly, but its fast!
wanna see?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace ProjectEulerLargestPrimeFactor
    class Program
        static long FindNextPrime(long currentPrime)
            for (long i = currentPrime + 1; i < long.MaxValue; i++)
                if (IsPrime(i))
                    return i;
            return 0;

        static long FindFactors(long number)

            List<long> factors = new List<long>();

i have some refactoring i could do but screw it! it works, im happy
        public int Solve()
            var num = 600851475143;
            var maxFactor = int.MinValue;
            var primes = Util.Primes((int) Math.Sqrt(num) + 1).ToList();

            while (num != 1)
                var factor = primes.Where(x => x <= num).First(x => num%x == 0);
                maxFactor = Math.Max(maxFactor, factor);
                num /= factor;

            return maxFactor;
Can you be a closet claustrophobic?
im a noob
Hey guys, does anyone here know Java by any chance?
@dotToString noob is very different from n00b,
good morning :)
or evenin' :)
I hate this bot
@Ianthe Happy.. uhh...
@DemCodeLines maybe.
@CCInc ?
good morning :D
hai @DarkLight
hello @CCInc :D
is it possible to save text in notepad that is saved in the local network drive?
@CCInc happy... not really. The database guy quit and most of the work of course, had to be taken up by yours truly. :) Imagine 10-years+ experience being handed over in a period of 3 days.
Not to well
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage — to move in the opposite direction. — Albert Einstein
The object-oriented model makes it easy to build up programs by accretion. What this often means, in practice, is that it provides a structured way to write spaghetti code. [Paul Graham]
I hate this bot
What bot?
That's the bot talking
@CCInc help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, awsm, beautify, convert, get, google, hang, karma, learn (page 0/0)
haha it sure knows a lot of quotes
Restarting chrome :D
@Ianthe 10:50?
It's weird, it's 10:54 on my Mac and 10:52 on my phone. No wonder I come in late everyday. :)
the clock you usually go by is 2 minutes off
so I always subtract 2 mins
glad they fixed teh clock
Time to replace the phone. hahaha
Which phone?
My cell.. Sony Xperia S
4.0 OS?
Yup... I'm starting to hate it. :S
Hai, it's CC
tats me ^
@Ianthe Why so?
@CCInc I don't know... but I get annoyed when it doesn't "learn" my typing pattern. I keep on making the same mistakes and corrections ever since I bought the phone. A problem I don't have with iPhone.
Maybe I should get a Nokia instead haha
Someone just talked to me right now (a girl colleague) and I can tell from 3-ft away that she didn't brush her teeth. I know what to give her on Christmas!
Ei @CCInc, is May-June a school holiday there? (In general..)
@OlegOrlov I found this room like that.
brb, duty calls (argh!)
@Ianthe no
they change it to make fun of me
i always commnt on how they donttalk aout c#
4 hours later…
Good noon
Good Afternoon :D
hello there
hey there, is the gethashcode always the same for same object types. Or does it take property values to count?
hello everyone
Q: OData & WCF : Unable to perform POST,PUT & DELETE

RamshadI have configured & built WCF and oData with Visual Studio 2012 using this tutorial. So I have used Firefox REST Client plugin to test whether its working fine or not. Here is my base URL which is dealing with json,$format=json I can do GET...

So noisy in here
Noisy in a chat room, that one is new.
Ok somebody say something. I
'm disappearing into a black hole of boredom
go test my project if you don't know what to do, I need testers :P
anyone who has worked on strategy pattern
@Smack : what's your question ?
@Sisyphe I've tested it. It all works. Well done.
@LiverpoolsNumber9 : My hero.
@Sisyphe no.. you're MY hero.
@LiverpoolsNumber9 : Blushing... what... what's happening to us ?..
@Sisyphe I think we're being "nice". Weird.
Something's definitely wrong...
Ok... to rectify this I'll ask a question that everybody can have a massive argument over. Why do people bother unit testing Controllers in ASP.NET MVC? I refer you to this question - programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/190717/…
@Sisyphe: i am facing problem in using strategy pattern..
anybody there?
@Sisyphe what's the problem?
Sorry, what's the : IProblemable
@LiverpoolsNumber9 : Your face is the problem
more seriously I have no problem
@Smack is the one having a probleme regarding strategy pattern
but it seems he does not want to describe it
yup have you refer HEad first design pattern book?
@Sisyphe sorry dude. You're name starts with the same letter and I have fat fingers.
the famous duck simulation example..
no problem mate
@Smack : didnt read that one
k.. in strategy pattern we create separate class for different behavior.. and those classes inherits common interface..
@LiverpoolsNumber9 : good one. but a little messy
@Sisyphe a little.
We get it. Continue..
@Smack : get to the point mate :)
now suppose i want concrete class member to acessible in implementation.. then how could i?
I'm at work mate, don't expect to have asnwers 10 sec after you wrote your question :)
no need to ping
what do you mean concrete class member ?
just refer link i mention and sorry.. :(
principle of strategy pattern is to switch algorithm implementation in a class using that algorithm
I'm lost. You want a member of a concrete class to be accessible? Make it public?
basically you just dont presume what's the concrete class will be
And agree with @Sisyphe - that's the point. It's all about the implementation
refer UML diagram..
you never access the concrete algorithm
context is concrete clas.s
public class LiverpoolsNumber9 : ISarcasmable
context is the class tha need the service
stategy is interface..
concretestategyA,B and C are classes where we implement interface mtds.
@Smack : yeah you got it right :)
ya that i know but if i want to acess the context member in implementation the?
so what exactly do you need and where ?
Ok i'm off. Moving desks and really not helping anyone in any way here. Laters.
cya mate
wil explain scenario..
@Smack : not it's okay I got it
i want to create datatable but its implementaion will change according to need..
why don't you just have the context passed as a parameter to you strategy interface implementation constructor ?
so will have one context class in which datatable is member.. now this datatable can be filled vertically or horizontally..
so i will create seperate class as vertical and horizontal who will implement createTable interface methode..
well just do what I suggested if the contet is needed in your algorithm implementation
but i have to use some of the context class property to implemented methode..
@CSharper hello
k.. then?
have the context as a member of the implementation class
contet is needed in your algorithm implementation then? @Sisyphe
you can even put it in the interface
if you think taht every algorithm will need it
it depends of what you need
the design pattern jsut put you on rails to solve your issue
but if your algorithm needs the context
put it as one of your strategy interface properties
implement it as a property in your concrete class
Algo = Space Time Algo?
and set it in your constructor, or as method parameter
(if you only need it in one method)
thanx @Sisyphe :)
that's basic OO design
I have a DbAdapter, but I don't know how to store back the changed values.. There is a "UpdateCommand" property, I think I have to set this first?
strategy pattern is really dumb, it's all about using an interface to abstract a method implementation
that's really all there is to it
@Sisyphe This is only the base implementation. Whats about the strategy selector?
@CSharper : well he didnt mention he needed one ^^
guys, I have VS 2010 installed on my D drive, but the updates always go to the C drive. I am too short on space, is there any solution to this trouble :(
@CSharper: strategy selector?
@Smack When You have (e.g. a dictionary) of strategys, you have to select one, for each situation. right?
and by the way, stragey pattern being a king of logic injection pattern, you don't have to implement the pattern that way if it's very simple
if your interface only have one method for example
using a Func as parameter of the method that needs differnet implementation can do the job
in the method that was calling the strategy
(sorry, doing 100 things at the same time, explaination is confused)
i got it..
i can pass concrete class as parameter to implemented methode..
@Smack no. the base type of the concret class.
well I'll give you a quick example
if you have a method that initialize a table
that method will create the table
but creationlogic can vary
you can have something like
void InitializeTable(param1, param2, Func<TResult> createTable)
then you can use the createTable in you InitializeTable implementation
without presuming how it will do the job
then when you call the InitializeTable, you can provide a specific implemntation based on your needs
abstraction from an implementation logic can be done that way too. It depends on your use case scenario
@Sisyphe:it is the other approach for abstraction right?
Like this:

class myStrategy

private IDictionary<selector, Func<type>> _table = new IDictionary<selector, Func<type>>();

_table.Add(selectorA, StrategyA);
_table.Add(selectorB, StrategyB);
_table.Add(selectorC, StrategyC);


The "Selector" is placeholder for a method, type or whatever, that you can use to select the correct strategy..
@Sisyphe: thanx for your help buddy..
if i pass base type of concrete class as parameter i will get what i want to...
this is just the beginning of my assignment for design pattern.. lets hope i will complete all patterns successfully.. thanks guyz..
@Smack : you're welcome. good luck

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