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good mornin / evenin! :)
hey there :)
Q: What's wrong with my HttpWebRequest POST Request

fibertechI have a trouble while sending POST http packages to a website, in sniffer it looks like this http://data2.floomby.com/files/previews/25_3_2013/KUi91GEdh02qmEM94LQtw.jpg at the screenshot. I think, something is mixing my post content data before it sends, but the postdata string looks normal. He...

can anybody help me?
1 hour later…
can iask here?
pls ... really need help
Q: Unique value of string

ElegiacHello i'm working on some replacing code using TrimStart||RemoveFromStart; public string RemoveFromStart(string s, IEnumerable<string> strings) { foreach (var x in strings.Where(s.StartsWith)) { return s.Remove(0, x.Length); } return s; } and scenario would be the...

2 hours later…
lol ur still here
yes im waiting for a reply
2 hours later…
any people?
any people? kind
2 hours later…
well, F7U12: System.ServiceModel.FaultException : The message could not be processed. This is most likely because the action http://tempuri.org/ICoinComoService/GetPortingRequest is incorrect or because the message contains an invalid or expired security context token or because there is a mismatch between bindings.
can we read .exe file
@gurudev what is ur purpose for this reading?
@Ali.NET to know how i can protect my source code (am generating an exe)
It is impossible to fully protect your code..
You can't protect code.
If you can make a protection, that means it is possible to do the workaround...
atleast we should be able to protect some of it, if not there is no use of one's credit over a work
Protection of code is all one big lie. It cannot be done.
so this his how keys are generated for every software
The only thing you can do is try and make it harder to break.
like encrypting the code?
What about Dotfuscator, guys? How much it could protect the code?
@Ali.NET Not at all. It's pretty bad.
The only one that does a decent job is oreans.com/themida.php
But that one is not that hard to break either, if you know how it works.
@RoelvanUden Any details of being "pretty bad" :)
@Ali.NET It's just .NET.
Meaning it is just IL.
Meaning it can be converted back to source code pretty easily.
IL is extremely descriptive about what it does, and how it does it.
converting code into some thing intermediate like bitecode...and encrypting it
@RoelvanUden Oh i see
protecting code is harder than actual programming!
Themida encapsulates the IL inside native code and decrypts blocks of code when needed by hooking into the .NET execution engine. It doesn't produce an executable with IL, it produces native code with blocks of garbage data that is decypted when needed.
Hence, it is much better than the generic .NET protectors.
But like I said, Themida is not the silver bullet for all of your problems. All code that must run on the processor at some time can be captured and dumped. If an attack knows what he/she is doing, it's trivial no matter how good your protection is.
What is a better way? Don't include important logic on the client-side application and do that on the server-side component, effectively making the client-side moot without permissions to run parts on the server. Down-side, it requires investment of money and 100% uptime, as well as a permanent internet connection on the client.
but for my req i need to authenticate user before connecting to a service, so i need to place logic in the client side application
@gurudev You may call a server side from the client side event using web services. Isn't it @RoelvanUden?
Why? Place the authentication on the service-side. You won't need vulnerable logic on the client-side. You should see it quite simply; if you can delete a bunch of code from your client-side application and suddenly everything begins to work, then you did it wrong. You should see a hacker as someone who has open-source of your client-side, he can delete lines, change lines, etc. Your protection should still be functional if you open sourced your client app!
let me be more clear one may req a service from my app, but depending upon the features of the app the level of service is decided. for this i'm appedning a digital signature generating algo in the app. so when a req is send, it carries digital signature along with it 2 server (by which i can understand that req is made only by using my product)
one should be restricted to get the request processed if the request is send from am equivalent app
ok friends. see you. get back to work. :)
@RoelvanUden pl add your suggestion
@gurudev I don't think it is a good idea. Your 'signature' is not user dependent and has no user permissions bound to it. This means that if I attach Wireshark to my machine and investigate the networking going on at your application, I can discover the signature and use it for any case I might deem fit. Instead, it would be better to create an unique signature for that user (name/password hashed) so your service can deny services depending on payment, IP-locking, and a variety of techniques..
created event is triggered file has not finished to be written
How great. I can't convert a DataGridViewTextBoxCell into a class that inherits DataGridViewTextBoxCell :(
good day
does anyone know if I can use MEF with abstract classes instead of interfaces?
@BeginnerCoder yo dude
I brought the bot just for you
@CCInc sup man
Lol thanks! :)
@SteffenWinkler MEF doesn't work with abstracted classes AFAIK. You can write your own loader instead.
I <3 my bot
cc/image love
aww I love you too bot
u lonely too?
Hug me
@RoelvanUden you mean a self-written version of MEF? Or something to enhance MEF?
cc/Image love
boom shakalaka
cc/Image hate
@SteffenWinkler A self-written version of MEF. MEF is really not quite complex.
Jezus get that bot out of here and stop spamming it, PLEASE.
There's no HATE hahaha
@RoelvanUden well that may be true, but manual approach will definetly come at the cost of performance. I read a few stackoverflow threads about that and checked some things myself.
anyway, since you aren't sure yourself, I'll try it out.
also someone will need to make it possible to force constructors via interfaces.
@SteffenWinkler Performance? You're usually loading at initialization time, and won't be loading very often. I don't think the minor difference is that bad. :D
this bot is always in here if you havent noticed
itz the users that are the issue
right kendall?
@RoelvanUden hmm...got no compiler warning/error about importing it (the abstract class)...guess I'll have to run it
i need a little help
m sending a datetime.Minvalue to database and this will throw a sql datetime overflow exception
hello kapil
why you are sending the minimum value keep it null
@RoelvanUden just so you know: it does work with an abstract!
(so happy right now)
string.Join<SomeObject>("|", objectArray);// is it just calling SomeObject.ToString() ? implicitely
@a.karkar datetime is not nullable datatype
@kapil minimum date in .net is 1/1/0001 but in SQL it is 1/1/1973 i think, i hope this link can serve you
Q: SQL Server function to return minimum date (January 1, 1753)

JeremyI am looking for a SQL Server function to return the minimum value for datetime, namely January 1, 1753. I'd rather not hardcode that date value into my script. Does anything like that exist? (For comparison, in C#, I could just do DateTime.MinValue) Or would I have to write this myself? I am u...

i see this earlier
ok you can store the minimum date (e.g. 1/1/1990) in a variable and then pass it to the database. for each time you need to set the minimum date you will get the value of this variable
@crl i think so
yes it's funny to templatize functions like that
yeh, you can override ToString if you wished to customize it ;)
@a.karkar thanks sql min value saved in a variable :)
@SteffenWinkler Great :)
is it possible to write a function with variable parameter number, like string.. s in Java?
$g params c#
thx interesting
up - up adv. Toward the sky or a higher position.
Let say you are building a simple page to display some data and/or aggregation of data, plus some dropdowns for filtering, and all you get is a table coming from a stored proc, would you go the extra mile and try to define some sort of a model based on that data table?
or you'd say screw it, let's just make one repository class that represents that table and that's it.
public void Foo2(string id, params string[] pk, params string[] pv){} wouldn't work i guess :s
object o = new object[3]; The index inside the brackets start at 0 or 1? I always forget ._.
it's the length
maybe someone can help me understand this -> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2299037/abstract-constructor-in-c-sharp#comment2264598_2299037

Why is that so? Why is a constructor not overrideable?
I currently want to force some classes to have a default constructor. What they do in there is dependant on the class. It seems that I can't put a constructor in an interface and I can't do it via abstract classes (as it seems). But what's the reasoning behind that?
any good free git repo, that can be private?
i think there is bitbucket
@crl yes, and github grants you private micro repositories for school work, I believe...
Is anyone about to help with the 'UPDATE' on this post stackoverflow.com/questions/15602412/… ? I am trying to iterate through my list. How can i change the "current" node, i.e. i am always sorting first and 2nd item in my list... In the loop i need to make the current item always the 'j'th item in the list when it starts the inner loop. How can i achieve this?
why not use a priority queue?
how would that be implemented? Would it work with a linked list?
priority queue is an abstract concept, but usually they are implemented with a binary heap.
@ZeeeeeV also, if the data structure has built in sorting capability, you probably want to use it - chances are the built-in one is more efficient than bubble sort ( O(n^2) time)
yeah, .sort() or IComparable method or some equivalent. I am trying not to use built in methods as i find i never really learn anything that way.
in that case you should get a book and learn data structures, then you'll understand every data structure in every framework.
TIL REBEL is Turing-complete.
posted on March 25, 2013 by Eric Lippert

Last time on FAIC I gave some examples of some simple "associate extra data with a vaue" monads. Though those are useful, the real power of the monad pattern is when it is used to produce objects that represent workflows … Continue reading →

morning to all my fellow C#arpians
good point
it should be
No, it should be 'programmers'.
@KendallFrey but we are in a c# room lol
I'm not a programmer I'm a Ninja/Rockstar/Developer ;)
as am I davi
@DavidDV I don't remember seeing you in a long time!
I know
been sick / vacation
/ working
@DavidDV am i the only one annoyed by all that
im a javascript samurai hiding in the bushes
lol stan
programmers = divas
@DavidDV couldn't agree more.
Developers: The Prima Donnas of the 21st Century
can;t wait to watch that
they need to make more programming documentaries
they need to make more programming women
^ lol
I can think of a lot more things, and better things, to do with a woman than programming.
Wow, this conversation is weird
'Genetic programming'?
Lets say you're importing data from one system to another through text files. But some a column has some items that you don't have it in the database. You have to get a value and link it with another value that you know has the same meaning of the first one... In portuguese you call that link with the old value and the new value as "De/Para". Anyone know the definition in english ?
@Pheonixblade9 Dude, you're in a programming chat room.
@andre The definition or the name to describe linkage? (a link?)
@RyanTernier The name..
All the examples I have are in portuguese... But let me try to explain with IDs..
System A export IDs with length 6
The System B which will receive the data from the System A accepts only length 4..
So for instance in the System A the ID is 123456
System B will accept that as 1234
So you need another column that has 123456 in it, and it references a new number 1234 right?
The definition..
But yes
Why does the fact that I'm in a programming chat room mean it has to be creepy?
because... programmers
they are a bit strange
exhibit 1
Ok, question, I just read something about Windows Blue. Wtf is Windows Blue?
Windows 9
Windows 9 or something
Already? ...
They should just learn to patch existing OS'es
So ._. no one knows...
patch existing OS'es? how is that going to make them $$$
@RoelvanUden Isn't that what Windows 7 was?
Would be funny if WP9 again will need new hardware
Meh! If Apple wasn't even more focused on getting the money from people I might even start to consider trying their platform. M$ has really good devs but their management is really screwish.
MS good devs?
not all of them
I never said all of them, but they have really good devs in lead positions.
Linux is the OS that cares about its users.
Hah. Yeah. Sure.
slightly nsfw
but im in love
._. My proxy blocked as pornography
its not
its programming, motherfucker.
Hey, could some gentle C#-veteran point me to what I need to read, regarding the question I have?
What is it? Mine blocks as profanity (No way! Where!?)
this is the intro
We are a community of motherfucking programmers who have been humiliated by software development methodologies for years.

We are tired of XP, Scrum, Kanban, Waterfall, Software Craftsmanship (aka XP-Lite) and anything else getting in the way of...Programming, Mother*****.
We are tired of being told we're autistic idiots who need to be manipulated to work in a Forced Pair Programming chain gang without any time to be creative because none of the 10 managers on the project can do... Programming, Motherfucker.
damn, i thought this was actually the c# room
Is there someone to talk to here ??
26 of 'em.
what is your question?
damn stan
Look, this is my situation
Q: Assign EventHandler via Out-Parameter?

Luzius LI am trying to create my ApplicationBars in a dedicated class. Some ApplicationBars raise events, when their buttons get clicked. I would like to handle the event in the calling-class, not in the dedicated class itself. But I don't know how to do it. This is what I experimented: private void d...

And I just need to know, what I need to read
You want public events, not that beast.
$g event c#
you can even pass in an Action class
and just assign it to the deleteButton.Click
[evil mode on] Action is not a class, it's a delegate type. [evil mode off]
fair point
Action is indeed a delegate
/me hands out a gold star
If I can pass a class as a param
@LuziusL anyway though, i'm confused what you're trying to achieve with your code
What type of param is that then?
A normal one.
What is normal?
it'll probably be something like Action<EventArgs>
You shouldn't be passing event handlers around at all.
but again, what are you trying to achieve, your question is not verydescriptive
You should use a public event.
01. I am sitting on a Windows Phone app. And every page has its own AppBar, where I can click things. I want a class only to create those Appbars.

But AppBars raise events. Those event however, I want to handle back in the classfile of the page
Random brainstorming question: in a huge app, someone somewhere tries to write to a closed file. How do I fix this? I tried tracking down all the references to the file and instrumenting the closing, but I must have missed one. Is there an easier way?
@LuziusL do you know what an event is?
@redtuna Debugger?
@LuziusL Then use one.
I use one
Not in the code you gave.
But I want to declare which eventhandler to use in this other class
I forgot to mention that it only happens after a 10min run, and only when run on someone else's machine. Debugger will show me when it tries to write, but not when it closes the file (that's the thing it's not supposed to do)
@LuziusL So make the event public.
Doesn't work. Just tested
What do you mean, doesn't work? What did you try? What did you expect? What did you get?
To be sure: What do you actually mean, by making it public?
public event SomeEventHandler SomethingHappened;
ok, got it. And how can the original class, which creates the appbar, know when something happened
It can add a handler to the event.
appBar.SomethingHappened += MyHandler;
MyHandler is in the page-class?
The problem is, that accessing fields in other page-classes isn't that simple as you might think :/
What do you mean by that?
When I create a public event called MyEvent in page.xaml.cs
It should be accessible via Page1.MyEvent
Guess what?
Doesn't work
What would your mechanic say if you took your car to him and told him it doesn't work?
It isn't accessible
Yeah, tell us what noise your Page1 makes. Is it leaking oil?
Doesn't show up, IntelliSense won't detect it
Then either you missed something, or I missed something.
When I write it down: red-lined
maybe missing a reference, not in the same namespace?
is Page1 a variable, or a class? (Have to ask since C# convention has too much uppercase)
public partial class MainPage : PhoneApplicationPage
You need an instance to access instance members.
well that's the problem, right? If Page1 is a class, then you can only access static members. You need a variable that has an instance of your class.
sorry Kendall, didn't mean to cut your message in two.
hey guys i have an asp.net web forms application, and when I try to build it says "Could not load type MyNamespace.Global"
tried a bunch of random SO answers, looks like its a fairly common problem but nothing seemed to work for me
wondering if maybe anyone can assist
Just tried it
No success, unfortunately
I think, when I create a new instance of the page
So you take you car back to the mechanic, and tell him 'no success'...
Its just a new instance beside the one which is already running
If you have an existing instance, use it.
    public static void test()
        MainPage mp = new MainPage();
        mp.LoggedInAs.Text = "RANDOMTEST";
        FoodDatabase.MainPage = mp;
FoodDatabase is the app
This may need a bit of sitting down and thinking. Updating your question (or replacing it with a new one) might help ground things.
"FoodDatabase.Mainpage is a type which is not valid to the given context"
@Julien maybe you are referencing something in your aspx page that is not there?
Is MainPage supposed to be a property or something?
@edc it's Global.asax. there are no errors in the IDE
That means MainPage is a type, not a variable.
WPF; is there no simple way to have stretching horizontal container in a stackpanel?
MainPage has the type of a class?
@RoelvanUden Use a Grid?
You can't assign to a type, that wouldn't even make any sense. Perhaps you first want to brush up on the difference between classes and objecs?
@KendallFrey A grid is so verbose. It needs 8 lines to just set stretching..
"class" means "type". So I don't know what you mean when you ask "[does] MainPage have the type of a class?"
How about a DockPanel?
MyClass myNewObject = new MyClass();
This is, how it always works
And thats what I did: MainPage myObject = new MainPage();
@KendallFrey Imagine I want two textbox next to one another. How can I use a DockPanel to achieve the left to be stretched, while the right is not?
Use LastChildFill.
@KendallFrey Ah, close. Is there a reverse?
No, that doesn't even make sense.
		<DockPanel LastChildFill="False" Margin="4">
			<TextBox Name="Input" />
			<Button Content="Browse" Grid.Column="1" Padding="4" />
Take this example. I want the TextBox to be stretched, not the button.
Uh, that StackPanel is redundant.
Right now it is, yes.
More stuff will be added beneath.
And if LastChildFill is true, which control will be stretched?
The button will stretch.
@LuziusL the text there is trying to assign to a class, is all I'm saying. That's why it doesn't compile.
What makes the button stretch, and how could you apply that to the TextBox instead? :)
LastChildFill true makes it stretch, but I cannot make it false, or it won't stretch.
wtf, why is my script not getting copied to the output directory...
There is not a FirstChildFill or anything.
Just tell me, what virtue of the button makes it stretch?
I don't follow.
What is it about the button that causes it to stretch? (The answer is in the property name LastChildFill)
@KendallFrey The button's the last child!
@KendallFrey I still don't follow. :/
The button stretches because it is the last child, right?
So what happens if I say something silly that people star?
Logically, what would you need to change to make the textbox stretch?
@redtuna You get fake internet points.
@KendallFrey You want me to swap them? That makes no sense from a UI perspective.
@KendallFrey Fake internet points! I love those! It's like in "Whose Line Is It", where points don't matter!
@RoelvanUden Yes, you're comprehending me at last!
@KendallFrey That doesn't answer the question though. I want the first element to stretch, not the last one. Swapping them is now what the user would want.
Now, you need to tell the button to go to the left side of the DockPanel instead of the right side.
@RoelvanUden perhaps if you don't want the last one to stretch use a different container? Perhaps a grid where some of the columns have width "*"
The user won't see the button 'before' the textbox in any way.
@RoelvanUden Have I killed you?
Possibly. I'm trying to find out how to make the button move.
Ahh. Thanks @KendallFrey
Now another basic WPF question; is there an easy way to have all elements spaced at 4px from one another?
Without having to repeat it for every child element :P
That seems an odd solution (I question the validity of the word 'solution')
@KendallFrey Is there a way to apply styles without destroying the stylesheet I imported? :D
Themes. I imported a theme to make stuff gray and black.
So if I do something like this:
So you want to 'extend' a style, as it were.
			<Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}">
				<Setter Property="Margin" Value="0,0,0,4" />
The entire style is overwritten.
Crap. I guess they have names?
Yeah, I'm not sure what name it generates for TargetType, if it doesn't explicitly specify.
I have a question. Does anyone know if there's a way (using VS 2012, C#, WinForms) to make a tablet keyboard pop up when a user clicks on a textbox?
Yes, but I thought Windows is supposed to do that automatically.
wow, I just got a downvote for a 2 year old answer...
That's what I thought, too, but it doesn't seem to be working.
I was curious if there was a property I need to enable or something.
No, not that I found.
@ThatProgrammer that is pretty much coming from the OS itself, when the user selects a textbox or something
@edc See, and that's what I thought. I didn't know if I was missing something really obvious. I feel like a dumbass over here trying to figure this out.
I just don't want users to have to click another button for a keyboard to appear.
Right. though i know that if you have the wrong type of field, that will screw up the default keyboard
like, i always see website asking for email, but when i select the textbox, i get a regular keyboard instead of the email input keyboard
That makes sense.
This is just basic textbox input for topic names. Everything else has drop downs or something like a calendar for a date time picker.
I'm just so tired of WinForms. Nothing Windows makes that 'should' work works. Nothing.
@RoelvanUden Still need help?
Internet Y U no stable.
@KendallFrey I have no idea what I'm doing. So if you have pointers, I'm all eyes.
Did you get the BasedOn working?

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