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i'm not so much about getting compensation as I am about getting him to stop
the other option is to sue him in small claims court, though I'm not sure how that works with you being in Canada. You usually have to show up in person
well, then you can pursue an injunction
that's basically a court order
javascript:tbeSpellcheck('__id_txt_CUSTOM_794', '__id_txt_CUSTOM_794_checkLink', 'Edit Text');
Could you not sue him from Canada? Make him come to you?
I really would prefer not to sue. injunction looks nice. but how hard and how costly?
like, I'm not making any money from this - it's an open source project.
Injunctions can be temporary or permanent, I believe
You can basically write a letter to the court and say "this guy is breaking the law, can you stop him?"
dude has over 180 domains, he's doing this with more software than just mine it would appear.
anyways, I'll look into the injunction and try to find a lawyer who will talk to me for free
thanks for the help/links
good luck rlemon
@KendallFrey dude, so moved over my OS to a new HDD , can't seem to locate my VS key :/
for whatever reason my ms account is not listing any purchases :/
System.Xml.XPath.XPathDocument doc = new System.Xml.XPath.XPathDocument(xmlFile);
ParallelQuery<XPathNavigator> pq = doc.CreateNavigator().Select(xPath).AsParallel().Cast<XPathNavigator>();

 pq.ForAll(p=>{}); - Executes in 10.5 seconds
Parallel.ForEach(pq, p =>{}); - Executes in 6.2 seconds.

Why the difference?
Jorge Mario Bergoglio, SJ (born December 17, 1936) is the current pope of the Roman Catholic Church, elected on March 13, 2013, and taking the regnal name of Francis. Prior to his election, he served as an Argentine cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. He has served as the Archbishop of Buenos Aires since 1998. He was elevated to the cardinalate in 2001. Early life Jorge Bergoglio was born in Buenos Aires, one of the five children of an Italian railway worker and his wife. After studying at the seminary in Villa Devoto, he entered the Society of Jesus on March 11, 1958. Bergoglio ob...
New pope, btw.
So it says.
@RyanTernier 1 core vs 2 cores?
@ShotgunNinja so will he resign in eleven years now?
@kush Probably.
@MuhammadRaja Howdy, from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, where it's 2:23 pm.
@ShotgunNinja how old is the youngest cardinal?
@kush Not sure. I can't imagine there'd be one younger than 35.
@ShotgunNinja its 7:23pm here :L
@RoelvanUden 8 cores
@RyanTernier Probably a minor difference in overhead.
@MuhammadRaja That's not morning!
But I just woke up though -_-
@MuhammadRaja That's one of the virtues of a great programmer.
@KendallFrey your a flirt :L
@MuhammadRaja You're*
@ShotgunNinja I agree Lol
That escalated quickly.
I'm a comma-fucker, btw.
@ShotgunNinja by the time you're done with seminary and became a priest, bishop, and archbishop, yeah you'll probably be at least 35
@kush I'd put most of the cardinals at around their 50s, on average. Based entirely off of figures and estimates I've pulled out of my ass.
@ShotgunNinja just googled. Cardinal from India is youngest at 53 apparently
maybe the new guy can tell his home country to shut the hell up
Just born.
Is it a bird?
Is it a plane?
@kush No, it's a plane!
Supercardinal, you idiot.
@KendallFrey how dare you call our Holy Supercardinal an idiot?
hello everyone...
I have a strange behavior. When I run my unit tests all works as expected. When I call the same code from my Application, I get a VerificationException MyNamespace.Reader`1[TRecord].ReadList-Methode: The "TReceiver"-Typargument violates the generic constraint of "TTypedItem"-Typparameters.
I tought that gneric type parameters are checked during compile time?
@ShotgunNinja I work with an atheist and a few devout christians. Just went back and told them the news of the new pope - the atheist jumps out of his chair and screams "OMG OMG OMG THEY DIDN'T!? NO MORE BLACK SMOKE?! <aside>Seriously, who the fuck still does archaic shit like that?!</aside>"
In my experience, many many atheists are WAY less tolerant than Christians... and it makes me sad. Just live, yo
Depends where you live. Some areas - including the supposedly civilised world - atheists are persecuted
True, mostly in the states in rural areas. You're seen as a heretic/pagan/satanist
Becoming reactionary is understandable
When I was at school the few churchgoing kids used to get teased because everyone else thought that was lame
not severely or anything, but it happened now and then
Agnostic ftw!
definitely a minority
can't we all just get along?
problem is: many religions don't agree that we can unless we follow them, many atheist look at this as a form of aggression and return in kind.
^ truth
omg omg omg , sorry room I thought I was in the JS room.
@rlemon haha, I guess most people would see me as agnostic. I don't really think it's a question I care about, though. I consider myself a nontheist. I don't actively deny or even think about it.
continue your religion free happy time
@Pheonixblade9 humanist ;)
@rlemon if this was the JS room, you'd have already been flamed like crazy for expressing an opinion, I thought
because fuck horses.
Yeah, there ya go :)
@Pheonixblade9 if it were the js room it would spawn 2 hour debate which would be super fun to partake in
shit,, i thought i was in JS room
@MuhammadRaja lololol
yeah, this is a very different world from the JS room :)
@KendallFrey also, I found my key! woohoo!
accountant kept the printed email receipt
well some idiot set the email server up to delete from the server after 30 days
"because local copies should be good enough"
...I have no words
...delete? email? ...why?
I created a custom type based on string and I am trying to create a list<T>. I feel like I have the x-y problem one of you linked a few days ago.
jesus I hate my ISP
any idea why this isn't working?
You only have that problem if you ask the wrong question.
Stream outputStream = compress ? new ZipOutputStream(outputStream) { UseZip64 = UseZip64.Off } : new FileStream(tempPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
random drops all the freaking time
@rlemon Join the fucking club.
Error 157 Type of conditional expression cannot be determined because there is no implicit conversion between 'ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipOutputStream' and 'System.IO.FileStream'
@TomW no clue the mindset. "save space" maybe
@KendallFrey work I have bell.
on very very old infrastructure
@Pheonixblade9 Change it to:
Stream outputStream = compress ? new ZipOutputStream(outputStream) { UseZip64 = UseZip64.Off } : (Stream)(new FileStream(tempPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));
Hey guys, I've got a quick question...I've got timestamps in my serialized JSON that look like this:


Is this a standard microsoft format?
I hear we might be upgrading to 20x faster internet.
@rlemon JS room is full of tramps today
@KendallFrey just realized... it's trying to use outputStream to create the ZipOutputStream
so I can't one-line it
trying to refactor some of our old stuff so it's a bit better
I see huge amounts of variables just declared at the top
a new pope!
it makes me sad
lol @ timing
@rlemon, you still did that shit when you were 13???
@Gallen that looks like Unix time to me
@Gallen I remember seeing it, and the best way to parse it is to use another javascript library
@Gallen that looks like a TICK
JSON.Parse ?
@KendallFrey really it was a joke, but it's funnier if the room thinks I did
when I was 13 I was getting drunk/stoned and skipping school (bad time in my life) . it was less funny than the poop story.
Thanks guys!
so I did yoga for the first time on Sunday
kicked my ass
Does the clr take advantage of bitwise instruction parallelism?
For my purposes, not the CLR's private ones.
I don't think the CLR does that. That's a lower level thing
@GregRos the JIT is allowed to implement bitwise operations any way it wants as long as it respects the requirements laid by the CLR
so it may or may not take advantage of it depending on if the JIT uses the right instructions, the right instruction layout, and if the underlying platform supports it to begin with
but it's definitely not impossible
in the same vein, most static methods of the Math class are intrinsic methods, which means the implementation has to be provided by the runtime (there is no "physical" implementation of them in any DLL, managed or not)
so when you do Math.Sqrt(x) with x as a double, the JIT may very well replace that with an SSE square root instruction, making it super fast and forego all the overhead of a normal function call
Q: Insert bytes into middle of a file (in windows filesystem) without reading entire file (using File Allocation Table)?

grunge fightrDo Windows file systems give some efficient way to insert some amount of bytes into 'middle' of some large file? Say I have 500MB file, want to jump at about 250 MB position, found something there and insert a 1 MB of my own data, then exit? Is there some API to insert it without reading larg...

@RobertHarvey possible dupe of stackoverflow.com/questions/2398129/…?
That one is in C++, and everyone there answers that it can't be done, which is clearly inaccurate. :)
Are you sure about the "clearly inaccurate" part though? I'm not saying it's not possible, but I would understand why OS vendors wouldn't bother to implement that functionality
@zneak Because most of the time you wouldn't need it. Most folks just read in the entire file, make the additions that they need, and write the file back out; or they perform in-place eidts. Most of the time, files are not gigabytes in size, and when they are, they're streaming content like video.
I don't know what kind of documents your application deals with, but if you don't need the data to be contiguous and in the right order, you can clearly implement the cluster linked list concept within your own file
again depending on what your data looks like, sparse files could be helpful
anyone good with JSON.NET?
I am trying to parse a JToken so that I can get both the key and value of the token, but not sure how to do that.
slide.Labels = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, string>>(token["labels"].ToString());
This converts from JToken to Dictionary, which is what I want :P
@GregRos you want a hash to be slow/expensive right? not inefficient though
@edc Yeah, a pretty good library
@GregRos Wtf is Murmur3?
How does a linq statement get compiled into a sql statement using Entity Framework?
a hash should only be expensive in a security context
I want to learn how it interprets the linq statement and how that in turn gets converted into sql.
So there is a set of methods that turns IQueryable<T> into a sql string?
The implementation of the interface is what does it I think.
Ok, I might see if I can find the implementation in reflector. I
am just curious thats all
@JeremyChild - You can dump out the sql that gets sent. Look at this answer: stackoverflow.com/a/1412902/1026459
Basically you use .ToTraceString() on your IQueryable
Not interested in the sql that gets sent out, interested in how the mechanics of it work. How does it evaluate expressions and turn them into valid sql.
@Kendall - That is incorrect. The SQL Provider is what translates the linq.
Am I right that when you call Where, for example, that the object it returns is responsible for part of the query?
@JeremyChild - That is your SQL provider which translates the sql. If you are connecting to a MS SQL database then it is in System.Data.SqlClient
@Kendall - No.
Does it look at a query tree when you actually call the query then?
Ok thank you. What I want to do is determine how i.StartsWith("Jeremy") turns into sql. Only because I find it fascinating.
Linq is not SQL.
Has anyone stated this Robert?
14 mins ago, by Jeremy Child
So there is a set of methods that turns IQueryable<T> into a sql string?
@JeremyChild I have no idea. That's not even LINQ.
@RobertHarvey Please state your point.
bigger sigh
So there is a set of methods that turns IQueryable<T> into a sql string? turns denotes that the two are different, obviously because if they were the same they wouldnt need conversion to another format/language.
At no point have I been delusional to say that Linq is Sql. Linq is clearly not Sql and thus my question is how does a linq query/expression get parsed/turned into a Sql query. Much like how Entity Framework or LinqToSql does.
Well, EF turns it into an expression tree first. But IQueryable<T> is just an interface.
There's no functionality there, to speak of.
@KendallFrey from i in persons where i.FirstName.StartsWith("Jeremy") select i;
@RobertHarvey Read that :)
Im just interested in how the i.FirstName.StartsWith("MyName") is evaluated and turned into SQL.
Say for Postgre, or for MSSQL etc
Different dialects of SQL.
When you open a connection with EF, you use a DbContext. That DbContext holds a map that you define. The parts of the map are defined in DbSets. When you issue a command against the DbSet, when the DbContext is open, then it creates a call for the map requested to the SQLProvider. The SQL Provider takes the map and generates the SQL which is then executed against the database. The results are yield returned into something which has base IEnumerable.
@JeremyChild Each provider renders SQL from the expression tree in its own dialect.
Or, it simply uses non-specific SQL.
@RobertHarvey - I wish some providers did a better job cough Oracle
@RobertHarvey Where can I explore this code? Thanks for helping.
I'll turn Reflector on it tonight, and let you know. :)
@Jeremy - You can see which provider you are using in your connection string
Thanks, because I was under the assumption the IQueryProvider was doing it. And i have been missing the step
But the general principle holds... The provider is a "plugin." The API to EF is the same for each.
Ado.net they are just implementing interfaces
I understand that :)
EF is just a map.
(that would be the M part of the acronym)
I would look at Nhibernate.Linq but I'm too scared :|
I can imagine it would be something like this.
yay sprint planning meetings
"yes, of course we can do all of that!"
@Pheonixblade9 "Next year!"
@JeremyChild no, the answer is always "in the next two weeks"
sure, we can write an order management UI in two weeks with one developer!
@Pheonixblade9 - Just the UI? Not the whole system, database, paypal integration and front end store for the orders?
lucky you
@TravisJ well, we have all the order info. It's still too much work for 2 weeks and 1 dev
Just the UI?
well, the data is there. we need to display it.
100 hours
or 80 depending on how you work your devs
2 weeks does not mean 80 hours
So your dev has other projects to work on as well?
there's always other stuff
does anyone have experience with T4 Templates?
@RobertHarvey`System.Data.Linq.SqlClient` has Sql2008Provider and QueryConverter possibly some of the most complex code i've seen.
case "SelectMany": case "Contains":

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